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The Biden Administration Censors Speech, Violates First Amendment

The Biden Administration Censors Speech, Violates First Amendment

Released Tuesday, 12th September 2023
 1 person rated this episode
The Biden Administration Censors Speech, Violates First Amendment

The Biden Administration Censors Speech, Violates First Amendment

The Biden Administration Censors Speech, Violates First Amendment

The Biden Administration Censors Speech, Violates First Amendment

Tuesday, 12th September 2023
 1 person rated this episode
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After the very serious first part about free speech and censorship, the host played the hilarious audio clip of John Fetterman's reaction to the Biden impeachment inquiry. It was so funny that the host began playing it over and over again and pretending it was a reaction to other things. I laughed so hard over this. The funniest part was when the host said John Fetterman literally sounded like Scooby Doo. He was so right about that. I haven't laughed this hard for a while. You may want to check this out if you want a good laugh.
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