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Episode 968 - His Name Was Robert Paulson

Episode 968 - His Name Was Robert Paulson

Released Monday, 24th January 2022
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Episode 968 - His Name Was Robert Paulson

Episode 968 - His Name Was Robert Paulson

Episode 968 - His Name Was Robert Paulson

Episode 968 - His Name Was Robert Paulson

Monday, 24th January 2022
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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to drink rose presented by ghost bed.








relax. Grab a fuck.


Welcome to drinking bros kids.


Jack Mandeville, bro.


Hey Ross, you discussing piece of shit.


You're building today. I'm going to call it a shirt though.


So I'm doing a little better. I love the fact that you show up and two beloved celebrities immediately die.


Yeah. I'm the bad luck guy. Yeah, because we're shooting this on a Friday.


We typically shoot these Sunday night shows on a Friday afternoon so we can have some drinks, have some laughs have some fun.


And you are going to be on the show today on the way into work.


Two beloved icons died.


Yeah. One in comedy, the other well in comedy, normally my birthday.


So like, yeah. I am really the bad luck guy.


We lost loaf.


Yeah. Okay. His name was Robert Paulson.


Yep. His name was Robert Paulson.


Even in death. We say his name.


Okay. Only in death. We say his name is that what?


It is only in death as a member of project.


Ma'am a name. Okay.


Autism. I got the, I got the tickets to go.


Tents are good too. Yeah. His name was Robert Paulson.


He had been gone.


Louie Anderson gone both big men.


Yeah. Huge man. And we'll stay For


the fucking fact that he was fat as shit.


His entire life, he went 68 years.


It wasn't, heart-related no Cancer.


So he's whatever he was doing.


Good for him.


Well, he's a little boys dying of cancer That


too. Oh, he's a rapist. I,


so here's, here's the dirty stuff.


I've never heard that before we Anderson.






























































right? Yeah. I mean, it was because he was huge pun intended in the eighties and nineties, like that was his time to shine.


And then he didn't really pop back up again until family feud started hosting family feud and their awesome show.


Yeah. And then was out of there after that Bob lookup, Louie Anderson, what those lawsuits were In


1997, Anderson was blackmailed by Richard, John Gordon, which was very blackmailing name.


Gordon demanded money from Anderson threatening to reveal, to tabloids that Anderson reportedly, sexually propositioned him in a casino in 93.


So the guy was blackmailing him for Okay.


Yeah, but not for not pedophilia.


And to be honest, has anybody ever not known that Louie Anderson was gay?














gay. People were like, come on bro. And we not this fucking In


the press caught thought there was more Kevin Spacey vibes to him.


I'll keep looking. I mean, I Googled, this is just the, The


Mandela effect. People have talked shit about this man so long.


And now you're, besmirching him in death.


I saw a Facebook post today and that's pretty much where I get 90% of my news.


I would say that probably Minnesotans over the age of 40.


Right? Not you necessarily, but over the age of 40, probably primarily get their news from Facebook.


Yes. And speak Minnesotans.


Louie Anderson was Minnesota. Sure Was.


Yeah, Kayla. He was accused of sexual assault, but this guy was 1909.


You can sexually assault a 19 year old man apparently cause Kevin Spacey did it and he was fine.


Dynamo, Don lemon tickled to the bottom of his nut.


Second fucking put it underneath this dude's fucking nose.


14 was a Shit.


Well that kid's dead. So Their kid that you're thinking of by the way was 21.


And it was, I want to say it was like a producer of CNN son or something like that.


And it turns out he was making out with Spacey all night for like four hours.


And he got popped in the, in the suit got dismissed because apparently the kid had left his Snapchat on and said it was tilting upward.


And it was, you could just see all this make-out footage of him with spaces old man had to drop that suit.


Yeah. But the Louie Anderson thing. So 19, I guess that's what I'm thinking of because he was much, much older than that kid.


So he was, yeah. I mean, he, he was an adult.


The guy was like a fresh standup comic I guess.


And he was like, come on back, I'll give you some pointers.


And you know, Taylor's oldest time.


And he cornered him and tried to make out with him.


And the guy like was like, yeah, I gotta go. And that was pretty much, Oh,


not like a full blown pedo, but just kind of maybe taking advantage of the position he was in type of Thing,


I guess. So It's


called being a man, Jack, Jack.


It's never happened to you a Proposition


by Kevin.


We're just another man of power. Like, Hey, If


you know, I'm not that important to him.


I think bill Clinton would, nobody sees that kind of Pitocin Bill


Clinton would have given you the business.


You were too young at the time.


Right? When he was, I feel like Clinton,


I'm surprised. Nobody's touched you.


You think Clinton Was a youth bill Clinton probably fuck dudes right now.




I know he's super straight, but like it's once you've done so much wild shit, I feel like you eventually go over the edge.


He's fucked next to a lot of dudes.


And I'm like, oh, I might've touched Legs


or something. Or


somebody blasted on, on the girl, he was fucking tits.


And he accidentally put his hand in and it was just like, oh my God, isn't this crazy.


This is crazy. I've got somebody come on me like that type of vibe.


But I don't see him fucking dude. That was probably in the Eighties


too. Probably in the present.


He probably, he had he Everything


to himself at that point. Right. He didn't have to engage in those kinds of, well, the secret service was getting in her.


I know it was Gina .


That was the longest running rumor in Hollywood that he was fucking her in the white house, in like the Lincoln bedroom.


Who was Hillary fucking that whole time. What was this woman's name?


Yeah, I Houma Debra.


Yeah. Whom I was.


Who was the Butch in a relationship between Hillary Clinton and another woman.


Is it Hillary Clinton and Hillary She's


the lipstick homeless hot. Did you say, pull up, pull up Houma.


You're talking about a Wiener


wieners, The


assistant for years and years and years I have a Dean is her name she's hot.


So like that, I understand. I don't know if Both


Harry To, you know, sexually active then Usually


a salty man, I guess is the better way of saying it.


And that's a weird pick to pull it, Bob. It really doesn't go.


She's she's gorgeous in that photo.


She's more attractive than that. Her eyes look a little space.


Oh that's because you're standing next to it. So this person I know, and I don't know if this is true or not, but I've never had any reason to doubt the human being that told me this, worked at the legislative office of Chuck Schumer and walked in on Chuck Schumer and Anthony Wiener comparing dicks and Chuck Schumer's Senate office.


So Here's the thing.


That's what I was told. I hate Chuck Schumer.


I'm not a big fan of Anthony Wiener either, but now I am now you made me, I do that shit all the time when I was 12.


Absolutely. That's great. Yeah. Yeah. But they were not 12.


They were fucking grown men who are in elected to either better, Even


better imagine being that bored at work and just being like, Hey man, what do you want to do?


Oh, by the way, we've got some good.


We're just going to be the next web. Speaking


of federal employees, we've got a little breaking news here.


A judge in Texas blocks enforcement of federal employee vaccine mandate nationwide.


So now the only one that's standing is the medical, the healthcare worker.


Yes. Yeah. The rest of it. Everybody seems to be Catering


and we're doing a show next Friday.


It'll come out the Sunday after with a member of the air force who has inside info and a lot of clarity on the shit that's been going on with their bullshit lately that the woman who was a repeat quitter throughout their app SOC program and stuff like that.


And then as well, the, the JAG office, like the main JAG office for the air force responded to this woman's article 1 38, which is like, Hey, my command fucked me over the air force fucked me over by this vaccine.


Bullshit. They finally got the air force JAG office to admit that there's no FDA approved vaccination available in the United States.


And now it's like, well, the law specifically says that you can only mandate it if there's an FDA approved one.


So they're fucked now, like the, the, the military, one's going to get struck down in federal court here within the next week or two, I would say.


Yeah, I it's pretty much all over for those guys.


I don't, I don't even know what they're going to pass or what there is left to pass.


I saw CNN's ratings were down like 80% from last year.


Oh, that's fine. Yeah.


I agree. I'm going to pivot in the, in the gym today, there were still covering no lie.


The top story of their afternoon coverage was Trump's bad week.


And it was like, he hasn't been in office for over a year Now,


you know, who did have a bad week?


Meatloaf Biden,














week. Yeah. Mila had a worst week.


We lost the Wolf, I Guess


it wasn't he 74.


He had a good life. You know, he was 74.


When you're that rich, you should be able to beat it.


He died from COVID. Oh really?


That sucks. He did. Yeah.


You know who? I'm going to throw my support. I've never voted in my life.


God, very proud of that.


But you know, if I were to vote for the first time into the 20, 24 election, you know who I'm gonna throw my support behind who?


Someone who D criminalizes standing in line too long, figuring out what fucking scratch off you want to buy.


I feel like every time I go to the seven 11, I always get behind the scratch off guy.


I have to figure out which scratch off.


He wants. I agree with that. Yeah. Like he's picking out like a hot chick or something.


We should, I want to implement soup Nazi rules for every line that exists.


Especially at the end, what you want when you get there.


Especially at the airport, if you're in the TSA pre-check or clear lines, that means you've gone out of your way to purchase yourself and even go to a background, check for the TSA pre-check to purchase some convenience in this public sphere.


Right. But that doesn't entitle you to inconvenience everybody else with your bullshit.


Yeah. And w you can always tell who the scratch off guy.


When you walk into a gas station, you can tell who this scratch off Mexican.


Well, it's, it's usually by dress.


Not necessarily by race.


I, I go back to boys in the hood when they're doing the scratch offs on the back of the milk carton.


Yeah. And he goes, why the fuck you doing that? You gotta be Mexican when that shit.


Oh yeah. And cause we're in Texas dude, ma Mexicans and scratch offs by him all the time.


All the time. Not a big, Just


say you said Mexicans and scratch off tickets.


I buy them all the time. No,


it said Mexicans in scratch off tickets.


They buy them on. Oh, I see. I thought you said we're, we're trying to let us know that you were buying Mexican.


So I wish, well, Do


you know, do you know who's even worse than this scratch off guy.


Oh, the white lady at the McDonald's drive through it with kids SUV, Dude.


How the fuck? Like how many times, how many times has she been through this is a brand.


Yes. This is a brand that's been around for 70 fucking years.


Yeah. How do you have to sh how do you show up to that drive-through window and not know what you're going to get everybody.


Why do you have to ask questions about, you know, whatever, what happy meal?


Like you should already know. What's there by the time you get there.


So as a person with two kids, I can tell you this it's happy meals for everyone.


And that's it. Yeah. It's the order ever.


But it's going to someplace else is the difficult order because they don't have happy meals right there.


Easiest order on the planet. You never have a white lady.


We went with fake blonde hair, big fake blonde hair in a fucking, in a toddler or some shit.


Yeah. Or an escalate. They, they got to sit there and ponder over what the McDonald's item menu they want with a brain that's been around for seven years.


Goddamn years. I know why you want the answer power.


No, no.


The kids in the back are getting the happy meals.


Right? That's the easy one, but homegirl's on a diet.


So she's really scanning that menu to be like, oh, what's the least amount of calories, fish filet.


Should I get the fish? Or should I get the salad?


What is it? You should get the fuck out of the way.


Get the fuck out of the way.


Here's what you should do. Just save your receipt from the first time you take all those little kids to McDonald's in the first place and duct tape it to the fucking steering wheel bitch and is handed to them.


I'll take another one of these. Thank you.


Problem is McDonald's got that dollar menu down in the bottom right-hand corner and your eye catches it.


And you're like, dude, that's The


McChickens for the ride home. That's for the ride home.


And you never let your family and you throw that garbage out separately.


You're going to go in and need a full meal with your family.


And you don't want to let them know that you had to make chicken eat About


1200 calories on the way home. Yeah.


Bob, what do you got? I would say that my I murder on site.


The woman in line at Chipola with entire families, order written down.


Yeah. Like you can order that shit online and pick it up right over there.


You stupid bitch. How dare you do that Fucking


Murder on site. I don't appreciate people who make their problems, other people's problems.


You know what I mean? Like you fucking were in the middle lane and that's your exit.


Sorry, bro. Go down to the next one. You don't get to cut everybody off.


That guy should be arrested and thrown in fucking a Gulag somewhere forever.


What are you going to say? Delco?


I was going to say that he, they also point over the Chipolte lay, like window thing into the food and the sneeze go like their fingers in the guac.


Yeah. That'd be, you got to point out what you want though.


You got to point out what you want and let them know.


You can just say pick up that order game over.


You can say it in English.


They also act like speaking of never being somewhere.


They're like now what is that? Like? Every, every bucket has a fucking question about it.


Yeah. Like the chicken, the steak does this.


Can I get this on this?


I feel like if you can't figure out what it is by looking at it, you probably shouldn't put it in your body.


Yeah. The only hard decision at a drive through is usually those ones that have the combo, like taco bell and pizza hut where they're combined.


Oh yeah. That I understand.


Cause it was taco bell and KFC.


KFC. Yeah. You get two cheesy gordita crunches and two chicken breasts and you fucking make a sandwich out of them and eat them.


Good. God, that's a fucking that's too much.


You remember the fucking double-down Oh


yeah. The chair's too much. I tried it.


I guess too much for me. She is like, we understand America.




You know who loves KFC? Arabs relay love that shit.


I still, I still love KFC and I've I've yet to find a better fried chicken in this city than KFC.


I'll say that out loud. And I'll fry some chicken for you.


That's better. But as far as fast food goes, it's pretty.


God damn good. So


convenient wise, like, is there a better place for fried chicken around here?


It's food or just in general? In general. Yeah.


It's not even a top one fast food fried chicken to go pop us over advises one.


Why Popeye's because of the Loyalty.


Yeah. You can fuck right off with that. I'll give you that sandwich.


That sandwich is delicious.


Geographic Traffic loyalty.


I'm from Philly. There's no, Popeye's there's no Popeye's in Philly.


No we don't. Why would we know that asshole?


Yeah. Like we're fucking board members, But


it's everywhere. It's coming here. There's like 37 of Them.


We're also like fucking Bojangles five hours from Louisiana.




here. Bojangles makes me want to fuck man.


Golly, I miss Bojangles.


I, I lived in North Carolina for four years along the you broth and YouTube here.


One of the, I'm not one of those guys that, you know, gets installed it.


Well, we got in and out now I got to eat there all the time, but I love me some fucking Bojangles.


God damn right. What do you get there? I get so goddamned stomach horny for that shit.


There was a good, a long period in the late nineties and early two thousands.


Where the only place you could get a legit chicken biscuit in the morning was BoJack.


Oh, Jangles. And I was mainly like, I, yeah, I'd have a meal there late night at times, but I was only mainly a morning guy there.


I love their, their morning stuff.


Breakfast. Yeah. The breakfast stuff I'm telling you that was before Chick-fil-A came along soggy.


It was the only place you could get a chicken, like a fried chicken biscuit.


It was the only place. Yeah, I man, I used to, but fuck those things.


Yeah. Those are so goddamn. Good.


I don't, we don't have a bogies around here, around Another


building where they're going up north though.


It's all like Cedar park round rock.


Oh God damn. We'll Send it back up there. It's fine.


Yeah. Bojangles was like fucking rural poor North Carolina folk where they putting it in those neighborhoods out there.


Right. Love it, dude.


People fucking love it, man.


It's like, they're going, there's a lot of surprising things that are popping up where you're like, oh shit, They


got Zaxby's out here. That's not a bad east coast.


It's the same as Keynes. It's these exact same fucking place.


Even the sauce is the same.


I'm kind of suspicious that it's like the same, Same


restaurant. Yeah. It's like the difference between Hardee's and Carl's Jr.


You say there is no differences. It's the same thing.


Same thing. Certain people franchise with different names.


It's like those Mormons in Missouri versus the Mormons in Utah.


Yeah. They a little bit different, but they still believe in crazy bullshit.


Right? Yeah. The ones that are popping up now more and more are these celebrities with food and these ghost kitchens.


So it's just like, Applebee's, that's cooking your shit.


I learned this from my kid.


He was watching Mr. Beast.


It was like the most wash.


Yeah. He's a big internet guy. Huge. He's like, he's got the most subscribers on using that dangles money over people's heads.


It's fucked up. Yeah. I mean it's, it's literally just watching poor people, beat the shit out of each other.


Yeah. For American popular 100% Bumfights


but more sophisticated.


I sort of like they recreated squid games where like, you know, you get more views or something like that.


Then the actual squid game.


Yeah, yeah. One video, one fucking video.


He did a hands on a hard body.


I don't know if you remember that documentary where people would put their hand on a car and then you won the car.


If you could stay enough. So it was a Lambo and I mean, they were in like day eight with this fucking thing, which I'm sure a lot of those people couldn't even afford the taxes on that.


No, no. Not at all. Not at all, but he's doing these sandwiches.


So like his whole thing is you get the Mr.


Beast burgers by pop that up to Mr.


B's burgers. And so he's putting these in every single video now and there's, they're available like 600 locations around the United States and they're just ghost kitchen.


So it's like an Applebee's or Chili's and your hometown that is making these, but they're making them to the specification of, of what he wanted and then they ship it out to you.


And so what would be the drink and bros?


That's that's what I was trying to think of.


Cause I saw this last night and I hit up a friend of mine and he was like, yeah, dude, it's in Wilmington.


Like you can get the Mr. Beast burger in Wilmington, North Carolina.


I was like, she just does it through numerous different like franchises.


So is Nick here?


Where the fuck is?


He just walked out? I feel like that's the never ending question out of my mouth.


Where is Nick? Well, this is an Employee


walkout. Oh, is it? Yeah.


He's on strike. Makes sense.


It makes sense.


I wish.


Could you imagine You guys want a union?


I'm joining.


I don't give a shit.


If my management are not joining the union, it's going to be the worst union ever Tell


Nick, cause we have an NFL show. That's it?


Tell him the, what are the Mr. B's burgers?












in. I want to taste these goddamn things to see if they're legit, but a buddy of mine had them and he said, they're, they're pretty.


They're pretty fucking good. DJ Khaled just signed a deal with like 300 of these ghost kitchens for, I think it's wings is what he's doing, but he's got a whole menu of shit.


And this is the thing that's going to start popping up.


So you order from your favorite celebrity, what they have there's One


not far from here. Also you seems like you're just bribing the Union


now, right? Is that so the Mr.


Beast one's close The purpose of Barton's Greek.


Pardon? Creek mall. Yeah. I mean there's a couple, the purpose of the union is to get the pay and benefits that the workers feel like they deserve.


If I just give you that, then you don't need a union, but we should still start a union so we can go on still, let's start a union for a company we don't work at.


Can we just have the giant blood? They go on strike.


Yeah. We'll get a big blow off rat and go on strike for some company down the street that we don't even work for.


Just so just bad optics for them.


Let's just see how Many people we can get to.


If we do it downtown, it'll be mostly bums.


But I'm down.


Have you ever been at a strike before? Because weird.


He's right. Like weird people start to congregate people that are just looking for food and shelter and shit.


And if anybody walk driving by just scarab.












Mr. Beast burgers. I want to get these goddamn things.


I want to see if it's legit or not.


Like, or if it's like you were saying, cause like Hardee's and Carl's Jr was the same goddamn restaurant.


How many people are here is Joel back there get like eight of them Cheeseburgers.


Yeah. He said the fries are good, but the fries and the videos look like the ones you just throw in the oven and bake for kids.


The crinkle cut. Yeah.


I mean, I get a few just in case, but a trash.


Yeah. I w we gotta try them just to try them, but that's the new thing.


So like, this is going to keep popping up and this is, it's keeping a lot of these restaurants open.


I think you said that one's what at Barton Springs mall.


So it's probably being made in like the back of a Ruby Tuesday.


Like to be honest with you.


So, and just cause some YouTubers is a hundred percent.


Yeah. He's got like a, an army of 15 year olds that will spend money.


Yeah. Interesting ghost kitchens.


These are, they're just annoying little cons that they will annoy their parents so much that their parents are finally like fine, dude.


Yeah. Take it. Just don't talk to me anymore.


I feel like that's what parenting is probably all about.


Figuring out ways to keep your children from.


Yeah. You're getting your way through what your parents did. The advertisement, your kids see on TV.


I get it finding clever ways to keep your children from talking to you.


Right? Shut the fuck up kid.


Let's see what else I hear that shit.


The word count. And you're like, if you say like 800 words to dad today, dad's going to die.


Like dad can only hear 799 words, But


here's Five


of the Mr. B's burger places here in all.


Yeah. Cause it's it's ghost kitchen. So I'm, I'm looking it up now.


I just get whatever's the fastest that'll come here, but I'm looking this up now.


DJ Khalid.


Oh my God. That what a brilliant name.


He is doing wings. It's called another wing.


Ah, gala wins again.


I have a feeling. That's something that he probably thought of himself to another wing, another wing.


That's amazing. So it's opened up in three continents, 150 locations.


So this is going to be the new thing where it's just like, all right, great order food.


It'll keep the restaurants open. At least future capitalist.


Yeah. I'm not, I'm not mad about it.


Like shit. Well you should be because one of two things are gonna happen.


Either. The cost of that good is going to go up because now there's an extra middleman or the workers are going to get paid shit.


In which case we're going to spend it on the back end.


That social program. So you should care Ross.


So anything too, right? It doesn't even have to be food items.


Here's why I want to order the Mr. B's Nick order this as we're on air.


Tell me how much it costs.


Cause I'm curious of what burgers are.


Plus the delivery and all that other shit.


How many I get?


I dunno. Eight cheeseburgers.






few. A, yeah. Get a couple of doubles there.


See, see how their double doubles are.


And I think in and out is here.


Right? They're all, all up 35 from, from Dallas to San Antonio.


Shit's everywhere. Wow dude.


Yeah. There's, there's gotta be at least a dozen in and outs from San Antonio to Dallas.


I've never asked you about water burger. What's your, what's your I'm


from the Midwest. I'm thrown in the third one.


Culver's Culver's


Culver's Culver's


is it's better for a number of things.


So the custard the is good.


My, my opinion, the only thing really edible from Whataburger is chicken strips with their gravy, dipping sauce, everything else.


There's fucking tray there. Patty melts actually pretty good, but most of the stuff that has trapped, They


have any sauce. They have, their sauces are good.


Is good. And you can just get at HEB though, This


Texas V California in and out.


What a burger rivalry like you got Culver's deserves to be in that conversation.


I Agree. Culver's has fried cheese, curds, Cheese


curds, no other fast food chain does cheese And


they've got good chicken and good burgers.


The butter burger. It's it's it's not like the best thing you've ever had, but it's legit.


Right? Okay. But if you're talking at burgers, it's obviously five guys.


Okay. I don't know about Austin. They do have one in San Antonio and I'll drive 20 minutes just to go to Culver's William


Cannon and Brody.


I've never had that. I've never even heard of it. Culver's


is good. Yeah. When I lived in Wisconsin, we used to eat there all the time.


What's your verdict, Bob?


Out of those three, if I was forced to be like, I need a quality burger.


I would go in and out probably highest.


But overall Culver's like in terms, cause you know, now it's fries or trash.


I don't really care about anything else from in and out.


And then what a burger is just, there's like three things.


You can order a water burger and everything else is dog.


Shit. I hate It. I'm not a fan.


One of the worst, fast food, like franchise, large franchises I've ever seen.


I don't know how they stay in business.


I recently got bought out by like some firm in Chicago.


So they're not even gonna be, they're not even Texas.


Yeah. They, they built one not too far.


And then Kansas city, not too far because Patrick Bahamas is from here.


Right. And he wanted a whatever. So he's built one there and people were lined up like six hours before it opened in line to get what a burger.


Yeah. It's like ex Californians who had been begging for an in and out come to Texas.


It's weird at our office. We've got a Pete Terry's and then they just built a brand new water burger next to it.


There was this pretty dope too. But the series is great and it's bare.


It's very limited menu. But what a burger is, there's never any cars.


Every time I drive home from here. It's crazy.


And it's, I mean, this area is,


see what a burger though. Like I've I don't think I ever see a water burger.


That's crowded. Well, late at night, like between three, 10:00 PM and fucking 2:00 AM.


But otherwise, and it's that's that's desperation.


That's what? That your only option.


Yeah. And I, cause I'm stuck with it by my house.


There's a water burger like right by my house.


Yeah. That's the only thing that's open late.


So like if we get off late and I'm forced to go there, I'm like, God damn.


And I've had chicken strips, had everything on their menu at this point.


And there's not, I mean, nothing is really when like, oh man, that one really got my Dick hard.


Yeah. I'm seeing Antonio base.


So every fast food restaurant is packed all the time.


Cause we're fat as shit down there.


Third fattest city in the country has Big,


big, shitty.


It's it's weird because it's, it's the seventh, largest city in the country.


Right. Population.














bad. Right. So it's the seventh it's they don't have the third largest amount of fat people they have per, per capita.


The third, highest amount of fat people.


Yeah. So, and it's also the south, the seventh largest city, right?


Like Jackson, Mississippi. We're way off.


We're waiting for Like total numbers wise.


You're way worse. Yeah. It's only, only one person can fit in the Alamo at a time.


Yeah. It's small. It is. It is actually kind of small.


It is. I have family or friends come down to Texas and I've been through it enough.


Right. You take them to the Alamo and the first things out of their mouth are that's it?


Yeah. So the only place we can go to the Alamo or we can go to Buc-ee's if you want a true Texas, That


one between us here on 35 is the best one.


Yeah. It's you it's like a fucking, it's like a super target basically.


Yeah. I, I think you've done the Bucky's experience.


I've never experienced buckets.


You never been to any Bucky's How's


that possible? Not one. We don't really pass by it on our travels.


Right. There's not one on the way to Dallas.


Yeah. Temple really just also highway it's like 45 minutes north of, or 30 minutes north of Austin, I guess 35 minutes.


Maybe it's Just north of temple. Yeah.


But do you pass it on the highway?


Yeah. Next time we'd go to Dallas and I'll go to book.


Yeah. Black rifle off of central avenue and then three or four exits north of there.


That's an, that's a new one, right? Yeah.


We were just there. This what? Two weekends ago.


I went there a couple of days beforehand, but yeah. Yeah. They did the great grand opening there Because


listeners who come by and watch the show live are always wearing like Bucky's gear.


Cause it's, it's part of the thing of like, all right, cool.


If I'm going, I'm going to go to Buc-ee's too.


And they've got the sweatshirt on. What do you mean They


have chicken sandwiches as well?


















burger? Grab, grab one, grab no, grab two chicken sandwiches.


Just to test them. Are they like the, It


was a regular one and then they have like a Nashville spicy one.


Get the spicy with the spice. I don't give a fuck about regular chickens, either Two


of those, two of those, just to test them out and we'll see how these are.


Cause if this is a thing, there's no reason Jared couldn't sell hotdogs across Already


selling hot dogs. No, I mean delivery Scott,


Wiener. Schnitzel. Yeah. Like we know the dude that owns a God place to the fucking office.


And then, you know, every hundredth order Jared shows up personally.


Yeah. Which is he would probably do that crazy.


I'm sure he would deliver it Off as long as it's close to his place.


Yeah. Yeah. That's true.


Like there's this one guy that moves close to Jared.


So Jared always has to deliver his shit.


That'd be It's


the same guy. It has to be every single time we got the same sponsors.


Almost every single time we get ghostbed.com forward slash drinkin bros.


If you're not on Patrion and you don't watch the Friday night Jack slash Jack, you're in a goddamn.


GhostBed pretty much every Friday night chill And maximum relaxing.


All cool. Yeah. You've got the adjustable base in there.


Yeah. It's great. Which is fucking amazing.


Yeah. I, again, I've said this over and over again to you and I mean, it's on me to pull the trigger on it, but I want to do a show where I just recorded myself sleeping for eight hours straight.


And that's the show for that week? We're we're down on a split-screen nothing but St.


James St. James St. James St.


James movies, like all night because watching movies puts me right to bed.


So you can on one screen, just watch this guy sleeping on the other screen.


You know, you do the full catalog pool, boy, Helen Keller, everything like I'm


going on a ghost bed. Yeah. That's a good idea.


There is people who like to watch people sleep.


I remember you did it a couple years ago on Facebook live or a Weird


thing. I was doing it in a lot.


You would put it down. But like, I was shocked at how many people were watching you wake up, There'd


be 80,000 views on that thing. And I


would pop in cause I was like, dude, is this real?


Or is this a bit like, is he, is he really sleeping?


You were out. I was out cold. Yeah.


And then people would see me like whimpering and my sleep because I've been doing that.


A lot of people, like a lot of women I've been with in my life.


That's like next to me, like, cause I like scream and whimper and my sleep.


Is it a lot? A lot of women It's


bad. I've been doing that since I was seven.


They all think it's because of the war. But I've been doing, I've been having night terrors since I was a child.


Really? Yeah. I know your parents. They seem like decent People.


They're great. People. Nothing terrible has Night


terrors. Don't aren't aren't experiential.


They're not experienced.


It's not how it works. It's a misfiring in your brain.


It's not, it has nothing to do with trauma.


I'm not look like somebody that's been traumatized, dude.


Yes. Over And over and over again, Minnesota.


I know. But Jack, you look like you've been touched the softness and the Oil.


Yeah. Yeah. I mean, look, there's, you're Going to have speak.


I'm really good at suppressing things. You're going to, You're


going to have some of that. Right, right.


Just behind those soft Eyes.


Yeah. There's some pain that I don't even know. Is there Not


at all. And if you're going to get touched, you might as well get touched.


Then it goes to That lash out and hit my dog all the time.


I don't even know why I'm doing It. It's why Lennon used to hit Yoko.


Well, there's Plenty


of reasons for, He said sometimes I hit, I was good enough answer for me, Sean


Penn state. When he tied Madonna to a chair and beat her with a fucking extension cord.


I think He said stay there bitch.


Oh yeah. That's right. Yeah. That's


a guy with real anger problems.


It really John Penn.


I'm kidding.


GhostBed it's got the 40% bundle package right now.


If you're thinking about tying up your lady adjustable base and a mattress crank that remote up is as far as it'll go tire, hands behind your back, obviously, and then legs to the bottom of the railing.


And you're good to go. Or you can just use the promo code drink and Broza checkout and get 30% off sheets.


They get a weighted blanket. Jack never tried that for your night terrorist.


No. Okay. You should actually I run real hot when I sleep.


That's why I'm not obese.


Is it? Because my body's always just run hot burn calories.


The good news is every mattress that goes sped mix all their pillows and sheets are all cooling.


Yeah. Yeah. It's I mean, I've crashed on there.


I was actually thinking about drinking myself to sleep in the studio tonight and just crashing at the studio.


We don't care. We don't give a shit. All right.


This w when you take the dog out to piss and shit, be careful of hobos looking to stab you because you would get murdered.


Honestly, just let it shit in like a room.


We don't let it, let it shut it.


And Giorgio's mouth or something, because that he was probably going to do that anyways.


So you may as well let him and also you don't want to get stabbed.


No, no, no, no, no, no. Do you have a gun?


Okay. On, you know, come on Jack.


You're better than that.


Yeah. I can get Brittany to bring my shotgun here and leave down here.


If you want Hobo with a shotgun, I


have a history of sleepwalking.


So, well, what if I, what if I blow my brains out while I'm sleepwalking?


That's fine. Don't make a mess. If you murder somebody, like if you murder a homeless person, I don't think anybody's coming after you.


No, It's a shotgun. You can't track that shit anyway.


You're good to go. Just bring it back inside. Good to go.


The murder. A couple of hobos hobo up, dude.


What if I Like it? What if I get addicted to it? And next thing you know, I'm a serial killer and You


solve the fucking homelessness problem, Jack.


Jesus. Congratulations,


Jack. Go to ghost bet.com for slash drink and rose.


Today. 60 month pays you go program.


There no interest. If you have decent credit, now's the time to get a new mattress set.


They're doing that. That's your 60 months today. It's like 20 bucks a month.


Get it's good to go. spit.com forward slash stringer, bro.


Today, are you sampling? The Lucy?


Lucy is on this week. I jumped the gun.


Yeah. A lot of people, dude, everybody who's trying to get off cigarettes is doing Lucy.


When they hit us up. We were like, yeah. Cause we get a ton of listeners who smoke.


You still smoke heavy. How's the, is that the manga?


Yeah. Mango. Okay. Dan and I were talking about before the show, just opening one of these.


I mean, if it advertises mango, I mean, it smells like Mingo.


Okay. Great. Smell hits you. And there's also, the cap comes off right here.


So obviously you can open it up. There's pouches inside, but the cap comes off to store the shit end for later.


Yeah. That's so that's A really good idea of Nicotine eight milligrams, Eight milligrams.


All right. So there'll be on the show in the upcoming weeks.


Yeah. Those are everybody loves Lucy. Like it's I feel like that's the go-to It's the best they have gum too.


It's in that box right there. I'll pull it out on the show later this week, but it's yeah, the gum is good.


We've used the gum before You guys have a promo code for that in a, in a couple of weeks This week.


I wasn't really? Yeah. Yeah. It'll be this week. It's not on here yet, but it will be by the time this, Yeah, you're right.


I forget. We're going to Nashville.


And then last but not least, we got the drinking bros.com/bro boxes that we out.


And we had a bro boxes. Not yet, but we're almost there.


Okay. We're coming down to the end. And by the way, if you're one of the first, if you're in the burrow box crew for the first one, you're going to get a challenge coin.


Not too long from now. Yeah.


So Robotics, 39 99 a month.


You get a new teas, a new gear, a drink where there's all kinds of shit.


That's going to go in there. So every month the box will be different.


I have to do is enter your shirt size in there and you're good to go.


And then there's plenty of merchandise store. If you just want t-shirts and all that other stuff you were on Tucker Carlson last night, wearing that hoodie, the defund politicians.


You get a lot of comments on that last night. Yeah.


Yeah. People hit up my inbox too. And they were like, dude, every time I wear this out, man, everybody congratulates me.


Even in California. I, every time I wear it, like a fucking defund politicians t-shirt to AGB and literally every single time, four or five people will be like, Hey, I like that shirt.


Yeah. Like, all right. I used to say, Hey, you can get it on whatever round.


Just like, thanks bro.


Thank you. I made it Myself.


How was Tucker last night? What'd you guys talk about?


We talked about election integrity. Oh really?


Integrity farms, election integrity.


Do you like south park? Yeah. I just watched that episode the other night while I was stoned to shit in a hotel room.


Tegrity I think I was talking about it with the camera.


People from the company that does their work here in Austin last night.


That's gotta be, I think that's peak south park.


That season of Tegrity farms.


It is it's fucking madness.


It's it's the craziest shit. I think I've ever seen like Mickey mouse is involved and they, they fucked some animal to create COVID and shit.


I mean, it is fucking wild.


It's the one way it was murder. Yeah, they do. But yeah, it was a, we talked about election integrity because Biden said if they don't here's here's basically a summation of what I said on the show in November of 2020, the biggest threat to democracy was questioning the integrity of a federal election.


Right? November of 2016, the biggest threat to democracy was an illegitimate election.


That just happened because Trump colluded with Russia to do it.


Right. Allegedly. Well, yeah, but, and then, which is really interesting because earlier that year in 2016, Hillary Clinton had used DNC money to pay for an agent to fabricate all that information, which is an actual threat to democracy.


Right. Right. So they're fucking election truth.


There's now the entire left.


Chris Elisa like this Jen soggy was on TV all day yesterday.


Like, oh, he didn't actually mean what you guys are saying.


He meant crystal Liza and Robert Reich that midget we talked about yesterday.


Yep. Both full throated Lee endorsed what he said.


Yeah. Like if we don't pass this legislation now, and here's the key takeaway 2020 was the most pristine fair election of all time.


But if we don't pass this voter legislation right now that we can't guarantee any election in the future, we'll be, are you fucking kidding me?


Like, get the fuck outta that's the dumb mushy.


You've gotta be a fucking retard to believe any of that shit.


Well, it didn't Pass. It was what? 52 to 48.


Yeah. And it's not going to pass. Well, I mean, if they, if they, if it was, if the filibuster was gone, it would probably pass.


Cause I think cinema and mansion actually support that.


They just don't support breaking the filibuster.


Okay. Gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah. It's a, it's a strange one because I feel like you have to pivot towards something, right?


Because like I was saying that the top about the CNN thing still talking about Trump's bad week, he's not there anymore.


Like Nah, nah, they will. They need something negative to talk about.


It's really interesting. Actually the guy that was on before me, they were talking about the Ukraine and shit, but he referred to the Republican party as the placebo party, which I thought was really interesting because a lot of people think that the current Republican party, because of all the anti-institutional shit like Trumpism and shit, that's going on, they're all kind of rallying together.


And the Republican party is basically just like a controlled opposition.


You know, it's like Coke, allowing Pepsi to continue to exist.


You know what I mean? That's, that's essentially what it is. And I agree the Republicans haven't produced any real conservative legislation in 50 years, which party He


is going to hammer down on asshole stem too long in the, in the, in the line at seven 11, the American party American Party,


the one that's going to do it, That's it. You're going to be my first vote in my eight years on this plane.


I usually vote for myself in elections here.


Yeah, You're right. My name. And he writes his name and Yeah,


I believe in myself. I'm like Pete rose. You have To,


you have to believe in yourself. And then you can always say former presidential candidate.


Dan hallway. Oh yeah. Yeah. I've been a presidential candidate since I was 18.


Technically not Legal check. I've never seen somebody to believe in themselves.


Like you, I


have the worst fucking self-esteem on earth.


Ross. You've known me long enough.


Oh the show. This is an act. I get it.


Not at all. You, you believe in yourself, Jack.


You do you still dating that lady?


I get by. I get by.


Yeah. I think you're very smart and talented. What's your fucking problem?


Low self-esteem.


Yeah. Are you still dating that same girl? Which w Yes.


All in. Okay, good. Yeah.


Good. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just making sure.


And it's locked. So I want you to get real uncomfortable in case I


just got really, I take that relationship very seriously.


Would you like me to count to 100 and Swedish because I can do it.


No, No. Nobody wants that.


She still live in Dallas, right? Yeah.


Yeah. That's a Swedish for yes. By the way. Oh, it is.


Okay. Good. Wait. No is Swedish for yes.


Right. Oh, I see. Yeah. Cause that could get confusing.


You Went there right to Sweden.


Yeah. How was it? It was great.


Would you leave here and go there forever? Because I just saw, I watched that Tina Turner lives there.


I didn't know that. No shit. She's lived There


for years and she just, she, I


met one other American there that there.


And he lived in the city there. I spent like 50% of the time in Stockholm and then the other 50 out in the country country, Sweden in Stockholm, Sweden are two different fucking like country Sweden.


If, if it wasn't for the fact that our rural population here is tends to be a little on the heavier side, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a country person in the United States and a country person in Sweden.


They generally dress the same.


They, I dunno the V a lot of similarities W


here in America, they wore Carhartt up until last week.


I ran into somebody last night, Switzerland.


I'm sorry. I fucked it up. No, I was in Sweden, Switzerland.


14. Internalists oh yeah. A lot of Americans go there.


Yeah. Boyd taxes and things like that.


Little things like that.


So I, I think the world of Sweden, it's a fascinating culture.


Really cool history. I they're really great people.


I think they do things generally right there.


The only reason I could never, I could spend a lot of time there, but the only reason I could never live there is that place is so goddamned stable as an American.


I would probably miss the chaos, The


chaos of our drug addict over there, because there's Be


one of the only five homeless people, because I would be lost.


I think I could talk shit about my country in all sorts of different contexts all day long, but I am an American and this is where I belong at the end of the day, I would not survive well in a stable place.


Like Sweden, why is it so stable?


Is everybody whites?


Or what, what, like what, what makes the difference?


They're relatively and historically homogenous.


So they already have an advantage where, you know, There


aren't massive clashes of culture, Right?


So this, this entire, the entire Western hemisphere has to deal with.


It's not just the United States. It's from Canada down to Patagonia, every culture in this part of the world.


Like it's, it's, you know, diverse where historically speaking, they got 10 million people there.


That for the most part, all look the same are white, but yeah, but they've all they have this like culture that's just embedded and it's ancient.


And they have this thing called log them, which means, and they live by that shit means not too much and not too little.


So their highs aren't as high as ours.


Like they're wealthy. People don't live in extravagance.


Like our wealthy people do. They're they're well off.


Right? They can have their own little island, but their houses aren't the same.


And their lows aren't as low as ours.


Right. They don't have the same kind of poverty that we have.


Everybody has their job.


Everybody can afford a car and a house and a TV.


And they just, you know, they're just, it's just, Well,


it sounds like a bunch of liberal bullshit.


Fuck, poor people I've said it forever, But,


but the opportunity for grand wealth, isn't there, like it is here.


And the opportunity to break out of certain like class, even though it's not bad to be, middle-class that it's not bad to be middle class here, but like, it's hard to break.


If you're like a middle, if you grew up in Sweden, you're a middle-class person.


It's hard to ascend to become the CEO of Ikea or, or, you know, wildly wealthy.


There's just more working against you.


It's just the system there. And it, it's both probably the political system, but it's just cultural that everyone just kind of has their place and they're content with it.


And the, the, the HSG the re she got her American citizenship.


She's still very proudly Swedish.


She goes there quite a bit, you know, two or three times a year.


But the reason why she likes America is she has the opportunity to be and do whatever the fuck she wants here.


Cause she comes from a country where she never, she didn't come here from some shitty third world country where like she had to get away.


She had, you know, very stable life there, but she liked, you know, that she could come to America and she didn't have, she could do whatever the fuck she wanted.


It's called, It's called Liberty.


Yeah. That's me. I'm watching 1883. And that's what they were talking about last night.


Like the people were dying and you know, there's all kinds of fucked up shit going on.


And they were like, I thought this was the land of the free, that's why we moved here.


But it's like, well, The


land of the free meat free in Sweden to the land of the free that, I mean, when, when they're talking about free, they mean to do whatever the fuck you want, that comes at a price and the prices that you stay ready to fight for that all the time.


And that's the only way it works.


Otherwise you empower a government to do that on your behalf.


And they bloat and bloat and bloat, and then they fucking want all the power and the money right now.


It doesn't, it doesn't work. This, this, this form of government does not scale.


No, not at all. And, but Sweden seems like it's got a dialed in.


We can, Sweden has got 10 million people. We have 304.


I can get 10 million people just to absolutely go along with the fucking plan when you're like, You


can cause it's new, New York has done it for years until recently when they've lost their fucking minds.


But New York city had a Giuliani was pretty well-liked back then.


Didn't know, regardless of what you hear about him now because he and Bernie care a hundred percent sure.


He, he, Bernie Kerik well, that was in the eighties.


But he and Bernie Kerik in that late nineties killed all the homeless people or something.


I don't know where the fuck they all went to, but they disappeared because motherfucker, you couldn't, you couldn't walk down in the, not the financial district so much, but anywhere around the tourist areas or central park or Penn station without running into 80 hobos, trying to fucking knife your ass in the mid nineties and all of a sudden, and like fucking 99, 2000, you didn't see, or a CD trash on the ground.


It was weird. Everything used to smell like pee.


Now it's nice. I'm like, what the fuck is going on here?


I mean, there's still an healthy piss smell in New York.


It's probably not as much as it was back then.


Mostly in the spring when you rehydrate, when it starts to rain again, like, yeah, but it's no new Yorkers came over time to accept all the stupid shit that happens in New York, like weirdos on the street all the time and the inconvenience of the traffic and all that stuff.


And more or less they stayed, frankly, they stayed relatively politically aligned through that whole process as well, because they were too busy to care about the nitpicky bullshit.


They just wanted results.


Yeah. And then you're also a human being. So you fucking, you adapt to your environment at some point.


Yeah. That guy in the fucking subway yelling is kind of a pain in the ass, but I don't know air pods.


I got fucking headphones on like, what the fuck?


You know what I mean? It's, It's


shoved me off the platform. It's


manageable now. It's not manageable because they took, they took that shit for fucking granted like, oh, it's just New York.


It's just, it's just, it's just, everybody says it's just something when something sucks, always makes it suck worse.


Pick up the trash asshole. Yeah.


Geez, Jesus Christ. Biden is now meeting with mayors of all these cities because of the crime wave.


New York is going through one. Now Funny,


all these mayors are like, oh no, what happened?


Like what the fuck? No,


no. Like about San Antonio, San Antonio is relatively the same as it was two years ago.


I'm sure that's what I love about that culture there.


San Antonio is an unbreakable culture and people like Sweden, they like to just have things stable.


It's a weird town, San Antonio, when you go.


Cause you're right. It does not fucking change.


We had protests and shit like that, but nothing got out of hand.


People just like, you know, they just like their stability there.


Yeah. And that airport dude, that airport sums up San Antonio where it's like, Hey, it'll work.


It'll work. It'll work setting.


Yeah. We're the seventh largest city in the, in the country.


All we need is Our airport has a fucking water treatment facility right next to it.


Like that's their fucking solution.


Yeah. Yeah. We got one sports team. That's all we need.


Yeah. It's true. It's the spurs. They've tried to put a football team there for years.


Yeah. Well, when he bought the Vikings, that was the biggest fear as he was.


There's a lot of Vikings fans in San Antonio just cause of red McKown I


left the state. I thought it was going down, dude.


It's one of those towns. I just, I just don't enjoy seeing that sound.


Really. I love it. It's so goddamn. Either People


love it or they don't. There's no.


In between with You go to the Riverwalk yet.


It's a fucking Chili's and Applebee's and rainforest cafe and it's standard tourist shit.


But if when you break off from that downtown portion of the Riverwalk, there's a lot to Explore


the Bernie. I love, I love Bernie outside Of


it's different than culturally, than San Antonio.


What do you like in San Antonio?


Exactly. I, there, there is a food scene there that doesn't get the recognition.


It deserves. There's a music scene there, right?


It's always going to be overshadowed by Austin, but there's a great, if you're a metal head, San Antonio is a great fucking place to be really?


Yeah. Why? Because all the bands go Through there.


It's just a metal like it's, you know, 60% of the population is Mexican-American Hispanic.


People love. Yeah. South American too.


I don't know why I have no idea. It happened sometime in the nineties bands like a fear factory and a couple other bands that had Hispanic members.


For some reason, it just got really popular. Especially like Brazil, Brazil.


They love fucking metal down there. Now you go to a metal concert in Brazil and it's not like here where it's a couple thousand people.


It's like 40,000 fucking people in a Field


somewhere. Some Scandinavian level shit.


Yeah. Metalla speaking of which Metallica and lamb of God are going.


They're playing in Vegas.


People are ants about that. Adele just canceled her shit last night.


You want to talk about losing? She said she wasn't ready to start it yet.


So it's not canceled. Hers is delayed.


No. So tonight was supposed to be opening night, which is we're recording this on Friday.


Again, it's supposed to be opening night. She canceled last night.


All these people bought in hotels, flights, everything to go see a Dell tickets were going for five grand, a pop.


And she S she was like, we tried, we, you know, COVID and everything else.


And it was like, bitch, you knew weeks ago that you weren't going to make this state.


Like, that's a crazy one to me, because that is a Dell is a destination for a lot of people where people were flying.


I mean, she's, she's about to start a fucking residency there.


Right? Right. It was 10. It was seven shows a night.


Yeah. So she gets a million dollars a show in Vegas, Vegas.


Holy shit. And so they said that there was delays on some of the stages and stuff like that because of the shortages and everything else.


And it was like, you can't cancel the night before.


If you're a Dell, you go out there with one spotlight on the stage and just fucking sing your ass up.


People don't care what your stage looks like at that point.


And then apologize to them and say, look, the voice I'm wanting.


Yes. That's one of the few people where you could just literally walk out and she used to do this.


By the way, back in the day, she used to walk out with just a stool.


They would put a stool by the microphone. She'd walk out with one of those huge beers.


We're not like a stadium, very British of her.


Yes. A hundred percent. And she would sing her fucking ass off.


And that was it. And that was back when she first got started and it was rad.


And you were like, holy shit. I don't think you leave all those people hanging like that.


Who would Spence there's there's people flying in from England and shit.


Well, I was just in Vegas a couple of days ago.


It was fucking depressing.


Yeah. What happens? The only people shot, shall we? Can we backed out how, what what's what's that city like greener, I


would say, compared to sh you know, and they not only shot, they do shot to cement convention.


And then AVS almost they bleed into each other.


It was probably at 25% w at where it was a couple of years ago.


No fucking way. Yeah. It was Sad.


Like, there's really nobody walking around.


I've seen hotels seem just eerily, not empty, but like at 25% Seen


people post videos of parties, they went to like, oh, everybody's said, nobody's coming to shout.


You. I'm like, dude, you have no idea what those parties used to be.


Like. It was like fucking nut to butt, like 4,000 fucking people come on.


Yeah, we did that. Bourbon is there, Scott Davidson's bourbon.


He's been on the show before, but that, that, that, that w you know, because it was limited capacity to be begin with that went off.


That that felt like the shot of old.


But then once you walk back out in the casino, you had like the trap, like the security guards would walk past me and not say worried about me not having a mask on, but then the lady picking up trash would yell at me.


It was weird. The whole thing was weird.


That's strange. Yeah. Cause a lot of the videos and pictures I saw, it looked like it was empty.


Once you got outside the parties, like you were just walking through the casinos by yourself.


It wasn't a lot of people there. No Shit. Cause nobody wants to fucking walk around with a mask on all day.


Yeah. We didn't want to do it. How people were just saying, fuck it.


And it's not like they were happy.


They were like half and forcing it. I guess We'll


at the actual convention center, Whatever,


when I have no place there. Yeah.


Yeah. I've got, I've got, I have a ton of videos.


People have sent me of this one fucking jerk-off security guard that worked there.


We'll put on the show next week or this week.


Sometimes on the video, but Security


guard. Not, we're not going to have him on the show. I'm going to show you the video of him with his mask down, kicking people out for not wearing the mask.


Shut the fuck. Oh yeah. It's weird.


Yeah. It's weird. It's different. So it's like, This


is the cops didn't give a shit, but like the lady picking up trash was yelling at him.


This is the unadulterated version of the Stanford prison experiment.


Like you give P certain people that have not earned it a little bit of power and to see what happens.


And this is what happens. Oh yeah.


To this day, that's one of the greatest experiments of all time, by the way, they made a couple movies out of it where, you know, do, do you know about the Stanford prison?


I'm assuming it was Dan that talked about it before, but yeah.


I'm semi aware what they did.


They, you know, did a test where half the people, they made prison guards and the other half prisoners.


And like, by the end of it, I mean, they were just Lord of the flies.


They were beating the shit out of each other.


W what was I going to say? It's I, I've never been like, I've never given a shit about, I've never been anti mask or pro mask.


I just I've gone with the flow. Right.


If they don't make me wear one, I'm not going to wear one.


If someone tells me to put it on, I'll put it on.


Yeah. But it is, we are at a weird point where even for the first time, I'm like just taking off and not giving a shit because Dom


now the entire narrative crumbled.


Right. We know that the cloth mass thing was all bullshit.


They've admitted it. That was just basically a face diaper, right.


There was no fucking point to that at all.


And then the other parts, like the CDC just released a study that said natural immunity during the Delta wave was better against Delta than fucking vaccines.


Where, and now we found out that M M RNA vaccines don't do shit for Omicron.


So what the fuck was the point of any of that shit?


Like nobody got vaccinated until Delta was a dominated, dominant strain.


Yeah. So the vaccine is actually, didn't do shit.


Yeah. I got boosted and everything. Yeah. Yeah.


Wow. Yeah. You know, I'm fat and I smoked cigarettes, so Yeah.


It definitely reduces the risk.


Right. For, for Mo for a lot of people, I would say being vaccinated probably reduces the risk.


I don't know. I've put so much shit in my body. I don't, what's one more, The


way I view it to where it's just like, I don't give a shit.


And either, or like w if people say they are, or aren't, I don't care.


I don't care. Yeah. I


do. I don't like you anymore.


Okay. I can feel the magnetism coming off your arm, where they gave you the shot.


Is that what? That was the thing for a while, people were like sticking spoons to their arm.


Like, get the fuck outta here. You idiot.


China was injecting data into, Like,


you don't understand. I don't, man. I don't mind some Chinese data.


My friend's like an AI expert, you know, I'll take some, some Chinese AI they're killing it.


Right. Yeah. And now they're crushing it. Yeah. They're really at the top of their game, man.


Olympics are going there in a couple of weeks.


Yeah, dude, that's funny.


You can't have the major league baseball all-star game in Atlanta and Georgia because of their voter laws.


But you can have the Olympics in China.


Yeah. So it's a weird, are we doing So


we're going to, well, the athletes are going to go, the representatives from the white house are not going, so there won't be Dr.


Jill Biden there, you know, because let's face it.


He's too old to travel across the world.


No Biden her husband. So what, what they were doing was sending her to all the events like that.


Yeah. Cause I think she did a likable lady.


Right? She's fine. Yeah. She's fine.


People get along with her. Yeah. It's it's Kamala.


Who's unlikable. Dr. Jill Biden.


I don't know anybody who hates Dr. Jill Biden.


Kamala though. Everybody hates. But so they would typically send her and then some other people, you know, some other secretary of labor or whatever the fuck it is.


But they, they banned everybody from going and the athletes are going to go, but they're telling them not to bring their own phones that they're going to get cloned and all this other shit.


So the, the Chinese government has led all the athletes coming know that they don't want any bullshit, like social justice stuff.


Yeah. China's got a big record of not wanting people to speak.


Yeah. Yeah. They just took down the fucking, the Tiananmen square statue right now.


There's a big, like, people tag me in stupid shit on Twitter all the time.


But I see these full blown arguments between like American communists, which are just like white children that haven't lived life yet.


Right. But they're like, no, that actually never happened.


It's all propaganda. Like, dude, we got the fucking video tape.


It's not like, it's not like it's at a Hilton. And it has their own Keon and wing basically where they're denying the Tiananmen square thing.


Yeah. Yeah. But I think it's, I mean, they're also denying that any election might be legitimate unless they pass this voter rights that never existed before.


Right. So every election, I guess, has never been Legitimate


before. Did they really tear down the statue?


Yeah. You know who lost their shit over that statue was a Burt today per code.


That was the Teddy Roosevelt. Evil's real stature.


Yeah. I didn't know. They were removing that from the natural or the New York.


A history. What is it?


Natural History.


Why did they take the whole thing down? Just take the Indian off of it.


If you're that There was a slave next to him.


Okay. There




Wait, no, there wouldn't have been a slave Washington.


I don't think Teddy. So the statute got taken down because there was an offensive portrayal of it.


Again, I know that Teddy Roosevelt was the first president to host in SNL.


That'd be pretty cool. Right? He would be, he would be an incredible fucking performer.


No, Teddy Roosevelt was the first he hosted George Washington, Carver.


And it was a big w w I don't know if you'd call it a scandal, but it was a big thing at the time that he sat down alone with a black man and broke bread With


them. He was super ended. Granted that super ended.


Peanut butter. What He's S grant.


Yeah. He's he? I mean, he had a few black members on his cabinet.


Granted. Yeah. That's progressive Statue.


Yeah. So there's the slave. I think that's a slave.


It's a black guy. I don't think it's a slave. I think he, I think it's, it's it's Roosevelt.


And then like two, just like native people.


One from Africa.


a little bit of a, a shredded black guy from Africa during that time period.


Yeah. What's about was president 30 years after the end of slavery.


What's The, what's the offensive part here. Those dudes like jacked his fuck.


Now that's a nice statue.


What's I don't, I don't understand why it's offensive because he's on a horse in There




We developed though, as president, he was kind of a TBI or guy that they do that thing where they kind of, you know, Jack them up a little bit.


They lie about, you know, Teddy Roosevelt was, he was a heavier set, man.


It's like the cartoons on Fox, the animation of the football players.


Did you see Tom Brady's animation on Fox jacked?


Pull it, pull up. He's fucking jacked.


We were like, dude, that's not Tom Brady. Yeah. Why don't we do that?


They do it. They did it with Trump for years.


They put him on rambles. Bought him.


Why did what he did. Yeah. He really does look like that though.


You've seen him in real life. Donald Trump eat McDonald's for every meal And


I've had multiple People confirm there.


Just put it up on screen. Look it up.


Yeah. But his face, he looks like a squishy face.


What happened? Ah, Look,


it doesn't have everything right there. He also doesn't look his age there.


You have the guns on him. Maybe early thirties.


He looks great right now, whatever he's doing.


Give me all of those things, eating babies.


He has to be right.


Adrenochrome cause that T B12 shit.


I don't know how you can be a vegan and be a football player.


No, you're not just eating fucking vegetables.


Looking like that. It's it's, you're, you're eating children's blood.


Right? I'd get, I I'm I'm in for it.


Let's do it. But let's legalize it.


You know, I don't care if it's medicinal stuff, right.


For medicinal purposes only you can do percent, a hundred percent because I got friends of mine who were buying these fucking ice barrels.


I saw Chuck Waddell was giving away one on his Instagram the other day.


So people are taking fucking hard ice baths now.


And then deep saunas, like every I'm like who the fuck has time for that?


Well, hasn't that been a thing for years? That's something new right now.


The Swedes have been doing that since I fucking do that shit.


And in your house. So, so Chuck had a giveaway of this barrel.


You can it's it's called an ice barrel.


And I guess you just fill it up with ice, but who has that much time to go get fucking fresh ice everyday?


Well, I mean, I don't know about that. I don't know how the mission, maybe the machine makes ice somehow or some shit.


I don't know. Otherwise it's just the fucking top and you can buy it anywhere.


The ice barrel dude, I saw it on. I wish I could remember the name of it or I should just tell you about, But


yeah, it's it's first if sourcing the ice, isn't a problem that it's not a problem at all because yeah.


You just sit in it for like 10 or 15 minutes or some shit.


And then you go to the sauna. So it's not that big a deal Don't


type in chocolate, ELLs, ice barrel. It's not his somebody else's it's another company, but you just sit in the air, you go, that's it right there.


You just sit in this giant goddamn thing.


I don't think it produces ice. It looks sweet.


Right? Where you're just like, all right, sweet. I can hop into that.


You've got a deep freeze. Just put like on Sunday when you do your grocery shopping, get five bags of ice, I


guess, man. But that's who has the fucking tries, love one of these As


a sponsor. That'd be great.


We actually, we actually aren't talking about, Yeah,


for real. It's just like a plastic tub that drains at the bottom gross.


That's all that it takes for everybody in there.


It takes for you.


That's the hardest part about like giving your kids a bath is it takes so long for the water to fill up.


Now you're going to add ice to that equation.


Fuck off Saves


you some of the time that the water's going into.


Right. And I guess that's still a lot though.


You're going to fill that fucking thing. There are very distinct and good physiological and psychological effects from doing ice baths.


Yeah. Like good ones. They, it produced one of the reactions is it produces a chemical that helps your memory.


For example. It's very bizarre.


Yeah. Okay. Yeah, because I see a lot of people online doing it now and I'm like, all right, cool.


They're doing it because Joe Rogan does. I


haven't seen him do it. The sauna. I see him in the song all the time.


He's been, I love a fucking, I love a good sauna, but that's easy.


Yeah. You literally walk in and walk Out the ice bath.


Sauna. Yeah. That's what a lot of people are doing now to me, that it takes so much fucking time.


I that's all I think about when I look at these fucking crazy people on, on Instagram, I smoke cigarettes.


I know you do, Jackie.


I know you do brother. That's why I love you, man.


I don't see you doing a nice bath.


No, I did it When I was sweet.


I did the sauna. Then the ice bath thing when I was in Sweden, how was it?


It was awesome. It was fun. No shit.


Yeah. All right. The sun is I get down there for sure.


I felt tough as shit. Being an American in Sweden now, country, people are different.


They're they're pretty hardcore out there. And they're like, you get into the city.


They become European men real fast.


I felt like that. Cock of the walk, walking through downtown Stockholm, if anybody's ass.


No, but I knew that I could. I wanted it to, yeah, it's a good feeling.


They're smaller than me. They're skinnier. They don't have that, that fricking you know, that American attitude that I have Were


killed in world war II, all of Europe's alphas were killed in world war II.


Now it's just a bunch of bits.


Yeah. Oh yeah. All their hockey players are playing in America.


So all their alphas are out of country right now.


You're just tending to the soccer team, right?


Yeah. I'm not worried about those guys. Soccer teams.


Huge over there. You're trying to, if you have to run away, I guess, for some reason that you're probably not going to win that one.


No, no, no. Yeah. And I do hear that, you know, some of their newer citizens, you know, they carry guns.


I would lose that battle. So yeah.


Yeah. Jackie know what we're going to do today. We're going to give you the drinking bro.


The week you give it away. Who would you like to give the drink?


I do the same one every time. Do I just stick with it?


I mean, do you, yes.


I'm going to Tell you what it's been John Wayne Gacy.


Every time he's been here so Far,


but I'm going to change it up this time. Or do you have a suggestion?


Well, I do after this because I want to ask you a Chet Scovel and question.


Oh yes. So go ahead. I got the Jersey.


Ah, oh, drink it bro. The week I'm going to give a shout out to, I don't know if we've done it yet.


Actually. I'm I'm oh, I was going to go happy, go lucky.


But I don't know if we've done it yet.


Mike Dixon. Oh yes. So dude, dude, every, you already done the gave Dixon Mike ticks in the Roseman of the year.


Okay. So he's over the year.


Yeah. You can say Mike. Yeah. I got to give it up to Mike.


Cause you guys, you spent a lot of time with Mike A.


Little bit. I mean, he was always around, you know, doing ranger up events when I was there.


And obviously he was very heavily involved with range 15, all the parties and premiers.


And then shit, I crashed in a hotel room with him one time when we were in Atlanta doing the one of the nerd festivals there.


Yeah. And he was really into all that cost play stuff.


And he introduced me to it and he was such, I mean, everyone says nice things about people when they die.


He genuinely, there's not a bad word.


You can say about that man. And he was dedicated to, to the brands and the movies and the shows that a lot of us were involved with.


I got to give it up to Mike Dixon. Just one of the most genuinely kindest dudes on earth.


Yeah. 100% agree. And I know you're busy and you probably don't have time to listen to the show everyday.


But I talked to him a few hours before he died.


I did not know that I called, I called his wife and cause we were, he usually he answers right away on Facebook messenger.


Yeah. And so I hadn't heard from him in a couple of weeks.


Cause we were setting up the show for him to be the Bozeman Of


the year. He passed away the, the, the nights before he was supposed to be on the show.


No shit to do the bros man.


And he was hanging on there.


He was. And so, because I saw the pictures when he got back from his daughter's wedding and I was like, oh shit, this is his last leg.


Yeah. But cause he's had cancer for years ever since I knew him back in 2015.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


You can absolutely double dip on, on Dixon.


That's fucking awesome. Dude. Give him the, the, the Dixon double-dip nicest dude ever.


And he, he actually came and cause we always invite people if you're in town to come and even just come in the studio and watch the show.


And then his wife came in Wilmington and we put them on the show.


Yeah. And his wife was, was nonplus with Danthony and I sexual endeavors, I think.


Yeah. She's great though. She's like was More of a, a hardcore drinker Bro.


Yeah. He, him and his wife were like the nicest people ever.


So cheers to that.


And this is we're going into the future now, since we're recording on Friday, bills are playing Sunday.


Yeah. A lot of people are saying the winner of this will go to the super bowl.


I actually agree with that all year.


I know you've been on fire.


So bills versus chiefs, who do you got?


Cause by the time this airs actually shit, this will air at the same time games.


Yeah. Same exact time bills are getting two and a half points.


Who do you got? I'm going with the bills.


Not only am I going with the bills, but Chet the bills.


Homer every single day.


Got to give it up to my boys.


Yeah. Yeah. Now the bills are going to win it.


We sent out your Jersey, by the way, that was again, that was a giveaway in our, in one of our fantasy football leagues.


I think he was Craig.


Craig brother-in-law won it.


Gotcha. Yeah. Yeah. So that went out the door and he's the proud owner of it.


I told him, I just said, live on air. I said, look, it's got all the Chet smells to it.


Yeah. So whatever that entails.


Congratulations wore it.


Yeah. I wear it around the studio Definitely smells like cigarettes.


That's for sure. Yeah.


It's game worn. It's classy and that's important.


Yeah. I've definitely gone with the bills.


Awesome. And then just like their colors, you know?


Yeah. They're fucking great. I understand it.


I might be picking against it later. We have an NFL show right after this.


So we'll see. We'll see.


But if you have not watched the Friday night Jack sash, it is on Patrion.


Go to Patrion, drink a cause it's too aggressive for Tachy.


Well, I had Justin govern all on Last


week, right? Oh, how was that? He didn't tell it.


Just discussing Justin in town. He didn't tell Us


he came up just to do that show and he was full.


Justin Was he really told, Hey man, Saw


all and say whatever You want. Yeah. You can do and say whatever you want.


Yeah. Justin's killing it right now. Yeah. That's great.


Yeah. That's great. Shout out to discussing Justin.


Yeah. My secondary Drink of brother week.


Yeah. So go to Patrion checkout to the Friday night Jack sash, we get a bunch of shit on there.


That's always popping up.


We appreciate the support. Go to iTunes.


Also rate the show five star and leave a quick review.


And then Spotify. It's just a five star. That's it?


There's no reviews there. They're just doing a star system and we've already got over 1100 reviews already on Spotify.


So that just pops up like a week ago, two weeks ago.


We appreciate it. It's all the advertisers give a shit about and look out for Lucy.


Come and ask you later on this week for Dan Anthony, Anthony Holloway, Jack Mandeville.


I'm Ross Patterson. This is the drinking bros hot ass.


Good night. Welcome to 30 bros 968 by 968 I 968. Sit back, relax, and grab a fucking tree tree. But welcome to Drinkin bros. Kids Jack bro. Hey Ross, you discussing piece of Ross. You're disgusting piece of shit you're building 968. I'm wearing a colored shirt though. So I'm doing a little so I'm doing a little better. I I love the fact that you show up in 968 beloved 968 immediately die. Yeah. I'm the bad luck guy. Yeah, because we're shooting this on a 968. Yeah. Because we're shooting this on a Friday. We we typically shoot these Sunday night shows on a Friday 968. 30 can have some drinks, have some laughs, have some fun, and you were gonna be on the show 968, on the way into work, 968 beloved. Icons died. Yeah. One in comedy 30- Uh-huh. -- the other well in comedy. Normally, 968 because my birthday. So, like, yeah. I am really the bad luck I am really the bad luck guy. 30 lost Loaf. Yeah. Okay? His name was Robert Paulson. Yep. His name was Robert Paulson 30 in death, we say his name. Okay? Yep. Only in death, we say his name. Is that what it is? Only in death is a member of Project mayhem Avenue. Okay. Autism. I got the, I got the tickets to 968. I got the I got the tits to go. Yeah. 968 are good too. Yeah. His name was Robert Paulson. He had been gone. Yeah. Gone. 30 Anderson -- Gone. -- both big men? Yeah. Huge men. And we'll we'll see. 30 For the fucking fact that he was fat as the fucking fact that he was fat ish 968 his entire life. He went sixty eight years. It wasn't, heart-related no 968 wasn't heart related? No. Yeah. It's cancer. Yeah. It's cancer. So he's whatever he was doing, good for him. Well, 30 968 a little AF. 968 boys dying down. Dying cancer. That too. Oh, he is a rapist? I, so here's, here's the dirty so here's here's the the dirty stuff. I've never heard that before. Anderson. This was before the me too movement was a thing and he, he got popped so long before that he had settled some stuff back going back to the nineties, 30. This was before the 30 968 movement was a thing. And he he got passed along before that. He had settled some stuff back going back to the nineties. Right? Yeah. I 30, it was because he was huge pun intended. In the eighties and nineties, like, that was his time to shine. And then he didn't really pop back up again until 30 feud So to host some 30 feud in there Very awesome show. -- and then was out of there after that. Bob, look up 30 Anderson. What those lawsuits were? In nineteen ninety seven, Anderson was blackmailed by Richard John Gordon, which is 30 blackmail y name. Uh-huh. Gordon demanded money from Anderson threatening to reveal to tabloids 968 Anderson reportedly, sexually propositioned him in a casino in ninety three. So the guy was gonna blackmail him for being gay. Yeah. But not for InNOut pedophilia. And and to be honest, has anybody ever not known that 30 Anderson was gay? It's like when 30 came out with gay people were like, come on bro. Can we not just fucking in the press comment? thought there was more Kevin 30 vibes. To him. I'll keep looking. I mean, I Googled This is just the Mandela effect. People have talked shit about this man so long. And now you're, besmirching him in now you're besmircing him death. I saw Facebook post 968, and that's pretty much where I get ninety percent of my news. That is I would say that probably Minnesotans over the age of would say that probably 968 over the age of forty Right? Not you necessarily, but over the age of forty, probably primarily get their news from Facebook. Yes. Yeah. And I'll speak in Minnesotans. Louie Anderson was 968. 30 Anderson was Minnesota. There was. Yeah. Kaitlyn. He was accused of sexual assault, but this guy was nineteen. Oh, nineteen. Okay. You can sexually assault nineteen year old man. 30, because Kevin Spacey 968 it. He was fine. Don 968. Don limit tickled the bottom of his second fucking put it underneath his dude's fucking nose. Fourteen was 30 spacey Shit. Well that kid's 968. Yeah. One of the kids' dads. Now the other kid that you're thinking of by the way -- Mhmm. -- was twenty one and it was I wanna say it was like a producer of CNN's son or something like 968. And 968 turns out 30 was making 968 with 30 all night for, like, four hours. And and he got popped and the and the suit got dismissed because 30 the kid had left his 968 on. And and InNOut was tilting upward. And it was you could just see all this make 968 footage of him with Spacey Spacey. Spacey. Old man had to drop that suit. Yeah. But the 30 thing. So 19, I guess that's what I'm thinking of because he was much, much older than that so nineteen I guess that's what I'm thinking of because he was much much older than that kid. 30 So he was, he was yeah. I mean, he he was an adult. The guy was, like, fresh stand up comic, I guess. Mhmm. And he was like, come on back. I'll give you some pointers and, you know, 968 oldest time. Yeah. And he cornered him and tried to make out with him. And the guy, like, was like, yeah. I gotta go and that was pretty much So not like a full blown peto, but just kind of maybe taking advantage of the position he was in type of thing. Yeah. I I guess so. Okay. It's called being a man, Jack. Yeah, Jack. It's it's never happened to you? Proposition by Kevin Spacey or or just another man of power? Like, hey, if you no. I'm not that in Horton. I think Bill Clinton would have Nobody sees that kind of protection you. Yeah. Bill Clinton would have given you the business. You you 968 too young at time. Right? When he was, I feel like When he was Oh, yeah. No. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like 968. I'm I'm surprised 30 touched you. You think Clinton's Was a youth bill Clinton probably fuck dudes right youth? Bill Clinton's probably fucked dudes. Right? No. super straight. No. I know he's super 968, but, like, it's once you've done so much wild shit, I feel like you eventually go over edge. I think he's fucked next to a lot of dudes. Yeah. And I'm like, oh, I don't know. 968 might have touched legs or something. Yeah. In this fun or somebody blasted on on the He was fucking 968, and he actually, like, put his hand in and get, like, there come. I was just like, oh my god. Isn't this crazy? This is crazy. I've got somebody 30 come on me. Like, that's type of vibe, but I don't see him fucking dude. That was probably in the eighties too. Probably in the 30 in the By the time he's present, he 30 he had he had everything to himself at that point. Right? didn't have to engage in those kind of Well, no. Well, the secret service was getting in. I know it was 30 Gershon. That was the longest running rumor in Hollywood -- Mhmm. -- that he was fucking her in the White House and, like, the Lincoln bedroom. who was Hillary fucking that whole time? What was this woman's name? Yeah. I Huma. Deborah. Yeah. Who am I supposed to 968 get over her? Who is the witch in a relationship between Hillary Clinton and another woman? Is it Hillary Clinton? To Hillary 30? Or She's the lipstick homeless the lipstick. Who was hot? Did you say pull pull up whoa. You're talking about -- Whoa. -- 30. Culver's Yeah. Yeah. Whoa. She's 968 for years and years and years. Aberdeen is her name. She's hot. So like that, I understand. I I don't know if both married 968, you know, sexually active men. Sexually assault demon, I guess, is the better way to say it. And that's a weird pick to pull 968, Bob. That really doesn't go 30 she's 968 gorgeous in that photo. She's more attractive than that. Her eyes look a little space. Okay. That's because you're 30 in 968. So this person I know And I don't know if this is true or not, but I've never had any reason to doubt the human being that told me this. Uh-huh. 968. AF the legislative office of Chuck Schumer -- Yep. -- and walked in on Chuck Schumer and Anthony Weiner comparing Dick's and Chuck Schumer's Senate Office. So his thing That's what I was told. I hate Chuck Schumer. Mhmm. Not a big fan of Anthony Weiner either. Yeah. 968 now I am. Now you made me walk walking. I did that shit all the time when I was 968. Absolutely. That's great. Yeah. But they were not twelve. They were fucking grown men. Grown men who were elected to 30 968. United States. Even better. Imagine being that board at work. And just being like, hey, man, what do you wanna do? Oh, by the way, 686. We got some. Let's see. We're just gonna be the next WIP. 30 of federal employees, we got a little breaking news here. Whoa. Judge in Texas blocks enforcement of federal employee vaccine mandate nationwide. So now the only one that standing as the health care worker. Yes. Yeah. The rest of it, 30 seems to be kidding. And we're we're doing a show next 30. It'll come out the Sunday 968 with a member of the Air Force. Who who has inside info and a lot of clarity on this shit that's been going on with their bullshit 30, that the woman who was a repeat quitter throughout their ASSAK program and stuff like that and then AF well. The the Jag office, like the main Jag office for the Air Force, responded to this woman's 968 one 30 eight which is like, hey, my command fuck me over the air force, fuck me over by this vaccine bullshit. They finally got the Air Force JAG office to admit that there's no FDA approved vaccination available in the United States. And now 968 like, well, the law specifically says that you can only mandate it if it's there's an FDA approval and so they're fucked now. Like, the the the military one's gonna struck down federal court here within the next week or 2II would say. Yeah. 968 pretty much all over for those guys. I I don't don't know what they're gonna pass. Or what there is left to pass. I saw CNN's ratings were down, like, eighty percent from last year. Oh, that's fine. Yeah. I 968 agree. You're gonna pivot In the in the gym today, they were still covering no lie, the top story of their their afternoon coverage was Trump's bad week. 968 was like, 30 hasn't been in office for over a year now. You know who did have a bad week? 968 Loaf is Biden. Biden's always having a bad week. Yeah. My love had a worse week. We lost the love. I guess No. He had a 30 it wasn't seventy four 968 a good life? You know, he was four when you're that rich, you should be able to beat it. He died from COVID. Oh, really? That sucks. He did. 968. Yeah. You know who who? I'm going to throw my gonna throw my support. I've never voted in my life. God. 30 proud of that. But you know who AF I were to vote for the first time, the twenty twenty four election. You know who I'm gonna throw my support behind? Who? Someone who criminalizes, standing in line too long figuring out what fucking scratch off you wanna buy. Yeah. I feel like every time I go to the seven eleven, I always get behind the scratch off guy. I have to figure out which scratch I 968 figure out which scratch off. He he wants. I agree with that. Yeah. Like, he's picking out like a hot chick or something. I We should, I want to implement soup Nazi rules for every line that should I wanna implement soup 30 rules for every line that exists. 30 if you know what you want when you get there. Especially 968 the airport, if you're in the TSA 30 or clear lines -- Uh-huh. -- that means you've gone out of your way to purchase yourself and even go to a background check for the TSA pre check 968 purchase some convenience in this public sphere. Right? But that doesn't entitle you to inconvenience everybody else with your bullshit. Yeah. And you can always tell who the scratch off guy. When you walk into a gas station, you can tell who this scratch off 968 you walk into a gas station -- Mhmm. -- you could tell who to scratch off. Mexican. Well, it's a it's it's 30 by dress, not necessarily by race. Look, I I go back to boys in the hood -- Yeah. -- when they're doing the scratch offs on the back of the milk carton. Yeah. And he goes, what the fuck you doing that? You gotta be Mexican when that You gotta be Mexican when that's shit. Yeah. Yeah. And because we're in Texas too. Mexicans in the scratch offs to buy them all the time. All the center desks. I'm not a big Well, I'd 968 say you you said Mexicans and Scratch off tickets. I buy them all the 968. I buy them all the time. No. It said Mexicans and and Scratch off 968. They buy them. Oh, I I see. I thought you said we're we're trying to let us know that you were buying Mexicans. So No. No. I wish. Well, that's not legal. Do you know do you know who's the even worse than the scratch off guy? No. The white lady at the McDonald's drive through with kids in the SUV. Oh, dude. How the fuck? Like, how many how many times 30 she been through that line? This is brand -- Yes. -- this is a brand that's been around for seventy fucking years. Yeah. How do you have to how do you show up to that drive thru window and not know what you're gonna get everybody. Why do you have to ask questions about, you know, whatever what happy mail? Like, you should already know 968 there by the time you get there. So as a person with two kids, I can tell you this. It's happy meals for everyone and that's it. Yeah. It's the easiest order ever. 968 it's going to some place else is the difficult order because they don't have 30 meals. Right. Their easiest order on the planet. You never 968 the right lady. 30. What We went with fake blonde hair, big fake blonde hair in a fucking, in a toddler or some they want. With fake brown hair big fake brown hair -- Yeah. -- you know, fucking in Tahoe or some shit -- Yeah. Or an Yeah. -- or an escalate. They, they got to sit there and ponder over what the McDonald's item menu they want with a brain that's been around for seven 968. They they gotta sit there and ponder over what the McDonald's item menu they want with a brain that's been around for seventy goddamn years. I know why you want the answer I know why. You want the answer? Power. No. No. The kids in the back are getting happy meals. Right? That's the easy one. But home grows on a diet. So she's really scanning that menu to be like, oh, what's the least amount of calories? 30 I get the fish fully? Should I get the fish or should I get the solid. What is it? You should get the fuck out of way. Get the get the fuck out of the way. Here's what you should do. Just save your receipt from the first time you take all those little stunt kids to McDonald's in the first place and duck tape it to the fucking steering wheel, bitch. Yeah. And his handed to him, I'll take another one of these. Thank you very much. Problem is, McDonald's got that dollar menu down in the bottom right hand corner. And your eye catches it and they're like, dude. That's Every time 968 The McChickens for the ride make chickens for the ride home. That's for the ride home. Yes. And you never let your 30, and you throw that garbage ass separately. Yes. Because you're gonna go in and 30 a full meal with your family ass. But you and you don't wanna let them know that you've had a McChicken home. No. I eat about twelve hundred calories 30 the home. Yeah. 968, what do you got? I would say that my I murder on-site, the woman in line at Chipotle with 968 family's order written down. Yeah. Like, you can order that shit online and pick it there. You stupid 968 you stupid 968. Yeah. How dare you do that? That is fucking murder on I just don't I don't appreciate people who make their problems other people's problems. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, you fucking 30 in the middle lane and that's your exit. 30, bro. 968 to the next one. You don't get to cut everybody off. 968 guy should be arrested and thrown in fucking 968 gulag somewhere -- Yeah. -- forever. What do you 968 say Delco? I was gonna say that he they also point over the chipotle, like, window thing, like, their The sneeze go into the food. The sneeze go. Yeah. Like, their fingers in the guac. Yeah. 968 You gotta point out what you want, though. You gotta point out what you want and let them know. Now you can just say took up that order, game over. You can say it in You could say it in 968, good. They also act like speaking of never being somewhere. They're like, now 968 is that? Like, every every bucket has a fucking question about it. Yeah. Like the chicken, the 968. Does this. Can I get this on can I get this on this? I feel like if you can't figure out what it is by looking at it, you probably shouldn't put it in your body. Yeah. The the only hard decision 968 drive through is usually those ones that have the combo like Taco Bell and Pizza Hut where they're combined. Oh, yeah. That I understand. Because there was a taco bell and kaffes. You can't 30. I like it. You get two cheesy Gordiezer crunches and two chicken breasts and you fucking bake a sandwich out of them and eat them. God. God. That's a fucking That's too much. You remember the fucking double down? Oh, yeah. It's too much. Like, I I tried it. I guess it's too much for me. KFC is, like, 30 understand America. Yes. You know who loves KFC? Arabs. Really love that shit. I 968 love KFC, and I've I've yet to find a better fried chicken in the city than KFC. I'll say that out loud. I mean, I'll fry some chicken for you that's better. Yeah. AF far as fast goes. It's pretty big god damn good. Fast 968. Like, 30 968. Yeah. Like, is there a better place for fried chicken around here? House food or just in general. In general. Yeah. It's not even a top one fast food fried chicken. You gotta go papas over. Popas is one. Why? Why? Because of the Is that a gift card right? Loyalty. 968 you have. Yeah. You can fuck right off with that. I'll give you that sandwich. That sandwich is is delicious. Geographic geographic loyalty? I'm from Philly. There's no Popeyes. There's no Popeyes in Philly? No. We don't why would we know your asshole. Yeah. Like, we're fucking board members. Yeah. But But it's it's everywhere. It's coming here. There's, like, thirty seven of them. We're all we're also, like, fucking Oh, wait. Is that Bojangles five hours from Louis Vuitton? Bojangles. Yeah. Bojangles here. Bojangles makes me want to fuck makes me wanna fuck, man. Oh, wait. I miss 30. I though, I lived in North Carolina for four years along with you, 968, and you too. Yeah. It's actually one of the I'm not one of those guys that, you know, 968 installed. it. Well, we got in and out now I got to eat there all the time, but I love me some fucking we got in and out now. I gotta eat 968 all the time. But I love me some fucking bojangles. Yeah. You do. Yeah. Goddam. Right? When do you get there? I get so goddamn stomachache for that shit. Yeah. There there was a good a a long period in the late nineties and early two thousands were the only place you could get a a legit chicken biscuit in the morning was Bojangles. Bojangles. Uh-huh. And I was 30, like, I I yeah. I'd have a meal there late night at times, but I was 30 mainly a morning guy there. Mhmm. I love their their morning stuff. The breakfast stuff. Yeah. The breakfast stuff, I'm telling you, 968 was before Chick fil A came along, soggy. It was the only place you could get a chicken, like AF fried chicken biscuit. It was the only place. Yeah. I man, used to butt fuck those things. Yeah. 30 goddamn. 968 good. I don't we don't have boat jizz around 30. Around Now they're building they're building. They're going up north though. It's all like Cedar Park Round Rock. Oh, god, dude. We'll Send it back up him back up there. It's fine. Yeah. Yeah. Boat angles is, like, fucking rural, poor North Carolina folk. Where they 968 it in those neighborhoods out there. Right? People love it, dude. People fucking love it, 30 fucking love it, man. It's like they're going there's a lot of surprising things that are popping 30. were like, shit. They got Zaxby's out Zach. 30 out here. That's not a bad east That's not a bad 30 Coast. No. Zach piece is good. You like you guys like 968. I like that. I don't like that. It's it's the same as 968 exact same fucking place. Yeah. Yeah. I don't like this. But even the sauce is the same. I'm kinda suspicious that it's, like, the same restaurant. Yeah. Yeah. It's like the difference between Hardee's and Carl's like, the difference between 968 and Karl's junior. Yeah. Which is to say there is no differences. 968 the same thing. Same thing. They some certain people franchise it with different names like those Mormons in Missouri versus the Mormons in Utah. Yeah. They little bit different, but they still believe in crazy bullshit. Right? Yeah. The ones that are popping up now, more and more are these celebrities with food and these ghost kitchens? So it's just like Applebee's that's cooking your shit. I learned this from my kid. He was watching misterbee's. It was like the most watched. Yeah. He's a big 968 guy. 30 he's got the most subscribers on you. He's the one that dangles money over people's heads. Right. 968 up. Yeah. I mean, it's it's it's literally just watching poor 30. Beat the shootout out here. Yeah. Yeah. For American to to So that's like 30 hundred percent like bomb fights, but more sophisticated. Yeah. Yeah. So 968 sort of like, they recreated squid games. We're like, you know Got shot. It gets it gets more views or something like that. Than the actual -- Yes. -- split game. Yeah. Yeah. One video. One fucking video. He did hands on a hard body. I don't know if you remember that documentary where people would put their hand on a car, and then you won the car AF you could stay on the line enough. So it was a Lambo. And, I mean, they were in, like, day eight with this fucking thing, which I'm sure a lot of those people couldn't even afford the taxes on that. No. No. Not at all. Not at all. But he's doing these sandwiches so, like, His whole thing is, you get the mister 30 burgers, but pop that up to mister Beast burgers. And so he's putting these in every single video now. And there's they're available like six hundred locations around the United States. And they're just ghost kitchens, so it's like an Applebee's or a Chili's in your hometown. That is making 30, but they're making them to the the specification of of what he wanted and then they they ship it out to you. And so 968 would be the Drinkin bros? That's what 30 were that's what I was trying to think of because I saw this last night. And I hit up a friend of mine, and and he was like, yeah, dude, it's in Wilmington. Like, you can get the mister 30 in Wilmington, 968. I was like, shit. 968 does it through numerous diff like franchises. So is Nick here? Where the fuck is he? Just walked out. I feel like that's the never ending question out of my mouth. Where is Nick? Well, this is an employee 968. Oh, is it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's on strike. Makes sense. Makes sense. Are we going to Union? I wish Could you imagine? You guys 101 a union? I'm I'm joining. I'll give a shit up on management or not. Joining the union. It's gonna be the worst union ever. Tell Nick, cause we have an NFL 968 Nick, because we have an NFL show up 968 Tell him to 968 are the mister Beast burgers? 968 him to get him in. I wanna taste these goddamn things. To see if they're legit. But the 30 mine had him and he said they're they're pretty they're pretty fucking good. 30 Khaled just signed a deal with, like, three hundred of these ghost kitchens for I think 968 wings is what he's Drinkin. But he's got a whole menu of shit And this is the thing that's gonna start popping up. So you order from your favorite 30, what you have. There's one not far from here. Also, it seems like you're just grabbing the union now. Right. Is that is that the Mr. Beast one's close 30 one's close? The purpose of the Barton Greek. Barton Creek Mall. Yeah. I mean, there's a couple. The purpose of the union is to get the pay and benefits that the workers feel like they deserve. If I just give you that, then you don't need a union. But when you should still start a union, So we can go on 968. Let's start a union for a company we don't work at. Can we just have the giant blow up? Big go on strike. Yeah. We'll get a big blow up right and go on strike for some company down the street that we don't even work for. Yeah. Just so 968 bad on. Wait. Let's let's just see how many random people we can get to join us right now. If we do 968 downtown -- Yeah. 968 be mostly bombs, but I'm down. Have you ever been at a strike before? Because weird he's right. Like weird people start to congregate. 30 that are just looking for food and shelter and shit, they were like, and 30 walk by 968 scab. Yeah. Scab. Hey, Nick. Order those mister 30 burgers. I want I wanna get these goddamn things. I wanna see if it's legit or Like, or if it's like you were saying because like 30 in Carl's Jr. Was the same goddamn rash. Get, like, how many people here? Is Joel 968 to get, like, eight of them? Cheeseburgers. Yeah. 30 said the fries are good, but I the fries on the videos look like the ones you just throw in the oven and bake for kids. The crinkle 968? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, 968 a few just in case, but cuts trash. Yeah. I 30 968 try them just to try them, but that's the new thing. So, like, this is gonna keep popping up. And this is it's keeping a lot of these restaurants open. I think you said that one's what? Barton Springs Mall, just kidding me. So it's probably being made in, like, the back of a 30 Tuesday. Like, to be honest with you. So and just because some YouTuber is popular. Yeah. He's got, like, a an army of fifteen year olds that will spend money -- Yeah. -- where he's 968. Interesting. Ghost kitchens is what these are. They're just annoying little cons that they will annoy their parents so much that their parents are found like fine, dude. Yeah. Take Take it. Just don't talk to me anymore. I feel like that's what parenting is probably all about. Only out ways to keep your children from me. You're getting your way through what your parents 968 your way what your 968 did. The advertisement, your kids see on the advertisement your kids see on TV and I get it finding clever ways to keep your children from talking to it finding clever ways to keep your children from talking to you. Right? Shut the fuck up, kid. 968 see. Oh, I also hear that shit. 30 The word word count and you're like, if you say like, eight hundred words to dad today, dad's gonna die. Yeah. Like, dad can only hear seven hundred and ninety nine words. Right. Here's here's five of the mister 30 burger places here Austin. Yeah. Because it's it's ghost kitchen. So I'm, I'm looking it up So I'm 30- Yeah. -- I'm looking it up now. I just get whatever is the fastest. That'll come 30, but I'm looking this up now. DJ Khaled oh my 968. What a brilliant name. He is doing wings. 968 called another wing. Calid wins again. I've been feeling that's something that he probably thought of himself too. Another wing. Another wing. That's amazing. So it's opening up in three 968, a hundred and fifty locations. So this is gonna be the new thing where it's just like, alright, great. Order food. It'll keep the restaurants open 968 least. It's future capitalism. Yeah. I'm not I'm not mad about it. Like, shit. What you should be because one of two things are gonna happen, either the cost of that good is gonna go up because now there's an extra middleman or the workers gonna get paid shit. In which case, we're gonna spend it on the back end of social programs. So you should care Ross. you could do this with anything too. Right? Doesn't even have to be food items. Here's why I wanna order the mister 30. Nick, We'll order this as we're on air. Tell me how much it 968 because I'm curious of what the burgers are. Plus the delivery and all that other plus the delivery and all that other shit. How 30 I get? I 968, I don't know, eight cheeseburgers. Get a few get a few yeah. Get a couple doubles there. See see how their double doubles are. And I think in and out of here. Right? They're all all up thirty five from from Dallas to San 30. That's everywhere. Wow, dude. Yeah. In and out there. Gotta be at least a dozen in and out from San Antonio to Dallas. Yeah. That's correct. I've never asked you about Whataburger. What's your what's your I'm from the from the Midwest. I'm thrown in a third one. Culver's. I don't know. Yeah. Culver's Culver's don't know what Culvers. Culvers is it's better for a number of things. So the and that custard the custard's good. My my opinion, the only thing really edible from 968 burger is chicken strips with their gravy dipping sauce. Everything else there is fucking 968. Their patty melts actually pretty good, but most of the stuff there is trash. They have 30 sauce they have. Their sizes are good. It's good. And you can just get it at 30, though. Oh, that shows the weather. This 968 30 California in and out, what a burger 30. Like, you got you Culver's deserves to be in that conversation. I agree. Culver's has fried cheese curbs. Cheese curbs. 968 no other fast food chain does cheese curbs. And they've got good chicken and good burgers. The butter burger. It's it's it's not like the best thing you've ever had, but it's legit. Right? Okay. But if you're talking burgers, it's obviously five guys. They I don't know about don't know about Austin. They do have one in San 968, and I'll drive twenty minutes just to go to Culver's. There's Culvers there. William Cannon and Brody. I've never had it. I've never even heard of 968. Culvers is good. Yeah. When I lived in Wisconsin 30 to eat there all the time. What's your verdict? I would say you ordered 968 of Wisconsin. Out of those 30? Yeah. AF if I was forced to 30, like, I need a quality I would go in and 968, probably highest, but overall Culver's, like, in terms because, you know, it's fries or trash. I don't really care about anything else from in and out. We 968 lemonade. then Whataburger is just there's like three things you can 968. 30 else is dog shit. I hate it. I can't I'm not I'm not a fan. It's one of the worst fast food like, franchise large franchises I've ever seen. I don't know how they stay in business. Well, they got and they just recently got bought out by, like, some firm in Chicago. So they're not 30 they're not even Texas owned anymore. No. They they built one not too far. And then Kansas city, not too far because Patrick Bahamas is from in Kansas 30, not too far because Patrick Mahomes is from here. Right. He wanted a whatever 968 built one there. And people were lined up like six hours before it opened in line to get what a burger. Yeah. It's like ex Californians who had been begging for an in and out to, you know, come to Texas. It's weird at our 968 weird. I at our office, we've got a Peat 968, and then they just build a brand new Whataburger next to it. Peat Terrace is pretty dope too, but Peat Terrace is great and it's 30 968 menu. But what a burger is, there's never any 968 a burger is there's never any cars there every time I drive home from here. It's crazy. And it's I mean, this area is packed 30, 968 a burger though, like, I've I don't think I ever see a what a burger that's crowded. Well, late at night. It's like 30 three -- Ten PM and fucking two AM. Yeah. That's what you're proud. Yeah. But otherwise and it's that's that's desperation. That's what that is. It's your only option. Yeah. Yeah. And I because I'm I'm stuck with it by my house. There's a 968 burger, like, right by my house. Yeah. And that's the only thing that's open late. So, like, if we get off late and I I'm forced to go there, I'm like, god damn it. And I've had 30 on their menu at this point. That's not I 30, nothing is really one like, oh, man. That one really got my dick card. Yeah. I I'm San Antonio based, so every fast food restaurant is packed all the time because we're fat as -- Yeah. -- 968 down Yeah. Third 968 city in the country. That's big big shitty fatties. It's it's weird because 968 it's the seventh largest city in the country. Right? Population 968 sucks. But the but the rate stats are also bad. Right. So it's the seventh it's they don't have the third largest amount of fat people they have per, per So it's the seven it's they don't have the third largest amount of fat people they have per like per capita, the third highest amount of fat people. So and it's also the -- So -- it's also the seventh largest city. Yeah. Right? So it's not even like some like Jackson, Mississippi. We're way We're way off. We're waiting for we're way worse. Like 968 numbers wise. You're way your way worse? Yeah. Yeah. It's only only one person can fit in the alamo at a time. Yeah. Yep. It's small. It is it is actually kinda small. 968 is. Yeah. Whenever I have family or friends come down to Texas and I've been through it have family or friends come down to Texas, and and I've been through it enough. Right. You take them to the Alamo and the first things out of their mouth are that's take me 30 alamo and the first things out of mouth art. 968 the best? That's it. Yeah. 968. So the only question is, like, we can go to the alamo or we can go to 30 AF you 968 a true Texas cultural experience. That one between us. 30. Yeah. On thirty five, that's the best one. one. Yeah. It's huge. It's like a fucking it's like a super target, basically. Yeah. I I think You've done the 30 experience room? No. I've never experienced buggies. What? You never been to any buggies? Not one. How is that possible? Not one. We don't really pass by it on our travels. Right? 30 was not one on the way to Dallas. Yeah. There is. Yeah. Temple. Really? Yeah. Just Also, highway. It's like forty five minutes north of or thirty minutes north of Austin, I guess. 30 five minutes. Maybe it's maybe. It's just north of Temple. Yeah. But do you pass it on the But do you pass it on the highway? Yeah. It's from thirty five. Yeah. Next time 30 go to Dallas and I'll I'll go to Buck. Yeah. There's a black rifle off a central avenue and then three or four exits north of there That's an, that's a new one, new That's a new one. Right? Yeah. Yeah. We were just there this, what, two weekends ago. Yeah. I I went there a couple days beforehand, but yeah. Yeah. They did the great -- Yeah. -- grand opening there. Yeah. Because listeners who who come by and watch the show live are always wearing like Buckeye's gear 968 it's it's part of the thing of, like, 968. Cool. If I'm going, I'm gonna go to Buckeye's too, and they've got the sweatshirt on. What do you got They have chicken sandwiches as well. Or do we just wanna stick with burgers? Grab grab one. 968 no. Grab two. Chicken sandwiches is 968 testament. Are they like the triangle? A regular one and then they have like a natural spicy one. Get this spicy. You get the spicy. I don't give fuck about regular chicken chicken. 968 of those. Two of those 968 to test them out and we'll see how these are. Because if this is a thing, there's no reason Jared couldn't sell hot dogs across 968. 30, he's already selling hot dogs. No. mean 968 30 hotdog. 968 shits all. Yeah. Like, we know the dude that owns goddamn place. I know. There's a lot of to the fucking stuff. And then, you know, every hundredth order, Jared, shows up 30. Yeah. Which is 30 would probably do that. It's crazy. I'm sure. He would deliver that. long as 968 close to his place. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. Like, there's this one guy that moves close to Jared, so Jared always has to deliver his 968. That'd be really fun. It's the same It's the same guy. It has to be every single time we got the same has to be every single time. We got the same sponsors 968 every single time. We get 968 dot com forward slash drinking bros. If you're not on Patrion and you don't watch the Friday night Jack slash Jack, you're in a If you're not on Patreon and you don't watch the Friday night 968 session. Jack, you're in a goddamn. GhostBed pretty much every Friday night chill And maximum ghost bed pretty much every Friday night. Chill and Max relaxing. All and all cool. Yeah. And that's You've got the adjustable bass in there. Yeah. It's great. Which is fucking amazing. Yeah. Again, and I've said this over and over again to you and, I mean, saw me to pull the trigger on it. But I wanna do a show where I'll I just record myself sleeping for eight hours straight. And that's the show for that and that's the show for that week. We're we're down on split 30, nothing but Saint James, Saint James. Saint James Street, James movies -- Uh-huh. -- like all 968, because watching movies puts me right to bed. So you could, on one screen, just watch this guy 30 on the other screen, you know, you do the full catalog pool -- Sure. -- and how encounter everything like that. All of them. On a on a ghostbed. Yeah. That's a good Yeah. That's a good idea. There is people who like to watch people sleep. I remember you did it a couple years ago on Facebook live for weird thing. I was doing it on a lot. A lot. You would put it down, but, like, I was shocked at how many people were watching. I wake up there being eighty thousand views on Yes, sir. And I dude, I would pop in. Yeah. Because I was like, dude, does this 30 this a bit? Like, is he is he really sleeping? You were out. I I was out out cold. Yeah. And then people would see me, like, whimpering in my sleep because I've been doing that. A lot of people like, a lot of women I've been with my life that sleep next to 30, like, 968 I, like, 30 and wimp are in my sleep. Is it a lot? A lot of women? It's I've been doing that since I was seven. They all think it's because of the They all think it's because of the war. But I've been doing like, been having night terrors since I was a child. Really? Yeah. I know your 968. They seem like decent people. They're great people. Nothing terrible happening. Night terrors don't aren't aren't experiential. 30 they're not experienced and sound how it works. It's a misfiring in your brain. It's not it has nothing to do with trauma. Look, I'm not look like somebody that's been traumatized, he look like somebody that's been traumatized? dude. 968, yes. Over and over and over and over again. Minnesota. I know, but Jack, you look like you've been 968. It's the softness in the oil. Yeah? Yeah. I 30, look, there's they're gonna have speak. 30. I'm really good at suppressing things. You're gonna you're gonna have some of that. Right? Right just behind those soft eyes. Yeah. There's some pain that don't even know 968 there. at all. And if you're gonna get touched, she months, 30 could touch them and go. Why I lash out and hit my dog all the 968. I you know why I'm doing It. It's why Lennon used to hit 968. That's why Lennon used to hit Yoko. Yeah. You know? Oh, there's plenty of reasons for that. He said 968 I hit. I I was good enough answer What did Sean Pence say when he 968 madonna up to a chair and beat her with a fucking extension cord? think he said stay there, bitch. Oh, yeah. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. That's a guy with him 30 anger problems. 30? John Penn? Yeah. I'm kidding. GhostBed it's got the 40% bundle package right got the forty percent off bundle 968 right now. If you're thinking about tying up your lady adjustable base and a mattress crank that remote up is as far as it'll go tire, hands behind your back, obviously, and then legs to the bottom of the you're thinking about tying up your 30, 968 get an adjustable base in a mattress. Yeah. Crank that remote up as as far as it'll go. 968 hands behind her back, 30, and then legs to the bottom of the railing. And you're good to and you're good go. Or you can just use the promo code drink and Broza checkout and get 30% off to Or you can just use the promo code Drinkin frozen check 968, get thirty percent off sheets. They get a weighted 30. They got a weighted blanket jack. You ever 968 that for your terrorist. No. Okay. You should actually I run real hot when I You should 30. I'm I I run real hot when I sleep. That's why I'm not That's why I'm not obese. Is it it? Because my body's always just run hot burn that my body's always just run hot. Well, the good news is burnt calories sleep. The good news is 30 mattress that Go SpEd makes, all their pillows and sheets are all cooling. cooling. Yeah. It's I mean, I've crashed on there. I there. I was actually thinking about drinking myself to sleep in the studio tonight and just crashing at the was actually thinking about drinking myself to sleep 968 the studio tonight and just crashing at the studio. Help yourself. Yeah. studio. We don't don't care. Don't 968 shit around. This This w when you take the dog out to piss and shit, be careful of hobos looking to stab you because you would get when you take the dog out to piss and shit, be careful if Hobo is looking stab you because 30 Oh, you will get murdered. 30, just let it shit in, like, a room room. We don't let it, let it shut don't like. Yeah. You know what I mean? Let it 968 it shit in 30 mouth or something because that 30 was probably gonna do that 30, anyways. So you may as well let him and also you don't want to get so you may as well let him. And also, you don't wanna get stabbed. No. No. No. No. No. No. Do you have a gun? gun? you? No. Come on, Jack. You're better than that. No. You that. Yeah. I can get Brittany to bring my shotgun here and leave down get 30 to bring my shotgun here and leave that here here. If you want you Yeah. 968 with a shocker. But I I also have a history of sleepwalking. So Well, what if I what if I blow my brains out while I'm sleepwalking? That's fine. Don't make a mess. Yeah. If you murder 968 like, if you murder a homeless person, I don't think anybody's coming after you. No. It's It's a shotgun. shotgun. You can't track that shit can't track that shit 30. Yeah. You're good to go. Just bring it back and sign. Good to go. You can murder a couple Hobos. Hobo up, dude. What if I like it? What if I get addicted to it? Next, 30 know, I'm a serial killer. Then you solve the fucking homelessness problem. Yeah. Jack. Jesus. Congratulations, Jack. Go to Go to ghost bet.com for slash drink and ghost bed dot com forward slash rose. 968. Sixty month pays you go program program. There no No interest if interest. If you have decent credit, now's the time to get a new mattress you have decent credit. Now is the time 968 get a new mattress that they're set. They're doing doing 968 that. That's your 60 months year, 30 months 968. It's today. It's like 20 bucks a twenty bucks a month. month. Get it's good to Go to ghost go. spit.com forward slash stringer, dot com forward slash sugar bro. Today, Are you sampling sampling? The Lucy? Yeah. Lucy is on this week. week. I jumped the I jumped the gun. gun. Yeah. A lot of people, dude, everybody who's trying to get off cigarettes is doing lot of people, dude. Everybody who's trying to get off cigarettes is doing Lucy. When they Lucy. When they hit us hit us up, we were up. We were like, like, yeah, because we yeah. Cause we get a ton of listeners who a ton of listeners who smoke. smoke. You still smoke You still smoke. Heavy. heavy. How's the, is that the the is that the mango? manga? Yeah. Okay. Okay. Dan and I were talking about before the show, just opening one of I were talking about before the show 968 opening one of these I these. I mean, if it advertises mango, I mean, it smells like if it advertises mango, I mean, it smells like mango. Mingo. Great. Great. Smell hits you right away. And you. And there's also, the cap comes off right there's also the cap comes off right here. So here. So obviously you can open it you can open 968 up. There's pouches inside, but the cap comes off to store the shit end for There's pouches inside, but the cap comes off. 968 store this shit in for later. Yeah. later. Yeah. That's so that's A really good idea of Nicotine eight milligrams, Eight It's only really expensive. 30. Eight milligrams. 968 milligrams. Right? milligrams. All So right. So there'll be on the show in the upcoming they'll be on the show in the upcoming weeks. Mhmm. That tastes good. Yeah. Yeah. Those are everybody loves everybody loves what we Lucy. Like it's I feel like that's the go-to It's the best they have gum it's I feel like that's the 968. It's the best. They have gum too. too. It's in that box right It's in that box right there. there. I'll pull it out on the show later this week, but it's yeah, the gum is I'll pull it out on the show later this week, but it's No. The gum is good. good. We've used the gum before You guys have a promo code for that in a, in a couple of weeks This used the gum before. So you you guys have a promo code for that in a in a couple 30. It'll be this week. Oh, week. I wasn't it right? really? Yeah. Yeah. It'll be this be this week. week. It's not on here yet, but it will be by the time this, Yeah, you're not on here yet, but it'll be by the time this year's 968. Yeah. You're rights. I right. I forget we're forget. We're going to going to Nashville. Mhmm. And Nashville. then last but not least, we got the the Drinkin bros 968 com slash store, bro boxes. Are we out? Oh, we had a bro boxes? Not yet, but we're almost there. Okay. We're Bro box. 30 Okay. We're coming down to the coming down to the end. And by the way, if you're one of the first if you're in the bro box crew for the first one, you're gonna get a challenge coin 968 too long from now. Yeah. So robot, thirty nine nine in a month, you get new teas, new gear, Drinkware. There's all kinds of shit that's gonna go in there. So every month, the box will be different. All you have to do is enter your shirt size in there and you're good to go. And then there's plenty of merch in the store. If you just want shirts and all that other stuff, You were on Tucker Carlson last night wearing that hoodie. The defund politicians, you get a lot of comments on that last night? Yeah. Yeah. People hit up my inbox 968, and they were like, dude, every time I wear this out, man, 30 congratulates me even in California. California. I, every time I wear it, like a fucking defund politicians t-shirt to AGB and literally every single time, four or five people will be like, Hey, I like that 30 time I wear like a fucking 968 politician's t shirt to HEB, and literally every single time four or five people will be like, hey, I like that shirt. Yeah. Like, 968. III used to say, hey, you can get it done 968. Drinkin it down round. Just like, thanks 968 like thanks, bro. Thank you. I made it myself. How was Tucker last night? What did you guys talk about? We talked about election integrity. really? Integrity farms, election integrity. Do integrity. Do you like south like South Park? Yeah. park? just watched that episode the other night while I've stoned this shit in a hotel room. 30 Farms, I think. I was talking about it with the camera people from the 30. That does their work here in Austin last night. Uh-huh. That's gotta be I think that's Peak South Park. That season of 968 Farms. farms. It is it's fucking 968 is it's fucking madness. It's it's the craziest shit I think I've ever 30. Like Mickey Mouse is involved, and they they fuck some animal to create COVID and shit. I mean, 968 fucking wild. 968 wild. It's the one way it was one way Yeah. They do. But, yeah, it was we talked about election integrity because Biden said AF they don't Here's here's basically a summation of what I said on the show. In November, of twenty twenty, the biggest threat to democracy was questioning the integrity of federal election. Right? Mhmm. November of twenty sixteen, the biggest threat to democracy was an illegitimate election that just happened because Trump colluded with Russia to do it. Right? Allegedly. Well yeah. 968 and then which is really interesting because 30 that year in twenty sixteen, Hillary Clinton had used 30 money to pay a foreign agent, to fabricate all that information. Which is an actual threat to democracy. democracy. 968? Right? So they're fucking election 968 truth. There's now the entire now. The entire left. Chris 30, like this, Gen 30 was on TV all day yesterday, like, oh, he didn't actually mean what 30 what you guys are saying 30 meant. Chris Aliza and Robert Reich, that midget 30 talked about yesterday -- Yep. -- both full throatedly endorsed what he said. Yeah. Like, if we don't pass this legislation now, and here's the the key takeaway. 30 twenty was the most pristine fair election of all time. But if we don't pass this voter legislation right now, that we can't guarantee any election in the future will be. Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah. me? Like, get the fuck outta that's the dumb 968 the fuck out of here. That's the dumb issue. You gotta be a fucking retard. To believe any of that shit. Well, it didn't pass. It was, what, fifty two to forty eight? Yeah. And it's not gonna pass. Well, I mean, if they if they if it was if the 968 was gone, 968 would probably pass because I think Cinema and actually support that. They just don't support breaking the filibuster. Okay. Okay. Gotcha. Yeah. It's a it's a strange one because I feel like you have to pivot towards something. Right? Like I was saying at the top about the CNN thing, still talk talking about Trump's bad 30. He's not there anymore. anymore. Like No. No. They well, they need something negative to talk about. And it's really interesting Actually, the guy that was on before me, they were talking about 30 968. But he referred to the Republican 30 as the placebo party, which I thought was really interesting because a lot of people think that the current Republican 30 because of all the anti institutional shit like, Trumpism and shit that's going on. Mhmm. They're all kinda rallying 968, and the Republican 30 is basically just like a controlled opposition. You opposition. You know, it's like Coke, allowing Pepsi to continue to it's like coke allowing Pepsi to continue to exist. Right. You know what I mean? That's that's essentially what it is. And I agree, the Republicans haven't produced any real conservative legislation in fifty years. Which party is gonna hammer down on asshole 968 too long in the in the in the line at seven eleven. The American 30. The American party. Yeah. It's my party Party, the one that's going to do it, that's gonna do it. That's it. You're gonna be my first 968 and and my I really years on this planet. I'm plane. I usually vote for myself in elections. Here he is. Yeah. He writes his name in. 968 writes his name in. Yeah. I believe in myself. I'm like Pete Rose. You have to. You have to believe in yourself. And then you can always say former presidential 968, Dan Holloway. Oh, yeah. I've Yeah. I've been a presidential candidate since I was eighteen. Technically legal. Jack, I've check. I've never seen somebody to believe in seen somebody believing themselves like you. I have the worst fucking self esteem on Earth Ross. You've known me long enough. Oh, the show. This is an 968. act. I get I get it. No. No. Not at all. You you believe in yourself, Jack, you do. You still dating that lady? lady? get by. by. I get get by. I believe in you. Yeah. I think you're very smart and talented. What's your fucking problem? problem? Low self esteem. Low self esteem. That word. Yeah. Are you still there? 968 same girl? Which one? A lady? Yeah. This one is the weed. All in. Okay. Good. Yeah. Good. We 968 her. Yeah. I'm just making sure. And it's like So I want you to get real uncomfortable. Okay. So what was that 30 I'd take that relationship very seriously. Would you like me to count to one hundred in Swedish? Because doing? No. No. No. Nobody wants 30 wants that. She's still up in Dallas. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's a Swedish for 968 30 for yes, by the way. Oh, it is. Okay. Good. Wait. No. It's Swedish for yes? Because that 968 30 get confusing. Yeah. Because that could get confusing. You went there. Right? The 30. Yeah. How was it? It was great. Would you 30 great. you leave here and go there forever? forever? Because I just saw, I watched that Tina Turner lives I just 968 I watched that did you 30 Turner lives there? I didn't know that. No shit. She's lived there for years. She 30 she had any COVID-nineteen. 968 one other 968 there that lived there, and he lived in the city there. I spent, like, fifty percent of his time stock home than the other fifty out in the country. Mhmm. 30 Sweden and Stockholm Sweden are two different fucking like, country Sweden, if if it wasn't for the fact that our rural population here 968 to be a little on a heavier side, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a country person in the United States and a country person in 968. They generally dress the same. They I don't know. A lot of similarities. Well, they probably W here in America, they wore Carhartt up until last in America, they wore a car hard up until last week. They're still wearing a car hard. I I ran into somebody last night. Switzerland. I'm sorry. I fucked 968 No. I was in Sweden. Yeah. So Switzerland's Switzerland. 30 14. Internalists oh 968. Oh, yeah. I could a lot of Americans go there. Yeah. To avoid taxes and things like 968. 30 little things like that. Sweden's so I I think the world of 30, it's a fascinating culture, really cool history. They're really great people people. I think they do things generally right I think they do things generally right there. The only reason I could never III could spend a lot of time there, but the only reason I could never live there is 968 place is so goddamn stable. As an American, American. I would probably miss the chaos, I would probably miss the 968. The chaos. Yeah. You have become a drug addict over there because Just be Be one of the only five homeless people, because I would be one of the only five homeless people because I would be lost. lost. I think I could talk shit about my country in all sorts of different contexts all day long, but I am an American and this is where I belong at the end of the day, I would not survive well in a stable think I could talk shit about my country in all sorts of different context all day long, but I am an American, and this is where I belong. At the end of the day, I would not survive well in a stable place like Sweden. Why is it so stable? stable? Is everybody everybody What 968 are what what like, what what makes a difference? They're relatively and historically 30, so they already have an advantage where you know, there are massive clashes of culture. Right. So this this entire the entire 968 hemisphere has to deal with. It's not just the United 968. States. It's from Canada down to Patagonia, every culture in this part of the from Canada 968 to Patagonia, every culture in this part of the world. Like, it's it's, you know, diverse -- Mhmm. -- where Historically speaking, they got ten million people there that for the most part all look the same or white. And 968, yeah, but they've all they have this, like, culture that's just embedded and it's ancient, and they have this thing called logom. Which 30 and they live by that shit. 30 not too much and not too little. So their highs aren't as high as ours. Like, their wealthy people don't live in extravagance extravagance. Like our wealthy people our wealthy people too. They're they're well off. Right? They could have their own little island, but their houses aren't the same. And their lows aren't as low as ours. Right? They don't have the same kind of poverty that we have. have. Everybody has their 30 has their job. Everybody can afford a car, and a house, and a 30. And they just you know, they're just it's just stable. 968 sounds like bunch of liberal bullshit. Fuck poor people. I've said it forever. But but the opportunity to for for grand wealth isn't there like it is here. And the opportunity to break out of certain, like, class systems, even though it's not bad to be middle class, 968 it's not bad to be middle class here. But, like, 968 hard to break. If you're, like, a middle if you grew up in Sweden, you're middle class person -- Mhmm. -- it's hard to Ascend to become the CEO of I Kio or or, you know, wildly wealthy, there's just more working against you. Why? you. It's just the system 968 just a system there. 968 both 30 the political system, but it's just Culver's. 30 just kinda has their place and their content with it. the the the HSG, the 30 she got her American citizenship. citizenship. She's still very proudly still very proudly 968. Swedish. She goes there quite a bit, you know, two or three times a She goes there. Quite a bit, you know, two or three times a year. But the reason why she likes America is she has the opportunity to be and do whatever the fuck she wants here. Because she comes from a country where she never she didn't come here from some shitty third world country where, like, 30 had to get away. She had, you know, very stable life there, but she liked, you know, that she could come to America and she didn't she could do whatever the fuck she wanted. It's called it's called Liberty. Yeah. Yeah. 968 reminds me me. I'm watching I'm watching eighteen eighty three, and that's what they were talking about last night. Like, 30 were dying and, you know, it's all kind of fucked up shit going on. And they they were like, I thought this was the land of the 30. That's why we moved here. here. But it's like, well, 968 it's like, well, 968 a certain extent. land of the 30 of Sweden 968. The land of the 30, that I mean, when when they're 968 about free I mean, to do whatever the fuck you want. That comes at a price and the price is 968 you stay ready to fight for that all the time. Yeah. Yeah. And that's the only way it works. Other otherwise, you empower a government to do that on your behalf and they bloat and bloat and then they fucking want all the power and the money. Right? Yeah. It doesn't doesn't work. This this this form of government does not scale. I'll say 968. No. Not at all. And but Sweden seems like it's 968 it dialed in. in. 30. We can, Sweden has got 10 million has got ten million people. We have three hundred and four. Right. Yeah. Yeah. But if you 304. I can get 10 million people just to absolutely go along with the fucking plan when you're like, get ten million people just to 30 go along with the fucking plan where you're like -- Yeah. You can. because it's built New York has done it for years. 968 recently when they've lost their fucking minds, but New York City had Giuliani was pretty well liked back then. Regardless of how you hear about him now, because he and Bernie It's a hundred percent true. He and Bernie them up. He and Bernie 30 well, that was in the eighties, but he and Bernie Kerrick in the late nineties. Killed all the homeless people or something. I don't know where the fuck they all 968, dude, but they disappeared. Yeah. They were gone. But you killed motherfucker gone. You couldn't you couldn't walk down in 968 the financial district so much, but anywhere around the tourist areas or central park or Penn 968 without running into eighty Hobos trying to fucking knife your ass in the mid 30. And all of a sudden, and like fucking ninety nine, two thousand, you didn't see or a CD trash on the ground. was weird. Everything used to smell like 30. 968 it's nice. I'm nice. I'm like, what the fuck is going on what the fuck is going on here? I mean, there's still a healthy piss smell in New York. It's probably not as much as it was back then. Mostly in the spring when you rehydrate, when it starts again. Yeah. Like yeah. But it's no. New Yorkers came over time to accept all the stupid shit that happens in New York. Like weirdos on the street all the time, and the inconvenience of the traffic and all that stuff. And more or less, they stayed frankly, they stayed relatively politically aligned through that whole process as well because they were too busy to care about the nitpicky 968. bullshit. They just wanted just wanted results Yeah. And Yeah. And then you're also a human you're also a human 30, being. So you fucking, you adapt to your environment at some so you fucking you adapt to your environment. At some point, yeah, that guy in the fucking subway yelling is kind of a pain in the ass. But I don't know. Airpods. I I got fucking headphones. I'm like, what the fuck? You fuck? You know what I know what I mean? As long as it doesn't 968 shove me off the plan. Yeah. 968 manageable. Yeah. Now it's not manageable because they took a crime. They took that shit for fucking granted. Like, oh, it's just New York. It's just it's just it's just 30 says it's just something, when something sucks, always makes it suck worse. Pick up the trash asshole. Yeah. Jesus Christ. Biden is now meeting with mayors of all these cities because of the crime wave New York is going through one now. Isn't that funny? All these mayors are like, Oh, no. What happened? Yeah. Like, the fuck you. Do you 968 No, no. Like about San Antonio, San Antonio is relatively the same as it was two years about San Antonio? San Antonio is relatively the same as it was two years ago. I'm sure. 968 what I love about that culture there. San Antonio 30 an unbreakable culture in 30. Like Sweden, they like to just have things stable. So it's a weird town San Antonio. When you go because you're right, it does not fucking change. Yeah. 30 change. protests and shit like that, but nothing got out of hand. People just like, you know, they just like their stability there. Yeah. Yeah. And that airport dude, that airport sums up San Antonio where it's like, Hey, it'll 968 airport do. That airport sums up San Antonio where it's like, hey. It'll work. work. It'll work. San Antonio. Yeah. We're the seventh largest city in in the country. Yeah. All All we need is we need is yeah. Our airport has a fucking water treatment facility right next to it. it. Like that's their fucking that's their fucking solution. Yeah. Yeah. We got one sports team that's all we need. Yeah. It's true. It's the spurs. They've tried to put football team there for years. Yeah. Red McCombs well, when he bought the Vikings, that was biggest he was There's a lot of Vikings fans in San Antonio just because of Red Macomb. That's what they thought. Never even left the state. They thought was going down, dude. Yeah. dude. It's one of those 968 one of those towns. I just I just don't enjoy staying town. 968. It sucks. 30 Really. love it. It's so goddamn it. Are they 968 don't there's no one between us. If you go to the Riverwalk, yeah, it's a fucking chilies and applebee's and rainforest cafe and it's standard 968 shit. But if when you break off from that downtown portion of the River Rock, there's a lot to explore. But 30, I love. I love 30. Yeah. They're outside of it. different than culturally than San 968. What do you like in San Antonio exactly? Exactly. I, there, there is a food scene there that doesn't get the there's a food scene there that doesn't get the recognition recognition. It 968 deserves. There's a music scene there. Right? It's always gonna be overshadowed by Austin. But there's a great AF you're metal head San Antonio is great fucking place to be. Really? Yeah. Why? Because all the bands go through there? It's just a metal town. Like, you know, sixty percent of the population is Mexican American. Hispanic people love fucking metal. Yeah. South American too. I I don't know why. I have no idea. It 968 sometime in the 30. Fans like our fear factory and couple other bands that had Hispanic members for some 30, 968 got really popular especially like Brazil. Brazil, they love fucking metal down there. No shit. You go to metal concert in Brazil, and it's not like here where it's a couple thousand people. people. It's like 40,000 fucking people in a like forty thousand fucking people -- Yeah. -- in the field somewhere. It's 30 have some Scandinavian level. Yeah. Yeah. Metalla speaking of which Metallica and lamb of God are 968 30 which, 968 and Lamma God going going. They're playing in point in Vegas. People are amped about that. Adele just canceled her shit last night. You night. You want to talk about talk about losing? She said she wasn't ready to start it yet. So it's not canceled. Hers is delayed. No. So 968 was supposed to be opening night, which is we're recording this on Friday again. No. Supposed to be opening night. She canceled last night. All these people 968 in hotels flights, everything to go see a Dell. Tickets were going for five grand a pop. And she she was like, we 968. 30, you know, COVID and everything else, and it was like, 968 you knew weeks ago that you weren't gonna make this 968. Like, that's a crazy one to me. Because that is a devil is a destination for a lot of people. Where people are flying. 30 is a I mean, she's a she's about to start a fucking residency there. Right? Yes. She did that. It was it It was 968 10. It was seven shows a was seven shows tonight. Yeah. So 30 968 a million dollars a show. In Vegas? Vegas. 30 shit. Yep. And so they said that there was delays on some of the stages and stuff like that because of the shortages and everything else. And I was like, you can't cancel the night before. If you're a Dell, you go out there with one spotlight on the stage and fucking senior ass up. People don't care what your stage looks like at that point. Yeah. And then apologize to them and say what the voice. I'm one yes. That's it's one of the few people where you could just literally walk out And she used to do this this. By the way, back in the day, she used to walk out with just a the way, back in the day. She used to walk out with just a stool. Yeah. They would put stool by the microphone. microphone. She'd walk out with one of those huge walk out with one of those huge beer. But 968 like like it's a 30. Very British of her. Yes. But she's a royal. A hundred 968. And she would sing her fucking ass off And that was it. And that was back when she first got started, and it was rad. And you were like, holy 968. I don't think you leave all those people hanging like that who had spent There's there's people flying in England and shit this year. Well, I was just in Vegas a couple days ago. It was fucking depressing. Yeah. What happens? He 30 did a shot show. We can we backed out. How What what's what's that city like right now? I would say compared to you know, and 968 only shot, they they do shot the cement convention and then -- 30. AVNs. They bleed into each other. other. It was probably at 25% w at where it was a couple of years 968 was probably at twenty five percent AF where it was couple of years ago. No fucking way. Yeah. It was sad. Sad. Like, there's really nobody walking there's really nobody walking around. around. I've seen hotels seem just eerily, not empty, but like at 25% seen people hotels seem just eerily 968 empty but like at twenty five percent I've seen people post videos of parties they went to, like, oh, if everybody said, nobody's coming 968 shock you. I'm like, dude, you have no idea what those parties would like. I know. Like. It was like fucking nut to butt, like 4,000 fucking people come was like fucking 968 to butt, like, four thousand fucking people and Yeah. Come on. We had Yeah, we did did that Burpees there. Scott Davidson's Burpees. He's been on the show. Love Burpees. Yeah. That that that 968, you know, because it was limited capacity to begin with, that went on. That that felt like the shock of old. But then once you walk back out of the casino, you had, like, the trap like, the security guards would walk past me and not say word about me not having a mask on. 968 then the lady picking up trash would yell at me. It was weird. weird. The whole thing was The whole thing was weird. That's That's strange. Because a lot of the the videos and pictures I saw, it looked like it was empty once you got outside the parties. Like, you were just walking through the casinos by yourself. wasn't a lot of people there. No shit. Because nobody wants to fucking walk around with the mask on all day. Yeah. We didn't wanna do it. A lot of people were just saying fuck it. And it's not like they were AF they were, like, half enforcing it, I guess. Well, at the actual convention 968, Whataburger And I have no place there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. got I've got Fuck you. I know about that shit. I have a ton of videos people have sent me of this one fucking jerk off security guard that worked there. 30 put him on this show next week. We'll art this week 968 -- Yeah. -- on the 30. 968 jerk off security guard? Yeah. Yeah. Not we're Not, we're not going to have him on the have him on the show. I'm gonna show you the video of him. With his mask down kicking people out for not wearing your mask. 968 Shut the the fuck fuck. Oh yeah. It's weird. Yeah. It's weird. It's the first time I said, like, This is this is the the cops didn't give a shit, but, like, the lady picking up trash was yelling at it. This is the unadulterated version of the Stanford 968 experiment. Like you give P certain people that have not earned it a little bit of power and to see what you give 30 certain people that have not earned it and a little bit of power and 968 see what happens. So this is what happens. Oh, yeah. It's to this day, that's one of greatest experiments of all time, by the way. They made a couple 30 out of it where, you know, do do you know about the Stanford Prisoning? I know I I'm assuming it was Dan that talked about before, but, yeah, I'm semi aware. 968 they did was they, you know, did a test where half the people they made prison guards and the other half prisoners and, like, by the end of 968. I mean, they were just the lord of the flies. Yeah, dude. They were being a shit out of each other. It's what what was I gonna say? It's I I've never been, like, I've never given a shit about. I've never been anti mask or pro mask. I I just I've gone with the flow. Right? If they don't make me wear one, I'm not gonna wear one. If someone tells me to put it on, I'll put it on. Yeah. But it is we are at a weird point where even for the first time, I'm like, just taking her off and not giving a shit because the dominoes. The 968 narrative crumbled. 968? 30 we know that the cloth 968 was all bullshit. They've admitted that that was just basically a a face diaper. Right? There's no fucking point to that at all. And then The other parts like the CDC just released a study 968 said natural immunity during the delta wave was better against delta than fucking vaccines were. And now 30 found out that mRNA vaccines don't do shit for Omicron. So 968 the fuck was the point of any of that shit? Like, nobody got vaccinated until Delta was a 968 dominate strain. Yeah. So the 30 actually didn't do shit. What are you vax? Yeah. I got boosted and everything. Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah. See But 968, Yeah. You know, I'm fat and I smoked cigarettes, so you know, to your parents I'm fat and I smoke cigarettes. So I'm, like, said, 968 risk. It definitely reduces the risk. Right? For for lot of people, I would say, being 30, probably reduce the risk. Even with that I don't know. I've put so much shit in my body. 30 968 one more thing? It's the The way I view it to where it's just like, I don't give a way I view it 968, where it's just like I I don't give a shit. In either or. Like, if people say they are or aren't, I don't care. care. I don't don't care. care. Yeah. do. I don't like you anymore. Oh, okay. I can feel the magnetism coming off your arm where they gave you the shot. Yeah. Is that 968, that was a thing for a while. People were, like, sticking spoons to their arm. Like, get the fuck out of 30, you 968. Well, they thought China was injecting data into like, you don't 30. I don't, man. So I don't mind some Chinese data. My friends, like, a AI 968. You know, I'll take some some Chinese AI. They're killing it right now. They're crushing it. Yeah. They're really at the top of their game. Yeah. Man, Olympics are going there in a couple 30. weeks. Yeah, dude, that's 968 30 good. Dude. That's China's bad. funny. can't have the Major League Baseball All Star game in Atlanta and Georgia because of their voter laws, but you can have the Olympics in China. Yeah. 968. So So it's a weird, are we doing we're With the US, are we doing 30 games? So we're we're going. Well, the athletes are gonna go. The representatives from White House are not going. So there there won't be doctor Jill Biden there. You know? Because let's face it. He's too old to travel. 30 Yeah. Across the world, No. Biden her husband. So what what they were doing was sending her to all the events like that? Yeah. Because I think she did a likable lady. Right? She's fine. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She's 30 fine. Yeah. People get along with her. Yeah. It's it's Kamala who's unlikable. Doctor Dr. Jill 30, I don't know anybody who hates doctor Gill Biden. Wow. Kamala, though, everybody 968, but So they would typically send her and then some other people, you know, some other secretary of labor, whatever the fuck it is, but they they banned everybody from going. And the athletes are gonna go, but they're telling them not to bring their own phones, that they're gonna get cloned and all this other shit. Oh, and also the the Chinese government has let all the athletes coming know that they don't want any bullshit. Yep. Like, social justice stuff. Yeah. Yeah. 968 Yeah. China's got a big record of not wanting people to got a big record of not wanting people to speak. Yeah. Yeah. They just took down the fucking the 30 Square statue. Right? Oh, did 30? Yeah. Now there's a big, like, people 968 me and stupid shit on Twitter all the time, but I see these full blown arguments between like, American 968, which are just, like, white children that haven't lived life yet. Yeah. Right? But they're like, no, that actually never happened. It's all propaganda. propaganda. Like, dude, we got the fucking video dude, we got fucking video tape. 968 not like It's not like it's a little And it has their own Keon and wing basically where they're denying the Tiananmen square has their own Q1 and Wing 30 where they're denying the Tiananmen Square thing happened. But think it's I mean, they're also denying that any election might be legitimate unless they pass his voter rights legislation that never existed before. Right? So every election, I guess, has never been legitimate before. Did they did they really 968 down the statue? statue? You know who lost their shit over that 968 was 968 today. No. That was the 30 Teddy 968. Teddy Roosevelt statue. Yeah. I didn't 968. know. They were removing that from the natural or the New They were removing that from the natural the New York York. A history. history. What is What is it? Natural? History, I was wanting to take the whole thing down. Just take the Indian off of it it. If you're that you left. There was a slave next to him. Okay. There was a slave behind 30. Wrote about that that would wait. No. Wait, no, there wouldn't have been a slave wouldn't have been a slave. George 968. Washington. I don't think don't think Teddy, so that there was So Teddy, she 968 you. It got taken down because there was an of portray a little bit it. Again, know that 30 Roosevelt was the first president to host an SML. SNL. That'd be pretty 968 be pretty cool. Right? He would be he would be incredible fucking performer. Mhmm. No. Taylor Reynolds was the 968 he hosted George 968, Culver's, and it was a big III don't know if you'd call it a scandal, but it was a big thing at that time that he sat down alone with black Mandaville wasn't broke first though. He was he was super being granted that super ended. Peanut 30 butter. 968? 30 that's 968? grant. He's he I mean, he had a few black members on his cabinet. cabinet. Yeah. Yeah. That's progressive Look at the spot for eating. 30 at the statue. Yes. Yeah. So there's the there's the slave. I don't think that's a slave. slave. It's a black 968 a black guy. I guy. I don't think it's a think it's a slave. I think think it's it's it's Roosevelt and then, like, two just, like, native people. One from Africa. One from Africa. One of two men. Two men. You didn't have a mortgage. This is a little bit of a a shredded black guy from Africa during that time period. What's yeah. What's what's about? What's 968? Thirty years after the end of slavery. Yeah. What's the what's the offensive 968 here? Those dudes look 968 as fuck. That's a nice statue. What's I What's I don't, I don't understand why it's offensive because he's on a horse in I don't understand why it's offensive. Because he's on a horse in there. They do No. Anihilism is what What they do with the Roosevelt, 968, as present, he was kind of a 30 guy. They they do that thing where they kind of you know, jack them up a little bit. Yeah. bit. They lie about, you know, Teddy Roosevelt was, he was a heavier set, lie 968, you know. 30 Roosevelt was he was a heavier 968 man. That's fine. It's like the the cartoons on Fox, the animation of the football players. Did you see Tom Brady's animation on Fox see Tom Brady's animation on Fox? 968. Pull it pull up. He's fucking 968 jacked. We were like, dude, that's not Tom you're like, dude, that's not Tom 30. Yeah. Yeah. Why don't we do Why do we do that? They do it. They did it with 968. For years. They'd put him on rainbows, buy 968. Why did 968 are you doing? Yeah. Yeah. He really does look like that really does look like that 968. No. You should've seen him in real life. Donald 968. You should've McDonald's for 30 He does. And I've And I've had multiple I've had multiple people confirm that. There 968 is. Put it up on screen. Look, you don't think they made time up. 968 face, he looks like a squishy face. What happened? happened? Ah, 968. Because he can't have everything. Right? Yeah. He also doesn't look his eggs there. Look there. You have the guns on the guns on it 30 early thirties. thirties. He looks great right now, whatever he's He looks 968 right now. Whatever he's doing, give me all of those things. He's eating babies. babies. He has to be 30 has to be right. A 30 crumb. Is that 30 shit? don't know how you can be a vegan and be football No. You're not just eating fucking vegetables looking like that. It's it's you're you're eating children's bed. Right? Yep. Right? I'd get, I I'm I'm in for I 968 I I'm I'm in for it. Let's do it. But let's legalize it. You know? I don't care if it's 30. It's medicinal stuff. Right? For medicinal purposes 30, you can't do for sun. Yeah. Hundred percent. Because I got friends of mine who were buying these fucking ice barrels. barrels. I saw Chuck Waddell was giving away one on his Instagram the other I saw Chuck O'Dell was giving away one on his Instagram the other day. So people are taking fucking hard ice baths now and then deep sodas. Like, every I'm like, who the fuck has time for that? Well, 968 that been a thing for years? years? That's something new right something new. Right? No. The Swedes have been doing that since I fucking do that 30 have been doing that since -- Oh, so 30 fucking -- they do that shit. Twelve. Now you can throw it And in your your house. So so Chuck had a giveaway of this barrel. barrel. You can it's it's called an ice it's it's called an ice barrel. Mhmm. And I barrel. And I guess you just fill it up with ice, but who has that much time to go get fucking fresh ice you just filled up with ice, but who has that much time to go get fucking fresh ice 30 day? Well, I mean, I don't know about that. I that. I don't know how the mission, maybe the machine makes ice somehow or some know how the maybe the machine makes ice smell or some shit. I don't Otherwise, this is the fucking tub and you could buy it anyway. Pull up the ice barrel, dude. I I saw it on I wish I can remember the name of it or I should just tell you 968. But But yeah, it's it's first if sourcing the ice, isn't a problem that it's not a problem at all because it's it's 968, if sourcing the ice isn't a problem, then it's not a problem at all. Because -- Yeah. -- you just sit in it for, like, ten or fifteen minutes 968, and then you would go to the sauna. Yeah. Yeah. sauna. So it's not that big a deal it's not that big a deal. Don't type in Chuck Codell's ice 30. It's not his. Somebody else's. It's another company. But you just sit in the there you go. That's it right there. You just sit in this giant goddamn thing I don't think it produces ice. ice. It looks It looks sweet. Right? Or you're just like, 968. Sweet. I can hop into that. And if you You've got a deep a deep freeze, just put, like, on Sunday when you do your grocery shopping, get five bags of ice. I guess, man. But that's who has the fucking 968? I love one of these. So if we can get these as a sponsor, that'd be great. What great. We actually, we actually aren't talking about, actually we actually You got to fill it up with ice? Yeah. For real? It's just like a plastic tub that drains at the 968. Gross. That's all right. It takes for everybody in there. It takes for you. That's the hardest part 968, like, giving your kids a bath is due to 968 takes so long for the water to fill up. Now you're gonna add ice to that equation. Fuck off. Well, the ice saves you some of the time that the water's going into. into. Right? I guess. 968 still a lot, though. You're gonna fill that fucking thing up. They're they're a very distinct and good physiological and psychological effects from doing ice baths. baths. Like, good ones. ones. They, it produced one of the reactions is it produces a chemical that helps your 968 of the reactions is it produces chemical that helps your 30, memory. For for example. It's very bizarre. Really? Yeah. Okay. Because I see a lot of people online doing it now, and I'm like, alright, cool. Well, they they're doing it because Joe Rogen does. does. haven't seen him do it at the Sona. I see him in the Sona. time. He's been, I love a fucking, I love a good sauna, but that's been I love a fucking I love a good 968, but that's easy. Yeah. 968 30 walk in and walk in He goes, ice bath sauna. Yeah. 968 Yeah. That's what a lot of people are doing now to me, that it takes so much fucking lot of people are doing now. 968 me that I can't 968 takes so much fucking time. time. I that's all I think about when I look at these fucking crazy people on, on Instagram, I smoke all I think about when I look at these fucking crazy people on on Instagram. I smoke cigarettes. I know you do. Yeah. That's 968 my guess. 30, Jackie. I know you do know you do brother. That's why I love you, man. Yeah. I don't see you doing a nice bath. No. I did it when I was sweet. I I did the song and then the ice bath thing when I was in Sweden. How was it? It was awesome. 968 fun. No shit. Yeah. Alright. The sun AF I get down on, for sure. I felt tough as shit being an American and Sweden. Now 968 people are different. They're they're pretty hardcore out there. Yeah. Like, you get in the 30. They become European men real fast. I felt like that cock of the walk walking through 968 Stockholm. Do you whip anybody's ass? No. But I knew that I could. Yeah. I wanted to. Yeah. It's a good feeling. They're smaller than me. They're skinnier. They don't have that that freaking, you know, that American attitude that I have. All their all their alphas will were killed in World War 968. All of Europe's alphas were killed in World War two now, which is a bunch of bitches over there. Yeah. Oh, yeah. yeah. All their hockey players are playing in their hockey players are playing in America. So -- Mhmm. -- all their alphas are out of 30 right now. Yeah. You're just out of the soccer team. Right? Yeah. I'm not worried about those guys. Soccer 30 huge over there. I mean, unless you're trying to AF you have to run away, I guess, for some reason 968 you're probably not gonna win that one. No. No. No. Yeah. And I I do hear that, you know, some of their newer citizens you know, they they carry guns. guns. I would lose that I would lose that battle. So Yeah. Yeah. Jack, you know what we're gonna do today? We're gonna give you the bro the week. 968 it away. Who would you like to give the drink? I do the same one every do the same one every time. Don't just stick with it? Man, do you? Yes. I'm going to I I 968 Tell you what it's been John Wayne what? It's been John Wayne 30 every time he's been there so far. Far, but I'm going to change it up this 968. I'm gonna change it up this time. time. Or do you have a you have a suggestion? Well, I I do 968 this because I I wanna ask you a 968 Googling question. Oh, yes. Yeah. So go ahead. I got Jersey. 968, part of bro. The week I'm going to give a shout out to, I don't know if we've done it the week, I'm gonna give a shout out to I don't know if we've done it yet, actually. I'm I'm oh, I was gonna go 30 go lucky, but I don't know if we've done it yet. Mike Dixon. Dixon. Oh yes. So, dude, Dick's, have 30 already done the deal? He gave Dixon Mike Dixon the businessman of the year. Okay. So he's a salesman well over the year. Yeah. Yeah. You can say can say Mike. Yeah. I I gotta give it up to Mike. Because you guys you spent a lot of time with Mike. Yeah. A little bit. I mean, he was always around, you know, doing Ranger up events when I was there. And 30, he was very heavily involved with Range fifteen, all the parties and premieres. And then, oh, 30, I crashed in a hotel room with him one time when 30 were in Atlanta doing the one of the nerd festivals there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And he was really into all that cosplay stuff, and he introduced me to it, and he was such I mean, everyone has nice things about people when they die. He genuinely there's not a bad word you can say about that. I mean -- No. -- and he was dedicated to to to the brands and the movies and the shows that a lot of us were involved with, I with. I got to give it up to Mike 968 give it up to Mike Dixon just one of the most generally kindest dudes on earth. Yeah. A hundred percent agree. And I know you're busy and you probably don't have time to listen to the show III know you're busy and you probably don't have time to listen to the show every day, but I talked to him a few hours just before he died. I did not know that. Yeah. I called I called his wife and because we were 30, he answers right away on Facebook Messenger. Yeah. And so hadn't heard from him in a couple weeks because we were setting up the show for him to be the brosman Of the of the year. year. He passed away the, the, the nights before he was supposed to be on the 30 passed away the the the 968 before he was supposed to be on the show. No shit. Yeah. To to do the businessman and I 30, he was hanging on there. there. He was. And so because I saw the pictures when he got back from his daughter's wedding. Yeah. And I was like, oh, shit. This is his last leg. Yeah. But because he's had cancer for years. Yeah. Ever since I knew him back in twenty seven -- Yeah. -- 30? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can absolutely double dip on on Dixon. Yeah. Fucking awesome, dude. Just give him the the the Dixon double dip. NICE 968 dude ever, and he he actually came and because we always invite people if you're in town to come and just come in studio and watch the show. Yeah. And then his wife came in 30 soon. And we put him on the show. Yeah. And his wife was was none plus with Anthony and I talking about sexual endeavors. I think yeah. She's great though. She's Mike was more of a hardcore 968, bro. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He him and his wife were the, like, the nicest people -- Yeah. -- ever. So Cheers to that. that. And this is we're going into the future now, since we're recording on Friday, bills are playing this is we're going into the future now since we're recording on Friday. Bills are playing Sunday. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of people are saying the winner of this will go to the super lot of people are saying 968 of this will go to the Super Bowl. Right. I actually agree with that. I've been failing it all year. No. You've been on fire, so -- Yeah. -- bills versus 30. Who do you got? Because by the time this airs Actually, shit. This will air at the same time. It will air at all games Drinkin. Yeah. Same exact time. Bills are getting two and a half points. Mhmm. Who do you got? Oh, I'm going with the bills. 968 only am I going with the bills, but Jets Gowland? It's Bill's Homer every single day. Gotta give it up to my boys. Yeah. Yeah. Now the bills are gonna win it. Yeah. Hold on. 30 we sent out your 30, by the way. So 968 was a giveaway in our in one of our 30 football leagues. I think he was Craig 968. That's right, Craig. Brother-in-law, I want it. Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah. So that went out the door, and he's the proud owner of it. I told him I just just said live on air. I said, look, it's got all the chat smells to it. Yeah. So whatever that entails, congratulations, and 968 It's I wore it. Yeah. I wear it around the studio. Yes. Price definitely smells like cigarettes. cigarettes. That's for 968 for sure. Yeah. It's game worn. worn. It's classy and that's It's classy. And that's important. Yeah. Yeah. I've definitely gone with the going with the bills. Awesome. And then I just like their you know? Yeah. They're Yeah. They're fucking fucking great. I understand it. I might be picking against it later. We later. We have an NFL show right after an NFL show right after this. So we'll see. We'll see. But if you have not watched the Friday night Jack Sesh, it is on Patreon. Patrion. Go to Patrion, drink a cause it's too aggressive for to Patreon. DRINKINBROS because it's too aggressive for for 968. 30, Tachy. Well, I had Justin govern all on had Justin Governance on last week. Right? Oh, how was that? that? He didn't tell didn't tell just 968 was in town. He didn't tell us He came up just to do that show and he was full Justin. Was he really? Yeah. And I told, hey, man. It's all 30. Say you want. want. Yeah. You can do and say whatever you You can do and say whatever you want. Yeah. 968 killing it right now. Yeah. Yeah. That's 968 great. Yeah. That's great. great. Shout out to discussing 968 out to just Justin 968. Yeah. My secondary drinker brother week. Yeah. So go to 30. Check out the 30 night jack sesh. We 968 a bunch of shit on there there. That's always popping 968 always popping up. We appreciate the support support. Go to to 968, also rate to show five star and leave a quick review, and then Spotify. It's just a five star. That's it. There's no reviews there. They're just doing a star system, and we've already got over eleven hundred reviews already on 30. So that just pops up like a week ago. Two weeks ago. ago. We appreciate We appreciate it. Mhmm. It's all the advertisers give us shit abouts. And look out for Lucy coming AF you later on this week for Anthony to Anthony Holloway, Jack Mandeville, Mandeville. I'm Ross Ross Patterson. This is the 968 bros podcast. Good night everyone.


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