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Released Thursday, 25th April 2024
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Thursday, 25th April 2024
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General. Do you watch National newslake the old old fashion sit down six thirty, watch Dash News back when Walter Cronkite and John Chancellor were still news when you were five, when I was more like around twelve. I think that's been the last time, really I get all my narratives that I need. If I have a super busy day in court and the office, what have you, I will normally sit down at six thirty with my man, Lester. I sit down with Lester Holt for two reasons. Number one is he has the finest suits and ties out there, and I love the way the guy dresses. Now that Johnny Carson has passed away, thank you exactly exactly. I was watching the news last night. My twin girls are seniors in high school, and the lead story on the news are the campus revolts are protections? Yeah, I mean the pro Palestinian pro hamas on your Ivy League, your your intellectual universities. Basically, they're taking advantage of university campuses under the guise of free speech, which I agree with. But there's a limit to that. You cannot interfere with the educational setting of other students, and that's they're in they're doing this in cities where they know they're elected leadership will not send in the police. Well, I mean back in the sixties when the hippies were at this, at least there were some good looking people and there was some action going on, if you know what I mean. Today, they've all got severe appearance deficits. It is a motley crue. I will. I will give you that. It's a motley crue that I see on the news that are that are protesting, and every single person they interview, I'm just like you just it's like, oh my god, they look like a sack of cat's heading for the river. So my girls are going going to the two Oxfords Oxford, Mississippi, will miss Oxford, Ohio, Miami of Ohio. Yeah, there's people who are in England who are going the two I say girls. As they're watching this with rapt attention, like they never watched the national news. They think I'm a nerd. I am. They think I'm a nerd and I'm too focused on history, current events, politics, I am. But when it intersects with your life, all of a sudden they're paying attention, uh awakening, And then they got questions well, what's going on here? So is this a fact of life? Dad? I mean, are were you going to have to deal with these protests? Like? Am I gonna have to navigate around these crazies waving Palestinian flags or Ukrainian flags or you know whatever is going to come next some African nation that the truth's going to come out to the public about what we're doing there. Only if you're wearing a Yamaica You know, girls, you're fine. I'm pretty sure whatever's happening on these campuses are not going to hit you. At Oxford, Mississippi, at Ole miss In Oxford, Ohio, mayam Ohio. If the Vietnam War is any indication of how where the boundaries are Ole miss and myam Ohio are well insulated from the ideological left, far left extremist in state. Now, if you're protesting war, and that's what today shows on, If you're protesting war, I'm with you, Okay, I'm with you to an extent, and I will reference later on did you start our timer? I just want to make sure we're not going to run a foul at our time limits speaking of boundaries, so I will listen to anti war protests because it is life and death. It's somebody's sons and daughters that are being pulled up from their from their bedrooms, from their homes, from their neighborhoods, thrown in a uniform, put the flag of their nation, put on a C one thirty, drop some place to go fight, and I bring him back in a SEE one thirty, sometimes with a flag draped across the coffin. I will absolutely it is our duty to listen to these war objectors. But when you let in a civilization, an entirely different civilization, into your in country, let it in your country, if you want to call it that, then you better be prepared for what comes next. Because these campus protests and riots are just the beginning of what's going to happen here in the United States. And I will start the show with this comment. Shortly after World War Two, and I think this is common sense. I don't think this is up for debate. It became obvious that the richest and most powerful nation in human history, the United States, was on top of the world. It was forty five, forty six, forty seven, fifty fifty two, fifty five. Do you think that maybe the intellectuals of the twenties and thirties here in the US certainly Britain. Do you think that the intellectuals that were in the soon to be Imperial City of Washington, DC, we're able to envision that America would replace Great Britain as the world's taken one. I believe so. Certainly. I think it was obvious. So let me. I don't think you just go to war without post war plans. Of course, it's like parents giving birth to children. You start making plans for school. You put a whole plan in place at university, college, school, whatever, teach them. So when you're in war, when you're impregnated with war, you have to take into account what are you going to do when this thing's over? And charge? When we come out of World War Two, we're charged with what duties? What obligations come with the most powerful navy, the most power air force, the most powerful land based military. What do you do with this power? Ike, who's one of our favorites. Is a show favorite? Is he not? He is? And he would say nothing, well correct to some extent. But he was a general. He'd been in war, which is good. I think he was not snark master general. But I think it is important to have men and women who have been in combat at the table when decisions of war and sending Americans to war, those decisions are being made and those conversations are being had. Ike who saw the worst of World War two a bit back, but you know he wasn't hiding. I mean he saw the atrocities well when he was there. That wasn't a long time ago for him. Ike viewed the Middle East as the richest economic prize in the field of foreign investment. Ike wrote and said, and I double checked this on my own research this week. I put more research into this show than I've put into a show in a long time. Ike said that the Middle East was the most strategically important area of the world. Obviously oil shipping lanes. Also what Samuel Hennett Huntington, which we talked about a few shows ago, ultimately could be a clash of civilizations, which is what we're having now. So Ike was quite prescient. He was presient because he had boots on the ground, he was there, He saw what was happening at a granular local level. Very he knew the Middle East was strategically important. He knew that the oil reserves the unknown amount of energy there was going to be required to sustain this manufacturing empire of the West. So the State Department got to work in the late forties to ensure that the United States would keep that area for itself and our allies as this new world unfolded. FDR pre World War two knew that the Middle East held energy reserves that whoever held that land would control have a substantial control of the world, and losing part of that world would threaten America's global dominance that was taking shape during World War Two. And keep in mind, it's not just the energy reserves they had. It was the fact that it was extremely easy to extract oil in the Middle East from the ground, where it's not terribly difficult in America or in the North Sea, but it is harder, it's less efficient. I mean, you poke a hole in the ground there, the oil comes up. It's like a z it that's ready to go pop. Then you got the water right there, boom, put it on, shipping ships off to the refinery. We are now in our tenth decade of trying to tame the Middle East, and today we meaning the West specifically now the United States, and today we have that civilization inside our borders, protesting the colonization by Israel in Gaza. And today they will absolutely call out our colonization by proxy over the Middle East since World War Two, especially after the Berlin Wall fell and after the former Soviet Union tapped out that will be next. It's not just going to stay at Israel, it will move to America. And two years before Pearl Harbor, the budding Imperial City of Washington, DC knew we would wind up in the next chapter of the Great War, that being World War One, and they started to think through, we're pregnant with war, what do we do after we defeat the Axis and what we now call World War Two? And the DC intelligentsia went to work. They placed huge bets that we would outthink, out design, out manufacture, and outspend the rest of the nations. They called it the Grand Area. The State Department charted out parts of the world called the Grand Era, that the US was to dominate and that those decisions made then are now coming to roost today. Hey, welcome back to support the show. And I know listeners are supporting our show by supporting our singular fantastic sponsor, Chez Round Automotive Group and the Gill family. I've been delaware. I don't know where else you'd want to go to get a car. It's all American, all American, a nice family, awesome family, one dealership. They're not trying to luxuriate in their success and build an empire across the US, although I wouldn't object to that. Support people who support you, And thank you to the listeners who email have emailed the General and I saying, hey, we went to chess Around to buy a vehicle or vehicles, and we specifically sought out Ryan gil and and and thanked him for supporting the show. And this is not an inexpensive endeavor. And so if you like to support the show, we merely ask that you do business with the Chuzz Round Automotive Group and the Gill family. We're talking about. I want you to shift your focus just a little bit and think about the rise of the American hegemon, the superpower. Shift your focus just a little bit. I'm going to submit to you, and I'm and I'm I'm going to give credit where credit is due. I sent to General this article earlier in the week, and it's called warfare State to welfare state. Conflict causes government to expand at home. And it's by a gentleman named Ivan Eland, and I found the cliff notes on it well, I sent him to you. Mister Eland is a senior and director of the Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute. That's all I know. I don't know anything about the Independent Institute. I don't know anything about the Center on Peace and Liberty, but I found this article fascinating. It was published in twenty thirteen in a journal called The Independent Review, and it starts off. The article starts off conservatives should be more leery of jumping into wars, not only because wars killed and the American superpower might become overextended, you think, especially in the time of a fiscal crisis, but also because war makes the government expand rapidly at home, even in areas unrelated to national security. So, with that being said, and giving credit where credit is due, let's talk about our Have we been a warfare state since World War One? Have we been in a perpetual state of some warfare that has led to the welfare state? Did the welfare state merely come because of the benevolence of the five hundred and thirty five members of Congress and the Executive. Well, they're very benevolent with our money, they are. But let's go back segment one. We ended segment one talking about the grand area that the State Department start to chart out during World War Two once it became clear that the US was going to win and we're going to dominate, and we were probably going to be in consideration of jumping in and helping the Brits and the French and the Allies. We would get from the Brits for saving their urses most of the British Empire in the Middle East, with its unbelievable amount of oil. The US would maintain a military reach that would lead to economic supremacy for US. The concern from Europe was that we just don't want to let the United States just put bases all over our sovereign lands. So what about a non alliance NATO. NATO makes sense. So NATO, in one sense became Europe's role in checking unfettered American dominance, the idea being George Kennan's containment strategy that we would contain this rogue Soviet Union. Now we've mentioned George Kennon recently, and we will do a show on George Kennon. But the pretext for NATO dissolved with the fall of the Wall, and now the American Hegemond was unchallenged. It was nineteen eighty nine, nineteen ninety I'd been studying political science and revolutions at Miami University. In general, you were getting a degree in national security at a high state university, the Ohigh State University. Correct, is correct right back what anybody could get in now clearly now NATO lines move east in violation of promises made to Mikhail Gorbachev. So the pretext of NATO, the Ruse was up. NATO today is and has been, a US run intervention force. The guards pipelines that transport oil and gas for the West, protects the sea lanes for goods and commodities for all of us. That is all part of the Grand Ara doctrine that was dreamed up pre World War Two and during World War two. Within five years at the end of the Cold War, the Clinton Doctrine kicked in that the United States has the right to use military force to ensure uninhibited access to key markets, energy supplies, and strategic resources. That was the exact phrase used by Bill Clinton. He also said, and I think it was the State of the Unit address, that the United States must maintain a huge military force that will be ford deployed in Europe and Asia. We just didn't call out the Middle East. But this justified the invasion of Iraq. If it wasn't for oil, we're probably not there. We were for we were there for the oil. But that's not what they told us. Until George W goes to Congress in two thousand and seven and said, I will veto any legislation that will limit a standing military in Iraq or the United States anyone if Congress tries to limit the United States control of the oil resources in Iraq. So NATO, the pretext of NATO is clearly gone now that the Grand Area has been exposed for what it is. The problem is the United States, the citizens of the United States. We're still pissed off. From nine to eleven. This is also the same time that I jumped, I pivoted away from the conservative the neocon this Neocon forever War Wolfowitz doctrine, and the counter weight to the Clinton, Bush Obama doctrine is the Middle East. The people of the Middle East wanted democracy. The Arab Spring, they wanted a voice in what was happening. I'm pretty sure we were not interested in democracy in the Middle East. We're still not. We may say we are, but we're not. Those people don't want us there, and so we have to install our own approved leadership. The Arab people regard the United States and Israel as major threats. Just look at these riots. Opposition is so strong general in the Arab world against the US and Israel that really the only way they think think they can protect themselves from US is to get nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran, their sponsor state. And if popular opinion i e. Democracy was to flourish in the Middle East, the US would be expelled by those sovereign nations. So why aren't they expelling us? Well, the only people that want us there are the Arab families that are getting paid off by US. Well, there's also the issue that the Iranian Islamic experience is the Shia experience, and the Saudi Arabian experiences the Sunni experience. It's like the Protestants in the capital. I see, but I do think that they will align. You watch Game of Thrones, Yes, you've seen historical enemies align. Okay, we'll see, but I do think that's an interesting fissure. We'll see how that it goes. But the dictators support us, we support them. Ike Back to Ike in the late nineteen fifties, he was very concerned about this. He was about he was worried about starting a what he called a campaign of hatred against us in the Arab world. Not by the government, not by the governments, but by the people. If we need the oil, and we need the strategic forward bases, whether we like it or not, we have to support these dictatorships. We have to block democracy, and our companies must be the ones in control of the resources of the region. This was the whole purpose behind the Pentagon being conceived of, designed and built. This is it. The Grand Area nine to eleven becomes a cost of doing business. The invisible hand of the deep state is the one doing the business. So the Grand Area doctrine, which was conceived of pre World War two and during World War Two. Then the New World Order which comes about after the fall of the Berlin Wall, essentially made the United States a warfare state. But to get public on an opinion on board, we had to build an accompanying welfare state, and that's where we are right now. This is drain the swamp. Let's talk about that after the break. Do we really want to drain the swamp? Hey, welcome back if you're just joining us. We're talking about how we got here as the world superpower, and we are getting crushed financially. The debt, the deficit, the economic, the physical crisis appears to be our biggest challenge. Ah. We see the rise of the Arab world, we see the rise of China. Of course we you know, who knows what's going on really with Russia and our proxy were in Ukraine. And I will say this. I had a conversation briefly with a congressman and he said, Brad, I'll tell you fundamentally, I agree with a lot of MAGA sentiments. When this is a conservative and he's been in the Imperial City for twenty five years, he said, but I will go into a skiff for an intelligence briefing. I'll go into a skiff for an intelligence briefing thinking one thing, and I will come out thinking the polar opposite. And that's why MAGA doesn't understand what's happening. With Congress, what's happening with our spending. There's just some information we can't share with the public. Sure, I'm your kid. So I just said, all right, do you trust the intelligence, because yes I do? And in any who, well, I mean you think about this. Just recently judged Diane Cannon in the documents case down in mar A Lago, the mar A Lago documents case, she just unredacted a big section of one of the pleadings that the government was saying, Oh, this is far too secret to be public. It turns out it was just more information that showed the coordination between the FBI and the Biden administration to bring the charges against Trump. There was no oh, there's sixteen planes gonna that are gonna fly over this country. No it this classified stuff is the is an excuse that the powerful use to hide the ball. It's when the invisible it's when the invisible hands are threatened to become visible to the public. The reason I'm okay with the invisible hand, and this is kind of what this shows about. We talked about the deep state, the invisible hand in the in the administrative state, which is needed to manage the welfare state. That's what this whole shows about. And we're going to continue on this topic. Let's call it the hidden hand, because the invisible hand has the Adam Smith connetation. That's right, the hidden hand. So how did we go from the founding principles of no alliances or foreign entanglements and the Monroe doctrine, which is we have our hemisphere. You guys go kick, spit, punch, poke the eyes of each other over there, and in Europe we don't care what you do. It was no accident money, the industrialists of the late eighteen hundreds, the financiers of the late eighteen hundreds early nineteen hundreds, and the intellectuals that were coming online in the age of Woodrow Wilson, Yeah right, progressives, And really we import a lot of this intelligentsia, this line of economic thinking, political philosophy from Europe, and it really started with the British British Ministry of Information, and they wanted to be the biggest, baddest country in the world astride the Colosses, and they needed some intellectuals in the US who became progressive intellectuals to help whip up support for America to get into the War, John Dewey, Dewey decimal System, John Dewey, a lot of there's a lot of baggage on board with John Dewey that we can talk about as well. Intelligent men in the community can take hold of human affairs and manage them. That was John Dewey. John Dewey is an extremely important person in American history that doesn't get the attention that he deserves. He's much more than just the Dewey decimal system at the library. Those who line up and serve at the service of the state are praised by the intellectual community, and those who refuse to stay in line are punished as being backwards. Does that make kind of sound familiar right now? It sounds enchantingly familiar. So these are nothing more than aristocratic cliques who push back on anyone and everyone who challenged their authority or call out the fact that America's institutions are responsible for state and doctrination of our youth. And we just reran a show on our compulsory education. We just reran our com eulseary education show on the origins of why we have compulsory education, and really a big reason behind it was to build state loyal men, young men who would go fight and give their blood for the flag. Subjects rather than citizens. God forbid, you speak out against war during World War One in established order, brought to us by what would become the Trilateral Commission or the Council on Foreign Relations. The American aristocracy, we are told, represents our national interest And I have very dear friends of mine that I have coffee with every morning and we talk. We've got text threads. These are guys that pay attention what's happening, much like you do if you listen to the show. We are told what we're doing represents our national interests. But there's clearly a communication gap because I don't understand why the southern borders wide open. Well we know now, but they just won't tell it. They just won't come clean. So and our founders wanted to attract enlightened statesmen, benevolent philosopher types, patriotic men who had the wisdom and the true interests of the country at heart. Those men are gone. I think those men are gone. There are men and women in public that say they are that way, but I really, I really don't think. So. America still has an isolationist anti war streak that runs through it. And there's always been two polls. On one hand, you have the foreign entanglement folks. On the other hand, it's leave them people alone lest they come and fight us at our homeland. So war as this article that I'm mentioned earlier, warfare state to welfare, state conflict causes government to expand at home by ivan eland. Fascinating. How you get the people to buy in to war because war conflict apparently is necessary. I think we just need to get our brains and minds wrapped around the fact that we are always going to be in perpetual conflict. And buy in is a very good verb to use there. The Revolutionary War, we had no money in the government. How do you get soldiers to go fight? Land grants, pensions, give them money, didn't have money, print money. It's called the continentals. Even came up with a phrase for the continentals, right, called the Continentals. Well, yeah, and then they weren't worth anything. The Civil War, how do we fund the war? We had to generate an income tax. Income taxes unconstitutional. It was subsequently declared unconstitutional in eighteen seventies. It was in the Constitution no direct tax. That's right, but we did it during war because war allows the government to look the other way on the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. We also printed money again during the Civil War to fund it. Those were called the greenbacks. Well, the Confederacy did it even worse. We also had a pension system. We will pay you a pension half your wages for the rest of your life you come fight in the war. So the federal government up until the Civil War was being fed primarily on tariffs and excise taxes. We need more money to grow the federal government. We need the income tax. So the intelligentsia of the late eighteen hundreds realized, we need to grow this thing and we need The easiest way to do it would be to have an income tax, but direct taxes are unconstitutional. Also, we could grow it if we didn't have to deal with gold reserves, because we need to grow faster than we can mine gold. The Sixteenth Amendment and the Fiat currency nineteen thirteen, Print money, federal reserve nineteen thirteen, passage of the Sixteenth Amendment, income tax nineteen fourteen. World War One m I find the timing quite coincidental. Nineteen fourteen World War One, which should have remained a regional conflict, turns into World War One, an interregnum of a couple decades, and then World War Two because they couldn't afford to do it now that they can print their money all they want. Nineteen sixteen presidential election, Woody Wilson, I promise not to take us into the European War. He gets sworn in late winter of nineteen seventeen. Were at war. The dough boys are in the trenches. In the spring of seventeen. Couldn't pass that money up. After the war, the income tax remained. The federal government began to crawl further into the private lives of citizens. War one transformation on bringing about permanent big government. Also before the break the Espionage Act a month following this is amazing to me. The month following American entry into First World War, Woodrow Wilson signed the Espionage Act of nineteen seventeen. Today this act is still in existence today. It makes it a federal crime to interfere with the Selective Service Act or the Draft. There's a guy by the name of Eugene Debs that's spoke in Canton, Ohio in the summer of seventeen or eighteen, who is absolutely calling out the unnecessary involvement in the US in World War One. He went to prison for ten years, ran for president, got almost a million votes. Hey, welcome back. I'm attorney Brad Kopfel. That's the general and Monday through Friday, we are actually little law mules on our on our we will come to you in your county rental rent law mules and no case too small, no case too big. If you're an underdog and you feel like the government is praying upon you a love, the way are they are, come see us. If you got a detective knocking on your door, you can always catch us our website, my website Cawfulelaw dot com k o f f e l Law dot com. Can always email me Brad at coffelelaw dot com. I am quite proud. I respond to every email that I at least I know of that I receive. So we are talking about America is essentially since World War One, we've become a permanent warfare state. And the only way to keep the people on board with that is to create a permanent welfare state. In order to administer a permanent welfare state. You need a permanent administrative state. Now you need money for all this, and there's a couple different Excise taxes and tariffs on imports were insufficient, so we levied an income tax. We created at income tax, which was unconstitutional until we passed the sixteenth Amendment. And then now we have income tax. And now the rich people who have access to the halls of power, they're like, I'm not digging this income tax thing. Guys, how about we create some loopholes. So you create the loopholes. And yes, the tax loopholes are there. I've taken advantage of them. We've all taken advantage of them. If you can, especially as a business owner, a lot of things you can write off. And so the twenties congressional committees created tax loopholes for the wealthy versus scrapping the new federal income tax completely. Well, now we need factories to build machines and to industrialize the United States in preparation for we know is going to be World War two just a matter of time. Enough smart people were aware the Treaty of Versailles was not going to last very long, and it didn't. So we now we need to get people from the farm to the factory. And so we create three separate federal agencies to create public housing programs. So instead of the private marketplace attracting employees by building their own by saying, hey, we're going to we're going to build this community for our employees, they got the federal government to do it. It is clearly not part of the general welfare of the United States. But that's what a lot of this starts right there. And then you get this beatina of success where because the government conducted the war correctly, therefore they can also run a car company. It authenticated what prosecuting a war successfully was used to authenticate and legitimize prosecuting confiscatory taxes against the people and running an economy. Now you got the war against drugs, you got the war on poverty, Yeah, the war on this, the war against terrorism, World War two. We've in forty three. We found a faster way to collect our revenue, and that was through withholding. And that was promised just during World War Two. That didn't last, right, And didn't Chris Rock talk about tax withholding. They take it before they even give it to you. He says, that's a jack. Income tax comes out of war corporate and then withholding comes out of war, a state tax, gas taxes, the birth of the welfare state. If you were going to and it all goes back, you can go back even further to the revolutionary war, currency, the land grant, the pension to get the soldiers, the continental Army together, and then what do we then the women and children while the men are fighting. We give them relief post combat, get them jobs. You have unemployment net created that fall clearly World War two, world War One to some extent, and then after World War II, we need to get these a lot of these soldiers and their families jobs because they're entitled to it. We just fought. I lost a limb, I lost a son, I lost a daughter. We're entitled to this now, and the birth of the administrative state. Will give you jobs, We'll give you health insurance, We'll give you pensions. I'm disabled by being a soldier. I'm entitled to disability. So this is where entitlements come from. And I don't disagree with that. However, the government, once it starts, it can't stop right. So after World War you know, during World War two, men went to the front, women substituted for them in the workplace. Something had to be done with the kids, so that the federal government paid for daycares. And then price controls and wage controls during World War II were used. And so employers in order to attract to be competitive and attracting placemployees, they couldn't their price controls and wage controls. They couldn't. You couldn't give people raises. They couldn't say, come work for me for X number of dollars per hour instead of why number dollars? So they offered health insurance to attract the employees. And that's the very first one. Social security is born directly out of the philosophy of pensions. Following the Revolutionary War, War of eighteen twelve, the Civil War, World War one, World War two. Then we get to Vietnam. Did you know General that JFK when the Vietnam War was spooling up, fifty percent of potential draftees were not fit for duty. This is sixty two because they failed their medical or mental aptitude exams. So we created wellness for our future future fighting soldiers. So we reached into these wellness programs for our kids to make sure that they were. They were being Residential Commission on Physical Fitness. There you go, nineteen sixty three, probably exactly exactly, and again to print all to pay for all this, you either tax that's horribly unpopular. As a politician, especially congressman, has to run every two years. Well what if we just instead of extracting money in addition to extracting money from our voting population, why don't we just print it. So there you go with your fiat currency, printing the money. It's a hidden tax. It's a hidden tax. And to print the money, you have the banks, and they're the ones holding all this funny money. And so when the funny money gets exposed, these banks are going, guys, we're just playing your game. Federal government. Now you need to bail us out. Now you got the bail out of the banks. How many minutes we have left? General? Time? Is time? All right? We've got a couple of minutes. Just so, I want to go back to Eugene Debs. Now, Eugene Debs was a socialist, no doubt, Marxist socialist, and that summer day in June of nineteen eighteen in Kanton, Ohio, that socialist US World War one to try to get more people on board with socialism. But he knew smartly that the anti war sentiment in the US was prevalent until the boys start going to fight and die, and then the patriotism. It's like, now we need to kick their asses. But leading up to World War One, Eugene Debs and the Socialist Party jumped on that anti war ferment fomented rather the anti war sentiment, and that's why Congress passed the Espionage Act of nineteen seventeen that if you say anything that discourages men from entering the draft or dodging the draft, you will go to prison. And that's exactly what happened to you, Gene Debs. And you, Gene Debs said in Canton in the summer of nineteen eighteen, They've always taught you that it is your patriotic duty to go to war and slaughter yourselves at their command. You've never had a voice in the war. The working class, who make the sacrifices, who shed the blood, have never yet had a voice in declaring war. He had a two day trial in US District Court in Cleveland. He was convicted. He knew it was gonna happen because the federal law was the federal law. He didn't put up a defense. And at his sentencing hearing he said that I never I'm going to get this quote. And he said this in nineteen eighteen. I never more fully comprehended than now the great struggle between the powers of greed on the one hand and upon the other the rising hosts of freedom. The people are awakening. In due course of time, they will come into their own. He was sendenced to ten years in prison for calling outward War one. Donald Trump is going to go to prison potentially or conservatives now, the conservatives are now speaking out against the permanent warfare state, administrative state, deep state. And isn't it ironic that the person we cite with someone from over one hundred years ago, who was a socialist, Warren G. Harding, Ohioan just north of Columbus, commuted his sentence on Christmas Day in nineteen twenty one. And I'll close with this, The master class has always declared the war, and the subject class has always fought the battles. The subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose, including their lives. The working class furnished the corpses have never yet had a voice in declaring war and never yet had a voice in declaring peace. He went to prison for that heavy stuff. Very complicated. We need to continue to flush this out. Thanks for listening. I'm Brad Kaufel. That's the general. This is for the defense of the American people. On six ten to BTVN


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