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The Fundraiser (Johnny Bobbitt Jr.)

The Fundraiser (Johnny Bobbitt Jr.)

Released Sunday, 15th September 2019
 9 people rated this episode
The Fundraiser (Johnny Bobbitt Jr.)

The Fundraiser (Johnny Bobbitt Jr.)

The Fundraiser (Johnny Bobbitt Jr.)

The Fundraiser (Johnny Bobbitt Jr.)

Sunday, 15th September 2019
 9 people rated this episode
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I think my personal over-saturation with this story is what knocked a star off my rating, which is odd. I've heard a fair number of the stories ACC tells on this podcast, especially the more recent ones, but ACC's take on things brings a refreshing tone to it. Not so much here. Maybe because there's really only so much that could be said about this scandal without crushing one's soul.
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