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Dr. Kayla Ambert | Why Is Chiropractic Important and Why Is It Beneficial?

Dr. Kayla Ambert | Why Is Chiropractic Important and Why Is It Beneficial?

Released Monday, 31st July 2017
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Dr. Kayla Ambert | Why Is Chiropractic Important and Why Is It Beneficial?

Dr. Kayla Ambert | Why Is Chiropractic Important and Why Is It Beneficial?

Dr. Kayla Ambert | Why Is Chiropractic Important and Why Is It Beneficial?

Dr. Kayla Ambert | Why Is Chiropractic Important and Why Is It Beneficial?

Monday, 31st July 2017
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Harriet Worth: Hello and welcome to today's episode of The Naked Health Warriors Podcast. Today, we have Dr. Kayla and I am so excited to introduce her because she helps a really special type of someone. She helps a really, really special type of someone who I hope is listening today because you're going to get a lot of value. We've got here, we've got in our hands a registered dietician and a doctor of chiropractic who specializes in family.

Well, if you're a family and you're wanting to create more humans, have more people who are happy and healthy, your children then she is the kind of person who you're going to be listening to today. Great thing about Kayla that you're going to love today is she's based in San Diego, the place of the sun, ocean, beach and she is going to be offering some pearls of wisdom we're going to be sharing a lot today about mamas who are pregnant, pre, post natal care and also their babies too. Welcome to the show.

Dr. Kayla: Hi guys, thank you so much for having me. I appreciate your time.

Harriet Worth: Amazing. Awesome. I would love for you to share a little bit about what got you into working with this re-special group of people and some of the clients you have we've talked just before a really amazing ... You're doing amazing work. I'd love for you to share a little bit about the people who you're helping and the patients and clients that you're helping too.

Dr. Kayla: Yeah, of course. Like you said, I focus on pre and post natal care as well as pediatrics. It's the start of life. It's when our health begins and why not approach it and address it before we even become humans right. That means when you're in you're mommy's belly and that is the time when you're growing and developing and becoming a full form human.

Sometimes when we're in our mommy's bellies we can endure stress from physical, emotional or chemical things in life and we need to release that stress. Mommies come in to me and see me and I adjust them to allow their bodies to go back into alignment, create balance and allow that little baby to grow and develop and eventually be able to have a natural birth if that's their goal. Go ahead, sorry.

Harriet Worth: That's perfect. I'd love for you to elaborate. I've been listening and I've been looking and watching what's being talked about online when it comes to when a baby does come on to this planet and what they experience. There's some moms who ... They go through their own birthing experience and they don't know that they've been given stress or they've been given physical stress or emotional stress they've passed it down to their baby during childbirth. How do you feel a brand new mom really gets the feel that that maybe something that she needs to work on and work with?

Dr. Kayla: Yeah, it's hard to see stress.

Harriet Worth: Absolutely.

Dr. Kayla: That's why it's so important to be proactive about it. We internalize. We hold the stress inside of our bodies. It creates muscle tension, muscle spasms and we become off-kiltered almost sometimes from stress. Awareness is important. Being aware of how your body is functioning, see how you're sleeping, how was your mental attitude, all these little key things to tune into but again, being proactive to your health is important because we can't see stress.

Whether that also means doing some meditation or massage therapy or acupuncture, we need to be proactive so we can ensure that our bodies are under the strain and stress and therefore allow our babies to grow and develop without that stressful environment.

Harriet Worth: That's so cool and you what? You just remind me of something really amazing I saw recently and we're going to definitely get into more of your story in a moment and where you come from and what you have to offer and share but I saw recently on one of the social media platforms, it was on Facebook and there was a viral video of a woman who just got a chiropractic adjustment and they measured her bump.

She was maybe somewhere between seven and eight months pregnant. They measured her bump before she had an adjustment and then they measured her after. There was maybe I think it was a two and a half inch change, the position of her bump had totally adjusted and one of the things that she said was she was a massive advocate for chiropractic and I feel like this message is something that really needs to be shared. Do you have any insight or anything you could share about how that even happens? How do you increase by two and a half inches or how can a bump move? It blows my mind.

Dr. Kayla: Yeah, I've seen that exact photo you saw. I actually know the chiropractor that person was seeing. Right, how do you grow two inches or do you want to grow two inches? But if you look at the first part of that photo, you can see that the positioning of the belly is very much in the chest and then underneath the rib cage and if you ask a pregnant mom, she'll tell you that they're running out of air by the end of their pregnancy but at the second photo, you can see the baby and the belly is coming more anterior, more forward.

It grew those two and a half inches but it also dropped below the rib cage and that's what we want to see as we get closer and closer to that so called due date or the time of birth to allow that baby to be in the proper position, get low enough in the station for the baby to come at the right time in front of mommy.

Harriet Worth: Cool. It begins to make a little bit more sense. Beginning is [inaudible 00:06:38]. Okay, I would love for you to share a little bit about yourself. Listeners, I just want you to know that if you have heard a few podcast before about ... of me talking about why I feel chiropractic is so important, if you're a woman and you're getting to the time where you want to have a baby and you want to have a safe, natural pregnancy and you want to have your little one cared for, literally Dr. Kayla [Amber 00:07:06] is the kind of person who's going to be really making sure you know the facts and you know exactly why it's going to be really beneficial for you.

I'd love for you to share a little bit about what got you on this path? Because I feel a lot of chiropractors, they've normally been ... They've been really, really well-educated on their health and they just fall into it. They don't really have a story as such. I know a little bit about you so I'd love to know what's been influencing you positive and negative to be on this amazing path helping pregnant mamas and their babies.

Dr. Kayla: Yeah, I have had my own health roller coaster through my life and everybody does. It just really depends on how you take it and how you move forward with it and I've talked a little bit about my health history and I'll just be brief. I got the swine flu when I was getting my bachelors in nutrition and I was completely debilitated going through anaphylactic shock and in and out of the hospital and I didn't know why and finally I had to be proactive and I had to research and I had to educate and I had to teach myself about my body, what was going on, why was it going on and correct it.

I ended up finding out that I had a gluten allergy that I had acquired post having this virus and that really propelled me forward to understanding or learning and researching why this happened. Does it happen to other people? What makes that happen? Then I started to learn about pregnancy and how all these pregnant women are having hormonal changes and they come out of birth with different health issues. One we know very commonly postpartum depression but other health issues like allergies and intolerances and hormonal imbalances and things we don't really hear but are becoming more and more common.

I started to research it and became very involved with it and became very involved with children with allergies and intolerances and the side effects that they were having from those allergies and intolerances like poor neuro development, like poor social skills, like poor internal gut health. It really just pushed me towards the specific population and then once I found chiropractic, I integrated that as well. I started to adjust these mommies and adjust these babies and find that it was having a world of a difference on their health not just for the short-term but for the long-term.

Then I dove a little bit deeper and became specialized in pregnancy and chiropractic care and I became certified in a technique called the Webster technique. This technique is used for pregnant mothers. It can be used for anybody but it's specifically for babies who are in the improper position to have a natural vaginal birth. They want to see that baby with a head down. If that baby is not head down, if it's transverse, if it's heads are up, they're going to schedule a C section.

Unfortunately, this is a huge, huge statistic that just boomed the last 40 years. In 1970, only five percent of births were Cesarean sections and now it's over a third of our births are from C sections. I want to be very clear about this. C sections are very important when medically necessary but were seeing all of these unnecessary C sections that are planned and scheduled and really taking a way from the long-term health of our moms and our babies.

Long term health things like microbium, like a strong immune system and other neuro development things that we need to be a happy, healthy, functioning human being. We're seeing such a shift in our health and I'd like to shift it back.

Harriet Worth: Wow, I literally have just learned so much out of you ... Literally, I am sitting here with my mouth open because something ... so many important things you just mentioned. I'd love to hear more about postpartum depression. When you're thinking of becoming pregnant, I've got a few friends who were in the stages and one of the things that isn't spoken about is that postpartum depression and how to prevent it in a natural organic way about allergies when children are born and they've ... I remember when my brothers were both born, they both had massive from dairy allergies and my parents were up all night. They had these rashes. They had muscular problems as they were growing and I know the three of us were C section.

Dr. Kayla:  Yeah.

Harriet Worth: That statistic I've ... There was five percent of people, five percent of people. Is that right?

Dr. Kayla: Yup. Five percent of births as of 1970 were C sections according to the CDC and now a third are C sections.

Harriet Worth: Wow. Let's start someway great. I know we have some questions that we could be asking you for this interview but I'm going to be honest. I know what people want to hear. They want to hear about all the ways that they can really prepare themselves in the most natural healthy way when they are getting pregnant. Let's start with postpartum depression. My question for you is that it's not really talked about much. Is there a way that some of the practices, the Webster technique or are there some practices that can be put in to prevent things like the postpartum depression, actually becoming a reality for a lot of new moms.

Dr. Kayla: We can always implement certain tools and techniques prior to birth to prepare and potentially avoid that postpartum depression. I always say it starts with the basics. If you're not doing the basics, I can't give you additional things to do and the basics are sleep. Sleep throughout your pregnancy. Naps eight hours at night, all that good rest, it's so important for the healing and the growth.

Nutrient dense foods, getting adjusted, yes I am a chiropractor but even if I wasn't, understanding that the brain has an extension which is the spinal cord and the extension of the spinal cord are nerves that go to every single cell, tissue and organ in the body and it controls every cell tissue and organ in the body. If there's interference in that communication between the brain and the body, there's going to be dysfunction and that dysfunction can manifest in different ways.

One being depression or a mental attitude or different mental things and that's just one path of that so that is part of your preventative tool box to avoid postpartum depression. Secondly, invest in your pregnancy. This is magical. You're growing eyeballs and feet and toes and just it's incredible. Your body is so intelligent. Truly, have respect for your body and its intelligence and its capabilities and embrace this pregnancy. It is an incredible thing that us woman can do.

We should not to get [inaudible 00:14:53]. Thirdly, talk to that baby. Speak to that baby. Connect, sing your heart out to that kid, tell me your biggest fears and your most secret secrets. Tell that baby everything so there is that connection from the start. Commonly, we see with this postpartum depression is the separation between mother and baby. The mom feels pulled from the baby or not connected with the baby.

Well, if we start to before that baby is even out of there then we can potentially prevent postpartum depression and then we can go into whole new realm of things. Supplementing with vitamin D, making sure that we can potentially have a vaginal birth that research has shown that there is some sort of connection between postpartum depression and C sections and vaginal births and then after that having that skin to skin contact.

In pediatric chiropractic, we do a lot of research with what is called the social nervous system. We have our autonomic nervous system and then we have our involuntary nervous system and then we have our social and that social nervous systems starts with that skin to skin contact. Whether you have a C section, whether you have a vaginal birth, it doesn't matter. Get that baby on your chest as soon as you can to have that skin to skin contact and feel that social connection.

It's not just for baby, it's for mommy too and then if you can breastfeed, do it. Breastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed. I know there some issues medical and physical issues in which women cannot breastfeed and I completely respect that. Sometimes it's not for women that they just don't jive with it but if you can do it and it's an option for you, I would a 100% promote it because that is also going to help you through this new mommy stage. It's hard. It's new. It's different.

To some extent, I'm sure all woman have some sort of postpartum depression. They had a big belly. Their hormones are changing. The bellies gone from big and fold to drooping and flabby and nothing. They have to make all these changes both emotional, physical for that baby and for themselves. We all go through some sort of mental ups and downs. It's just how we can adapt and move with it.

Harriet Worth:  Wow, so many amazing pointers. That's pretty cool. Thank you for adding so much value. That preventative toolbox sounds pretty badass. I'd love for you to share a little bit about, I know that there's a lot of babies who are being born and they are reaching one to two when they're starting to eat, to eat actual food and I know that there's ... I'm not going to say they have allergies but I'm going to say that their parents are noticing that they're getting dry skin or their behavior is changing.

I know that we can change things with nutrition. I know that nutrition is super important but do you feel that that's quite related to some of the care that's happening during the pregnancy in the postpartum and the postnatal care?

Dr. Kayla: Most definitely. Microbium, probiotics, gut health, gut flora has becoming much more popular in the last couple of years and that's great and I'm glad it's getting more attention but it's always been an important part of our health. We just haven't really recognized it. In addition to that, we have so many toxins in our diets and in our environments now that it's really putting a damper on that gut flora.

Yes, I totally believe that prenatal care and the health of that mother will a 100% influence that child's gut and that child's health and therefore, those child's symptoms whether it's eczema or rashes or dry skin or in fact allergies or intolerances. You got to get baby fit to be honest with you and when I say you have to be baby fit, I mean you have to eat, think, sleep, train to have that baby because that baby's health is in your hands. 

Taking probiotics, eating fermented foods and taking care of your gut health before you get pregnant, while you're pregnant and while in postnatal and postpartum importantly while you're breastfeeding is all going to have a huge impact on that child's gut flora. 

Harriet Worth: Wow, that's cool. That's awesome. I think as much as it's important for every human being to be healthy, I think when you've got that massive project of the nine months/ten when you're growing that baby, it's a project and it's just like trying to win the Olympics. You need to be dedicated and really put some hard yards. I love that. That some great advice. Eat, think, sleep, train this baby.

Dr. Kayla:  Exactly. I always tell my patients it's a marathon. You're not doing a sprint. You're not just going to eat really well for one day or workout or stretch really well for one or two days. We got nine months and then we got 18 years too. That's a whole amount of marathon.

Harriet Worth: That's so true. That's awesome. All right, before we got on, we were mentioning about a few of your really special patients and how you've been able to really get some great movement for them, some great change. Have you got any special people who are really close to your heart in your practice that you'd love to share a little bit of their results or a little bit of your experience of them?

Dr. Kayla:  I would. I have a couple special little ones. The first one I could speak freely about, I've gotten permission from his parents. His name is Nico and he was a very special little boy. He unfortunately had a terminal illness and he had Gauchers and it was type two. Type one and three have treatments, type two unfortunately has no cure or is considered to be terminal by age of two.

Nico was brought to me with a 104 fever, pneumonia, this kid was ... and completely stiff. Gauchers takes over your nervous system and your muscles start to become spasmodic and you become contorted almost. He couldn't turn his head or move an arm or he had no reflexes or minimal reflexes and it was a lot. It was overwhelming at that time. I've worked with healthy babies.

Nobody thinks to focus on terminally ill. There's no from the business sense, where's the return customer? But as a chiropractor we're not in it for business or for profit. We're in it for the service and for the love. They said, "Can you adjust them?" I said, "Does he have a spine?" And they said yes and I said, "We can adjust anything with a spine."

We put that baby on the table and I just was overwhelmed with gratitude that these parents put their trust in my hands with their little one and we adjusted that kid in about 20 minutes later, he was turning his head having some reflexes, they went home. The fever went down which is common, we adjust kids with fevers. He slept well that night. They came back the next day and came back every single other day for about a year until Nico had his last couple days.

That's special to me because in chiropractic, we talk a lot about wellness and talked about being healthy and being proactive and preventative healthcare. Trust me, I preach that until the day is over but there is another population out there that needs help and needs love and needs service and those are those kids and adults that kind of have a time limit on their bodies and their minds.

I love to serve those people because you adjust them and you can see this change and this light in their eyes and no word or no money or no materialistic thing will ever be able to be comparable to that. That's just one special story of somebody who's close to me and taught me a lot about why I'm doing this and what's the purpose of it.

Harriet Worth: Wow, that really is a very special story. I'm so grateful that you shared that. Thank you so much. What a blessing you are to Nico's parents.

Dr. Kayla: I feel very blessed being in their lives.

Harriet Worth: Of course, of course. Well, let's get into some advice. I'm going to be honest here, you sound like you're an absolute expert when it comes to helping these women. We talk a little bit before about the pregnancy toolbox. Do you have any ... I'm guessing that a person comes in the very first time and your free consultation, you talk some about how it benefits them. Is there any kind of system that you take them through when it comes to their wellness? Because I guess once they're out of the table, they're off the table. It's up to them to start looking after themselves.

Dr. Kayla:  A 100% and I'm glad you brought that up. I can only do so much. We are constantly in our environment and under stressors and doing things physically and emotionally so I always tell my patients, "Look, it's 50% in the office getting adjusted doing the things we're doing here and it's 50% outside." Things that I tell my pregnant patients are avoid soft furniture ..." This is getting really specific. Avoid soft furniture because it's terrible for your spine and for your back and you're just going to crumble and it's going to make me more profitable and that's not what I want.

Stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch. We spend so much time just sitting and idle and our bodies weren't made to be idle. We really need to move like walking and stretch till the day is over. Hydration is really important. Being very aware of our technological devices. We're very lucky to have all these advances but we're seeing this huge rise in a term called forward head posture and it literally is what it sounds like and it's that old grandma posture that we all don't want but are seeing because we're constantly on cellphones. We're constantly on computers, we're constantly have our heads down and it's putting a huge stress on our spines.

We find that more often not about 80% to 90% of out patients have this including the pregnant moms. It's going to put more stress on your lower back so when you're pregnant, we really got a lot of stress back there already. We talk a lot about posture and making sure you're focusing on pointing your sternum to the sun and bringing your chest up and being in a proper position for your spine and for your health. Those are the things that we say when they come in and they talk about what we doing here and what you can do out there.

Harriet Worth: I love it. There was a few. The first one, just a recap quickly was avoiding soft furniture. The second one stretching, moving, walking. Thirdly, we had hydration and then one of the last pieces which I love personally is being tech savvy is very important in the century that we live in and the busy lives that we live but we also known that the head movement, the head posture as you called it FHP, I'm going to abbreviate forward head posture.

It's sounds like I feel even myself. I'm going to be completely honest, I feel I definitely spend a lot of time on the computer with my neck forward and when I go home, I try and bend it back the other day after a long day. That's amazing because if you're carrying a baby for that long and you're putting even more stress on your neck by being on your phone or being on the computer all day, take massive notice. Do you have any tips or steps for people who are finding themselves maybe they're in the last few weeks of their maternity leave and they're on the computer all day, do you have any tips for that?

Dr. Kayla: Yeah, obviously try to take stretch breaks no matter what whether you're pregnant or not but try to take some stretch breaks. I always like to show my patient the doorway stretch which is like the anti-computer stretch and literally put your arms on the doorway and step out of the doorway and lift your chest up and point your sternum to the sun and that will open up your anterior chain muscles and those are the muscles that are getting tight and spasmodic and chronically spasmodic over time because you're hunched over. Your packs, major, minor, all those rib muscles, all those things that they're getting tight so we want to open that up and bring your sternum to the sun.

Harriet Worth: Amazing. I'm so appreciative of how much ... You have value packing this podcast today. I just want to let you know that there's secret stuff I'm super excited about, I feel no matter where you are somewhere between 20 and 50, there's always someone who you know is pregnant and there's always someone who needs an air for some of the problems that they're experiencing, it's so great to have all of this to be like, "Hey, I once heard this or this tip or this thing that you could do. It's mind-blowing seriously."

Dr. Kayla:  A 100%. {regnancy is a part of everybody's life whether you think it is or not, you should go home and thank your mom for it tonight.

Harriet Worth:                   I'm going to do that. It's amazing. If you're listening right now, make sure you thank your mom because it sounds like I've never been pregnant. I've experienced a lot of people pregnant but this sounds like a lot of hard work like it's quite the project.

Dr. Kayla: Definitely.

Harriet Worth: Awesome. Let's get into the big tip. The big tip, what is one thing that you feel ... I always love to have just one thing that people can work on because we've given some great advice right now. There's a person listening who either knows someone who's halfway pregnant or has just become pregnant or wants to have a great pregnancy, what's one thing that a mama who's just become pregnant should do to move towards a really ideal level of phenomenal pregnancy?

Dr. Kayla: The best thing that that mama can do is listen to her body because your body is going to whisper, your body is going to speak and then sometimes your body is going to scream at you and if you haven't been listening when it was whispering, you're not going to know what it's saying when it's screaming at you. Getting in tune with your body is going to get you in tune with your baby.

It's going to reflect your health. Your health is going to be a reflection on your baby. Making sure that you can listen to your body and know how it functions because when you know how it functions, you'll know when it's dysfunctioning and I think for women who become pregnant, it's exciting and it's new and you're going to have a baby but it's also really scary.

You've never done this before. What's happening to your body? Why are these changes happening? Is this normal? Is it not normal? Listening to it, being aware, having that gratitude for it, its amazing capabilities so that when something does happen, you're able to address it for what it is.

Harriet Worth: Nice. I love it. All right, let's talk about time travel shall we?

Dr. Kayla: Yes.

Harriet Worth: Time travel. All right. Let's mix it up. Shall we? Let's mix it up. Normally, at this point Dr. Amber, what I normally ask is I'm like, "Okay, if you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself?" But I feel that there's a person who could really benefit from a better question and that question is I'm sure there's a lot of moms who you see post pregnancy after they've had the baby, what's one thing that they're always like I wish I X during my pregnancy, what's a great piece of advice that we can really put in there for them?

Dr. Kayla: I wish I appreciated it more. That's like a mental side of it. I'll give you a mental and physical side. They always say they wish they embraced it more, that they cherished it more, that they complained less and they ... Like I was saying embraced it, embrace that time with the baby because you'll never get that back and that baby is going to grow up and leave and so it's a special time.

The physical one is getting in the pool. It's a huge, huge, huge thing that I push on mommies and some of them don't do it and then they come back to me postpartumly when they're trying to recover from whether it's a C section or a vaginal birth and it's a lot more difficult. In prenatal care, when you get in the pool, it takes all the pressure off your body or all the gravity away. You're able to move and have flow within your pelvis without having gravity pressed down on your disc and your muscles and your joints. Healing from that pregnancy and from that birth can be a lot easier postpartumly if you do that exercise motion and stretching prenatally.

Harriet Worth: Nice. Get in the pool and appreciate it. Appreciate that baby-mama body that you've got growing.

Dr. Kayla: Yeah.

Harriet Worth: Growing on and going on. Love it. That's amazing. That's cool. Let's talk about real health. I want to talk about real health with you because I feel you are such an amazing expert. You have so much fountain of knowledge here. This is you. This is you in your everyday life. Real health is different for everyone here on the podcast, what we love to talk about is stripping back there to what truly works and matters, getting rid of some of the stuff is just clogging us up but what does real health mean to you? Why is it so important? This is your health.

Dr. Kayla: Real health to me is it's two main things. It's balance and everybody preaches balance. It's all about balance. Sometimes I wear sweatpants and eat cupcakes, some days I workout and eat salads. It's all about balance but more serious it's about consistency. It's about life and we see fads and we see diets and we see different cool things that the news or that the media is putting out about health and nutrition and all those things but let's be serious like it's about consistency.

It's about waking up everyday going to the grocery store and making positive choices, making food for yourself and not eating out every meal everyday and feeding your body with actual nutrients that it needs and not just choosing things because it tastes good. You wouldn't give Kool-Aid to a plant. Why would you drink Kool-Aid for yourself? It's not going to do anything beneficial.

For me, the hardest part of real health is consistency is living it out day-to-day, hour-to-hour, drinking my water everybody, getting my veggies everyday, doing what I need to do to actually be healthy. It's the raw part of it is real health is those day in and day out choices that we make to eat here or make your food at home or to get a Starbucks or just to get a water or those split second decisions that can be temporary but are long term for our health.

Harriet Worth: It's cool. Lovely. That's a really great aspect. It's consistency as supposed to 80/20 or supposed to I'm going to eat healthy on this day, this day, this day then I'm going to have a cheat day. It's like constantly waking up and really making those choices that they're going to benefit you really.

Dr. Kayla: Exactly.

Harriet Worth: I love it. All right. Let's get some clarity on you shall we? I'd love to know more about you and what you're up to and ask some nice personal questions that figure out who you are, are you ready?

Dr. Kayla: Yes.

Harriet Worth: All right, what is the best advice for your industry you've ever received?

Dr. Kayla:  In my industry, I briefly mentioned earlier but it's not about profit. It's about service in my industry and it's about serving your community and making your community better so the best advice I ever received from somebody in my industry is to make sure that you go to work everyday and that your motto is to give, to love and to serve. I pour that out of my heart everyday and I've been blessed with abundant amount of patients and therefore a booming business. I really believed that coming from your heart and serving your community will bring you abundance.

Harriet Worth: Wow. Give, love and serve. That's definitely, it sounds like it's been amazing attribute for you. Amazing. So cool. Can you share one of your personal habits that you strongly believe is contributing right now to your successful health?

Dr. Kayla: Yeah, I have a little framed list of positive affirmations and again, that consistency but everyday I try to say them in the morning and I try to remind myself my body is intelligent, I'm healthy, I'm strong, I'm present, I'm grateful, my business is great, I have a strong support system. All these things to remind myself because so often we fill our brain with I have to do this, I have to do that, I have to go there, I have this patient or that and we forget the positives.

At the end of the day, we can very easily find ourselves in a exhausted state or mentally fatigued state but saying those affirmations in the morning and sometimes at night bring me back to why I'm doing what I'm doing and who I am. I truly believe that that habit really contributes to my success both with health and personal.

Harriet Worth: Amazing. Is there a ... I know we talked about not using too much technology but is there a technological piece of equipment or some kind of app or book or training or thing that you and your body can't live without?

Dr. Kayla:  I would say more like an equipment. For my iPad or tablet, I'll have a little tripod thing that will bring it to eye level. I always talk about eye level being eye posture with your technology or so, different little tools for your computers or for your tablets or things like that so you can be at eye level so you don't increase that forward head posture and make it worse. Meeting your health needs and technological needs and want.

Harriet Worth: I love it. Reducing FHP. I'm in. I'm getting this, I love it. Is there any kind of investment book or resource that you feel a person who really wants to maximize their level of health should go to or that you'd recommend?

Dr. Kayla: I like Women's Health. Gosh, I forgot the author but she's a nurse and it's literally the name of it's Women's Health and I've read that thing from front to cover and I didn't know all the things my body did. Since I work with pregnant mamas and mamas, I always tell them just go read that book and you'll learn more things and you've learned five to ten years of schooling about your own body and how it functions and mishaps that you can be concerned about but they're actually just normal parts of a body that in different functions that we do that are completely a part of the process.

I think that's an empowering book for a pregnant woman or just women in general because our health is a little different than men's health and it's a little bit more complex and ....

Harriet Worth: I agree.

Dr. Kayla: There's a little bit more fluctuation for lack of [inaudible 00:40:43] that goes into our health into the changes that happen. Having an awareness of it can be so much more empowering and make it less scary and therefore you are able to embrace your health changes negative or positive. You are able to recognize it and move forward and I think that goes back to listening to your body.

If you have knowledge and how your body is supposed to function, you're much able to listen to your body better because you know what's best to be happening. You know what's sounds are happening or what day of the cycle it is or why I'm feeling this way. I think that book is great to expand your knowledge and empower yourself.

Harriet Worth: Love it. Women's health. I'd love if you could find that, maybe we can slip into the notes.

Dr. Kayla: Yup, definitely will.

Harriet Worth: Amazing. So much value. I love it. I love it. Almost last, who is your hero? Who's your hero?

Dr. Kayla: I would say my mom and that's not because I'm a prenatal chiropractor. It's because she's taught me this this grit literally of doing your research, educating yourself and empowering yourself that your body is intelligent and it can do so many wonderful things if you give it the right tools and going back having your tool box pregnant or not, having your little go to things that you can rely on to bring you back to that balance because again, so often we get caught up in the craziness of our lives in works and stressors and having that tool box brings us back.

My mom has always done that and it has always been the odd ball. Now, it's cool to be the odd ball. I appreciate her doing that work for me when I was a kid because she really went out on her limit and did a lot of different things health wise for us nobody else was doing and she wasn't afraid to do it and to have that conviction is pretty incredible.

Harriet Worth: What's your mom's name? What's your mom's name? Let's shout out to your mom right now.

Dr. Kayla: Shout out to my mom. I love you mom. Susan Amber.

Harriet Worth: Susan Amber. Awesome. Shout out to Susan doing such a great job.

Dr. Kayla: Keep rocking on.

Harriet Worth:  All right. Last question before we do our wrap up. You seem like a person who's really well connected with some great people who in the space who are one or two people who you think would be perfect to be on the show that you'd love to connect with us?

Dr. Kayla: I know a really out of the box guy who's very passionate about what he does. His name is Billy DeMoss he's located in New Port Beach and he puts on what's called Cal Jam which is a huge, huge rock and roll seminar for chiropractors and we talk about all sorts of wellness and health things and he's a great guy and I think you would really appreciate hearing what he has to say.

Harriet Worth: Awesome. That's super cool. I would love to connect with anyone who's outside of the box. Thank you so much. I would love to let's chat about later, let's get them on the show. I cannot thank you enough for sharing so much because pregnancy is something that's not really talked about. I was brought up in a Convent school and pregnancy is just something that happens and you're quiet about it.

Dr. Kayla: Yeah.

Harriet Worth: Right now, in the society we live in, we need to be supporting each other more than ever and you've brought some really amazing points to the table and anyone if you know, if you're listening right now and you know someone who's pregnant or who's about to have a baby, please connect them on to this podcast because they are going to literally get like a complete tool kit of how to do this like pregnancy thing well. Dr. Kayla, is there anything that you would like to, a last message that you like to share with the listeners?

Dr. Kayla: I appreciate your time and go out and like I said, research and educate yourself. We all have different bodies. We all function differently. We all have different heritages and different backgrounds and we should all embrace it and respect it and find our own health. Whether you're pregnant or not, really do some proactive work to be the healthiest you can be.

Harriet Worth: Amazing. I love you so much. Thank you so much for delivering an amazing amount of value. Listeners, thank you for joining us. Join us again for amazing podcast episodes just like this where you can learn from experts just like Kayla Amber and really find out what's going to be the best for you. Have an amazing day. Subscribe, leave comments and share this with anyone who you feel would really benefit from the show.

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