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Organic Social Selling with Chatbots: This ManyChat Automation Generated $15,385 in 60 Days

Organic Social Selling with Chatbots: This ManyChat Automation Generated $15,385 in 60 Days

Released Monday, 6th May 2024
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Organic Social Selling with Chatbots: This ManyChat Automation Generated $15,385 in 60 Days

Organic Social Selling with Chatbots: This ManyChat Automation Generated $15,385 in 60 Days

Organic Social Selling with Chatbots: This ManyChat Automation Generated $15,385 in 60 Days

Organic Social Selling with Chatbots: This ManyChat Automation Generated $15,385 in 60 Days

Monday, 6th May 2024
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ng-app-id="otter-web">[_nghost-otter-web-c916090394]{box-sizing:content-box}</style><meta property="twitter:player" content="https://otter.ai/twitter_card/note/l9NYgr-U8AJ_OsgYjLPfNj9JSh8?utm_source=copy_url"><meta property="twitter:player:width" content="480"><meta property="twitter:player:height" content="420"></head> <body> <app-root id="app-root" _nghost-otter-web-c916090394 ng-version="16.1.3" class="material-icons-loaded" ng-server-context="ssr"><app-react-root _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394></app-react-root><router-outlet _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394></router-outlet><!----></app-root> <div id="otter-seo" style="display: none"><h1 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>EP 245 - Keenya Kelly</h1><h2 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>10:17PM Apr 25, +0000</h2><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Speakers: </h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Ellen Yin</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Keenya Kelly</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Keywords: </h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>keenya</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>freebies</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>automation</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>hooks</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>people</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>bot</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>follow</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>word</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>chat</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>keyword</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>day</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>memes</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>comment</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>message</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>email</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>dms</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>offer</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>paid</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>mastery</h3><h3 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>instagram</h3><img _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394 src="https://otter.ai/static/[email protected]"><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>You're listening to Cubicle to CEO episode 245. ManyChat has entered the chat in a big way over the last few years. So we're bringing you a practical case study from an entrepreneur who has successfully leveraged this to skyrocket her post engagement and sales. Video marketing strategist Keenya Kelly started using mini chat in 2020 to gather leads and convert them into paying customers. Her strategy has led to 18% conversion rates, and over $15,000 in revenue in the last 60 days alone, Keenya walks us through each step of her chatbot automation sequence, including the exact wording of the messages sent so you can skip the learning curve and hit the ground running with setting up your own automations. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Listen until the end to discover the types of content that triggered the most responses to initiate chatbot conversations. Why Keenya doesn't send fresh leads straight to paid offers an innovative way to leverage chatbots to stand out to brands for paid partnerships. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Welcome to Cubicle to CEO, the podcast where we ask successful founders and CEOs the business questions you can't google. I'm your host, Ellen Yin. Every Monday go behind the business and a case study style interview with the leading entrepreneur who shares one specific growth strategy they've tested in their own business exactly how they implemented it, and what the results and revenue were. You'll also hear financially transparent insights from my own journey bootstrapping our media company from a $300 freelance project into millions in revenue.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Hey friends, welcome back to the show. I'm joined here today by Keenya Kelly, a video marketing strategist. And can use case study is going to be about how she used a ManyChat bot to create an automation that generated 428 leads in 60 days and those leads by the way generated about $15,000. Or if you want to get really specific $15,385 on the back end. Now I know ManyChat is a very hot topic right now a lot of marketers a lot of online businesses are using it. So I'm really excited to get into the details. But first Keenya, we want to hear your Cubicle to CEO story. What was that catalyst that led you into entrepreneurship.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So I've actually been kind of like an entrepreneur pretty much my whole life, I got into Network Marketing early on. And when you're exposed the type of money people make in network marketing, it's really hard to have a job. Now I did work in corporate, I made six figures at my job. But it was like once I had seen the possibilities of time, freedom, financial freedom, and just me being myself was like there was something more attractive about that than continuing to have a full time job.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Absolutely. And I think that's why I believe so much and that that saying and I don't know who originally coined it, but if you can see her you can be her. I really feel like platforms like this that expose you to people's stories from different walks of life and backgrounds show you a path that maybe you haven't lived yourself, but you see it in someone else and you go okay, my mind has expanded to encompass that possibility now, so we love them. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So for you then as a video marketing strategist, ManyChat has actually been around for many, many years. You know, it's interesting. I my first exposure to ManyChat, I think was in 2008. Teen long before it was kind of a household name in the online business space. When was the first time you came across ManyChat and with the case study that we're going to be diving into today? Is this a newer strategy that you're implementing in your own business? Or was this something that you've kind of tested for several years?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>I think I got exposed to ManyChat probably in 2019, maybe early 2020. Just being in other people's like they their bots, you know, you're like commenting, or wherever you're watching this, like automated thing kind of happened. But I didn't really dive into it for myself until 2020 when we hired our very first Facebook ad strategist. And she was heavily into into chatbots. And it was just like, for me, it was quite a whirlwind. Because I'm gonna create a visionary. I'm not very technical. But I was like, if she says working, then let's go, You know what I mean? </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>I love that you're open to it, especially before AI, you know, was really the talk of the town like it is now. But for those who maybe are still newer to this concept, maybe have never heard of mini chat before or have seen it and play on the user side but have never actually hosted their own mini chat automation on the back end. Can you give us a high level walkthrough of one of your ManyChat automations and then we'll dig into the data around this specific case study. So maybe start with like, the key word and kind of just walk us all the way through the end?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>For sure. So we have one of our chatbot minute like is a key word which is the word hooks because we have a free a free guide teaching people 75 hooks for your short video. And so the the what we do on the back end is that we go into mini chat and we tell them when someone types the word hooks, then we want you to automatically reply to them saying great, check your DM. And then the moment that they check their DM, it's like, hi, you were interested in our 75 hooks, right click get updates. If you are then a person clicks, get updates, then it asks them for their name, they put their name and ask them for their email, they put their email and then immediately the hooks come directly to them in their Instagram DM, but then Zapier automatically zaps them into our email system. And it works extremely well. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Amazing. So the chat is kind of like guiding them through the information you need to collect rather than it just being a form that they fill out themselves. If for any reason, let's say the bot is like, what's your name? And you say, Keenya and then they're like, Okay, can you what's your email? And you're like, Oh, I actually don't want to give you my email yet. If someone gives an answer that isn't part of the the expected responses, I guess, how does the bot react to that? Or at that point? Does the bot kind of just say, Oh, I don't understand your response? You know, I'll let you know someone else chat with you. And is the person aware I guess that they're speaking with a non human at that point? </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>For sure. So they are 100% aware that they're speaking with a non human because it's just, it happens too fast for it to actually be me. Yeah. And I think that most people have gotten used to the fact that, oh, this is just an automated type of process that she has, or they have. I believe that if they say something that is not their email address, then I don't think it talks back to them. But it talks to me, because I often will get an email that says, Hey, John is trying to talk to you inside of many chat. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>And so then I'll go to ManyChat, and I can see all this person didn't get their email, they said something else. And then now me or a member of my team can then go and give their information there. But I think that what we're experiencing is like, probably 75% of people are okay, with giving their email address versus couple years ago when they're like, No, we're not doing it, you know?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Yeah, absolutely. And I didn't know that piece actually, that if someone gave a response that wasn't, you know, part of the typical flow that you would actually receive a notification about that. That's very, very helpful. I know that for you, you're using ManyChat currently to send people both to freebies like the hooks guide that you just talked about, as well as paid offers, I would love to know, when you do send them to paid offers using that chat automation, are you sending them directly to a sales page, a checkout page link? Or do you actually send them to another form of a sales generator, like a webinar before they get to the sales page.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So we're actually testing a couple of things, what we're seeing is not working, is when we send them directly to the paid offer. Because we send them to the paid off or they go to it and like most people are not following all the way through. Some people are putting in their name and their email and then the are abandoned cart series is kicking in. So what we are learning is that we're trying to put in place now is that instead of sending people directly to these paid offers, that they're not buying immediately, why don't we send them to a webinar or something free about it, that way, we can capture them their email as a lead, share with them our information, and then we can we can continue with a follow up.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Okay, that's really great to know from your own experience, then that the free route seems to be converting higher for you on the back end, you just mentioned your abandoned cart email series, that was something that I definitely wanted to ask you about what I was reviewing the information that you had submitted prior to this interview. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So just going to my notes here real quick. You said okay, typically when you're sending a lead magnet has clickable links to your paid offers at the bottom of each page. So like on that hooks guy that you mentioned, and then you said usually in our process, a bot then sends a follow up message about the three day challenge or your vertical video mastery. So both are paid offers, with a link to sign up. And then you said if the lead abandoned cart, then they are sent through a follow up abandoned cart email sequence. So I want to first go to that bot follow up where they're sending a message about a paid offer, how many days or even how many hours after someone first sends that keyword to get the free offer? Is your bot following up then with a paid offer? </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Immediately.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Oh, wow. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Okay. Yes, because basically how the way we have it set up is that someone does the key word that they immediately received the free offer and Instagram. Now the bot doesn't immediately say something to them on Instagram or Facebook, but they get the confirmation email to their email address immediately. And when they get that confirmation email, that confirmation email is giving them what they just got one DM on Instagram, but it's also saying but also And then more than immediately the pain offer. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Okay, that makes a lot of sense. Does the bot itself in Instagram DMS, also at a later point, send a follow up message with that paid invitation? And if so, what is the, I guess the gap between you know, the first freebie message and then the bomb follow up message.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So if we are in a launch season, we're doing like a three day challenge or something, then the bot is going to follow up with them within three hours. And then it will follow up again within 18. And then it will it will continue to follow up with them for I think it's a day or 24 hours or something like that. If we are not in a launch, then it'll follow up with him within 12 hours. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Okay, interesting. Okay, so just repeat for our listeners, if you didn't catch all that, and a launch window, it sends a first follow up with a paid offer at three hours, then 18 hours, then again, in 24 hours in a non launch, it's a 12 hour window. I'm just curious why distinguish, I guess, for example, like in the launch window, when you're following up within three hours in a non launch, why not also have a shorter time window? What did you find about that 12 hour window that you feel is working for your people? </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>What we found was that we were following up with people not doing a launch time we were getting way more people say a stop to the bot way more people opting out of our emails. And so we were like, okay, when we're when we are under a time constraint, then we go a little bit like we're a little bit more aggressive. But also our social media is even more aggressive. So like, their the way that they're, they're coming in contact with us is there's a lot happening in right way. So they're like, they're going, Oh, she's got this free thing. Oh, she's doing this right now. So they can feel our urgency. Whereas another time, it's like, oh, it just feels slower. And we're like, let's just nurture that relationship. You know.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>That completely makes sense. So in a non launch season, when they're getting that first follow up with a paid offer inside Instagram DMs at the 12 hour mark, if they do not respond to that, or if they don't, you know, take any action on that. Is there any subsequent follow ups from the bot itself inside DMs? Or is it just that one and done at the 12 hour mark?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>The non launch?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Yeah, during the non launch? Correct? </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Um, I don't think so. I don't think we can No, no, I think we do 24 hour follow up. I can't quite remember that. But I don't think we do a whole lot. I think we try to focus more on email follow up. Now, we could be missing an opportunity there, which is why I'm glad you asked me. But I do think there's an opportunity to follow up with them within a day, two days or seven days, but we don't have as much. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Okay, no, that's really, really great to know. As you're looking at, you know, your your data, are you finding that when people do convert from, you know, that lead magnet opt in to a paid customer, whatever offer they end up buying at the back end? Do you find that most of your sales are coming from the automated email sequence follow ups or from the bot message follow ups? I'm curious if you know that.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Well, we can see that. For the most part, if they're coming in through ManyChat, then they're definitely getting a much higher conversion from the regular email follow ups, not more. So the bot follow ups, right? Yeah, I don't think as much as much more for the bots. I think it's I think it's high like 80% from email follow ups.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Okay, that's really good to know. So it seems like the mini chat automation is more about the the ease and convenience of actually capturing someone's initial information, like their email. And then the buy in is really happening through email, like you're saying.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Yeah, and also, like, I'm getting a visual picture of that what was happening. So like, when we're in a launch season, our bot is so aggressive in a way that I'll check back, I think was within like, 2025 24 hours, I will see where it says, Hey, did you get signed up? Because we programmed and I just can't remember, but it'll follow up as a hey, did you sign up for the challenge? And the person will say yes or no. And so I think it actually it's doing a high conversion with a challenge, not the bigger paid offers, like the challenge is only like $27. Right, when we're trying to sell a $2,000 product like the bots not It's not converting as high, you know, it's definitely doing better on email. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Yeah, and you know, this is just my opinion. So, I could be totally wrong here. But I do feel like for some reason, in our brains, at least for me, when I'm on the receiving end of like a mini chat automation flow versus an automated email flow, even though I know as a marketer, that both of those are automated sequences. It's not like you were sitting at your computer Keenya like today, I'm going to email Ellen about this, you know, this invitation. I know it's automation, but for whatever reason, when I'm receiving an email and reading an email, it feels more human. It feels more personal, like, Okay, I'm having this, you know, this dialogue of some sorts, or maybe even just knowing, hey, if I responded to this email on the other end, there's a human who's going to see it, versus I guess, responding to a chat automation. You could be saying the same words, but for some reason, it doesn't feel quite as personal. Do you kind of experience that similar feeling? </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>For sure. Yeah. So when I'm in other people's bots, I definitely feel that same way. And then people feel the same. But we've gotten a little bit of complaints, just a little bit of people being like, well, where's Keenya? When is Keenya going to actually talk back to us? So, and I think that because we, we have been programmed negatively about bots thing, because you know, bots technically are like bad because they're like doing these, like, follow unfollow type things. And so I think our programming right now is we're being reprogrammed or whatever. But the current our state of being is that bots are bad emails are better, you know. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Right. I well, I appreciate your honesty there, you know, to say, like, hey, not everyone loves being on the receiving end of this. And I do think there is a learning curve, but you know, as it becomes more and more prevalent, not just in this industry, but across really, all user experiences in our life, it will become more normalized. I would love to know that though. You know, you said sometimes people are like, hey, when is when is Keenya gonna come and chat with me? When do you step in and start to actually take over the chat manually? Is there a certain cadence that you follow? Is it only if someone asks like a direct question that the bot can't answer? Like, where do you typically bring in that human touch? </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Yeah, so what we started to do was because with vertical video, like you just blow up, like the way that your comments and all this stuff low, it was insane. So we actually hired a girl to focus all on comments and DMs. So every single day Her job is to go even if it shows that we have zero unopened DMs. Yeah, her job was to go and check and see did the bot talk to people and they're waiting on something. And so every day she comes in and whatever she can actually respond to she does things she can't she screenshots it and sends me a message and says, Hey, I don't know how to respond to this person, they really want to talk to you. And then I really will come in and say, Oh, hey, what's going on? Or whatever, you know? </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Yeah. Okay, that's really good to note that reminds me of, you know, we don't have any coaching programs anymore in our business and switching to a media company. But back when we did, I remember one of the things that really helped in our private community, when you know, all these students were asking coaching questions is, I had two amazing coaches that would answer most of those Facebook questions. But sometimes, like you said, there are there were instances where it was like, they just really need your perspective on this. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>And so what helped and this is I'm kind of just sharing for our listeners, in case this sparks any ideas for you guys. But what helped for us on the organization side, is instead of kind of like sending me those questions, as they were coming in, at the end of each day, one of my coaches would basically hyperlink to the individual posts that would need my attention. And she would assign all of them to me and a click up task do in like 24 hours. So I was kind of helpful just because I wasn't being inundated. Like here and there with like these, you know, hey, this needs your attention and kind of made it feel a little bit less like urgent. So anyways, I just that just kind of sparked that memory for us as we're talking. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>The ManyChat automations you mentioned a bit ago that you feel they work best with, like the challenge that $27 Low get, have you tested, like if someone let's say opts into the low ticket $27 challenge, have you tested sending some sort of automated follow up in DMs, separate from your email, follow up being like, we just wrapped up our challenge. I'm so glad you're part of it. I think you're ready for this next step and trying to sell them into your $2,000 program. Have you tested that? Or do you kind of just stay away from mid ticket high ticket offers altogether.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So we don't stay away from it. I think that there is a portion of ManyChat limitations. I'm not exactly sure if you're able to like if somebody buys this if you're able to have ManyChat make sure that they follow up with every single person that's made a purchase. But what we do do is we do send out broadcast messages directly from ManyChat. So if anyone has opted into that they purchase a challenge when that time is up and they're over and they still haven't bought our product we will send one message that broadcast to every single person that here's the challenge like right now today is Thursday and so we have a broadcast message going out to every single person that joined our challenge and so it's not like I'm would probably have to look into that but I don't think that you can actually do that in terms of like the automated like flow of it yet.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Okay, that makes sense. So like, just so I'm understanding clearly you're basically saying at least to your knowledge in many chat, there's not like you know, in email workflows, you can have like some sort of decision tree where it's like, is this person already a buyer yes or no so you're saying in many chat to your knowledge you're not aware that there is that decision tree. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Correct.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394> Okay, so has to be a-</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>ManyChat doesn't have any probably go high level probably hasn't. Or group tracks some of the what I'm learning is that everybody's like many chat is way behind go high level and group track. So we are actually as a company looking at like, go high level like what y'all doing.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>You know, that's really good to know. Because I feel like sometimes name recognition for a certain brand, like when Everyone just assumes, oh, that's like the industry standard. Let's use that. But that's really good to know. Okay, if you do switch over to either one of those other software's you mentioned, you'll have to like come come back and give us an update on on, you know, if you felt like there was a real difference there in terms of the, the refinement, I guess, of your of your automation. Yeah. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Speaking though, of these automated follow up messages, I don't know if you have it in front of you, like if you can pull up your phone and maybe look at one of your DMs but I think it'd be really helpful for our listeners, who maybe are newer to setting up a ManyChat automation, if you can actually read aloud, like Okay, once someone's giving you their name and email and then you know, you're sending them like those follow up messages, either directing them to the challenge or, you know, whatever else that may be if you could actually, like literally read us through one of those sequences, I think that would be immensely helpful to our listeners.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So basically, when you go to a one of my accounts, I went in, and I acted like I was wanting to get the hooks. And all I did was I just typed in the word hooks, and then immediately it got a message that says, check your DMs for the hooks. Once I got into my DM, it says, Hey, nice to see you back Keenya, click below to download the 75 hooks. And so once I did that, then it asked me for my name, I gave them my name. And they asked me what is your email address and I gave them my email address. And then it said click below to grab the hooks. And so when they clicked it now it goes directly to Google Drive, where they can download the hooks. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>But then after that happened, it then said, hey there if you're ready to learn how to again see how long ago it was, I think it was probably about six or seven hours. Hey there if you're ready to learn how to market your business using short video marketing, then the vertical video mastery course is where you come and join us click below now we're offering our paid product.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>I've booked my flight to AIX en Provence this summer in the south of France and I'm feeling confident enough to converse in French with the locals. Thanks to Babbel. Babbel's quick 10 minute lessons are handcrafted by over 200 language experts to help you start speaking a new language in as little as three weeks using Babbel I've been able to get a little bit better every day with the focus on real life situations. babbles conversation based teaching prepares you to actually use what you've practiced in the real world. And I can't wait to apply that in real time this summer when I'm ordering at a local cafe or shopping the outdoor markets and asking for directions as I explore AIX en Provence on foot Babbel's personalized learning content, real time feedback tracking and visualizations help keep you focused and motivated. That's why 15 hours with Babbel is equal to one university semester. All 14 of Babbel's award winning language courses are backed by their 20 day money back guarantee. So this truly is the most risk free and fastest way to learn a new language in just 10 minutes a day. Here's a special limited time deal for our listeners. Right now get up to 60% off your Babbel subscription, but only for our [email protected]/ellen get up to 60% off at babbel.com/ellen spelled babbel.com/ellen, ellen, rules and restrictions may apply. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Okay, so that was super helpful. Thank you. I know our people love like those word for word scripts. So at that point when you're like, you know, here's the link to that if someone responds in any way, is there any other message that's like automated to to follow that or is that kind of where it ends? Unless you know, they ask a manual question that your team then comes in to answer.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So what happened to me after that, because I didn't respond to my own message. It sent me another message. Six hours later and gave a talk we'll talk on the all about the vertical video mastery and say click below to join. I still didn't take action with it. So then it messaged me again, four hours later. And then it messaged me again 24 hours later. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Okay, awesome. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So I think I think that what we had to set up I have to remember this but I think the way we set up is that there probably is some type of sensitive sensitivity on the inside of many chat to where they actually go through and by it the message stops but I can't quite remember that right off top my head. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>No, totally understandable. Would you be willing to share any of those follow up messages and actually read them aloud as well? Because I think sometimes something that people struggle with is how do I continue to follow up with someone about the same thing without sounding like a broken record or or being annoying, right, which is most people's fear around follow up. So anyways, if you want to share how you kind of approach it from different angles with your messages.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So the second message was no doubt that vertical video is the fastest way to reach your audience today on social media. And with so many platforms having this feature, it can be very overwhelming with the details, but not anymore. Click below to join VVM. Then the four hours after that, hey, again, how did it go with the free templates and video training, which is what they downloaded earlier. I also wanted to let you know that the vertical video mastery is now open for enrollment. Join me as I'm going to be teaching you how to build your business and market yourself using Instagram and Tiktok for eight straight weeks, then the last message is we don't focus on followers but dollars using reels and tick tock, which is why I'm checking in to remind you of our vertical video mastery. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Oh, so good. Thank you so much for being willing to do that, like give us the full back end of your of your automation. If you appreciated that. Please send Keenya a DM today and say thank you for giving us the whole look at your automation flow. Let's talk about the numbers and your actual case study. So you know, we previewed at the beginning that in the last 60 days, you've gotten 428 leads through mini chat bought automations. And of those 428, you had 78 people purchase. So that's an 18% conversion, by the way for listeners, that's incredible. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Have you noticed an average sales cycle from a lead to a purchase? What I mean by that is on average, have you noticed? Let's say it takes people an average of seven days from when they first became a lead to buying anything of yours? Or maybe it's less than that? Or more than that? Do you do you have like a cadence in mind there? </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>For sure. So I would say on average, because we reach so many people so often, it's probably between four to six months. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Oh, wow. Okay. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Before they're actually purchasing, and one of the reasons because our customer is still kind of like on the fence around vertical short form video. If it was me as a coach, it's one thing but like with vertical short video, there's still like they're having this moment or what have you. But we do have the people who are ready for vertical short video, it probably takes them about two weeks to two to two to six weeks before they purchase because they are ready. They're just trying to decide if I'm the right person for them. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Right. Thank you for giving that extra context. By the way, I think that's something that people often forget when they're selling products that people are at different stages of awareness and I knee into that beautifully. Like, if you're not even sold on vertical video as a vehicle to market your business, then yeah, it's gonna be hard for you to want to buy any solution to that problem if you don't even think you have that problem. Right. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Right. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Right. That is so helpful in your actual breakdown of these different products. So the 78 people who bought for our listeners, this is what it looks like. 37 people purchased vertical video accelerator 25 People bought the three day tic toc and rules for business challenge. And again, that was the low ticket $27 offer that Keenya mentioned earlier. Nine people upgraded to VIP from that challenge. And then seven people bought vertical video mastery now real quick, vertical video accelerator versus vertical video mastery, what is the distinction between those two offers?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So the accelerator that's basically where it's like a membership, and so you're paying 20 to $27 a month, and you're in a community with hundreds of entrepreneurs, and they are able to jump on group calls with me twice a month. We look at their content once a month, and they're able to just get support from me and our team and the whole community in their every single month. Mastery is our course. So here's what we're breaking down all things with Rails, all tutorials, all things with tick tock everything that I know about video marketing strategy transitions to how to go viral and all that. Plus, it comes with eight weeks of live group coaching with me. So they are in so that the accelerator is like 27 mastery is 1197. So I'm basically coaching them every single week for for eight weeks. And we only usually have about 30 people in there. So it's very, very high touch.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>I love that. So the first the accelerator is kind of like an ad hoc, like, hey, jump in with a question as you need it. But there's no really set pathway or curriculum, whereas the mastery feels very structured and you're guiding them through a step by step process. I love that. So just so you all know these 78 conversions, added $15,385 to Keenya's revenue, and that's only in 60 days and this is from social media leads, which is incredible. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Do you know by any chance if, like the majority of these 400 some leads were already existing followers or or if they were new people who were discovering your content through like a vertical video that just showed up on their Explore page, do you know just even if it's like a general sense, and not a specific number about how many were existing followers versus new people?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Yeah, I think that have probably 60/40, 6, are current followers and 40 that are brand new to us, because we try our best to go after new people all day. But I think it was 60/40 though.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>that's such an impressive split still, like, really just like wanting to drive it home for our listeners, like think about 40% of your email list growth coming from people who are cold to you, and not using ads to do that. Well, I guess I shouldn't assume that. I should double check with you. Do you currently amplify any of your content with paid traffic? Or is this truly all organic?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>This is all organic.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Wow. Such a good I mean, that is, that's hard to be really with getting that high of a percentage of people who aren't already following you. So I guess I want to dig into that then like with with the content that you're creating the vertical videos that you are creating yourself that are getting people to comment the keyword and bring them into the DMs in the first place with the mini chat automations. What type of content are you seeing perform really well for getting people to actually comment the word right now?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>I think you're gonna be very surprised when I say this. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Okay, </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Memes. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Really?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Memes. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Memes, just like-</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Static Memes one of our most top performing memes is it's an old picture of Kim Kardashian, and she's on the phone looking out. And I just say, hey, bestie your video needs a hook, comments hooks below. Oh my god, the hundreds of people that opt into the bot for that. So we recycle that every like 90 days, because people just for whatever, that's the number one mean. And so then if we use old Taylor Swift things, or Kermit the Frog or Miss Piggy, not the main current one things that are happening, but like, things that people can just completely relate to, and what our message relates to them means just are something special.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Okay, you are right, that totally caught me by surprise. I thought your answer was going to be something video based for sure. That is fascinating. I now I'm trying to think through like, Have I seen any memes recently with a you know, comment, this word type of call to action? I'm not sure. Now I'm gonna have to go like stalk your page and find all the different memes that you you've made, because that's, that's brilliant for inspiration. I'm a huge Swifty. So I've got to know like, what is an example of an old like Taylor meme that you've created that also has worked? Well, if you can think of one off the top of your head?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Sure. So exactly the one right after the Super Bowl when her and Travis were hugging, and she was like, Oh my God. And so we took like a series of three of those memes, and we just put something like, I'm so glad I was able to get those hooks comment below. And then the next one was something else about oh my god, my videos are down, but you're here to save the day. And then we just keep like the only the first one has comment hooks on it. And they will just like make them funny throughout. And then of course the caption is telling them to do the exact same thing. Now, I did just learn a trick this morning. And I was like we're implementing that today. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Okay. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>And what one of the marketers are doing is they're, they're putting in the name and all that. But the first words of their caption in like brackets says, comment keyword. So it says common keyword, and then they write their cache. And I was like, that makes total sense. Because not everybody's gonna get to the bottom of your caption. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Rright? </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>They just get there a little bit if it's first, you're guaranteed. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>That is so smart. Because it's like, you're kind of like, preceding this action in their brains. Like, hey, don't forget, this is what I want you to do you know, from whoever you're going to read about. So you know, that's so smart. I don't know why maybe it just hasn't come across my feet yet. But because I see like the specific Taylor Travis mean that you're referring I can I can literally see the image in my brain. And I've seen tons like I remember even like after the Oscars recently, there were tons of memes circulating with, you know, different viral moments that happened that night. But usually those memes are just like, for fun like to have a laugh or like, you know, like if you can relate or share this with a friend or whatever, but I haven't really seen people like utilize the meme as a way to like, get someone to comment a key word. So that's so smart. I love that you shared this with us. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Do you keep like a one to one pairing between your hooks and your freebies? What I mean by that is like so you know, we've used that keyword hooks over and over again. And by the way, if you're listening to this episode, like you've gotta go comment hooks somewhere on Keenya's page just to see this in action, right so like we'll make sure to link Keenya's Instagram below so you can test this out for yourself in real time. But like for example, hooks leads them to that hooks guide that you have 75 ideas right. Do you only use that one keyword to direct them to that freebie or does that freebie actually have like a series of different cue Words that you'll rotate through, depending on what the post is. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So right now, we are only using the word hooks. Because in the social media space, the number one thing that people are realizing they're not doing right is hooks. So we're just using that phrase, I do think that it is probably wise of us to try different keywords to get people there. But right now, it's just such a hot thing of people needing and we're just using what's what's working right now?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Well, and it's so clear to so it's like, Why, why fix what's not broken? Right? That totally makes sense. What are some of the other keyword examples that you're currently have, you know, currently have a mini chat automation setup for? I'm just wondering if all of them are like one word, like very obvious words? Or do you try phrases ever, like, Tell me some of those other keywords that you're testing.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So we just literally use typically one key word because I mean, we're all human. And we misspell words. We all have the whole fat finger thing when you touch the wrong all the things or whatever. But we typically just use like one word. And we have a lot of them like I have a podcast. And if you comment, the word podcast, it's going to lead you to my Keenya Kelly podcast. If you comment, the word YouTube is going to lead you to my YouTube channel. Because the word tic toc is going to lead you to our tic toc guide. And then the word monetize is going to lead you to our monetize a taught course. So we're like we're all have all types of freebies and dependent upon what we're trying to launch or we're trying to sell is what we're talking about on social. I even have a one I have a podcast for it's called you, me and Jesus. And if you type the word Jesus, you're gonna get some people are like, whoa, do you have podcasts? And I'm like, gotcha.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Oh my gosh, I can't wait to like play with all of these and just like, comment all these random keywords and see what you send me. Me I really it's such a good way I think to learn from others is to just be part of their process, their funnel, whatever it is, and get to experience it on the user side.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>You mentioned who will say this, I'm having something for some of the other marketers, because like I became this accidental influencer, when brands want to pay me to create content or whatever. And of course, we know that the platform's don't really like for us to say click the link in bio. And so now we are able, when we're selling like the package to the brand and say, hey, we will create a chat bot, and it will look like this, this, this, this and this. And every single time we talk to a brand, they're always like, what you know, and we're like, we can guarantee we can get them into our DMs they aren't they go crazy about it. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Ah, that is like gold as someone who does a lot of brand partnerships and sponsorships that's so smart. And what a great way to differentiate yourselves. And I mean, I can see why brands just salivate over that. Because it's like the intimacy of a DM really heightens the the affinity or the relationship they feel with that brand, or whatever it is they're trying to promote. So, so smart, that one piece alone is like making this entire episode goal. So like, please, please don't underestimate the power of that. Thank you for sharing that awesome tip. I really appreciate that. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>You mentioned a moment ago that you you have a myriad of freebies that you're you know, promoting and rotating through all the time. Do you have like, for example, like your your signature program, the vertical video mastery? Do you have a bunch of different freebies that are all, you know, eventually tracking to that? Or maybe the challenge is actually a better example to bring up here? Because you said usually the DM automation leads to like one of those low ticket offers like the challenge, do you have several different freebies, all driving to that challenge at the same time? And like you mentioned the hooks a bunch of times, but what other freebies are you using to drive to that right now?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Yeah, so we have a a guy that's called Tiktok for female coaches. And so when they download that they get a PDF and a training. And that word tic tock will guide them to that free guide. And they will we're in launch mode of that of a challenge that immediately sells them into the challenge. When the challenge is not happening, then it's automatically trying to sell them into a evergreen product for Tiktok marketing. And we have one that's called vertical video templates. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>And so they come with the Word templates, it's gonna give them five Tiktok like things that they can do for videos, and then five Instagram reels things they can do for videos, here's what it is, here's how you can use it. Here's an example all in a PDF. And during the launch, obviously it's going to take them directly to the product and or to check the challenge. When it's not then we're directly sending them to our vertical video mastery. Evergreen, so it's going to be the live launch was always going to be an evergreen product.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Okay, that makes sense to distinguish between those. So like, okay, templates, hooks, tick tock. Those are three keywords all driving to the same front end offer. How often are you rotating between these three like is it every single week you're gonna see at least one post directing to all three? Do you kind of go hard on hooks for you know, a month and then you switch over to the next freebie like how do you plan out which ones you're you're featuring.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So what we're doing is we're looking to see like every single time we talk about tick tock freebies, how many people are actually triggering the bot? Right? And if that is like, if people are just not triggering the bot with that, then we're like, we got to put you down for a little while. That's your timeout. Result. Yeah. But then we also like right now we're in a phase of looking at that actual freebie to determine is that the freebie we should still be offering them when it comes to Tiktok, because maybe they're not opting into it? Because they don't want it, you know? And so then we're looking at like, we talked about the template. So we talked about the hooks, what is the result that we're getting, not just are they opting in, but like, which was also causing them to convert into paid into paid sales. And so right now, we're just seeing hooks because everybody is like, oh, my God, I gotta get hooks on my videos. So we're focused heavily on that. But every single quarter, we relook at our free was determined, should we keep going with this, or should we create a new one?</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>So, so smart, and I'm assuming you're able to determine on the back end, which hook they originally came from, because they're segmented that way in your email list with the Zapier the initial zap, correct? Okay. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Yes. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Awesome. Okay, super, super helpful. My last question around this case study to wrap up these details is the call to actions. So obviously, with a ManyChat automation, the whole point is to get someone to comment a key word so it seems the most logical call to action is just literally say like, comment hooks, comment templates, or whatever it may be. Do you just stick by that rule? Or are there some other more creative call to actions that you've tried before that actually have worked well for you? </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Um, I think we kind of we use creativity with it. So like, if we're using a meme like Kim Kardashian, we still have to tell them to comment the word hooks, but the way that we're kind of talking to them in the meme or in the video, and then the caption, it just makes sense for them to comment that particular word we're not really using right now like additional creativity because we we don't really need to it's working so well but in the future we might try to switch it up a little bit. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Because I also try not to I try not to make people feel like we could baited them or whatever, like we want them to go this is this is this is that and you're like okay, I she told me what I'm gonna getting it's in my DM for I trust her because we're trying to build trust that entire way for the device. So I just want to give them that feeling of oh, this is what this is and okay, I got what she said you know, or however she said. </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>No, such a great approach because I think consent based marketing is absolutely crucial and giving people the power back and you know, just saying hey, like you have the option you know you know what words gonna trigger you know, every you know, so like if you don't want it, don't say it so yeah, I love that autonomy and that power that you're giving to your to your audience, Keenya. Thank you so much. This was incredibly helpful. Outside of just stalking your Instagram and going through all of your chat automations themselves, which again, Keenya's Instagram will be below in the show notes. Is there anywhere else that you would like to send people to connect with you? </h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>For sure. So we are currently right now working on my YouTube channel and my LinkedIn Of course, we're on Tik Tok. And we're huge on Tik Tok. But you can follow me on LinkedIn on YouTube and everything to find me is all Keenya Kelly.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Amazing. And again, all of those links will be below in the show notes. So make sure you scroll down, click go connect. Say thank you for Keenya's transparency. Thank you so much for joining us today.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>Thank you so much.</h4><h4 _ngcontent-otter-web-c916090394>If you love today's episode, send it to a friend tag us on Instagram at Cubicle to CEO or give us a five star rating at rate this podcast.com/cubicle to CEO. You can also access bonus episodes on our private podcast by joining the C-Suite our flagship annual membership providing exclusive cash savings, content and an offline community for small business CEOs. Check out the link in the show notes to join us.</h4></div> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//embed.typeform.com/next/css/sidetab.css"> <div class="__tailwind__" id="den-portal-container" style="z-index: 1050; position: relative"></div> <script src="runtime.4d1766305e56dd88.js" type="module"></script><script src="polyfills.73612f2adb6a33bb.js" type="module"></script><script src="main.468d8aa51bfeacbf.js" type="module"></script> <div class="cdk-live-announcer-element cdk-visually-hidden" aria-atomic="true" aria-live="polite" id="cdk-live-announcer-190"></div><script id="otter-web-state" type="application/json">{"SSR_SPEECH":{"type":"SSRSpeech","url":"/u/l9NYgr-U8AJ_OsgYjLPfNj9JSh8?utm_source=copy_url","host":"https://otter.ai","otid":"l9NYgr-U8AJ_OsgYjLPfNj9JSh8","isOLN":false}}</script></body></html>

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