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SALTY SUPERGIRL REVEW...EW...EW...EW!!! #lames break up scene and a cacophony of farts. Lena Luthor in a Lady Suit.  Slays the internet. 

SALTY SUPERGIRL REVEW...EW...EW...EW!!! #lames break up scene and a cacophony of farts. Lena Luthor in a Lady Suit.  Slays the internet. 

Released Tuesday, 2nd April 2019
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SALTY SUPERGIRL REVEW...EW...EW...EW!!! #lames break up scene and a cacophony of farts. Lena Luthor in a Lady Suit.  Slays the internet. 

SALTY SUPERGIRL REVEW...EW...EW...EW!!! #lames break up scene and a cacophony of farts. Lena Luthor in a Lady Suit.  Slays the internet. 

SALTY SUPERGIRL REVEW...EW...EW...EW!!! #lames break up scene and a cacophony of farts. Lena Luthor in a Lady Suit.  Slays the internet. 

SALTY SUPERGIRL REVEW...EW...EW...EW!!! #lames break up scene and a cacophony of farts. Lena Luthor in a Lady Suit.  Slays the internet. 

Tuesday, 2nd April 2019
Good episode? Give it some love!
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IN THIS EPISODE, #lames break up scene and a cacophony of farts... And Lena Luthor wears a Lady Suit.  Slays the internet. 


Welcome back to another episode of What About Dat? TV RECAP AND REVIEW


My names Jen


I’m Sara


We are so excited to be here today talking the most recent episodes of Supergirl.

But first...


Today we have a “WHY WYNONNA” UPDATE.

Jen & Sara - And now it’s time for the Salty Supergirl Review... EW..EW..EW (EFFECT) 


Sara - It’s been five episode since we last recaped Supergirl. We are currently deep into the second part of the Season. Supergirl has returned, and story and plot feel stronger than it has in years.


I want to start off with Menagerie which created the first part of our most recent ark. This episode introduced the villainess Menagerie, a Jewel thief who happens to have an Alien snake logged in the back of her neck. In this episode we see rise of the Sons of Liberty as well as the gradual formation of the Elite. A group of anti-facist terrorist under the direction of Manchester Black.


Sara - The most important thing to happen in this episode was break up of James and Lena. #lames


Jen - Because it’s the Salty Supergirl Review... I’m gonna go full organic pink Himalayan smelling salts on this one.


Play the #lames Break Scene & Underscored by Fart Sounds


Jen - What did I feel when I saw this scene in my eyes? Gratification, Salty, Anger, Dumbfounded, like it’s been a long cold winter. And now, Supercorp can now come out for the Spring, rejuvenated and dressed in matching three-piece lady suits. I also felt confused because really, if #lames break up felt more like a transaction then an emotional loss. They literally broke up over Lena working for the government.


It was never addressed the fact that these two characters are fundamentally not good for each other. They brought the worse out of each other.  James became more annoyingly self righteous. Lena was regaled to arm candy whilst James used his shield to save her from shit she never need saving from before.

Lena the smartest person in the entire shows was constantly defending her sense of morality to James. He did petty shit like not showing up for live interviews that Lena scheduled for him to do. And giving Lena hell over dressing him in gray suits, #Lames made me dislike gray suits and trivia pursuit.


They gave us cringe inducing flirtation and senseless banter delivered with forced nuance and zero chemistry.


They gave us moments of hollow declarations of love followed by angry fights and accusations of lying.


James begrudged Lena for keeping him out of Jail.


Lena felt out of place at Catco because really she only bought the damn thing for Kara.


#lames is the end of another toxic poorly written and terrible arched plot line that took two likable characters and reduced them to their worse "Selves," making a point about exactly nothing. #lames is dead. I’m methodically salting the television space it lived in.


... And Now it’s time for the "Wardrobe of the Week."  Jingle 

Sara - Now that #Lames has broken up. Like ELSA from Frozen The Wardrobe Department has decided to LET IT GO! And unleashed the non-binary spectrum on Lena Luthor’s clothing choices by giving us LENA LUTHOR IN A 3-PIECE LADYSUIT.

And slaying twitter for a full week. My feed is literally just  screenshots of "Lena in the suit" I’ll put some of these Screen-shots in the show-notes so you can enjoy them.


Okay, I think this is good time for "TWITTERISMS!!!" Jingle 

In an effort to reach across the Supergirl fandom and bring people together we’ve gathered some of the best tweets off line. This week’s theme is Lena Luthor in a Lady Suit. Oh boy, it’s a doozy, we've got a lot of ground to cover.





Okay, and to finish off the day I’m going to talk the Highs and Lows of Supergirl over the span of the last six episodes. Speaking to the things, I liked and disliked about each characters artistic direction.  

Let’s Start with the Highs

Jon and Manchester Black - Rivalry

  • Thought this was a really well arched and pace the bween two strong men with opposing views of world order.
  • I loved the extent in which Manchester Black got under Jonn’s skin.
  • I was thoroughly surprised by the outcomes of this feud especially as each episode Manchester Black was able to out maneuver Jon and Supergirl.  
  • I would like to see this character back in the future as an ongoing nemesis for Jon.
  • My favorite lines this entire season came from Jon. It was after he Kills Manchester Black and is holding the Legion ring. “He says something along the lines that, he is not a man of peace.” I loved the way this was worded and how it summarized this entire plot line.


The Manchester Black and Jon stuff is a good example of pacing and subplot that adds to the overall story while not detracting screen time from Supergirl's storyline. I give this subplot a A-  


Brainy and Nia Nal - (Romance)


  • Not gonna Lie this Brainy and Nia Nal budding romance is so so good.
  • Nia Nals jounery into dreamer, earlier this year we met Nia Nals family. AKA, Santa Barbara hippies  who weave their own hemp baskets so they can take their home grown veggies to the farmers market in.
  • Nia’s mother recently died and her sister was deeply disappointed to have not received the powers. From this storyline I would love to see Nia’s sister come live in National City and interact with the Supergirl crew on a pedestrian level. She’d be someone who is strictly at Kara’s for game night. And when game night is interrupted by crime and everyone has to peace out and go fight monsters then she’s the one putting away the onion dip and subdividing the trivia pursuit cards back into categories


  • Nia Nals evolution in the Dreamer, it feels like it’s coming slightly too easily. I love the idea of her as a sidekick but sometimes it feels like its all a little too easy. Or maybe, here’s an idea. Every also knows that Nia Nal is Dreamer.


The only person on the show who doesn’t know either Kara or Nia’s identity is Lena Luthor. Clark Kent always had work as an obstacle. He had to get away from his boss to fight crime. But, in this case James knows Nia is Dreamer and Kara is Supergirl and is totally fine with them taking half days for crime.


I’m giving the Dreamer stuff a B- And the Brainy ad Nia Nal romance a B+


  • I think Jesse Rath adds so many levels to Brainiac. I find myself enjoying everything about Brainiac. What makes him compelling is a character who is all deductive skill is so well balanced with empathy and vunerable, it makes him a better superhero.
  • Yes, brainiac is still assigned the role of WINNING, which is when a side character is too smart for their own good and solves earth shattering crisis on ipad in like two-seconds. You see versions of this character all over the Arrow-verse: Cisco, Winn, Felicity, Lena Luthor does it as well. Anyway, The character of Brainiac has really managed to evolve past the trope into something unique and fun to watch. Giving him A


Betrayal of Eve TessMacher - First of all this character has the best name.


  • Eve hijacked a naval ship most boss and Natasha scene ever on Supergirl.

-It’s super fun seeing Eve be evil. I thought she was a one off character and i’m pleasantly  surprised by her development. I’m left to wonder if Lex and Eve conjugated that conjugal visit. Eve Tessmachner reminds me a little of Harley Quinn. She is one character who is a villain that I would like to see end up with powers from the Harun-El.


Lex Luthor as a Villain -


  • Strong intro musical intro. The Jail Scene “MY WAY”
  • Jon Cryer balances empathy and sociopath. It’s so compelling and as audience we can understand why Lena Luthor keeps falling for the same old trick.


Lena Luthor  

  • Lena Luthor has now been at Catco and the DEO. I think she is most compelling and in her element when she is at L-Corp and would love a return of storylines in her natural habitat.
  • Lena Luthor need to spend less time as a roving boss and more time at her L-Corp desk brooding. She needs to wear more power pant suits, have bourbon stored in Austrian crystal decanters, and taking work lunches with Kara on the L-Couch. For being a woman who has L-Corp bugged with cameras and highest security with trapped doors that can be DIY open by hairpins. She needs to either fire all her securities and hire news or just stop having assistants period. Or Hire Alex full time as a bodyguard.


  • Lastly, I’m not so sure about Alex’s new love interest. I mean if you're not going to go with Supercorp as a core couple. The show should use what they have and embrace AgentCorp. You don’t have write anything that isn’t already present. People would love it.

Lena Luthor - Is like Lucy and Charlie Brown with the football. The Football representations the love and validation she seeks. Lex and Her mother are like Lucy baiting her into a false sense of security and then pulling away the football at the last moment.


Kara Danvers -

  • Alex Danvers mind wipe that lead to her not knowing Kara is Supergirl.
  • Is weighing down the plot more than it’s helping to move things along.


Alex - So far this season has been about her evolution into DEO director. Although, as she embraced her authority she found herself outranked by General Hailey.


  • It seems that General Hailey is independent thinker and not entirely the government hack that we all thought her to be in the beginning. Though, I think we all her saw her true colors when she brought pie to work for thanksgiving. Can’t be an evil General if you bring pie to the office.


James - Overall this character connects a lot of the supergirl world together. But the actor has no chemistry with the women he is set up with. His tv coma was a plot device within a plot device use to progress the story of Lex Luthor's acquire the Harun-EL. The TV Coma did not feel like there was high enough stakes. I never got the impression that James was gonna be in real peril.

I didn’t buy in. I guess it was because of the the pacing, James was in a tv coma for less than 24 hours and than was shot in the chest al la Pulp fiction style.


  • Side note _ I feel like this actor struggles with this part. I’m not sure what it is but I find his choices so boring. Is it the writing or the actor? I’m gonna say actor. Because there’s a lot of questionable plot-lines that happen on this high fantasy superpowered show. Like the time Rhea plucked hair from Lena and Mon-El to conjugate a hair baby. In her scenes, Teri Hatcher delivered her devious plan completely committed to the moment. And I was like Oh shit, we getting a hairbaby season 3. I feel a false sense of vunerability when this actor is doing an emotional scene. Like a lack of connection to the material itself.


He now assumably has superpowers which I’m going to put in the category of confused. Guardian’s whole deal is that he is a superhero without powers. He beats up back alley weed dealers, the homeless, and punk teenagers who sass him. That’s where we like you James. Being thrown through glass windows. That’s your forte. Let’s look at Legends of Tomorrow. Half of them don’t have powers and they are still valued members of the team.


Jame’s sister. Kelly or Sister Olsen - She’s a new character and she’s a psychologist. You know what? That is an actual useful role. Lena Luthor, Kara, Alex, Jon, Brainiac, Nial in that order need so much fucking therapy. You could make the argument that the capacity to express and release blocks is a superpower within itself. So I welcome the new Olsen. Looking forward, to more of this character.

Pacing - Overall, the pace of the show is either slow or at break neck speed. This most recent episode reminded me of the Ben Lockwood backstory episode.


- We spent a lot of time see Lex’s side of the story and everything he’s been plotting for the  entire season. The pacing felt incredibly fast and one thing I kept wondering long after the episode ended was:


  • Now that Lex Luthor has the Harun-EL and Superpowers? Why does he need Russian Supergirl so badly?


  • I was under the impression he was against embracing any alien with powers greater than a human. Now that he has powers why not just give a blood transfusion to Otis Graves?


  • The Russian or Russian Red Daughter Storyline is finally set into play. After being teased all season.
  • I like the new supergirl suit.  
  • - Russian Supergirl is like lost “stranger in strange land” She’s like little baby dov
  • She’s being manipulated Alex. Lex Luthor.
  • Is not really a true villain.




  • Lex Luthor will become president of the United States.
  • Alex will end the season going into the finale on the run and no longer director the DEO.
  • As much as everyone already ships Russian Supergirl love for Lena. I think Russian Supergirl is either gonna be killed by Lex Luthor or End up living happily ever after, on another planet with Nikal the little boy Otis Graves saves, who is the walking metaphor of Russian's Supergirl's innocences lost.


Gonna give this episodes scale of 1-10 - 7 ½ because somethings work and some do not.

Anyway thanks so much for listening today. Please be sure to follow us on twitter: @whatabout_dat, Like and Subscribe to us on Youtube: 


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