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The AI Marketing Masterclass: Transformative Adoption and Inclusive Strategies with Liza Adams

The AI Marketing Masterclass: Transformative Adoption and Inclusive Strategies with Liza Adams

Released Thursday, 6th June 2024
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The AI Marketing Masterclass: Transformative Adoption and Inclusive Strategies with Liza Adams

The AI Marketing Masterclass: Transformative Adoption and Inclusive Strategies with Liza Adams

The AI Marketing Masterclass: Transformative Adoption and Inclusive Strategies with Liza Adams

The AI Marketing Masterclass: Transformative Adoption and Inclusive Strategies with Liza Adams

Thursday, 6th June 2024
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Hey crafters. Just a reminder, this podcast is for informational entertainment purposes only and should not be considered advice.


The views and opinions expressed own and do not represent those any or we currently with are associated with, or have worked with in the past.


Thanks for tuning in to the marketing Let's get it started.


Hey there. Welcome to the FutureCraft Marketing Podcast, where we're exploring how AI is changing all things from brand to demand.


I'm Ken Roden, one of your guides on this exciting new journey.


and I'm Erin Mills, your other co host.


And together we're here to unpack the future of AI and marketing.


We're going to share some insights, test latest technology, interview industry pioneers, and talk to folks doing really cool things.


So Ken, what cool things have you been up to? I tried.


Giving ChatGPT a role to play in a specific conversation that I was looking to have with a stakeholder.


And I asked ChatGPT to give me objections, as well as help me learn.


Have the right vocabulary and set the right tone in presenting the program to this individual.


And it prepared would be pretty well for the conversation. That's really cool.


I think as marketers alignment is one of the key things that we have to focus on.


Did you change your language or did you use those objections to craft your message up front.


What were some of the key takeaways there? Yeah, I think the two biggest were how I teed up the conversation.


I think the biggest change that I made was the opening that I had for this particular stakeholder.


I was able to get in front of some of the objections that they were going to have.


And then at the end, I was able to address some of the topics in an addendum that had more of the analytical aspects of the program I'm trying to launch so that their questions could be at least answered in the right direction.


I didn't have all the answers, but it made me feel more confident going into the conversation and it made me feel more prepared.


And I was more prepared. What about you? What have you been doing with AI? One fun one I did recently is, my beau is going to Pinehurst very tough golf courses I put in, you're Tiger Woods and you're prime and you're playing Pinehurst number two.


Give me a strategy for each hole. And it was really cool because it actually gave the off the tee and the approach shot and all the things that, golfers care about.


There's apps that also help. I love 18 birdies, but this was another level of really being able to dive into a strategy so I think the future is caddies are going to have ChatGPT in their pockets and be able to, leverage those insights that are out there, which is cool.


Yeah. And that's of an interesting thing to think about.


it's just going to continue to evolve and be more embedded in everyone's lives.


I was reading a quote the other day it said A.I. is as rudimentary and unembedded as it will ever be in our lifetimes.


So we are just scaling up from here in all parts of our lives.


one of the things I think that is cool in our next conversation with Liza Adams, we're going to get into is really about how to get people to adopt and, whether it's in our personal life or at work, I think one of the things that's really interesting is this hesitation for some folks to, Embrace AI and how to get started, how to really create, the guardrails where people feel comfortable to use it.


Yeah, I agree with you. I'm really curious to hear what she thinks about the change management aspect, but also how to get different types of people involved in the conversation because, individual contributors, managers are different types of people and are using AI differently.


So I can't wait to hear what she has to say. And one thing that's interesting about Liza and her practice is she is not just focusing on marketing.


I think one of the things that some of us are struggling with is really how to get widespread adoption at our organizations.


And is there an opportunity for marketing to take the lead on that? Because there's so many use cases, obviously within marketing, but how do we create a broader strategy? And that's what I'm excited to get into.


Yeah, I think it'll be great. Hi, today we're joined by a visionary leader, Liza Adams.


Liza has over two decades of experience in steering businesses and marketing teams through pivotal industry changes.


And as a co founder at GrowthPath Partners, she spearheads the adoption of responsible AI through a practical three step AI adoption accelerator approach.


This includes interactive workshops, strategic planning, and hands on guidance in AI operations.


And she's an influential voice in AI.


I always wait for her posts to come out, learn something every time I see something she is recognized at G2's reach event and recently been named one of the 50 CMOs to watch in the 2024 by pavilion, congratulations, Liza, by the way, she brings a wealth of knowledge from initiating machine learning efforts in 2010 to today's cutting edge generative AI technologies.


she serves as a fractional CMO, consultant, and advisor, a woman of very many talents with a focus on growth strategies and global brand building across various sectors.


Liza's mission here is to leverage AI to make business more profitable while positively impacting society and fostering inclusive growth.


Liza, such a pleasure to have you on the show. Delighted to be here, Erin and Ken.


All right, let's just dive in. So Liza, you've been at the forefront of guiding companies through their AI journey.


What initially drew you to helping companies focus and adopt generative AI? Yes.


I've always had a passion for Elevating the strategic value of marketing.


I think in our craft and in our field, there's so much focus on the campaigns, the ads, events, the emails basically the beautiful and effective things that we do.


But I think people tend to forget all of the really hard work that happens to deeply understand markets.


To understand customer behaviors, get some customer insights, do the strategic work around segmentation and targeting and positioning and messaging, understanding how people buy with our preferences, right? And we need to have a good pulse on the market before we can do these rate campaigns, right? As I talk to many people.


I always say, you just like we can't out exercise a bad diet.


We can't out campaign a bad product market fit.


So this passion for the voice of the customer, deeply understanding the market, being so strategic that, it is incumbent on marketers to be that voice of the customer and not relinquish that power, right? It's what drove me to AI because largely in the past, when it comes to research and, doing customer surveys or customer interviews, people are like, Oh, we don't need that.


It's going to take a long time, all sorts of things, right? But now with AI, it allows us to really get a pulse on the market.


Almost instantaneously, depending on how you're rolling this out, right? Yeah, we can get a lot more insight.


Lots more data is available at our fingertips and as AI advances and personalization becomes more prevalent.


We can get deeper into that customer.


It's not just about segments like verticals or roles.


It's now about actual human beings, right? So it's Erin it's Ken, right? So my passion for AI really stemmed from elevating marketing from a strategic perspective, plus I'm also just very passionate about using business as a force for good.


And I know that AI is here to impact the world, and I want to ensure that it makes an impact for the betterment of humanity rather than harms it.


I totally agree. as marketers, there oftentimes is that focus around the tactics and campaigns And those are all wonderful, but it's really about how do you fit those together to drive strategic business decisions? One of the things I love that you've done is develop that three step AI adoption accelerator approach, because I think it helps people to grasp that more strategic vision of adopting AI.


Can you talk us through, the methodology and how it addresses some of the unique challenges in marketing? I love frameworks because it simplifies many things, I came up with it because there's just this challenge that we have as marketers, we're so busy we're constantly doing so many things from strategy to campaigns to metrics to board meetings and all sorts of things that it became daunting to really lean into AI and start adapting and adopting.


And for us marketing leaders, it's not just about ourselves, it's also caring about the people on our teams because it's helping them upskill and reskill and investing in their careers, right? So as I thought about how to help people through that change I thought about this three step process because this is not just about technology.


Technology is absolutely one part of it, but for the most part, I believe that this is change management and it's largely about the people, right? Just any kind of change is hard.


If you've been doing things for many years, and then now there's this new innovation that you need to learn, you need to somehow be able to upscale and find some passion to go do it.


And I always tell people it is as if OpenAI dropped off a bunch of really powerful Lego pieces at our doorstep in November, 2022.


Unfortunately, it didn't have. A box with a picture, your instructions for what to build, right? So with no best practices and no instructions, it's like, how do we do change management, right? People don't even know what to do with this.


They, we go into ChatGPT and we see a conversational box and we're supposed to just start typing.


So it is back to your question on this three step process.


I was like I think the first step should be inspiration, inspire us for what is possible, right? Cause that's what a Lego box does.


When it shows a picture at the back of what the end product is.


It's an inspiration of what you can build.


There's other things that you can build, but here's one thing that you can build.


So that first step of the process is really inspiring people.


And generally in marketing, I feel like they get more inspired if you can come up with two or three use cases by function.


Not general capabilities of ChatGPT or Gemini, or, some AI capabilities of HubSpot, but actual use cases by quotient, right? So product marketing, they're probably going to be interested in a competitive analysis or segmentation and targeting brand and cons they're probably interested in.


Thought leadership, brand and voice demand generation.


They're going to be interested in how to personalize campaigns and how to create experiences that are more personalized along that journey.


And then digital marketing, lots of work there that AI can really influence, right? How now do we make ourselves irrelevant to these AI assistants so that our brand, our products, and our content.


Are actually cited and referenced in ChatGPT in Gemini and Claude and perplexity, right? That's a whole different ballgame that digital marketers now need to think about.


So once they see how AI can help them with their work.


In these types of use cases, that's inspiration.


Then their mind goes, Oh, I didn't realize I could do that.


So that's just step one. But, it's not a one and done, right? Change management is not okay, we're done.


This is like a lather, rinse, repeat kind of process.


So the second step is, How do we pick a set of use cases? Because we can't do everything, right? I always believe in a big start small move fast.


Okay, what's our start small? Maybe it's a handful of use cases.


Maybe it's a dozen of use cases. And let's pick the most important ones, the ones that we feel will have the biggest impact to the business.


And my thought is, let's align those to strategic initiatives.


So as marketing leaders, we always have three to five strategic initiatives, right? Let's choose those use cases, start mapping them to the strategic initiatives.


And the reason why I was suggesting that is anything attached to a strategic initiative typically gets an owner.


It has timelines. It has a goal.


It has some performance metrics. It has a budget.


It has resources. Then we have.


A bigger likelihood that people are going to do something with it, they're going to adopt it, and they're going to make sure that it gets done on time.


They're going to use the tools and they're going to ask for budget, all sorts of things, right? So that in and of itself just gives us a better shot at getting adoption driven.


The last thing is, really, this is not just about experimentation.


we need to ultimately expand and scale it across the business or even to start within marketing, right? It can be wild west where everybody's cleaning their own data.


Everybody has their responsible AI principles.


So that third step, while it's the third one, it's super important to do it fairly quickly as well, because there's certain things that we need to do, like having an AI council where you have a cross functional team that thinks about the responsible use of AI, right? So for what use cases will we use AI for? How do we what do we consider confidential? How do we redact information? What tools do we need? Those types of things, right? And there's questions around the Martech stack.


What do we need to do on the market? Do we just buy every single AI tool out there for 20 bucks a month? Or do we leverage what we have? How do we integrate these things? And then data is a huge part of this, right? We got Salesforce data, HubSpot data, Power BI data.


How do we curate these things and make it available for everybody such that it's already in a format that is easily consumable by the AI tools? So then, there we also need to involve IT and legal and all sorts of things.


Thanks. So anyway, that's a huge third step, and that third step is really all about AIOps.


So it's really inspiration with use cases.


Second thing is aligning use cases to strategic initiatives.


And then the last one is AI operations.


I love the idea of just packaging this into a framework that people can break it down into chunks.


I like that mentality of, do small, Implement quickly, see if it works on, keep going.


We've been talking to a lot of marketers and there's a little bit of resistance and even starting getting into this what are some of the common hurdles that B2B marketers might face when trying to implement this at their company that they should be aware of? Yeah.


So I always talk about Paul Reitzer's law of even AI distribution, and what that really means is the value that you get out of AI depends on your understanding, your access, and your acceptance of it, right? Understanding, regardless of where you are in the spectrum of truly believing in AI, you're going to lean in to, I fear AI is going to take my job.


I'm not going to touch that thing, I think there needs to be some level of understanding so that you can make decisions for yourself, for your family, society, and the world, right? That part of it, the understanding part of it is, I think, something that we all just need to embrace.


Do a little bit of something so that we understand like ignorance is bliss, but this is one of those transformations where a little bit of understanding will do you wonders, right? what the possibilities are with AI, right? So at the very least, do one month.


Of GPT 4, 20 bucks, right? A couple lunches, right? You can do a couple lunches or maybe one lunch in, in New York City.


Maybe a cup of coffee. And just try it, right? My next question is, what are you using, right? If it's the free version, try the 20 a month, just for one month, and then just see what's possible, right? And acceptance basically says you have to feed AI some things, some data, to get something back, right? If you don't feed it a lot of things and you just allow it to browse the web, You're going to get very general data, but if you give it first party data customer interviews redacted, or you have some performance data that's not confidential, then the results are more tailored for you, So I think people need to understand that.


People are in different spectrums right now with their understanding, with their access.


Some companies are not allowing the use of AI.


So if they don't have access, then that's a problem, right? And I'm not on either camp, there are some industries that are like we're not doing that for the following reasons, that they have their own reasons, And then people certainly have, are in different ends of the spectrum on their acceptance of it, When we go into agentive AI, where it's about AI that now does things on our behalf, rather than just answers or questions.


will I allow it to sign me up for a webinar? Maybe.


Great. Awesome. But will I allow it to book all of my travel and excursions internationally in a developing nation? I'm not sure I'm ready for that, right? Or file my taxes, or, whatever it is, right? I think, part of this thing is, it is a journey people need to trust, and our level of trust will be different, and we need to be super empathetic.


And compassionate for wherever people are in this journey.


Yeah, you mentioned the aspect of some companies and industries or maybe over here that they're maybe embracing AI and then there's some over here who are maybe saying we're not doing it.


I know you've worked with a lot of different companies and different sizes and industries.


What differences are you seeing and how is that playing out to their implementation of AI? I haven't seen one that's Completely on one end of the spectrum or the other that I've worked with, right? A lot of the companies that I work with are in the middle.


They're more accepting of AI in some use cases and not accepting of AI in other use cases, which is fine because you do have to start somewhere, right? And that as you gain trust, And as you get better performance and technology advances that I think these companies will start to expand their use of AI.


there was an announcement from OpenAI and Moderna, the COVID shot company where Moderna has 100 percent adoption of.


AI and their company and they have over 400 GPTs that are being used in the company, right? I'm like, wow, that's crazy.


So they're like getting the, hey, we're leaning in.


This is, our future, they're saying, hey, it would, it would take maybe 100, 000 people to do the work, but now they can do the work and scale with 6, 000 people, right? The companies that are seeing are adopting this think big, starting small, moving fast, and I think it will begin to expand as we gain more trust and on the trust piece, I think people want to know a little bit more about how these models are trained, a little bit more transparency on what data is being used, security and those types of things that will get a little bit more sophisticated about the implementation.


The other thing that's not being talked about is implications on jobs, right? Great, lots of experimentation, but how does it change the way people work and how do we organize and then what about the roles, right? So I think companies are beginning to think about that, not necessarily from a layoff perspective, but being able to do more with the people that they currently have today.


Yeah, I think that's such a great point. as you think about jobs evolving what are you seeing or what advice would you give to marketing leaders who are still deciding how to integrate, what to integrate into their strategy? What are some of the things that you might tell them? Would there's some really easy ones, right? So the most typical ones, Erin, are, AI is known to help with blogs.


They use it for blogging, or they use it to help with an email, or grammar.


Or they use it to create an image for a post, those kinds of things.


And what I oftentimes tell people is start expanding your thinking beyond that.


Hey, there's this stat that the investment in AI and sales and marketing will result in a 1.


4 to 2. 6 trillion of added business value.


And that's a McKinsey stat. We cannot blog post our way to 2.


6 trillion dollars. There's not enough blog posts in the world that will get us to 2.


6 trillion dollars. Oh, I love that.


So the other things that I think marketers need to think about are ideation and collaboration.


Like you could actually use. These AI assistants is thought partners, right? Just like we're having a conversation here.


I have the same kind of conversation with ChatGPT, right? Or Gemini or quad.


The other aspect that they need to start thinking about is analytics, right? Data analysis.


So I love eating ChatGPT with just any kind of data that I find, online when I first started doing this.


In GPT Launch Advanced Data Analysis, I found, publicly available Disney World data on ride times and wait times for each one of their rides for the last 20 years.


So I said, all right, upload the darn thing.


And I just started asking him questions, right? Tell me, what are the top rides that generally have wait times that are about the same as their actual times, put it in a chart for me.


Then you just start seeing the possibilities, right? the fourth area is around automation.


You can begin automate a lot of things.


So especially with GPTs, right? And then if you get a little bit more sophisticated that you can automate things that go outside of chat, GPT or outside of open AI using Zapier and make and those types of tools.


Think about using it as a thought partner for ideation, analytics, research, automation, and then finally, personalization.


When you're talking about integrating AI into marketing I think some people are, like, a little overwhelmed because it can be daunting and it's complex, right? Especially when you're talking about integrating your tech stack or integrating AI into your strategy, particularly Gen AI.


What advice would you give to someone who has that mindset that wants to dive in but they're a little hesitant? Yeah so much is happening in the tech stack, You've seen the slide that shows the logos of the bar tech stack and you can't really see anything, can't read anything because they look like ants, right? So my guidance to people is start with what you have, right? Because even the existing tech stacks today, that the people have known and loved and used for many years.


They all have AI capabilities, right? HubSpot has it, Sixth Sense has it, Salesforce has it, Optimizely, you name it.


They all have some sort of AVI capabilities.


I think that is just low hanging fruit.


Times are tough, budgets are constraints, start with what you have, right? And, these Martech vendors are so willing to talk about their AI capabilities today and their So I think at the very least start there.


And then a very close second is these generative AI, more general tools like, Microsoft Copilot or ChatGPT enterprise or teams anything that's enterprise oriented begin playing with those things.


Thanks. And, it's funny that people always ask me, how do you start? Liza, what did you do? How did you start? And I think it just requires a little bit of curiosity.


And then at some point, intense curiosity.


The example I gave you around, Hey, I just found some Disney World data and I shoved it in there and I started asking questions.


Anytime you find publicly available data, put it in there and start asking questions, right? I would ask questions of, Oh, which rides are generally the most crowded in the afternoon? And it gave me an answer.


I'm like, Oh, wow, I could do that, right? The other thing is an easy way to start is with images as well.


So take a picture of something, upload it, ask it a question about it.


What is this? Red beet. So what do you think of this? Tell me about the colors.


And then you just start seeing the power. Write me a poem about this image.


I give people the example of my open pantry that I took a picture of when chat TPT vision came out.


I took a picture of the open pantry and I put into chat TPT and I said I have to cook dinner for the kids tonight.


I don't have, I don't have any ideas for what to cook, but this is all I have in my pantry.


Can you give me two or three recipes using any of these ingredients? And it gave me recipes.


Guess what? That was my inspiration for, oh my gosh, just think and analyze images.


What if I took a picture of a side by side comparison of customer reviews in GD2? Will it analyze that for me? So that became the inspiration for a competitive analysis use case.


And the Disney World ride data became the inspiration for analyzing customer behaviors for campaign.


So it's just even those little things that we do in our daily life, you started going, Oh my gosh, it just did that.


I could use that for work. It is because I think the curiosity is a skill that we need to have just in general with the way that the world is changing and just to understand and as marketers having that skill set so you can uncover what you just shared.


I do get worried that we don't maybe have the skills yet to prepare us.


There's a skills gap growing and it's not just the technical ability to use ChatGPT, but it's actually some of those human skills that are going to be really important.


What do you think organizations can do to help bridge that skills gap for their employees? And what could an individual do? Yeah, I think three things.


The tools are important, right? Because if you don't have the tools, then everything's conceptual.


And this is one of those where you gotta get your hands on it, right? Regardless of whether you're an analyst in the company or the CEO of the company, this is one where you actually need to Hands on keyboard, be curious enough and, to get your hands on the keyboard.


So I think availability of the tools is one.


The second thing is it's responsible use.


I'm so big into this because used irresponsibly, it could go haywire, right? And when I talk about responsible use it's, what can you use it for? What we shouldn't use it for? It's like guardrails.


It's like those bumper guards at a bowling alley, right? The kids will never have a gutter ball because they have bumper guards.


We need bumper guards for the use of AI.


And then the last thing in terms of just Really getting started is this inspiration, because not everybody has the curiosity, right? right, so just shifting gears a little bit, wanted to talk about DE& I and AI adoption.


one of my favorite articles that you wrote is around using the Justice League as a metaphor for team building and really understanding how can leaders promote a culture that values diverse perspectives and inclusive practices leveraging AI.


Yeah. Yeah. Thank you for noting that article.


It is actually one of my favorites because I live it, right? It is how I build teams.


So for your listeners who are not familiar with the article, basically I described by my philosophy around building teams that it's like.


The Justice League, and if you're a superhero fan and you know about the Justice League, it's basically seven superheroes that come together to save the world with Batman as its leader, and then he pulls together this team that has Superman and Wonder Woman and Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg and they have different superpowers, right? So the idea behind it is we can't have six or seven wonder women or six or seven supermen.


What we need is a team that has complementary superpowers, right? And that's what I tend to do when I build teams.


As an example, me as a CMO, I came up from a go to market strategy and product marketing background.


A lot of my strength is in that area.


So I tend to work really well in teams where that expertise is complimented.


So I've got somebody who's super good in digital or super good in the mansion and, or in Braden, right? And then when we, you put us all together and you can't really tell the difference because we're all working together and it's not about individual achievements, it's about the team's achievement.


And I think, it's even more important in AI.


The reason being is this is now about, not just business, but ultimately affecting humanity, right? It's economics and social and, environmental impacts to not just society, but the world and women and people with diverse perspectives and underrepresented groups.


We hold the sky together. So we all need to have our perspectives.


Be a part of AI, what I'm finding right now, I've been in B2B tech for decades.


We won't say how many decades and there's not a lot of women and, Asians are underrepresented and there's also this notion called the invisible race, because there are a lot of Asian cultures that there's races like Filipinos and Vietnamese and Laotians and Hmongs that are basically lumped into a homogenous Asian category, right? So I'm very passionate about underrepresented groups, not just from a race and gender perspective, but also from.


A cultural and perspective diversity to really share their voice, lean into AI, take up space and be be heard because now's the time to do that, right? There's actually not that many to talk about these things and take the stage.


Part of the reason why I'm so prolific and I.


I speak, I write is because of this, right? I want to inspire others to actually have their voices heard.


So I think that just from a B2B tech and women and underrepresented groups, I think from an AI perspective, it's super important moving forward.


Yeah. I saw a post you did a couple weeks ago about how important mentorship is and how important it is to see someone who's like you in the future.


And that really spoke to me because I think. Being in a group that's maybe not always present or visible, seeing someone there can inspire you to do greater things.


I think we owe that to our future, professionals, future marketers, given that opportunity what role can organizations play while on adopting this AI journey? To ensure that they're upholding kind of good D and I practices.


Do you have a few ideas on how they could? Yeah, I think the cross functional AI council is first and foremost, I think, that's the eye right there.


So it's diversity of perspectives, right? You got a digital marketer working with the manager when we're working with product marketing.


If there are different races and genders, even better.


Yeah. It can't just be a bunch of product marketers doing this thing, or a bunch of digital marketers doing this thing.


Have something cross functional. And then ultimately, when you go beyond marketing, cross functional across the different functions outside of marketing, right? Legal, and product management, and so on and so forth, right? So I think having an AI council begins to reinforce the importance of diverse perspectives.


So that, that's a really good starting point.


Yeah. And I think that's a great call out.


And one thing that I think Aaron and I are looking at is like, how can us as leaders, use AI to potentially advance DE& I within our organizations? Do you have any ideas for us? Yeah.


Always talk about there are sometimes certain groups are not as vocal or are not given the space to be vocal, right? To the extent that we can do, lunch and learns to the extent that we can do a lot of sharing, right? Especially in AI where there are no best practices, there, there are no.


Like perfect examples, we're literally learning from each other every day, right? When I learned something the night before I put it on LinkedIn the next day, and I'm like, this is what I found out, right? What did you guys find out? And I always say, Hey, if you do this on your own time, can you give us your perspective? I think same thing in companies have this culture of sharing, have this culture of experimentation and allow everyone to do that, like literally everyone.


And in that everyone state, whether it's a lunch and learn or every Friday to give people the opportunity to say and share what they learned, and I'm hoping that you will get, a lot more diverse opinions and diverse perspectives and make different kinds of people shine.


Along the way, right? So you accomplish two things.


You accomplish learning and sharing from an AI perspective.


And then secondly, you give space and time to all different kinds of people.


That's such a great tip. you hit it right on the head is that there are no best practices yet.


We're in this even playing field in terms of we're learning together.


And I think that creates some really unique opportunities that, we didn't have before.


And, as marketers, you can build on all your experience, but somebody coming in has the same access, which is really, I think, exciting.


One thing about what you just said there, Erin, this is a space, I think, where we can't really have imposter syndrome.


Because no one really knows. Yeah.


Wow. Why are you judging me? You don't know either, right? It's even Sam Altman says, those, the AI leaders say, just like we don't know how the human mind works, we don't exactly know how AI works.


So I'm like, hey, don't worry about people judging you, because they don't know.


So I think that in and of itself should give us the confidence, and I think that's part of my confidence, right? My confidence comes from just being intensely curious and experimenting with this thing and just sharing it.


And I'm like, I don't know if this is a best practice, but this is what I found out.


What do you guys think? And people are like, Oh that's amazing.


Back to the imposter syndrome thing. I think it's so common, especially for marketers, women, in tech and all sorts of things.


Lean in, because this one is a place where not a lot of people can judge.


that's such a powerful message. And, looking ahead, what do you think is the most promising opportunity for the intersection of AI and DE& I in an organization or just even as professionals? so much.


Oh, wow. That's loaded. That is loaded.


I think, AI is one of those that's going to change not just the way we work, but the way we live, right? And one of the most powerful things that we can do is to ensure that we are having conversations.


On both sides of the supply and demand equation.


And let me just break that down a little bit. There's so much conversation on the supply side, meaning advancing advancements in AI technology, lots of data centers, chips features, functionality, all sorts of capabilities being announced almost every day, right? Use cases, new platforms, new technologies, all sorts of things.


On the demand side, there's crickets not so much conversation around what does responsible use mean, right? How do we ensure that we have all voices heard? How do we ensure diverse voices are heard, right? Those kinds of things, or what a future of work, The demand side conversation is not there, right? Or there's that regulation, there's not enough conversation about that, right? I'm not even saying we need to solve for those things, but can we just have a little bit more conversation about it, right? Because the lack of conversation on that side creates a gap, right? I think the opportunity here, the intersection, is when we get that balance right.


When we don't get that balance that I think it's It begins to teeter on perhaps more risk to humanity rather than more benefits to humanity, right? And we can't stop this thing, the cat's out of the bag, right? And I feel like the demand side of AI is playing catch up.


And it might be where it has to get super bad before real conversation happens.


And hopefully that doesn't happen.


I think that's where the opportunity is to the extent that AI leaders, companies, and more voices begin elevating these conversations around the demand side.


I think that could help mitigate some of the potential risks moving forward.


I completely agree, especially, we need more discussion about regulation.


And ethical AI governments as well as companies need to be doing that right now.


Okay. This has been a phenomenal conversation.


I could do this for hours, but I know that we can't have you for all that time.


So to wrap us up here at FutureCraft marketing, we're all about giving our listeners practical tips.


And tricks on how to use AI.


So I'm going to ask you four questions and just give me your four, quick ideas on it.


Okay. Rapid fire. Okay. Rapid fire.


First one. What's your best quick AI tip? Best quick AI tip.


I gave it earlier, but take a picture, start asking AI about it.


Yeah. Data, redacted, don't use confidential information, put it in a, in AI assistant of your choice.


Ask it about it. So I think it's a super quick way to understand the power of AI.


Love it. What's your best prompt, workflow, or GPT that you love to use? My best prompt or workflow, oh, I love this one.


I like using AI as a thought partner, but I don't stop with using just one AI tool.


So I might be having a conversation with ChatGPT and it's telling me about a picture, right? ChatGPT.


ChatGPT. ChatGPT. or analyzing some data.


I take that response, cut, paste into Claude, and I say, Claude, here's a conversation I'm having with ChatGPT, and here's what it said.


What do you think of it? Claude answers.


And sometimes they agree, sometimes they disagree.


And then I cut and paste back into ChatGPT, and I said, ChatGPT, Claude has a different opinion.


What do you think of this? So I love having.


Two thought partners in the process, it one, it mitigates hallucinations just in case one of them is hallucinating, right? The other one, it just makes your idea so much better because now you've got two, two ideas sets of ideas to play off of.


Yup. That's fantastic. What is your best tip for keeping up with all of this AI and marketing news? Like it seems like there's a lot coming at us.


Yeah, I don't follow everyone because I would go nuts.


There is one podcast that I do not miss and it is the the AI show from the Marketing AI Institute and it's with Paul Reitzer and Mike Caput.


It drops every Tuesday.


And I listen to it when I'm walking the dog or on the treadmill.


Nice. You mean other podcasts you don't miss besides this one, right? Yes.


Yes. This is the one that I don't miss. The other ones that is a great show.


I listen to that one too. Last one, what technology specific to Gen AI or AI should our listeners check out that they may not know about? Okay, I don't know who knows and doesn't know, so I'm going to tell you like my four technologies.


Geez, did I pay for it? ChatGPT class is at the top of my list.


The next one is Claude III Opus.


Mainly because I like the way it writes and I don't like the way the ChatGPT writes.


And the third one is perplexity, which I use for research and search.


Sorry, Google, but I am a perplexity fan right now.


And then the last one that I just discovered was recently.


And it's 39 bucks lifetime, so it's not a monthly thing, so I just paid my 39 bucks.


It's called chathub.


gg. And don't put chathub. com because you might end up in a place where you don't want to be.


But Just kidding. Maybe you want to be there, I don't know. And it's chathub.


gg, but basically you enter your prompt, and then it gives you, It's up to six windows and those six windows are six different assistants, AI assistants, and it shows you the responses simultaneously side by side.


So you can have Gemini next to Claude next to ChatGPT next to Mixtral, Mistral, and so on.


So it's super powerful and it's always interesting to see how the different AI assistants respond to the same.


Wow. I'm definitely going to have to check that one out. I didn't know about that one.


Yeah, make sure it's Gigi though. Gigi. com, just a reminder for everyone listening.


No, it's tat hub dot Gigi.


Gigi. Liz, this has been amazing.


One thing I really appreciate about this conversation today was we really talked about the human aspect of all of this innovation that's happening and from adoption to, Ethical AI and then D and I, which we all think is really important.


So thank you so much for joining us and everyone, please follow Lisa on LinkedIn follow our content.


It's amazing. And we'll be back And we're back.


That was a great interview with Liza. Erin, what did you think? I loved it.


I always get so much out of Liza's presentations and, she has some really great LinkedIn posts as well.


I've used a lot of her, artifacts and insight in my everyday one of the things I thought was a interesting was the idea of chat hub.


gg actually have tried that and it's so cool.


It really gives you a view of all of the different chat bots out there.


And so you can compare, what do you like best? I found that.


clod I like for the writing capabilities, but ChatGPT, I can go a little bit deeper in of some of the personas that I'm building, but it's it's a really cool tool.


So I really love that tip. What'd you think? Yeah, I thought that was a great one, too.


The one that really stuck out to me was towards the end when we were talking about DE and I.


I think that this is a topic that we need to be aware of.


There's a bit of an ethical aspect to how AI is going to be used, but there's also an accessibility component as well.


And as we're learning together, I think it's just something we should keep in the back of our heads.


So I really appreciated that.


If. You out there have it checked out Liza Adams, LinkedIn her content is phenomenal.


She's got some great frameworks on there, so I encourage you to check them out.


They will save you a ton of time and really help you get a better understanding.


That was a great session. Yeah.


For our tech review today, Erin, who do we have in store to review? Copy AI gives you an opportunity of where to start.


So it gives you these prompts that are a little bit more pre baked.


you don't have to come up with your own and you don't have to have the background of how to prompt really well.


And I'm curious about that because I feel like at the output is only as good as the prompt that you give.


So do you feel like it helps with, getting started with content or headlines or how do you use it? Yeah, so there's those things certainly in terms of creating content and building up, different assets, but I think one of the things that's really cool is they've got this prompt library, which I know, some of the others out there like Jasper have as well, but really being able to use like a jobs to be done framework.


I love this one where you can Select jobs to be done.


It gives you the prompt you put in what you're looking for.


And then the outputs are really pretty good I think the other thing that's really cool establish your brand voice So and you can have multiple so if you're let's say you have somebody that's a certain voice in your organization or you have your normal, overall brand voice that you're using actually load that up so that the responses when you're creating content or even just doing different strategies will give you the output in your brand voice.


Obviously you're still gonna have to edit like any, ChatGPT type or any sort of a tool where, you need that human element, but it gives you a little bit more of the brand voice from the outset.


The other thing I think that's really cool is you actually have this info base and info base will give you, you can upload all of different artifacts, case studies, of that nature.


And when you're thinking through different whether it's.


Persona building or content creation to actually reference the content and you can almost use it as a CMS, which is cool.


So if you're thinking I'm going to craft a nurture I can actually reference the nurture pieces and it will pull from those that library that you have, which is neat.


Wow. So it can actually almost help you build your nurture by assessing what you currently have.


And then it sounds like it also could help you create new content, or at least get you started.


Is that right? Yeah, that's right. it's not perfect.


Like anything. It's got a little bit of, duplicative functionality.


So I think if your team or you're more comfortable in creating your own prompts, then ChatGPT Pro or Clod or any of the other, tools out there might be a little better.


That being said, It does give you a starting point.


And I think a lot of adoption challenges coming back to, really, how do we get people to use it more and be comfortable with it? It gives you that starting point, which I think is a real benefit.


Know, the outputs, if I compare apples to apples, sometimes I think that the outputs and other tools are better, Yeah, that's an interesting point.


You think about sometimes when we're using AI, we want the output, right? We're thinking about content creation, but sometimes we just need a, place to get started or we need to get a little bit of direction or even to know what's possible.


Do you think that this is a good tool for that? Yeah, I think so I'm going to give it a seven out of 10, It does have some limitations, obviously around imagery and things like that.


You're still gonna have to use another tool, yeah, I actually used copy AI a few years ago, and I am curious to see how it's changed.


I'm especially curious about the content management aspect of that, because helping me know how to leverage the current contents that I have could be helpful in just executing a little bit faster, yeah, totally.


Jasper does a similar thing. There are other tools out there that certainly do a similar thing, but it does help when you're able to reference the different types of assets that you have, that, really accelerates some of the content that you're able to create.


and that's a wrap to our episode for today.


Thanks again, Liza Adams, for joining us.


And thank you all for listening. And until next time, let's craft the future of marketing together.


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