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The Matrix Resurrections

The Matrix Resurrections

Released Sunday, 2nd January 2022
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The Matrix Resurrections

The Matrix Resurrections

The Matrix Resurrections

The Matrix Resurrections

Sunday, 2nd January 2022
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Episode Transcript

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Breaking news.


This is huge.


I'm sorry. Matrix for directing Keanu and Kerianne monster in it.


I don't know what to tell you.




















ago. We just wanna, as, as we sort of have already figured out it's a little loud, right?


Sort of split.


I gotta say this is like, I'm freaking out.


Feel like surprising news. I feel like we all knew this was coming.


I knew it was coming, but I figured it was not going to be with .




















clear. He wouldn't do it. Right. David Mitchell is a co-writer on it.


The author of planet. Oh sure.




















directions. So happy.


I'm genuinely so happy.


I'm going to start to take a photo of this for posterity.


The moment, the moment he learned, but back to .














Mine. I'm so happy right now.


Everyone's going to hate it.


I take a photo of me. Great. You can take a safe Let's go back to where it all started back to the podcast.


Yeah. Right? I figured you do that.


Yeah. I'm searching my brain. I mean, I'm glad you didn't do an analyst monologue.


Yeah. Cause they're long. Sure.
































And matrix the worst. We treat you. The more we manipulate you, the more energy you produce.


It's not, I, I I've been studied productivity records every year, since I took over and the best park, zero resistance people stay in their pods happier than podcasts and shit.


I should've just said people stay in their podcasts.


I was literally about to say, it's right there for you.


Fuck. Am I doing pods podcasts?




















matrix. He's still having this plugging in.


There's a coffee obsessed movie right here.


This is semi latte.


There's there's coffee.


And like every frame of this movie, go on, go on.


Hi. This is an episode where people have been.


I know I'm feeling the burden a little bit feeling the weight of it.


Can I say this scared. I've been stressed out about this episode.


I'm actually not stressed out at all. I live in this shit.


I fucking eat, sleep and breathe.


This shit. It's fine.


We usually take one week off per year.


Really? Usually are dark on the final week of the year on this podcast.


Yeah. Which is blank. Check with Griffin, David.


Right? I'm Griffin On




Talk about a throwback.


It's not a throw back.


It's like we, this is became a thing like last year by, by slow zoom thing, Fucking


reloaded freeway chase in that pause between I'm Griffin and I'm David That's


right? No. And that would have been down. That would have been exciting Cast


about filmography is directors who have massive success early on in their careers and are given a series of blank checks to make whatever crazy passion projects they want.


And sometimes those checks clear and sometimes they go back to the matrix.


Peypey Back to the matrix.


I Can't do gruff.


I can't either. I don't know what graph is.


I don't know what, like, you know what the German, That


kind of gentle voice. I think I wasn't too far off just because I think our speaking voices, aren't not that different, but wildly dissimilar and pissy have a, He's


doing a thing in this.


I need to watch this movie 10 more times.


I guess. How many times Have you seen it now? Twice.


Same. Cool. Okay. Two times. Yeah.


I, this is, this is special for me.


I don't want to overlook.


It's the same for me with any movie. I love, I rarely, when I was a teenager, I might like, you know, watch a movie two times a week or three, you know, like over and over again.


But like these days I'm like, you know, is it time for me to watch spirited away or mastering her?


Like some movie I love like, I'm like, yeah, give it a few more months.


It's always gotta be a little special.


That's a question for you. How many times have you seen the matrix?


Reloaded? I probably seen the matrix reloaded like 10 times.


Yeah. I feel like when we started this podcast, you were like, I watch it a lot.


When I'm trying to go to sleep.


You don't count those as full viewings.


Maybe it's sort of funny to me to remember those days that Look,


this is a throwback Episode. I have not listened back to those episodes.


I'll say this in a little bit.


I mean, I haven't, you know, life David, I thought I was going to relisten before this and I forgot to do it, but I'll, let's just say it upfront.


I know I've already alluded to it.


This is our first blush review of matrix.


Resurrection's a film with a lot to process.


Absolutely. It's been a week, a lot to process and a lot of online discourse and noise surrounding it, which is Maybe


at a peak right now.


Who Knows?


Yes, no, definitely.


But we covered the matrix very early on in this show.




















podcast. And then we had the blank check premise of year two and we did M night Shyamalan.


And then we did the, which house skis. Those were the two Or


first Year we were like, this is an interesting premise to do with these two clear examples.


And then who knows what the fuck this show is after this?


Or if they cancel us, You're


going to cancel a spin. No, I wasn't going to cancel you.


But I mean, you had to do well enough to have me convince boss our blue broom closet and purchaser.


Yes. Yeah, of course. These days zoomers complain about cancel culture.


Real cancel culture. Has the UCB podcast network with no ad sales saying you don't perform well enough.


I did though. They were always nice to us, to their credits.


You did, you were the top performing show.


What's a point in time, right before we did the switch from star wars to blink check where they were like, We'll


give you That's true.


A couple months, there was one meeting we had where it was kind of like, okay, like, let's see how this reinvention goes, right?


Like we'll give it four months. And that's true.


I just want to say yes, those episodes, which posted April 28th and May 5th, 2016.


Wow. So five years ago are respectable.


Six years ago, my friend.


Yeah, close to five and a half close. And your segments are respectively an hour 50 and an hour 26.


This is a big point now, especially with revolutions is we've probably referenced on this podcast before we were on a time limit and O'Neil Shannon.


O'Neill had booked the studio and we maybe didn't know or her, she was the artistic director of new CB, but she was also doing her podcast.


We recorded both episodes back to No,


we did it Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or something like that.


Like we did like the whole trilogy on consecutive day or something like that.


And so revolutions people get mad to this David vet episode.


Apparently doesn't have a box office game because we were so rushed.


I think we spend, you know, we did our usual thing where we spend too much time talking about some stuff.


And then at the end we're like, ah, and then also this happened, you know, like, so yeah, I that's one reason I have not listened back in a while, but those episodes are obviously fondly considered.


I will relisten before that comment, I want to formally fully announce again right now, beginning of 20, 22 year of our Lord on the blank check Patrion, we are doing the four Ghostbusters films.


And then after that we will be doing the four matrix.


We'll be Going


Back to the main, we'll be going back to the matrix. So the point is, this is January and April.


We'll be doing a second, slightly more distance view.


Oh no, No, no. Sorry. March, March and April.


Yes. April will be resurrections. April


will be resurrections, but March 1st, March 21st, the Original


trilogy, we'll revisit with episodes that are now.


So get excited. We will, we will be doing more matrix talk if this is, you know, whatever, if this isn't enough, Bring


it up because much like you I've been feeling the pressure of just like, this is an episode people didn't waiting for.


This is the thing. Yeah. I think more than anything else we've done on this show.


Even like the star wars movies, Because,


because there's the moment that, that Ben placed at the beginning of the episode and editing of you realizing in real time on the house, moving castle episode, you check your computer, you see the news, you go, oh my God.


Oh my God. And it was beyond.


So what's that that's 2019 is when it's announced.


Cause like it's not just how excited I was.


That that was happening.


to make a new matrix movie with Keanu and Karen Moss.


That was like the announcement basically.


But it was like, there had been two years of discussion and chatter of like, they're going to do a new matrix movie, the wishlist, these won't be involved, maybe a reboot Zack pen to write Michael Jordan.


And also the other element of courses, which Haskey split up.


Maybe they're never going to make He


ever right. Signaling. Maybe they're not that interested in making stuff right now, but a lot of that, but then yeah, just the sort of terminal bummer of like, oh, the matrix has gotten to the credibility point where they want to bring it back.


Right. But it's going to be some weird Boulder eyes thing.


Like just the pure excitement of that, The


way you reacted. I, it was like, did you just get the worst news of your life?


Like, did you just Like freaking out?


It was like, You just went like blank.








explain. It's like, it's like looking at someone processed shock in real time, you know, where you just went like, oh my God.


Oh my God. Oh my God. And we were like, what?


And then you just sort of like said it, it was wild that it was like, there had been no rumors.


And then suddenly there was a full announcement, Very


nothing like Chad's to hell ski and said one thing once about like Londa has a pitch for matrix for that I love.


And then had walked it back and been like, well, it's very theoretical.


Like that was the only time anyone even, And


we were just ready for the Zak Penn bummer news.


And then suddenly it was like Lana Keanu, Carrie, It's


a sequel. Right. It's like right back To


the main tracks, Mitchell. And what's his name? Co-write and Mitchell, The


Alexander. And here's the release date.


And you just, you say your great line, where do I say it's going to be amazing and everyone's going to hate it.


I Look, I will say, I actually think you were less right than I thought you were going to be.


I, I thought this was going to get like Jupiter ascending levels of backlash.


And I think they're more people who are on the wavelength of this movie than I would have expected.


All right. That haven't been said when the trailer came out three, four months ago Was


like, holy shit. I was Like, great.


Is this going to be a fucking home run?


Is she going to win everyone back? And it's like the fact that she's like at like 60 or 70% positive and the other percentage I think is incredibly Well.


Here's what I'll say. All right. I'm going to say a few things.


One. We're going to talk about the Rituxan directions on this episode, obviously, too.


I'm very enthusiastic about this movie and people who listen to the show might know I'm very enthusiastic about this series.


I'm a huge fan of the sequels defender of the sequels, yada yada yada Griff.


You liked this movie a lot. I love Very


excited to give It a capital L love. So get ready.


Anyone listening for like a basically positive assessment of this movie, if that blows your mind, which some people online have indicated to me that it is mind blowing that I like this movie I'm sorta like, apologies that certainly the vibe you're going to be getting here.


Then I don't really know where you are on this To


slam dunk on this fucking mill.


I actually didn't necessarily love it.


Right. It was just, it was like so much to take in at the theater when Griffin and I, when I watched them last night and really locked in on the movie, love it.


So this will be a very positive episode. Yeah, that's fine.


It ends. I turned to Ben, I go, well, that thing fucking rules.


And Ben says, I don't know.


And I said, you don't know. And he was like, I actually, I don't know what that is.


And to be clear, you were like, I don't even know if I'm saying like negative.


I just actually don't even know what that is.


I had no idea. I'll say this. The movie got, I would say, you know, a few, a few very positive reviews, mostly mildly positive to nightly negative reviews.


And some like abjectly negative reviews.


It's about 64 on rotten tomatoes.


Not the rotten tomatoes is really metric of much, but still, you know, like not a home run.


Revolutions Was like 30 Revolutions


was greeted with a hot stain.


Whereas whereas reloaded actually was sort of like a Phantom amended thing where it got pretty good reviews.


It's a menace, a star Trek into darkness.


We're the critics were like, yeah, it looks like a star wars slash matrix it's of Skywalker.


Skywalker go fairly bad reviews, but better than it deserves.


Yeah. People being like, yeah, it's not great, but it like works.


And then I feel like six weeks later, everyone was like, oh, this thing's fucking diarrhea.


And all that, The


reviews from the critical community were all right.


And then the backlash from the span and sort of genre, film community was strong.


Yes. Quickly with reloaded.


And so by revolutions time, everyone's like, fuck, this same thing happened with pirates of the Caribbean sequels for that, the second one kinda got like Luke warmish, like this is okay.


And then the third one was really slammed.


Right. And that's, what's happening in my opinion, probably with this where it's like, there's definitely fans.


There's definitely like a lot of people who really blocked him with the movie, but I am sensing like an emerging, like, what the fuck are you talking about?


You thought that was good. Like, there's definitely a sort of like, am I taking crazy pills, community, which is fine.


Look at, and this is another, this is what I kind of want.


I know we're throwing a lot of qualifiers, but I think we're very aware of the fact that there are a lot of eyes and ears on us right now because of the history of the show because everyone knowing the investment.


But yes, I was stressed out about this.


I didn't sleep well last night I was rewatching shit.


I was just like, fuck, I can't, you know, like, how are we going to even do this episode?






















































































too. When I, especially with new release films that I love and I'm defending, try to intellectualize why people dislike it, which I think people view often as me sort of projecting your tenants, Booking


coastal elite douche Bag,


The people don't talk him down to audiences around the country.


Maybe people just don't let people not enjoy things.


Right. That's the thing I think I defend movies that I love, especially when they're To


maybe are you, you're saying like to Hetty about, well, why don't people like it, people don't Right.


And I'll say, look, let me have my hyperbole.


I enjoy being overcranked right.


You have to remember that my role on the show is to be the fucking idiot comedy doofus.


But, but, but beyond that, I do think also w w we don't do a tremendous amount of new release films and part of our sort of anthropological study of We're


usually hindsight, we're usually looking at stuff with hindsight.


I think there's, there's a muscle in my brain that is trying to understand the reaction to a thing where when it's old and it came out a week ago, people are like, you're attacking me at a raw wound.


And especially when increasingly they're oddball movies by directors that we now feel very emotionally invested in that come out and that are treated with some level of disdain.


We really like defend them if we want to.


Right. Right. And I think sometimes this is all saying, I'm going to try to, and David fucking catch me and stop me.


If I start doing the, like, I think people don't like this because of this thing.


Cause I really want to stay away from that. I really just want to focus on what I love about this movie, because I think this movie is very divisive and I, in fact, unlike some other cases, fully understand every single reason why people would dislike this.


So I'm just going to focus on what worked for.


Okay. Okay.


Was there more, or I feel like you were building to something, But


I dunno, I'm very thrilled for one.


I'm not there's the, which house keys made a movie called the matrix in 1999.


That was very, very popular.


It's a cultural landmark to this day.


They've not made a movie since that went over smooth.


They only make very big budget movies.


Correct. But they've never released anything.


Reload is the closest to a movie that did really well with the critics and in the, At


the box office, It


would be really weird for resurrections to reverse that trend.


Although it was, yeah, there was sort of a, is everything cresting where it's like, everyone loves the matrix again.


And then, you know, like no much more thrilled that it's a very divisive perplexing movie that is prompting all kinds of debate.


And you know, that's what a matrix SQL I'll


be, in my opinion, it's going to be great. And everyone's going to hate it.


The second part of the thing I was going to say, it just is I remember the, my broken brain, the two point statement I was trying to make.


The other side of the thing is I feel like very often, especially with these new releases, when you get to these responses that as you describe are, are, are you taking crazy pills?


It is impossible to like this movie.


Are these guys putting me on? Right.


I don't know a lot of that recently where I'm like, Dean, have you heard of me?


I'm very fond of these movies.


I like, no, of course not. I mean, you had a tweet about your wife going, I'm happy that you liked truly what You


said. The second the movie ended. I was like, and she was like, I'm glad that you like it.


Yeah. Okay. Which, look, that's a very romantic statement.


I find that that's so the health of your marriage and, and the loveliness of your partnership, that's a, that's a wonderful thing to a partner to say to another person.


But I just, I ask people, I will stay away from the, the fucking shit I do that annoys people.


I ask people to grant us the understanding that we're not fucking putting you on the movie.


Right. Cause even like, I wasn't Sure


Griffin would like it, but I thought he would, I


point to, and I still need to watch it a second time west side story.


I want it to be fucking like a fuse of about, and I clearly liked it a lot, but had hang ups and I didn't pretend like I fucking love this movie.


And I feel like I will see people go, like, they clearly didn't like this, but they thought it would be a bummer to shit on the movie.


So they pretend they like it. And that, that that's one of the few fan responses or show that actually regularly pisses me off.


Okay. Okay. But don't Worry about it.


Those are the two qualifying statements I want to throw out.


Okay. Just in case we do have to say, I don't know why, but just on the off chance that somebody new is checking out the show with this episode, we are going to spoil the movie.


So Fucking everything about this.


If you don't want To spoil, then turn it off and see the movie.


And then you can, And that person of course saying this, cause it's a new year.


Maybe this is a jumping in point for people who Jess is the show producer, Hey producer, Ben, the Ben deuce or the poet, Lori at the Professor Krispies that sort of Mr.




it just goes on and on, but fancy for some reason, I know David's like commissioning his hand.


It's like Full Ben.


That was IO Deborah Hey, because he was in Hollywood for the dark.


So he also was graduated to a series of tells over the course of different mini series, such as producer Ben Kenobi, Kylo at Some






Mr. Bank, credible of the ditch of the Jersey.


Stop making Benz with a Z.


Now he's doing yeah. The miniseries names, colon Colin picking the city.


Ben Hosley met sally.dot dot the secret life of Benz with a Z the great mouse fart detective the heartbreak kid parentheses open to punch up Ben's in the Haas.


And I want to just say it now for the first time ever Ben scape from new Haas.


That's what we're doing. Ooh. Yep. Good.


Okay, good. I just want to cite, this is the first time that I finally have conceited and pulled up the blank, check Wiki and just read the list.


Cause I, I officially can no longer do it for me.


We'll also take too much time memories. We, we don't do it every week anymore.


And the reason we don't do it any week, any more apart from the fact that it takes a long time, is that it just became so mortifying to do it in front of any guest.


I was not very, very close with That's


a and B it became so mortifying to start the chain for me and be like, what if I blink?


Well, sure you have the performance anxiety thing.


Right. But I just like, it would be one thing if it was like, you know, someone I'm friends with embarrassing.


Absolutely. Yes. Because they get so like, I feel like that bitch especially gets so embarrassed, but like, it's like, you know, like Michael serverless, like some guy where it's like, God, it's so exciting that we have like a really fucking Tony award winning, you know, impressive, interesting person.


And then Griffin's like, you know, and I'm just like, oh fuck, I


don't want to tee it up. But we have a couple people coming on the podcast this year that are bananas.


Hopefully. I mean, let's not, let's not, but yes, yes.


I'm saying that because we just updated the spreadsheet with the new ads while you were doing that.


Now we haven't Jesus.


We have enough wild people booked that.


I feel comfortable saying we have a couple wild people coming because even if some of them drop out, there are enough people on the spreadsheet right now who blow my mind to possibly be on the show that I imagine at least one or two of them.


Well, super exciting.


We love it.


The matrix resurrection Is


A lot of which Husky film Lana's solo for the first time.


Although sensate season two is also so Lon The


context here because I do think Ben and I walked around for a while.


After seeing the movie, you Started


the Williamsburg cinema, We


did a I'm a crown has been ravaging, New York city.


This movie was obviously available on HBO, max.


I completely understand and support anyone who just does not want to go to a fucking theater right now.


Yeah. It's scary, you know, but I, you and I agree and perhaps we have biases here, but I do think I am able to impartially view this with a certain amount of logic.


I do think movies are a safer indoor activity than most public things.


I Agree we don't need to talk about, especially because Like


us, we just found a screening where they were going to be five people in a big auditorium.


And we looked at the Fandango preview.


We were like this time, no, one's there.


The screen's big enough. I see the seats Upfront,


David Griff style way up people.


Everyone's different. Everyone lives in different places.


Everyone's allowed to do Like


my father who wants to sit as close to the exit as possible.


I'll back, I'll back.


Well, the screen's not filling your face.


And I'm like, the screen is very big.


I can see the whole screen it's right there.


Right. And I didn't want to not remember that anything exists other than the screen I


need from a cinema experiences, you know, darkness, good projection, bright, you know, I, you know, no one's looking at their phones, blah, blah.


You know, like that's all like, I, I will say I saw this film in, at the Lincoln square IMAX.


Could I tell you what happened?


No. And that was like kinda, you know, it was a good, slightly edgy time.


Like If


you get stressed out about getting there earlier, early enough that you could get your seat, There's


a particular seat. I like it. The Lincoln square Amex right at the back.


Cause it's a secret bathroom.


There's a secret bathroom. Not that I went to the bathroom during this movie, but you know, I am a famous, famous pier, you know, famous Movie,


three or four things. Your most famous one Esters


are coming in front of the show loves to anytime I don't pay during a screening, be like, damn, you liked it.


You didn't, it didn't take a break.


The test used to be a movie was really good based on how little he slept through it when he would take us to fucking movies.


Yeah. It was just an edge cases were going up.


You starting to hear about people.


And so I was, I remember I was a little anxious about that, but I was also anxious about, I want to see my movie, this screening, by the way, there were not a lot of people there.


I expected like, you know, kind of a rocking full house, which I had just gotten it Spiderman for the press screening.


And this one, what, I mean, it's a very big theater that theater.


So maybe that's why it felt sparse, but it was like, you know, but despite her full, maybe Spider-Man


today just Cross


Sony's highest grossing film of all time In


nine days, 10 days, something insane.


Yeah. The stat I saw is that it just outgrown rise of Skywalker.


Sure. Which was the highest grossing film, the last two ships.


Right? Cause it was the last sort of, it Was, it was the highest grossing film in 2019, the last pre pandemic year.


Right? So it's now the highest grossing film in three years, including even the rest of the 2019 box office.


And it's surpassed rise of Skywalker's number in 12 days, it's very successful.


It took rice scholar for 91 days to get to It's


very successful. It's a fairly fun theater experience that I had seen.


That movie was nice. I enjoyed that movie.


Also it, people have look, people are reporting on the fact that this movie is bombing at the box office.


And I think that is a completely impossible to judge based on being on HBO max at the same day, at a time of a spike over the holidays when people are staying at home Well


Spider-Man is not like any other movie that has come out in the last few years.


And it's in terms of the audience reaction is getting, I


think it's great for better or worse. The thing that drives people, leaving their home and going to a theater these days is not wanting to be spoiled.


Yeah, that is Right.




I don't want to have to avoid the internet because there all these things that I know are going to get spoiled for me.


And I think if Spider-Man were available on Disney plus at the same day, it would have made a tremendous amount of money, but a lot of people would have gone a health risk.


I'm going to stay home and watch it. And with matrix that became a very easy decision to stay at home and watch and talk about that in the box office.


This is what I want to say.


Go ahead, Ben. And I took the walk back from the theater to the train station and I, Ben was, as, as we said, saying, I truly don't know what to make of that.


I don't even know if I dislike that. I just, I don't even understand what that is.


And I was like, Ben, I want to give you a lot of context because I do think the context on this movie is incredibly important.


This is a movie that is so much about itself, which is a thing that some people find annoying, right?


But this is a movie that is about the exact place this filmmaker is in at that point in their life.


It's about where this series stands in the cultural mind at this moment about where she wants to be as a filmmaker about the prospect of having to make this film.


It's about all of these things.


So as you said, the, which house keys are screenwriters who write a spec script called the matrix, which they sort of, it has that classic first screenplay thing, even though it wasn't literally their first screenplay, but a lot of what they had done before that was like for higher writing jobs, this sort of stuff, right?


They'd written ecto kid for a Marvel imprint.


They wrote assassins, but it got heavily rewritten, all this sort of shit.


But they were like, this is our big fucking swing.


Right? And by their own emission was one of those things where it's like, we put every single idea we had into this one script.


We put everything we liked into one movie.


It's like, make, write a script as if you're never get to make another script ever again, everything in their lives.


Up until this point in time, they pitch it to Warner brothers famously the Warner brothers executives go.


I, I, I don't think we understand it.


We can tell that this is something big, but we don't get it.


Would you mind explaining it to us again after they had read it, but it gets acquired and there were years of will this get made or not because it was risky.


They were just like, does this make any sense?


We don't want anyone else to have this. There's a version of this as a blockbuster.


They really wanted direct it.


Warner brothers was very scared about that. Untested.


They go off, they make bound essentially as an audition film.


Yeah. To prove that they could direct all, even though it's a small film, once they see that they go, these guys know where to place the camera.


Right. Sorry for saying guys, mis-gendering I manage gender neutral term, but obviously it's more sensitive when we're talking about the token.


Okay. Yeah. That's all, everything you're saying is true. I'm going to take over a little bit.


Yeah. Okay. There's two, you know, just to clarify, Lorenzo had been up in Tura and Joel silver were crucial in getting the movie made, Who


was the head of Warner brothers at the time and was a big ass dork.


And for better or worse is one of the people who is probably responsible for culture shifting that much in that direction.


And you know, they, they, the way they finally get the movie approved is the storyboarding.


This had like a 600 page storyboard book that they present where just basically the whole movie Artists.


Right. And Steve's gross, worked on that.


And, and like, that was where they finally did it.


It was made cheaply for like quote-unquote cheaply for like $65 million.


But one of these Movies that was sort of a forebear of how these blockbusters are made now, where it's like, you can watch the entire film before we've shot.


And in a film, the storyboards are so deliberate.


We're so specific about what the effects are going to be at.


The shots are going to be the timing of everything.


And they send war brothers, they shoot the first sequence.


They send it to Warner brothers, Trinity, you know, the cold open up the movie is and Warner brothers is like, looks great.


We Can relax Exactly.


You're on your own. And then obviously the movie, it was a huge hit.


The movie. The matrix is it's very interesting watching people rewatch all the matrixes.


Yeah. Right. Some people who probably have not in a long time and pretty much the universal reaction to the first matrix is damn like movies used to look like this, like blockbusters, like it is such, it is still amazing to me and to people.


I think just like how, like sort of like flawless and I don't know enduring.


It is like, I mean, it's such a, it's almost a boring movie to talk about, but it's also such a complicated movie to talk about.


They rereleased the film, they remastered IMAX and then they also released it in normal size screens.


Yeah. And I dragged passing gas, my sister Romley Newman to see it because she had never seen it.


She was one years old When


the first matrix came out, Which is a bizarre thing to think about that someone can be quote unquote, an adult.


It's a 22, 23 year old movie Now.


Right. And she's about to turn 24. So it took her to see it and she knew almost nothing about it.


Sure. She actually has avoided the cultural osmosis of the matrix.


She's not into scifi. This was nerdy boys shit.


Right. In her mind, all she knew was that I had quote unquote, some trans take on it.


And before it started, I was like, I need you to understand this.


Isn't a take, this is the reality of, okay, these filmmakers and what's happened to them the 25 years since.


Right. But I was very curious, like, is she just going to shut down?


Or is this movie as sort of like universally undeniable as I think it is.


And it is, she just went like, yeah, holy.


And it was also wild to see someone whose entire life has pretty much happened.


Post matrix, be able to pinpoint things like I was trying to contextualize for her a little bit like you to understand no one had synthesized all these things before.


Right. These were things that existed, but not in the mainstream and not together when you're combining sort of like a club culture and anime and martial arts films and like deep, hard scifi theory and shorts that were all this sort of shit.


Writing video games, video games.


Yeah. All these things. And, and she was like, the fashion in that movie is incredible.


And I was like, yeah, it's still fucking is you look at the met gala any year.


And at least 50% of the people look like they're from the matrix still almost 25 years of incredible fashion later.


But this is the funny thing.


So I'm talking about this with her.


Right. And then she's like, so then what happened after this?


She asked the questions that are so funny that are just the questions you cannot help, but ask after watching that movie, even this decades later, right.


She went like, wow, okay.


Hey, I finally get Kiana raves.


Right? Sure. She was like, yeah, this is undeniable.


I see the whole thing now. Right.


And interesting to watch now at a time when I feel like he's finally earned universal credibility as He's


no longer the butt of some jokes or Whatever.


Right. He had a, when people used to be like, he usually sucks, but he's effective here.


Now. I feel like people are like, oh, Kiana roles, question number two.


What happened to the woman who played Trinity?


Sure. You watch that movie. You go, why have I not known this person has a movie star my entire life.


And I'm like, she did other stuff.


She works. She's around her being back for fucking matrix for is crazy.


And Bromley goes like, so wait, what are the matrix sequels?


The fourth is like the first one, 20 years.


And I go Romley that everyone hated him.


And she went, how is that possible?


Are they really different?


Which I thought was such a funny response.


She was like, I just watched this thing.


This fucking is undeniable.


It's so good.


They made two more of them and people were angry.


And I was like, yeah. And she was like, are they not the same?


Yeah. My short answer I gave her was like, it was, the expectations were so high.


They shot them at the same time, cutting edge, special effects, budget, so high.


And the two movies, pretty much deconstruct and deflate everything that the first movie they do.


And I think at the very intellectual, they don't have the same sort of clear emotional sort of awakening through line that made it easy for anyone to get into the first film.


They go deep into the lore.


Yes. David loves them. And Romley was like, of course he does.


It's too complicated to talk about the SQL's right now.


I can't do it. But, but yeah, but they're yeah, they they're they're, they, they, it makes sense that they were not popular.


I didn't like them when I saw them.


I was, I was shocked about this.


I, I was annoyed about reloaded.


I was so hyped.


I was 17 years old.


Yes. And like I remember, yeah.


I was very intrigued by the architect scene, which I remember.


I do remember even at the time I was like, Hmm.


Okay. And it was definitely not like I went to see revolutions.


I wasn't like, fuck that.


Like, which a lot of people work. Cause like revolution has been half as much money, but I was, I did not, I did not go.


Right. You basically saw it for the show.


Yeah. Yeah. All these years ago, like I hadn't even seen the third one.


That's how like little interest I had had.


Did you even, I think you did watch the third one for the show.


Maybe. I think you did eventually.
















Don't want to. But let's say, I mean, like there was, There's


lots of, lots of reasons for this $50


million domestic drop off between two.


And as you said, run tomatoes.


It went from like reload to get 78% or even higher resurrections gets like 34.


Like it was like all the anger of people, like a couple months later sitting bloated and feeling irritated.


And I also feel like it was a little bit like after Phantom menace came out where people were like, okay, that didn't rip the way I wanted it to, but maybe the third one we'll make sense of it.


And then I think when people felt like the third one didn't give them what they wanted.


They were like, now I hate reloaded twice.


The third one is also right. Is probably the most challenging in that.


Like, it sort of takes a lot of the lead characters off the board for a lot of the movie it's mostly set in the real world, which has a much more depressing aesthetic than the matrix it's got this sort of machine versus humans war, which I think some people dig, but it's very, and it's very animated, but it's not as cool as bullet time and martial arts and all that.


And so that's part of it.


They're all great. They rule, they're amazing, but there's no way they, they rule because they're very, very, very challenging and they are very, you know, not more of the same.


And as you already said, and as I said to Romley explained shit to her after this, I'm like, and then every movie they make after that bomb, They


keep, they keep making movies that are potentially challenging and interesting and innovative.


And they keep making movies that are genre films.


Yeah. A speed racer is probably the least scifi, but even that is very Saifai and obviously is a cartoon adaptation that It


took her sissy speed racer when she was a child and the look on her face when she was like, so then what happens after the matrix sequels?


And I was like, they made Dan


























things. Jupiter sending is more, I think what people wanted from them in theory, it's like, Hey, they're doing like a sort of straightforward Saifai movie.


And then these people see it and are like, wow, I don't like this.


It's silly. It's a fairy tale.


Right. It felt like Jupiter sending was the end of the line.


And then it was like, now Netflix is backing up the Brinks truck.


This feels like a pivot and culture that certainly has intensified since that moment.


Right. Where it's like, Netflix is going to lore in the filmmakers who are starting to get reigned in at the studios and let them do whatever the fuck they want.


And sensate is absolutely a whatever the fuck they want show, but was an early example of Netflix going like, nevermind.


You know, they can't stop it.


The second season finale movie, it was so expensive.


It wasn't breakout enough for them.


Right. But definitely cult pop popular, you know, and sort of build season two is kind of like, she's the one sort of a slow plot thing.


And season two more delivers more.


I feel like, and we defend their movies and the other people, like some of them, you know, of course there is just that thing.


The general public consensus is like, why can't they just make the matrix again?


And I don't think anyone was at that moment in time, ask him to do the matrix for, but it was like, why can't you do that sort of thing again?


Why have you never, ever replicated that feeling again?


And the SQL's are like the same, but they didn't make me feel the way that the matrix did and everything you've made since then feels like it's running as far away from the matrix as possible, I


guess. So it's very, we've talked about this, listen back to our episode.


And, and of course over that same period of time, there is two transitions.


There is a shifting identity for both of them.


You know, it's all this stuff that ends up, of course, informing the text of the Cloud


Atlas. And we've talked about this since Jupiter sending her both about, you know, humankind being used as like food or energy, which is what the matrix is about.


Right. You know, every, every version like they do and like, and shifting, and Lon talks so much about like, you know, how the movies are kind of about love, conquering, all right.


Like all, you know, that's like a thing they keep going back to, that's the thing in this movie, that's the thing.


And the last thing they have, it's just that, I don't know.


Look, this movie, the matrix resurrections opens w you know, or like the first act of this movie is about, partly about people interrogating me like, well, what is it people liked about the matrix?


What is, what is it we should be delivering with a new matrix?


Like what, what do people want out of the matrix?


What did people want at the time? What has changed?


And it's very funny.


And to me, inspiring and interesting to see the movie do that, I guess, to some people it's, it's annoying.


Obviously it's very, I


want to set up is that by all accounts, it may be starting five years after revolutions, every year, Warner brothers circles, back to them and goes just by the way, if you ever wanted to make another matrix, blank, check, whatever you want.


Right. And they keep on going. No, thank you.


No, thank you. Sure. They always reject any, any talk of a fourth matrix.


It Was one of those things, even with the curl response, the sequels where it's just like, well, if a franchise is worth over a billion dollars, they're never going to let it lay dormant for too long.


Because every film they made after that was still at Warner brothers, much like Christopher Nolan, it was like, we're not going to do anything.


We're not going to go above them because we don't want to suffer this relationship.


Right. But after Jupiter sending, which is just the final flop, I think for the first time Warner brothers is like, we don't necessarily need to worry about pissing them off that much.


So they keep on saying to them, what do you want to make a matrix?


What do you want a matrix? No, no, no.


And when Zach Penn comes to them for some fucking meeting of some sort and goes, by the way, have you guys ever thought about bringing back the matrix Warner brothers is interested for the first time and he just goes like, I don't know, this thing's laying dormant lit the G the green and the jackets and the fighting.


There's something Zak Penn To


his credit, I suppose, is very enthusiastic about the world of the matrix.


Me so good. You can't leave It. So he wanted to do something.


And then there were rumors that Michael B.


Jordan had basically visited Warner brothers.


And they were kind of like, like, here's a spread of like things you could Do,


Jordan Franchise. What's the thing that interests you.


And maybe he had expressed some interest in a matrix thing, maybe playing a Morpheus type, or maybe not like Never


a script. And it absolutely sounds like the kind of exact blue sky pitching that you watch happen in this movie where they were just like Michael B.


Jordan he's black Morpheus is black.


Is it he's done Morpheus?


Is he more physicist? His grandson?


I don't know, put a pin in that.


There had been so many rumors and Zak, Penn had talked about has talked about it more about like, he really wanted to just expand, quote, unquote, expand the I'm


not going to remake. I'm not going to reboot.


I will leave neon Trinity dead.


It just feels like this is a universe in which there are other stories worth telling He


love, he worked on ready player.


One, a good movie.


I, I'm not a huge fan of Zach Penn.


No offense, neither.


I'm not a huge fan of ready player.


One ready player. One is great. But he has certainly worked on movies that I like, like, you know, he, he has a story.


You can see career versus camp superhero movies get a lot of the X-Men movies.


He wrote the first draft for the vendors, which were supposedly thrown in the garbage.


He wrote, you know, leave her in a zillion.


Sure. But he said like, ready player one. That's a movie that's set in a very matrix.


Sea world is set in a virtual world.


Like, I love that stuff When this starts getting some traction.


Sure. But then it doesn't happen because what happened was Warner brothers went to fucking Llano, which house and Lily, I think, Right.


They went to both of them. They did their annual check-in.


They go, Hey, it's that time of the year.


Yeah. This is the last offer.


Because otherwise we're going to go ahead with this guy.


I mean, I don't look, this is all rumor and conjecture, but I know, I don't think it was, it was entirely, it was also like, can we have your blessing because they needed.


Or they really wanted her blessing, their blessing, whatever, you know, you know, someone to be like one of the, which houses used to be like, we don't want to do any more matrixes, but Hey.


Yeah. There is a world for people to play in if they want to.


And they explicitly did not want to do that.


Both of them give their blessing to a different project.










click. Hello, Mayo


Boy. What's up?


Who is this?


I am Morpheus.


Which Morpheus are you?


A third Morpheus. You're a new, another Morpheus.


God lousy with Morphy.


Morphe I old Morpheus.


Oh, what's up old Morpheus.


Not too much. How are you Neil?


Again? You know, I don't really know yet, but I share a lot's going on with me Neo.


Yes. Do you lie awake at night?


Thinking about programs?


I, I don't. I just lie awake at night, but yeah, yeah, no.


I do occasionally think about programs.


These programs that try to shame you tell you the way you eat you is wrong.


Yes. These programs are very bad.


W I I've been looking for a different kind of person.


These programs are even worse than agents Mayo.


I hate That.


Unlike other programs, nuMe uses a psychology based approach to help people better understand their relationship with food Neo.


It teaches them how to be more mindful of the way they eat, gives them the skills and knowledge they need to build long lasting positive habits, Neo new Ms.


Even faster working than if tank put a chip with better eating habits into the computer while you were plugged into the chair.


Sure, Sure, sure, sure. nuMe is even better than matrix learning or whatever, whatever that thing that's really cool.


I mean, I know they use a psychology based approach that helps people better understand the relationship with food.


So that's probably part of why it's so successful.


This is the beginning of your journey, Neo, Right?


So I'm going to be more mindful of the way I eat.


Have the skills and knowledge to build long lasting positive habits.


It'd be overwhelmed by all the information the wellness industry throws at you, Neo, but noon believes the only place you really need to start with is your mind Neo.


Well, look, I'm starting on my health journey.


I'm overwhelmed like you said, but since I've started using nuMe, I better understand my cravings.


I better understand my relationship with food.


I enjoy exercise instead of draining it.


I have more energy.


My mood is better and I'm less stressed out.


You take a path towards better health, one lesson at a time, Neo their psychology based approach helps you change the way you think about food and health Neo rather than demanding you to change your entire lifestyle.


Neo. Yeah, I'm more empathetic.


The, the, sorry, the program is more empathetic.


I am also more empathetic. It's flexible to your lifestyle.


It's easy to log food. It's to see your progress.


And it's based on scientific principles like cognitive behavioral therapy, which helped people better understand their relationship with food to build sustainable habits that lasts a lifetime.


Now Morpheus, how many people finish?


How many users finish this program?


Seventy-five percent of new users finished the program Neo.


And isn't it nice when you realize very shortly into an ad read that the copy is almost already written like something Morpheus would say it's Very Morpheus.


The wording. I don't even need to spin anything because the wording is already very Morpheus, adjacent Neo users programs, Neo.


Right? Exactly. And I can decide how new weight fits into my life.


Not the other way. Around 5, 10, 15 minutes a day.


How much time has been on the app is up to me.


And I'm going to start building better habits today.


Morpheus sign up.


Yes. I'm just saying your name.


Go on. Okay. Fine. This journey.


Now, Neo, I can only open the door for you.


Neo Start building better habits today.


Sign up for your trial at noon.com/check that's N O O m.com/check to sign up for your trial.


Noon.com/new meeting.


Kind of sounds like Neo new mew.


Yep. It's not neo.com Mo mano, but if you said neo.com quickly, it maybe sounded like newsroom.


No, but it's noon.com/check noom.com/check to sign up for your trial, Neo


























































































it. Otherwise, can we get your blessing to do other things at this period of time, right.


Lily, a transition, which happened years after Lana.


Yeah. And when she transitions and comes out publicly about that, she also steps away from sensei.


She's not really involved at all in season of sensei.


Right. And even season one was far more than Lily by most accounts.






























down. They sell the facility Sort


of like you said, there was kind of the rumor of like, are they just, Are


they done? Was there a falling out with them?


Whatever are they going to do separate things who knows?
































that. Both of their parents die, Ron


and Lyn, which asking who this movie is dedicated to.


And they lose a close friend as a close friend of Lana's Died.


Yeah. Yes.


Lana said that in her grief being unconsolable and being in this position where it's like, who would I want to talk to about my grief, the three people who just died.


I don't know who to turn to.


I don't know how to process this. This is so overwhelming.


She started thinking about Neo Trinity a lot.


Yes. That The idea of having the own Trinny back was a great comfort.


She said this, you know, Ilana doesn't give a lot of interviews.


No, but she has said that in, in, in whatever interviews she's given her, There


was this speech they did at that Berlin international writers conference or whatever it's called that.


I'll make sure we tweet out that I sent to Ben because I think it's very revealing in a lot of ways, but it, but I think it literally just started, as I started thinking about these characters as a comfort, I wanted to spend time with them.


And in my mind Having


them alive again, because obviously spoiler alert at the end of revolutions, they die.


Right. But I even think it congealing into an actual story pitch.


She had the story immediately, but I don't know.


It was just that in her mind, these characters come to her and then the story comes to her.


But I think a lot of this movie is about the solace of characters we love.


Right? It's like, because it is interrogating.


I think people think, I, once again, understanding all the reasons that people could dislike this moving, but a thing I pushed back on is the notion I see in some places that this movie is a cynical exercise and that this movie is arguing that it doesn't need to exist.


I think this movie is interrogating its reasons for existing.


And I think it's having some fun with the idea in culture that these things all need to be rebooted or re revise, revise.


I think it is a very earnest, passionate film about like, you know, the machines have rebuilt these two fucking dead characters, right.


And characters that weren't just dead, but were like decimated, blinded, rebar through the chest, all that shit.


And you have these two machines being like, we're going to rebuild them and make them even prettier than they were before.


Right. And let them age, but only like a sexy amount of age relative to how much time has passed in the film.


And to some degree, that's like the cynical thing of, and we've complained about this a lot in different movies, sequels where it's like the first movie.


And so perfectly, this character had good closure.


They evolved to this point and then the SQL kind of resets them or revives them in a way that is depressing where you're just like, let them have their piece.


Right. Let them enjoy this.


Yes. It's depressing that for example, agent K gets, de-normalized realized that Robocop retreats back into his robot instinct and you have this thing that feels like the sort of cynical gross exercise.


These robots are bringing new and Trinity back to life, they won't even let them stay dead because they need to use their love to power the universe.


And I think that's the thing that makes some people go like, so they're acknowledging this is gross that they brought them back and it's like, no, but the whole point of the movie is also that like two things can be true at the same time.


Nice to be back. And they, they, at the end of the movie, they thank the analysts for giving them a second chance.


Right. And Lana herself is acknowledging. I always thought it was gross to revive these characters.


But in my greatest moment of grief, I found so much comfort in thinking about them in their love, Beyond


that. Look, I love the original trilogy of movies.


I love the ending. I think the ending is great.


The ending does end with the article saying like, I think we'll see Neo again.


That's Literally the last line is like, I think he'll be Back


someday. And it does also Trinity, you know, dies.


I've always found Trinity staff, you know, it's a very emotionally compelling obviously.


And like it's sort of plot wise has to happen because Neo has to want to die.


You know, he has to accept the sacrifice and it would make less sense of Trinity.


It's just kind of like waiting in the car, man.


Like go figure it out with the machines and then get right back here.


You know? So, but I don't think Trinity's death is like so dramatically necessary to bringing her back as some like spit in the face.


Like I, you know, bringing them back is fine.


I think the Neo death was one that people felt more prickly about because of the whole sort of Messiah arc of him that it's like, he needs to have the sacrifice and bringing him back.


I agree with you fries coming back.


But the other thing that you have to acknowledge is just in the last 10, 15 years, the legacy sequel has become this fucking Yeah.


That's sort of 20 years on your face or back How


like trauma legacy is this movie that's sort of the forebear of what all studio franchise thinking becomes where it's like, what if you don't reboot it, Right?


You actually make a sequel that acknowledges the passage of time.


That is referential, Tris


generation kids, generation Coexisting.


But like, and it tries to thread the needle of like, let's make a movie for a 12 year old.


Who's never seen Tron that will, they will enjoy their dad who loved Tron will be like, oh my God, Flynn's back.


And The blue really deep and respectful of the lore, but you also need to have it be a launching pad for a new thing.


And then this is like Jason Segel, Muppets, star wars force, awakens, Ghostbusters afterlife, all these fucking things.


Right. So Pervasive to now, even, especially It's


very pervasive Sometimes. I'm like, why are all of my friends who really like movies talking like studio executives, all of a sudden and thinking that way and having these comments all of a sudden, which I just, I find really strange because like, as a someone who just wants to be entertained and likes movies, I don't go into watching something and thinking about that stuff, Look


throwing bricks in a glass house, right.


Obviously this is what we do on the show.


And it's what we fucking made our bones doing.


And it's the core of our friendship, David, you and I sure, but it is interesting seeing more and more, I feel like with every year, the mainstream culture, talking about things in terms that you and I think of where it's like the general public is very aware of studio maneuvering of IP.


It is, it's much more aware, but that's why you can make a Spiderman, no way home or whatever.


And you just make a movie that is, Oh


my God, the Fox rights are going to go back to Disney so they can put crazy X men in there.


No, no, no. That's true. It's true. It's crazy that people don't Think


of as following the film industry saying, well, the problem with the Disney star wars movies obviously is they didn't have a FYGI who was overseeing the whole series and Wharton director like that pull into intellectual lization of the business, maneuvering behind the stories and the value of the stories.


Yeah. These are all things that she's commenting on at the same time that she's commenting on where she feels about her own career, her own life.


This thing that she created that also has like many things that become so seismic, okay.


Developed reputations completely out of her control.


And she's reckoning with all of that, to what does the matrix mean to people 25 years later?


What good has come out of it? What bad has come out of it?


Why do people want to go back to that? Is that a bad impulse?


Is that a weak impulse to just want to spread things?


The matrix value, not just the matrix nostalgia in general, is that a positive, negative force?


How do we are or whatever. How, how is that a force in our life?


I sit down and see this moment.


I think it's Graham everyone.


It's one of those things where like, there's a few critics around me who were kind of like, Ooh, David's excited.


Like, you know, like everyone else is kinda like, It's


like people taking photos of your mask face to face.


I walk into the theater. I walked into the lobby with my dear friend, Esther Zuckerman, great esters were wearing all latex.














police. I walked up to a press check-in table.


There's always a table where you check in and I walk in and it's it's Lauren, shout out Lauren, a friend of mine.


And I'm like Lauren Michaels and Laura Lauren who?


Lau, w L U R?


Yeah. Lauren. Oh, Lauren Mike Lauren.


Yeah. Okay. And I'm like, Hey Lauren.


And she's like, Hey David.


Ah, okay. I don't see you on the list, but I'll just write your name down.


And I'm like, yeah. And I'm like, Warren works for universal.


I don't know what's going on here. And she's like, anything like theater 12, you know, it's in like a crappy theater, you know, like not, I, I assumed it was playing an IMAX and I was like, and I, and I walk away and I'm like, wait, Lauren, you're not matrix.


Right. And she's like sing too. Yeah.


And I was like, just imagining a world where I'd go and sit down.


And I'm like, so excited for look for what?


In my days, just run it Sadly


from one screen to another, you miss the first two minutes.


You never get over it.


Yeah. Anyway. And then I was like, oh, I was hunted around and eventually Warner brothers somewhere else.






nervous. I was very excited for this movie.


I had heard from some people at the junket screening that it was bad.


And I was kind of like encouraged by that in a way where I'm like, Ooh, interesting From


some friends, from Some


people that it was good. Like Emma had seen it More


specifically. I think you're going to Love it. David and I had heard from, I talked to one person who is like, oh yeah, it was great.


You know? And then I was like, oh yeah, you know, some people don't like it.


And he was like, people don't like it.


Like people like someone who is so into it, that was like, oh wait, it's not going over with like, you know, like, but, and I was like, okay, Let's


also say, I feel like I spent more time tracking fan theories on this than you did.


Like I fucking joined the matrix subreddit and was reading everyone's breakdowns.


What they thought the movie was going to be. You were Mo more trying to stay pure with this.


I rewatched the trailer obsessively.


I Really down.


And you and I, for the last four months, since that trailer came out, text a lot, just going like, do you have any idea what the fuck this movie is?


Like, there was something thrilling to the fact that it was so hard to piece together what this film was even going to be.


Let's say, compared to something like no way home where both of us went, it says like, I think I know what the basics are.


You Guys


Pretty much know what the last acts is going to be.


They've been trying to keep it under lock and key.


And it's like, I think I can predict what I'm


pleased by how little I knew about no way home.


But anyway, but I knew that I Could


make guesses in my, did he find a way Home


or should we Not spoil it? It's actually a really difficult answer.


We're not going to Say he kind of doesn't doesn't yet.


Anyway, If


you'd look at the trailer, it'd be like, I don't understand how this and that.


And what, how does that all piece to get? What is this movie?


What is the story? What's the vibe. It was exciting.


My big, it wasn't even a fear, but my big thought was like, this movie will probably not be too heavy on matrix lore, be too heavy on the calls.


Sure. It might reset to the cultural memory of the first film Because


right. Like not everyone is up to date with them and because like, you know, it seems to be more emotional, like from the very little I'm getting like, and I had heard from one person who had seen it, like someone else had asked him, like, do I need to rewatch the sequels?


And he was like, no, no, You're fine. We know Neovia is in it.


We know Merv. I knew That. I knew that that's true.


That's true. But I was still kind of like, and then, so I watched this movie that had that somehow in my opinion is a very clever and aware take on revivals and, and sort of, you know, nostalgia and bringing things back is so exciting and deep and thrilling to a matrix nerd like me and how it delves into the lore expands very much addresses the sequels and like builds on them.


And they, you know, certainly does not try and kind of like wipe those away or whatever, Which


it would have been very easy for them to do with this premise very easily.


It's a very kind of, swoony more sort of new late, which house ski kind of romance, you know, like love conquers.


All This movie is so of a piece with their last four films, more, so much.


So, but not in a way where it feels like dramatically insanely different from the matrix, but it does feel different.


And let's say, I mean, I'm not trying to intellectualize this.


I'm just saying the thing I've seen people say, and to be clear, including very good friends of mine, whose opinions I respect too.


I've had very civil conversations with about what we do or do not like about this movie.


Right, right.


And a lot of them just say, and I think this is beyond valid.






















matrixes. This movie looks very different.


It has a very different visual language.


The action sequences, which we will talk about are very different, right?


The vibe of it, the tone of it, all of this sort of shit is more in line with the last three, which house projects I would say with Jupiter, sending with cloud Atlas with sensate in particular, I think this movie is very much of a piece with sensei.


And I think sensei being some sort of, not a final form, but like a Lon has talked about this and, and to speak to the difference in style, right?


As you said, matrix was sold on this incredibly dense, precise storyboarded to how the whole movie is figured out.


They're executing what's in their mind's eye with like Hitchcockian precision, right?


The actors have to move within a centimeter of the timing of this and this and that sensei, which was shot by John tall.


Yeah. Who shot their last two movies.


He shot there.


Half of cloud Atlas and Jupiter sanding speed racer was Tattersall.
































movies. Yep. A very distinctive look.


He rules, he did a Lita. He did Shanghai this year and he rules More


of a regular guy and did this Spiderman movies for Sam Raimi or the SQLs, but they have different artists collaborators.


Now TomTec, they're just doing the score.


And so I've done Davis, all this sort of shit, but she's talked about how, and I think they've been moving more and more into this style.


Since eight, they didn't do rehearsals.


They didn't have blocking.


They wanted to shoot it more documentary style.


They wanted to give actors freedom and authorship over the scenes.


She wanted to be surprised by things that were happening, evolve things on the day, more collaborative in that sense with performance use more natural lighting, you know, things become warmer and more glowing, very helpful Off


the cuff improvisational.


Apparently, you know, like this is what I've been hearing.


Like, like Jonathan Groff said, like, she was like, you know what?


Take your socks off. Yeah. I see you as a no socks guy.


Like, and that was like on set.


As they're starting to film, like no storyboard, no, no rehearsal.


Emotional is how she's putting it.


Like, you know, very emotion less. They don't even do blocking rehearsals.


It's like actors show up, you have your thing.


We even talked about this. I want to see what you have.


And let's roll first take first-class grim.


Which for people who don't know, you show up on set, everyone's drinking their coffee.


The actors have their script pages.


You run through the thing like eight times while a bunch of different crew people go like, maybe I'd put the mic there and the lights here and this and that.


And very often you decide the next 20 shots you're going to do in order, based on what the actors and the director figure out, right?


Send people away. You do your makeup two hours later, you come back, you do everything as it was planned, right?


The evolution happens in that rehearsal process maybe.


And then it's pretty fucking locked in because now we've set up equipment here and there.


This was like, let's just set this up where it's lit in a way.


And this speaks to why the movie looks so different as well.


Aside from the narrative reasons why it has a very different color palette is a lot of natural lighting.


So that actors are not locked into a, you have to stand here because the lights there, or we can't move the camera this way, because then you'll see this equipment.


We want that sort of freedom, which leads to very often you need more coverage and that coverage is looser.


Or, And


this movie is I think, almost getting a bad rap.


I don't think it's that bad.


Like it's kind of, I don't know, like I think it's of a piece with the film.


That's sort of my main take on it. Like, but I, it is certainly not like the other matrix movies, even people don't like the burly brawl and the SQLs.


They don't like the Smith neophyte, but those are cutting edge sequences.


Those are like, let us push everything.


We've got to the absolute limit.


And you know, in the sequels, I would say maybe they reached their limit and you can see the limits, like Based


the best sequence of the Highway,


just as incredible that totally worked. But like, you know, the Smith fights and stuff like where sometimes you're like, okay, they were 95% of the way there.


And now I can in this shot, sort of see, it looks janky Things


that don't hold nothing. Well, no, even for the things that don't hold up well, tech-wise in those two sequences or just over conceptualized or whatever, there is a precision and a clarity of action that I think, I think people are more critical of the action of this movie in a way I understand, because I fall into this as well.


The action is the weakest aspect of this film.


Definitely inarguably.


Yeah. And I think part of that is there's perhaps a mild indifference from Lana that's not, Or


whatever. It just, it's just not the priority anymore to make really, really like insane action or whatever.


I don't know. The SQL's I was watching a matrix revisited.


Sure. Which was the matrix was the best selling DVD of all time.


And it was so successful. They put out another DVD.


That was essentially just more, There's


not a lot of special features on the original disc, but yes, it's just, it's like an in-depth, it's like a feature length documentary about making the movie, But


also in the early stages of the sequels.


And it was sort of bridging the gap of the excitement.


And so I was rewatching that and it's like all this footage, they kept from the early days of developing the first matrix.


But you're also seeing the earliest glimpses of them doing six months of stunt rehearsal for two and three before they started filming.


And he 57, you know, he does the John wicks.


So it's not like he's not doing that kind of shit anymore.


Different type of Action, but it a hundred Percent


and he can't write, he can't do like the shit they did.


And you can rebuild. Barry has this incredible PC re posted, talking to Chad who makes the John wicks, who is county's stunt double who plays Chad in this movie he's credited as handsome.


He is. And he's a handsome guy who talks talking about like how unusual it was at the time for a Hollywood movie to have individual combat, like as the center piece of your action.


Like, you know, cause like in the Schwartzenegger center in that era, it's more like punch, you know, like it was not like hand to hand fight sequence In


that Way. I mean, cause that's not their vibe.


Right. And so like, but the work they had to fucking do like to get all that You've


watched this revisited thing. It is crazy when you realize how much work they did for the first movie and for the sequels, it may be even doubled.


Right? Right.


So not excusing on somebody, but like things I think people should understand about how this movie ends up the way it does, right?


The actors are older.


They don't have a ping who choreographed the first three films working on this, who knows if they tried to hire me and he said no, or they didn't even reach out.


It feels to me like just, she didn't want to make as much of a martial arts movie.


That's just not what this movie is. Right.


I also think this is the first film we've seen her do without Lily and Lily was less involved in sensate and not involved at all in season two.


And this is very much of a piece of sensate.


And it's like some of those things that people are missing from the visual dynamic of this movie, might've been more Lilly things.


I dunno, that's pure conjecture on my part, but it's a different DP, John tall, who then they filmed like six weeks, two months of this movie in San Francisco, a lot of the exterior stuff like the building shit at the beginning of the end of the movie, the Simulex ship, whatever.


And then COVID hits and they shut down for like nine months.


Yeah. Lon is like, we might never finish this movie.


I might just abandon it. Right.


They come back, John toll is not available.


So the camera operator trying to tell on their last four or five films, but also Danielle


MES, regular Ridley, Scott collaborator and incredible steady cam operator, a camera operator becomes the de massacre, The


movie Jessie, that's another evolution.


Yeah. Right. And they're filming the film under difficult circumstances at a time where they weren't sure if they were going to be able to film it again.


It's very hard to do those sorts of action sequences and stunt rehearsals and all that sort of shit.


It's just, this is the film we have, right?


Yeah. I'm Satisfied. It's not trying to impress you with the Kung Fu or the cutting edge effects, visual language of the fight sequences.


I think it is understandable to be aggressively frustrated with the fact that the movie isn't delivering on that level.


I think because other action has gotten so muddy, we're lacking the sort of tactility of a matrix fight.


Even when it was CGI, augmented, or at least the clarity, the visual precision of it that people were like, fuck yes, here we go.


Lon is coming back. She's going to school, everyone.


She's going to show them how it's done.


So when a new matrix comes out and you're like, fuck, shank.


She kind of delivered better on that front with bill Pope than matrix.


Did I think that bombs people up, which makes sense, Whatever,


man, that's fine. I, the action is, but my defense of the action is it's maybe is what I said.


It's kind of of a piece.


I agree. I, you know, I don't, I don't think it's like completely.


So it's like you, you fall into this territory with this film.


It's sort of, we talked about this with a total recall when we did over Hoven series years ago, like, oh, there's a way in which that movie is critic proof, because anything that's shitty or nonsensical in it, you can go, well, it's all in his head.


It doesn't make any fucking sense. Right.


And in the same way, because this movie is so self-referential about its own existence.


You can go like, well it's like the point is it's like the way modern reboots are.


Right. Which I think is part of the, when people say that, like, are you taking crazy pills?


How can you think this thing is good?


They go like, are you just excusing everything that's bad in this movie by saying no, but it's supposed to be bad on purpose, which we're not saying I'm


not, I'm not, people can think whatever they want.


People can think Whatever they want. That's the, I am the action works for me.


Fine. But it's not incredible. It's just bugs has some good action.


There's some fun stuff. Bugs just over the car is fun.


No, this is the best. Which is the thing that's most directly emulating the style of the virtual matrix.


I think the Smith bathroom fights pretty decent in terms of hand-to-hand combat.


Yeah. But it's all, you know, it's more piecemeal The


wheel. Really what I'm trying to say is that those all three really did kind of reinvent the wheel every time.


The SQL's maybe a little less so, but they really were innovative in ways that people remember.


And don't remember Focusing


on the other three wheels now, Hey


man, the matrix resurrection. So let's talk about it.


How long have you been going about yeah.


Over an hour. Okay. We got to talk about the movie, like, like CNBC, The


cold open up the movie is of course I said the code open for a reason.


It's those green letters. The rainfall, right?


Yeah. It's the same as ever Warner brothers village road show, you know?


Nah, you know the theme, you remember the code dropping Into


matrix. Resurrections comes up much like a corpse being revived, right?


Like a, something rising from the grave is the first line of this movie.


Literally this feels familiar.


Yeah. And it's, it's, you know, we're seeing a call being true.


It's it's it's, it's how you open it up The


restaging of the Trinity scene. And then we get the reveal of this isn't Trinity, who is Right.


So you've got this great character whose name is bugs.


Like the bunny.


I mean kind of the audience surrogate of the movie.


Yes. Especially in the first chunk By


Jessica you're Sam Flynn.


Right? Someone or someone who's on the ban of the matrix.


Walter Meditech's truly like, you know, is looking for Neo is sort of reveres him, blah, blah, blah.


Played by Jessica. Henwick just to be clear.


The three examples I just cited is already its own trope.


No, it really has become such a trap.


This character is Both


fulfilling that and commenting on it at the same time.


Do you like Jessica Henwick Forkey was like, who?


I know this person. I was like, if you watched every episode of iron fist yet mean you didn't even like it and you watched it.


Cause she was in that. I never watched iron fist.


I didn't either. I remember the take being like she's She


was calling, right. She was, she was an excellent pilot and force awakens, But


she's not in the sequels Because


they didn't communicate to Ryan Johnson that she was still alive.


He thought she had died. Right. And she's effect in knives out too, which is funny.


And she, You sit on the rocks, which I thought she was very good.


That's the first time she stood out to me, You


know, that is a movie that I saw.


And I couldn't really tell you that she's she plays The


woman. I Know who she plays. There's only five characters by default.


It was like a really good scene at the end of the movie. And I was like, this person, this person kind of stands out and I looked up and I was like, oh, this is that action lady that everyone likes.


She's very, that lady there, once it was good on iron fist who keeps on ending up on casting, She


was all of a sudden Nim. She was in the mirror, sand and game of Thrones.


She's one of the sand snakes. And those characters are, are big in the books.


And were maybe the most sort of egregiously botched element of the show.


They had this sort of vibe in the show where the show like you could tell, they were kind of like, yeah, we have to do them to some extent, because we know they're important, but we really don't care.


Like, so they would just kind of show up and be like, we are sexy warriors.


See you later, you know? And then they all like die horribly.


She's in this zone where it's like, she keeps on being like failed parts of nerd franchises.


Everyone's like, but she's good. There has to be the right Jessica Henwick thing.


At some point she's narrating this.


They wanted her, I believe to play the sister and trunk sheet.


They did, She was the first Record. This both scripts are under lock and key and secret.


And both projects went, if you auditioned for one, you can't do the other, you could screen test for one or the other.


She picked this. But if you take the other, you you're out of consideration and you're not even guaranteed the job.


Well, whatever she's perfect for This


movie. And here are things I like about her. Her name is That


she's called bugs after the money. Yes.


You like that. Like the things you use to listen to people and also like the Bunnings, she has some line like that.


There's also the scene where Neo wakes up in the real world for the first time in this movie and he's being operated on in the slab and she goes, what's up doc to the doctor.


Great. 1 million comedy points.


Big fan of bugs is fashion. I think the pants in the opening sequence, rule Glasses.


Do you like your glasses? The line in the middle of the glass, right?


There's the line in the middle, like of the bridge of the arms that extends in front of the lenses.


Yeah. Great. I would say one of the standout characters as far as, And


this is another big thing is that I think part of what people were hoping for in a return to the matrix was like, man, the matrix is so fucking cool.


These people are so steely and bad-ass and unflappable and sexy and confident and bugs is a lot more emotional, open, childlike, vulnerable than matrix characters we've seen before.


That's true. Bugs is yes, it's true.


Is it different? And she kind of acknowledges that.


And in this early scene, she sort of also acknowledges like jokingly, like the silliness of the binary choice of the pills, which we'll get into.




























cool. And like, it's not that carry on Moss, doesn't play the vulnerability.


Like she's afraid of the agency, you know, but still like, she's just like the most paradise and bugs is jokier and they're jokey in a wave.


It not bother me at all.


Like not, I don't think this really ever ventured into they fly now territory, you know, like I saw some complaints with some of the dialogue and I was sort of like, maybe there's a moment or two where it gets cutesy.


But anyway, Look, I, and I will talk around the spoilers here for this other movie that we're not talking about today, but you and I were, were texts exchanging after no way home and complaining about the fact that they, they comedically deflate some of the legacy characters.


They bring back in a way that is very of a piece with the MCU and their sense of humor, which is we're going to make the joke about the thing before you can.


Sure. Right. We're going to deflate. It's this thing that Marvel's weaponized developed through Downey Junior's improv and Fabro and Wieden, and now like perfected to a point is like, we're doing the mad magazine parody of ourselves while also doing the real movie.


So you can't say that we're not in on the joke and it feels very defensive.


And it is a thing that even if I laugh at the joke, when it happens five seconds later, very often I quote bad taste in my mouth.


You sold out the integrity a little bit.


Sure. Whereas I feel like the comedic deflations that this movie does through to like Morpheus going like blah, blah, blah.


And things like That. That's true. That's it?


Yeah. I don't, I don't think to me do not read As


like insulting or derogatory towards the original movies and the fans experiences of them.


I think It's more talking about the process of things getting repeated Over


and over and over. Right. It's sort of like, how do you possibly repeat something that is so painted into people's brains without it feeling silly?


Anyway, bugs is, that's why he loves her Watching


this and going, this is wrong. That's just launching a bunch of times, Essentially


what looks like a kind of like fan made version of the matrix.


Basically The actors are different and like there's something a little off






Same person. And she's saying, why would they use old code?


Like it's Why is she she's seen this multiple times?


Like the logic of it is so confusing.


And then what's this character's name?


Who's like the new What's


his name seek his name is Sequoia.


They come seek, they call them seek, which sort of sounds like Zeke, but it's seek seq.


That's paid by Toby on Numerai the replacement for MLF D I mean, yeah.


Right. And he's Keefus right. And in sensei, he is so much, he is physically Showing


operator Space, but because of the way the matrix has evolved right then he's not just on the phone.


He can like digitally sort of video conference in improvement rules.


I do think it's good.


I think it's so cool. I love her is finally he's in the space.


I love original movies, but it is amazing when you watch them, like how, how much of the footage in those sequences are cutting to either Marcus, Shaun or Harold Perrineau in a chair, looking at screens, going like, holy shit, what are you?


Okay. You know, like doing it, it's kind of helpful to just sort of have them there.






there. It's, It's cool. And it's fun.


But, but this is like, We


are in your impact To


territory where you're like, we're watching characters, watch the first movie and comment on it and try to change it or exist around it.


So we are in a modal is what we learn.


They mentioned this, and this is one of my, Is


this the first time you pop a boner?


When they say the word modal?


No, But it is like some fucking surf is a logins for you.




Absolutely. I was very excited.


They were cuter lodging. Right.


Sort of computer logic. So we're in a modal, which is far as I know in programming.


It's really just a term for like a window in a window.


Like it's just like a sort of program in a program, but they specifically have it mean here.


Like this is like a training center.


It's like a demo.


Right? It's like something where it has very limited parameters.


It's really seems to be sort of like a city block.


It's basically the first scene of the matrix.


Although it's a little off and you have a Trinity and you have some agents and you have some, No,


all the agents we've seen have always been incredibly patrician looking








team. The second who we know in this movie is not going to be just playing an agent.


Right. And you're just like, agents don't look like that.


Sure. They're always white. They always have the hair split to the side.


But I didn't know that he was like, say, I'm walking in blind.


Sure. I might see that and be like, sure, there could be a black agent who cares.


Right. Like, you know, of course you could like, And


performance is already different.


His energy is different as he walks in.


I mean, agent Smith, if he's saying the lines, but there is something sort of arch about it.


And you're like, Hm. Different


than the arch. That is part of the de rigueur style locked down.


I am watching this and I'm like, absolutely.


I know what's going on. And you know, I watched this with my wife last night on HBO.


And she was like, what, what the fuck is going on?


I feel like so much of the marketing, the market kind of centered the Morpheus of it all more than the bugs of it all were bugs is kind of more key to the movie.


And obviously, because he's got the aesthetic, that's very recognizable sort of dressed like morphine.


It's a new fucking rising star, but the dude fucking goals.


I love him. But it's funny that he has this Candyman in the same year.


Yeah. Which are both this sort of legacy placing the guy or is he playing a different version of the guy that's true.


And he also was Dr. Manhattan, of course, where it's almost a similar thing where it's like, is He,


or is he The same simulation of simulacrum, which is one of the many things this film is dealing with, but the mystery of the Morpheus, how's this fit in?


Why isn't it Laurence Fishburne? Why is it a younger guy?


Is that just some in joke about the fact that they want to do the Michael B.


Jordan movie? What is this? The film like reveals at hand like six minutes in.


She gets in the room with him that is now there in the set as if you're were on a Warner brothers studio backlog.


Well, he pumps her into the key call back to my book.


I turned to Ben. I know that's a lot easier.




I got one shout out at one point on the blank DOE texts or with the doughboys.


I think Mitch was talking about the reloaded or something.


If someone brought up the key maker And


this thing where he was like, I'm watching matrix reloaded right now, actually like this, I think it's pretty good.


Right. And you were like, Mitch, do you know what you're saying?


Right. I was like, don't get me started. I mean, I wasn't about, I was just like, you guys like this, and then there was just sort of some question about the key makers, key makers, basically a root kit.


I just sort of texted that. Right. And then like 20 minutes later, wire was like, crazy how he just said, this is if anyone would know and he's Explanation,


you Love


to see that he goes into whatever locksmith, you know, it empty.


And he takes her into first a white card or with doors, which we know in the matrix is basically like programming represented.


Like it's sorta like Liminal


state it's it's C


colon dash.


Like it's just sort of like the it's just sorta like, you know, it's Good


to hear you saying this shit again. It's


just the, it's the desktop.


It's the it's from where you can go anywhere else.


And they go into, yes. This set that is Thomas Anderson's room is shitty studio apartment Matrix.


Right? Exactly. He's got his tag, his work tag from medic cortex.


This Is the room, right? This is where Neo is like born, but What's


your fucking deal. Something weird is going on.


And she explains that she, when she was a blue pill, her moment of awakening was she was being a window washer, I guess that was her job.


And she saw Neo jumping Building.


Now he was not in the form of Neo, but she made a connection with him and she heard the song, The


he's jumping. She sees his true form.


She sees Neo, do you Know the story about Lana?


I Don't what story I


believe it was when she did, it was at the glad awards or something like that.


When she wants some trailblazer like career award, it was one of the first time she sort of publicly spoke post-transition because she had always been very secretive about her private life.


And there had been rumors about her for a long time.


And she did this very emotional speech about why she felt like I need to come forward from my community to create an example for other kids who were like me, right.


I'm dealing with a sort of gender dysphoria and all of that.


And she said that when she was a very young child, she was suicidal.


She had an experience where she was suicidal when she was about the age of 12.


And she had a plan to, I believe, jump off a building.


And when she was walking to do that, she saw an old man and he locked eyes with her and they stood there in silence, looking at each other for like 15 seconds and something in that exchange stopped her from doing it.


I don't Know if this guy found moment that You


would never think about it, but that man saved my life.


Right. And it's literally the thing she's replicating here, Which


is fascinating because of course the idea is, you know, I talked to just the idea of Being


seen in that keeps you Alive,


but also it's what jolts her out of her.


And by the way, Lon has talked about, I think one of the things that sort of triggered that suicide was that when she was at school and they would like divide people into lines of boys and girls, that she would feel instinctually drawn to go to the girls' line and the people would call her out on it.


And then this is all part of the thing.




She sees him jump, but of course he doesn't jump.


Like this is the thing that she also perceived tries to jump, but the program just freezes and he is just reset back to wherever they want him.


And I feel like people, you know, cause jumping off a building is very crucial in the matrix.


It is how you prove you have kind of woken up to the matrix, you know, like that's that jump rope jumps off and jumps and involves sort of like, he's not quite there yet.


Blah, blah, blah. Anyway, And


this movie is all about the fucking drunk.


A lot of jumper, it builds to we're going to actually take the leap.


So that's bugs and Morpheus. This thing, I guess, is he, well, he lives in, he bugs is talking about her awakening from the matrix, right?


He doesn't even live in the matrix. He lives in this little box, but he like talks about like, I also realized, like I live in a computer, I


have my mirror moment. Right. But I'm a program.


I understand that I'm a program I've been positioned as an agent, but I see that my true destiny is I am more I'm


Morpheus. And I have to find me, which is sort of basically like his core programming of Morpheus and Morpheus wants to find what does, It's


fucking hard. You're telling me that Morphe assistant of a computer program, who was an agent who recognizes I am the second coming of the guy who recognizes the second coming of the Messiah.


And to be clear, what's happening is the Neo who knows in some way that he's still stuck in a matrix is making a Morpheus to get him out.


Cause he knows like, well, that's how I get out of the matrix.


Morpheus finds me. Right. So when we, if I make a Morpheus program one, yeah, come find me like, you know, and it's, you know, it's half delusion, half No


clear either. Cause I want to say on my first viewing.


Yeah. I, at this point up into the movie, have no idea what is going on.


I don't know. I'm like, And


I'll use, it's one of those sort of shocking, cold open things that movies always do where they're like, we'll catch you up later.


But here, you know, here's some action Of


course what's happening because she is visiting the matrix, but then a program in the matrix.


But it's just not, she's not, she's in like a program inside the major.


So the second time, every character we meet has three identities up ended within the span of one minute of dialogue where he goes, I'm a program and an agent and morphine And


she gives him the red and blue pill.






















want? Can I, this bar for one second to bring up Ben's confusion.


There's the thing I find very interesting about the first matrix.


And it's just sort of impeccable undeniable power, right?


That like 30 minutes into this movie where the first matrix, you forget how long it takes before they drop.


Yeah. It's, it's a, it's a pretty slow built too.


Right? You are a battery.


It took about half an hour before Romley turned to me and gave me the look and was like, am I?


And I was like, you're not supposed to understand anything yet.


Sure. And it's a very hard trick to pull off, to watch a movie like that, where you're engrossed and you're on board.


Despite the fact, you have no idea what the fuck is going on.


And the film takes about 45 minutes to explain itself to you.


This movie is doing the opposite, which is explaining a lot to you upfront and hoping you will eventually be able to process Put


it together. Yeah. Right.


That's true. It does. And I am eagerly like cramming the info to giving me into my mouth.


But some people are maybe like, well I like once I think it's very understandable to be sort of like, yeah, what's the difference between this and the matrix.


What's the difference between this matrix and old matrix?


See the walls.


I can't see the parameters, fucking blue pill.


That's why. Well, I


do take a blue pill every day.


So after this and write to me, but I'm like, oh, I'm very intrigued.


I'm like, wait. Oh, you know, she gives the pills.


Yeah. And he there's this again.


Right. The pills are who fucking gives a shit.


They choice in illusion Important


and interesting that line of what Chesky wants to say.


Like perhaps a binary choice is a bit simplistic.


I think it's funny on multiple levels that she, Especially


around that red pill, as an idea has become this.


Right. We're getting movies talking about.


Yeah. But, but as she says, like, look, when you're getting offered the pills, you probably already know what she wants.


You know? Like, you know that at that point it's really like, you know, what's Neo gonna do be like, yeah, I do feel like something's really wrong with the world.


And I don't understand my place in it, but you know what?


Like I'm not, I, I'm not going to sign any more documents here.


I'm going to go. We're about halfway in the movie, but I'm good.




Click. Hello, Morpheus.


Hey, is this Neo, Neo, are you looking at, you're looking for Morpheus.


Whoa. How did you know that?


I just figured you'd said his name.


So that was sort of my big clue.


Are you old Neo or are you just regular?


Neo I'm baby Neo.


Oh your baby Neo. Oh, you're So


cute. God got Google. Whoa.


What's up baby. Neo, Baby. Neo hungry.


Oh, of course.


Babies. You know, they get hungry and it's the new year.


And it's time to focus on what's most important to you, which might be saving money by ordering, take out, learning to cook, prioritizing your wellness.


They may know.


Hello. Fresh is here to help with endless options to make cooking at home.


Simple and enjoyable. Hell whoa.


Fresh.Yeah. That's a good call.


Hello? Fresh delivers pre-portioned ingredients to your door, including farm-fresh produce that arrives within a week.


So you get convenience without skimping on quality.


You can skip the trip to the grocery store, saving you the wait in long holiday lines and ensuring you don't waste money on excess food.


Okay. That's pretty cool.


Huh? Hello. Whoa. Fresh. Both.


Sounds like me saying whoa and how a baby would say hello.


Right? Because they tend to have the sort of the little, the whole transpose, the W's right.


'm baby Neo Gaga.


Gugu You are baby Neo.


And I know that you love how hello.


Fresh is 72% cheaper than a restaurant meal.


The same quality you can save $65 a month.


On average, when you order HelloFresh instead of grocery shopping, that's more money to put towards those other 20, 22 goals of yours, baby.


Wow. Wow. When indeed baby Neo hungry.


I know you're hungry. Look and it's holiday time and like it's difficult.


You know, I'm running around here. I've got a lot going on.


So humblebrag, it's very helpful to have HelloFresh, just show up at my door and prepackaged ingredients with a really good recipe I can follow and just get her done.


It's almost Like there's a program to follow.


That is right.


You can read the code. Well, if you go to hellofresh.com/check 16 and use code check 16 for up to 16 free meals and three free gifts.


That's pretty cool. Right?


It's America's number one. Meal kit. Well go to hellofresh.com/check 16, check 16 and use code check 16 for up to 16 free meals and three free gifts.


Hello, fresh baby.


Neo get ready. Morpheus.


Yeah. I don't know about him, but you know, I'm sure he's around somewhere So


10 minutes and we finally get to Thomas Anderson, right?


So then you've had this one glimpse of Keanu in bugs is, And


now we're with Thomas Anderson. The first act of the movie is him.


He is a computer program or computer game programmer, Famous


filled with matrix memorabilia.


He literally has the McFarland action.








































I had a game of the year award to he's got, you know, like, okay, neo-Nazi fucking nerd.


He's a Silicon valley guy.


He's living in San Francisco.


All of this, that's obsessed with his past.


Sure. And he is a cultural shadow of the one thing he created.


He's working on a new game called binary, but he is the famous programmer of a trilogy give games called the matrix.


And if he feels like one of these guys, I, I don't know if I can say a specific example where it's like, here's someone who is so foundational to the creative ferment of this company or this property or whatever it is, but they may be kind of lost it and they haven't been able to replicate it.


And we keep them on payroll, a out of respect and be out of the hope of what if they fucking figured it out again, delivered another home run.


Right, right. But he's just sort of noodling on shit.


Kiano I feel like isn't this movie kind of playing sad Kiano meme, right?


Because John wick has become this new gravitas version of Kiano there's that period that everyone forgets about between like matrix sequels and John wick when he starts to dip out where like his prominent cultural role was a photo of him sitting on a bench, eating a sandwich and being like, what the fuck is up with this guy?


Sad, sad. Keanu says he was just hungry.


It looks like a bump. He looks kind of like a bum.


Yeah. But also Kiano like had horribly tragic things happen to him in his life at that period of time.


What not then what, what happened then?


I mean, he, his girlfriend died a long time.


Right. That was way before it was after The matrix sequels.


But know that that photo is not that old, the sad Campaign


the 15 year span.


Okay. Sure. But he's hungry for project too much on that photo because he has been very anti projecting on that of I'm


just hungry. I'm just saying there, there is a tragic nest of Kiana that I think this film is foregrounding right there.


He's playing very broken. I really like his performance Performance


in this film is Excellent.


I think it's excellent. I say, Especially


in the first chunk where he has the most acting to do, and then he's more, I


say this as someone who really feels like he has lost a substantial amount of identity in the last two years in isolation on top of mental stability and all of that, this performance really, really fucking resonated with me, his sort of unmoored quality.


And I do think you talk about the awakening aspect of the matrix, right?


Like the, this world feels wrong, the Strings,


whatever. Right. But so much of that, and it's tied to the which Huskies and their own journey of discovery and whatever is like, I feel wrong.


I recognize that things around me feel weird, but it's like, there's a form I should be taking that.


I'm not yet. It's just playing it. Not to like dramatically.


I get like, there's a little bit of humor to what he's doing.


Got that thing where he of like overly medicated and he's sort of in a bubble and he little foggy.


Yeah. And like everyone around him in the movie Is


child. Cause there were a little Bit treating like Shelly tried to kill Himself


again, But also is kind of like is dialed to a hundred.


It's very crucial in this movie that the first act of the movie is.


And you really notice in a rewatch, very loud, everything is loud.


The dialogue, you know, people are chattering all the time.


Energy of performance, the energy performance is very up, but also like modern music.


There's a lot of flashing lights, you know, a lot of colors, which has, he really wants that moment where Naomi is like, do you remember this?


And it's quiet to really hit.


And it really works in that theater, in my opinion, less so on.


It just it's really silence in a theater is so powerful because everyone's kind of like, wait, is she going to say something?


You know, like everyone's kind of like hanging to see what she's going to do anyway.


But when People


are disappointed that the movie doesn't look like the matrix doesn't have the green 10th, the precision, all that sort of stuff, which is fair.


It's a fucking rad aesthetic.


I understand wanting to see that again.


It's also part of the text of this film that it's like, the matrix has changed our notion of what computers could do in artificial intelligence and virtual reality and all that stuff used to be more clinical, right?


It used to be a, And


your second database in 1999, when the matrix is made, the internet is like a resource more than anything.


Like to the extent that it has discourse, it's so tiny.


It's like little tiny communities of people who know how to be allies.


Concepts are been now, now.


And so much of technology is trying to figure out ways to virtually replicate banalities in, in so many ways, right?


You look at the fucking Zuckerberg metaverse video and it's like, what he's pitching of.


Like it metaverse you get to hang out in a rainbow place And


you can talk to each other. It's a way to virtually have a conversation through virtual avatars.


It's no longer this sort of like bad-ass fucking thing.


The world of the first 45 minutes of this movie is very metaverse right.


It's like, it's, it's very, I really just think she's really trying to just talk about how it feels to be online right now, which is what obviously the big annalists monologue is about.


And as well, Brand's having casual Twitter accounts where they're like, Oh


yeah, you put your whole Bootsy into this.


When you made the double Cheeseburger,


Jude who is played by.


I wanna cause I didn't know that actor, Andrew Louis Caldwell.


Okay. Do you know him? No, he was, you know, he's, he's doing what the movie wants obviously, which is the story, I guess he's mostly he's on an eyes-on B apparently, you know, but he's like big, he's really big.


And he's also like kind of like a parody of not just a matrix fan, but just like a genre fan right.


Where he's just, you know, but also kinda like, oh, I know, I know, I know too much, too much.


It's kind of like this weird self-awareness And


the comic relief character that exists today who mostly exists deflate shit and be like, what the fuck?


Exactly. He doesn't seem real.


He doesn't seem like a real fucking person.


None of it feels quite real.


I love it. It's a different type of artificiality than we're used to have to feel wrong in a different way.


I said this in my review, but in 1999, you know, it's the idea of the end of history, right?


Where it's like, is it like over, like we just, there just won't it's pre nine 11.


It's sort of like, has America just kind of become what it is and we'll just kind of make money and have our jobs and nothing more is going to happen.


Like we've kind of reached this peak.


And then of course nine 11 happens and everything is completely different.


But like there's this moment in the late nineties where that's the existential horror, right.


Fight club is about that. American beauty is about that.


Like, you know, a lot of those movies from right around the matrix is very much about that.


Yeah. About a certain numbness. I do think the fact that this movie its premise was born out of grief is very important because I do think this movie is about depression in a lot, a lot, a lot of ways.


Whereas the first movie is sort of about identity, right.


And figuring out who you're supposed to be, But


it is about existential despair.


But I don't Feel


like This


world just read. There's a numbness to Neo and Tom Anderson in this movie, both in the simulation, as much as things feel wrong.


It's like, I don't know. Maybe I'm just dead inside now.


We'll stop.


It was like, what was the fucking point of any of this in the First


movie? Neo is like, there has to be more like, that's why I'm searching.


Cause like these can't be it.


Right. And in this movie he's like, well I guess it wasn't that.


Cause they tell me that's me.


So I guess I'll just fucking, you know, And


he's, I love him. He's successful.


Like in the first movie he's a little cog in a machine, right.


He's just like, he's a little he's Dilbert he's he goes to his cubicle and his boss yells at him.


Right. But no, but I'm thinking, oh, in your Movie,


he's not a cop. He's the fucking king of the world and everyone's waiting on him.


And he's just kinda like, I don't enjoy this at all Chesky


position when people are going, what's the new matrix.


And it's just like, I don't know what the fuck to do with myself.


You kind of Joey pants, his character ones.


Yeah. That's a lot of people had theories on that of like ease.


He now like, you know, Mr.


Regan, like, is he literally what Joe, you know, cipher was asking for?


Like he got inserted in. Cause he wanted to be rich and Famous.


I want to be, I want to be someone important, like an actor or anything, but I don't want her man.


I don't want this. And obviously he eats a steak fucking steak shot, you know, it's all, I feel like it's all basically just sort of referential.


It's not like suppose, but you know that white rabbit sequent rules, I think the remix of the song it's so fucking effective, the song is so clever where it's like it's using the original song.


Right. But then it has those things where instead of hitting the chorus, it just kind of stops for a minute and just sort of repeats that, boom, the sound stop the vocal stuff for a second.


And you're just like, he's fucking stuck on a treadmill.


Like he is crushing.


This is never ending. Yeah. It's but it's a specific kind of depression where the world is loud rather than quiet, right.


Or like the world is bright and assaultive rather than That


is how I felt in isolation being alone, quiet in the apartment and feeling like the entire world was screaming at me, not me in particular, but the entire world was screaming, which it was in so many ways.


It is very loud. The internet is loud.


The state of the world is loud.


And even just, there was a thing that was a recurring problem.


I had in the worst of lockdown when I was not seeing anybody leaving my house, I was not really socializing outside of doing fucking live streams and podcast episodes.


Otherwise I would never even speak out loud most days.


Right. I was sort of stuck in this rut of like this montage of what you're seeing him do, the routines where it's like, how do I change up my day?


I make fucking coffee.


You know, I take a shit.


And then the repetition of the pills over and over again, I had a problem at the worst, the peak of, you know, 12 months into lockdown or whatever, where my medication I take nightly for depression, anxiety.


I could never remember whether or not I had taken the pills already.


The old did I wash my hair today or not the old sort of, yeah, But


it would be like, I have it on my nightstand next to my bed.


I get in the bed And he'd be like, did I do it yet?


Or Did I just do this?


This, this is Familiar.


Not remember if I had done it 30 seconds ago, or if I was replaying a memory from the night before, because You're


just doing the same shit every day.


Maybe starting to hit me really hard at this point. Like, I'm just like, fuck, this is speaking to the way I've been feeling for the last two years, this atrophy of this character, who's in a position where it's like, look, I mean a tremendous amount of privilege.


I can't say my life socks A whole that's what I think is so clever.


Nothing's bad, Right.


Is like everyone's falling all over him.


And he's just sort of like, Hmm, I feel dead inside.


And everyone's like, look, if you have a next thing, come up with it.


If not, do whatever you want. And he keeps on noodling.


You talk about how he creates the modal because he's hoping that Morpheus will come and speak to him.


I also read it. I don't think these are mutually exclusive things as much like Lana being just driven in her grief to go back to those characters.


He was like, I want Morpheus kicking around somewhere.


Yeah. Right, right, right, right. Like those were the good old days.


Like they, yeah, me and Morpheus, like that's when we were figuring stuff out.


That's when there was growth. When there was progress, when there was some Well


said, he just created Morpheus as a fictional character.


It's like, look, I probably shouldn't make a fourth game.


That's like fucking with my legacy, but it'd be nice to just have a program running on my computer where I can look in the sets there and that you have that opening sequence and Morpheus is there.


It's the memory palace of like, fuck right.


This is widened a Soulja exists.


We talk a lot about it being a poisoned, especially as we're recycling the same pop culture over and over again.


But there clearly is some value to it.


If we use it deliberately in these things that stick to us so much that we cannot give up, there has to be power in returning to these characters.


We can't just redo the same sequence over and over again.


But if something has been able to last for 25 years and it's a thing you can return to, that gives you joy or comfort, clarity on your own sense of existence.


That isn't cheap to go back to that.


And I say, no, if you're doing something new At


the same time, right. And all this that we're talking about, there is a scene where he is summoned to talk to his boss.


Then the money man played by Jonathan Groff, who is Smith and who very rich right at the start of the movie has this line of like, well, Warner brothers are, our parent company is demanding.


We make a fourth matrix and they'll do it Without


us. I know you said you were done after the trilogy, But


like this sort of specificness of like, they can do it without us.


And I was like, I thought that wasn't possible.


And he's like, well, I was thinking I've


read many takes from people who tap out at that exact moment.


Like the movie is telling me that it shouldn't exist and that they're being forced to make this movie at gunpoint.


Now I am like, where am I again?


Where am I? Who is Neo?


He, I knew him to have died.


Yeah. Now he's back. But what is this reality again?


I have, no, I cannot figure out where the fuck I am.


Right. The movie's like very much like throwing a cold bath on you with this stuff.


And like I, whereas I was just like, that's so funny one that that's in the movie, it's fun.


That Warner brothers is like, yeah, sure, whatever, fucking throw us under the bus.


Who cares? But to that, like, that's like, you know, Smith Smith.


So Smith is part of Neo. I got, you know, we have to talk, we'll talk about it.


So complicated and Smith is the person that people ask me the most questions about having seen the movie where they're like, I don't understand his role in, you know, but like he's, Neo's bad side.


He's, Neo's most fatalistic, most Cole dyed, most cynical side in this movie.


Right? So like when he's saying this stuff, he's not saying that is the thesis of the movie, but he's certainly expressing the like, look, there's a bit of a rock and a hard place situation here.


Do you want to make another matrix or do you want, you know, faceless executives to make it?


Well, I think there's another thing going on David, which is agent Smith has now been reborn in the body of the studio executive.


Right? The executive, I wouldn't even say studio because he's also really giving like tech bro, like, you know, right.


Like he's like, whereas Smith in 1999, he's a G man, obviously he's the, you know, this guy in a suit, who's supposed to look anonymous with sunglasses and now it's like right shoes, no socks kind of, simpering kind of corporate speak, you know, all that personality though, too lots of, but like a personality that kind of puts you on edge for you.


Like, is this guy like a total phony, like, wait, does he care about anything that's performance?


I think an incredible showmance Textually.


Right? And you get to this point later in the movie where Smith keeps on talking about like how inextricably tied they are.


Right, right. That it, like, they used to think that they were rivals and they exist in opposition to each other.


And in fact, they need each other to balance out.


It's like this ying and yang thing, as you said, it's sorta shadow self, whatever.


I, I think this character that use of it, all of that, that is stated literally and directly Compare it to someone like Royalton in speed racer, who is the evil money man saying, you have to race this way.


You got to do it this way. And if you don't, I'll crush you.


I will, you, I will Mount the forces of capitalism.


That's the movie they make right after getting to make two hugely expensive SQLs where they get away with everything, Listen


to our speed, raised surface over. Cause of course, that movie ends with them being like art can triumph over commerce.


Of course the movie with, And


she's, you know, always talked about in interviews, like one of the reasons she stepped away and it seemed like they maybe neither of them would ever make a movie.


Again, was like, I got so tired with the business aspect of the thing with the executives, with answering to all these questions and all this sort of shit.


She is a filmmaker who, aside from her first movie has gotten to trafficking incredible budgets.


Absolutely. Right.








































that. And I do think this movie is reckoning with, I want, you know, I think of myself as this precious sensitive artist, but I've also chosen a medium that requires a tremendous amount of capital support and a lot of people.


And I am forever beholden to these people.


There's always going to be constantly think of Smith as a binary villain.


And now I realize he's part of the balance of me getting to do the thing I want to do tick.


Right. Very true. I just, I can think of this guy as the impediment to my creative unfiltered brilliance, but it's like, it doesn't matter.


It doesn't, I've never gone away. Never going away.


You're not, you're not getting right. You're never going to be able to.


Yeah. I have to learn how to create some sort of balance in a work relationship with this person.


Otherwise it's not going to happen. And the changing of Smith to a creative executive, but also Smith to less of a literal villain and more of an uneasy ally is so talent.


I agree with that now textually.


Yes. I do think it is the most common cause Smith has always been the most complicated element of the matrix if you dig into it.


And I guess I can get more into this in the commentaries, but like, Okay,


this thing I, I found rewatching the first movie singing the theater for the first time, being able to give it more focus recently, I


saw it in theaters in 1999, after buying a ticket to she's all That


I bought a ticket to 10 things I hate about you.


And then I saw 10 things I heard about you. And I said, why would I see that gun movie?


But look, I knew it before, but it hit me so much harder.


Is this idea that it's like Smith as a program, is this aberration.


For some reason, he's developing his own inner thoughts and his distaste of humanity.


He has a personality that she does Not


have developed, not supposed to be so angry.


Right? All of that's complicated.


We should acknowledge what the original plan was for this to be Hugo with.


Well, the way this movie works, you can absolutely see the original actors playing both roles, but it doesn't really matter that much to have new actors play the roles.


And it's in some ways kind of exciting.


Yeah. I, I, part of me wonders if I would have preferred the version with Hugo weaving, I think what Jonathan Groff is doing is great.


But I think the rush of much like seeing Tom Sanderson being like, what's going on here, why is Neo acting like this to see Hugo weaving look different, have such a different vibe and be like, well, you know, Warner brothers like playing Hollywood asshole would have given it such uneasy.


Yeah. I love Hugo weaving and I would love to see you go weaving, But


in this movie, it's now come out and interviews with like James McTeague and some of the other people who worked on the movie, Mitchell did an interview recently that, that, that was the plan as written.


Cause I wasn't sure after seeing it like was, I knew you go even was in talks and then there was a scheduling problem and then he's not in and out.


I was like, was he going to play him at some state?


Or some form was he was giving Smith?


Yeah. He was just going to be Smith. I'm sure it'd be great.


He was in a play. I think COVID really messed with it too.


Anyway, he's not in it.


I think graph is fantastic. And I think as part of the 20 years on plus, you know, like let's consider the internet and the experience of being online now, I think graph is a great Griffin.


Neil, Patrick Harris are both great expressions of those feelings.


I think they're great. You know, We're


seeing the shots of the original movie and cut and I feel like, especially that's like they're introducing their, I mean, they're hammering it over your head that this is Smith, right.


And it's a different actor because you're seeing His


opening line is him saying Cuba weaving's line intercut.


They do not hide for one second that he is Smith.


He is Smith to the extent that people are like, wait, is he Smith?


This movie is, is there a sort of a double reverse here?


Like, I guess reveal, why are they telling me so much more than I can even process right out of the gate What's


going on? But like, just to talk about Smith for a second, as you say in the first movie, he is the villain, but there is this sort of undercurrent of like, why is he more emotional about this and why none of the other program characters are emotional at all.


And he has the monologue where he takes off his ear piece and he takes disease, your cancer, you know, and then he's destroyed.


And then the idea in the second and third movies, he's no longer an agent.


He cannot move through programs.


So he can't get a copy himself into people.


Right. But he now has this new thing where he spreads like a virus he's liberated, he's, he's his own thing.


And I have always struggled so much with the idea because like the whole reason that may be, you know, gets to pull off his grand truce at the end of revolutions is that Smith has taken over the matrix.


And so Neo can go in there and deal with Smith in return.


You're going to, you're going to be peaceful.


We're going to stop the war. That's the deal he makes with the machines.


And the idea is like, Neo is the sixth one.


Like it's a thing that happens over and over again, it's built in, there'll be a one he'll hit the end of the program.


He'll see the architect, the Arctic, they'll be like, you got to go back to the beginning, you're going to rebuild Zion.


You know? I mean, he's always like, okay, I don't want humanity to die, so I'll do that.


Right. And instead of course, Neo picks Trinity, and that's why the movie continues rather than ends.


Right. Everyone's on board with this, right?


Yeah. So I guess that's like, I was always like, why is there a Smith?


Is that part of it? Like, is there always going to be like a sort of villain agents in this movie Or


in the sequels or Button the matrix, like, you know, why, why does Smith becomes so powerful?


And I Know


you said what you want to say. And then I have my answer.


Like, you know, part of it is just like, well, these movies, especially the sequels are as much about like they aren't giving you hints.


The programs are evolving and way reared ways too.


It's not just that the one is behaving differently.


Programs are doing weird things.


These two programs made a child for no reason.


Like, you know, like, you know, there's all kinds of Smith.


Yeah. He he's, he's angry and he's weird.


Like, you know, he, we don't know why he behaves this way.


He's a, he's a glitch too. There's all this glitchy can going on.


So like, that's why he's so tied to Neo, right?


Like as Neo behaves, unusually Smith behaves, that's all fine.


He's the one of programs in a weird way.


Yes. He's the aberration. And I always freaked out because I was always like, if there are many ones, why is there never, or why are we never hearing about other Smiths?


But I think the idea is partly just like, well, even if that was a thing, yeah.


Neo or the sorry, the one hitting the end of the program, meaning the architect rebooting, it would just solve that problem.


So it wouldn't be a thing. And instead Neo not solving that problem, he proliferates and it becomes a PR David.


Yep. And I, I didn't know you had all this frustrated.


I know It's not frustration. It's just like, David Is


now furiously. Rubbering his thighs the way that Neo does in this movie when he's talking.


Yes. Right. Those, I feel like in those sequence, like the therapist is trying to do the thing of like, yeah, you're in, you're real.


You're like try to, you know, But


David is truly doing those hand gestures unconsciously while talking about Smith of at all.


And this speaks to this movie as much as the first three matrix is were, and especially cause the word Chesky is barely did pressed and explain themselves, made themselves elusive, made this mythology so dense and so cool and all of this shit, right.


That like you're sitting there trying to connect the pieces of like, why, why, why?


And I always interpreted the Smith thing as like, well, we could just have a new agent, we could have a new villain.


We could have some other program act this way.


So we don't have to explain why this one is so special.










































again. Sure. And so much like the fucking sentinels reviving Trinity and Neo it's like, I guess we have to figure out why it's still the same guy from the first movie because the public wants this guy.


Yeah, it's right. I mean the analysts take a certain lane, right?


Yeah. You could have hired anyone else to play any other weird agent who has his own power and not have to deal with the why he would say how it coincides with the first movie.


But it is that thing of, at some point you are somewhat beholden to the demands of not just what the people controlling the purse strings want, but what the public wants Textually.


Yes. The way Smith puts it as like, I'm like, he's like a chain around Neo and he doesn't know either like Smith does not know that he is agent Smith until that moment where he sees the gun and he reawakens and he says, Mr.


Ant, you know, like that's the, before then he is locked into this as Neo.


I loved the movie and I like all its tonal goofiness.


I think it was maybe a mistake to have an unbroken four minute sequence where Smith sings Fleetwood.


Mac's the chain to Neo When


he shouldn't have done that. So yeah.


At the end of this first act, Neo is liberated first.


There's sort of a board of effort where Morpheus tries to do the red pill, blue pill in a bathroom.


Like I Know what focusing on the first 40 minutes a lot, but you also have the Trinity meeting in the coffee shop.


That's true. We should. Of course. It's not right. Trinity's there.


She's called Tiffany. Yeah. It's a little joke about that.


TIF files. I don't know if anyone picked up on that dot TIF files dot TIF is like the artwork, like that's know because that's what, when she says later in the movie, the analyst, Tiffany he's like, it was a private joke.


Like it's a joke about, But


also she says her parents were Audrey Hepburn fans to breakfast.


Also just, it sounds like the Trinity There's


there's titch, Trinity, Tiffany.


He knows he like, he feels connected to her, but she's this married woman who he doesn't even know what's going on.


Feels that a media also is like playing, you know, carry on Mazda.


So good in this movie. And she's very good at playing the kind of like half aware, half like confused.


Like I do know you, This


is a genuine criticism I have of the movie and one of the few, okay.


I don't know how they solve this.


Based on the way the story is structured, I do think is possibly the movie's detriment that she isn't in the middle hour pretty much at all because she's so fucking good.


And the two of them together on screen is so good.


It just has that feeling of just like, fuck, here are two people who clearly have a lot of respect for each other.


A lot of love have spent, had been in the trenches together, have gone through so much have aged into this kind of very easy, effortless gravitas on screen.


And yeah, I dunno.


Just one of the first scene there. I, I, I just feel a charge of putting the two of them together, which is a thing this movie is talking about, right.


Is if we put these two pods next to each other electricity, They're


like magnets. Like if you put them both together, they'll just snap together.


But so you have to keep a tension, keep that tension going.


I mean, he called it, he refers to it as something else.


Right. He has a different metaphor, but it's the same idea.


Right? He sings fleet with back. So he does Haas.


No fuck. Now I have to remember what there like a Tusk.


Okay. While you're looking that up. One little thing I noticed on my rewatch last night was the little, like moments of the reflections where you're seeing that both, you know, that Tiffany and Neo have different Sprites.




On the teacher. Fun just little and those reflections in a cute little thing are played by Neo's reflection is played by Carrie and Masa's real husband and Tiffany Trinity's reflection is played by James McTeague.


Who's the first assistant directors.


One was the director of V for vendetta Collaborators.












Yes, you never get a full body shot in that kind of way.


You're not doing the like heaven can wait sort of a wonder woman, 1984 thing where you cut back and forth between the two actors.


It's always these sort of glimpse.


He knows he looks different with it.


I see them At at little moments.


And also this movie is just fucking all in on mirrors.


For obvious reason.


It doubles down on the Alice in Wonderland, Right.


Mirrors. So Crucial. It also mirrors become the transportation system in a way, fully replacing phones of the first movie, No


longer going to hard lines. They have to go through mirrors, portals.


They call them shits All there and the original trilogy.


But Obviously the original shows you, the mirror shot is it's not it.


All of that Stuff is here. It's just overwhelming.


But yeah. So Morpheus attempts, but you know, he's still getting used to the role.


Well, the other thing is just, we've had this Christina Ricci with the best agent in Hollywood getting very high billing.


I assume That stuff was Cut


out. But this montage of, of, as we say, It's


very funny montage of the them focus, grouping the matrix.








action? Is it the WTF Nez?


Is it that it was so different?


Is it that it was, you know yeah.


Which speaks to these things where it's like, you can't replicate these things after as much as you can talk about the decision-making process that went into making the first thing work, it's hard to synthesize it.


I like the one guy in the group who was like, I never liked it.


I thought it was shitty. Right. There's that one guy who's just like, I just want action.


And the repeating that them repeating the same dialogue and they're like that guy he was wearing like the goofiest hats.


And like, he goes through three different outfits.


It's just so disconcerting.


It's just concerned. But I feel like it's also, like, it's just the feeling of being, having the same conversations over and over a year after year, day after day, whatever.


Right. Like it's sort of like, I don't know about a lot of which ask if she's been in a lot of pitch meetings over like, okay, but could matrix four beat, you know, like, and it's just kind of always the same, like what do we love about the first one bullet time?


I also think it's an internal monologue thing of like, how do I go back to them?


How is there another one of these? How do we, how do we make it different?


How do I need to one up bullet time?


Or do I need to do bullet time again? Or do I have to run away from both impulses?


Fremont Agim on, of course is one of the people in this boardroom, one of like eight sensei That


sounds great cast members in this movie love to see them.


And of course there are also these scenes with Neil, Patrick Harris, as Neo's blue glasses frame, wearing psychiatrists, the analyst who is very much like, look, you're just, you're not crazy, but you're projecting blah, blah, blah.


You know, all that stuff. There's


something too, in terms of just the difference of vibe of what this new matrix is like that Smith and the analyst, the two main protagonists in this film are both played by openly gay men in Hollywood who are pretty traditionally handsome and have over abundance of Broadway experience Very


much. So yeah. Are like great singers can be like very clean, all ages, entertainer performers, you know, it's just, it's an interesting energy that they're bringing versus like someone like Hugo weaving.




















Softness to both of them. That they both are certainly very capable of adding menace to that.


The whole thing when Neil, Patrick Harris, as much as he, you know, he's, I think he's very good in this movie.


Like using what people don't like about him or what people find off putting about him as like a weapon, like, which I also think he does very well in Congress.


He's a good actor. Like I


think the movie is consciously using the fact that these are like two incredibly woke likable, progressive guys, and being like, is there something to clean about these guys?


Like, is it upsetting how cute and adorable and lovable they are.


So Morpheus comes to And


a failed, you know, wake up Neo moment where bright Morpheus, it's just too loose.


He's still getting used to it.


He, I can't even dress properly for the matrix.


He's like, so freed up in the fact that he's like, I don't have to be a Smith anymore Right


now, really bright clothes, As


Ben would say, he's throwing fits.


And, and, and he's stepping out of a bathroom stall and he's trying to do more for his dollar.


And then he's like, ah, too much. Right. You know?


So that doesn't work. There's this big shootout.


That's where Smith wakes up in the office.


He's really funny, Really funny, like really funny, and being offered the pills and being like having the reaction of like, I can't be doing this to myself again, you know, that's of course, where does fear is?


It's like, oh God, I'm slipping into the, the matrix is real reverie again.


Like, you know, Look


when Smith is pointing the gun to his head, that looks like a dog.


That's confused. Yeah.


Right. Where it's not even like he's afraid for his life or that he wants to die.


He's just genuinely kind of like perplexed by everything going on around him.


And then you have the sequence, a thing that I think this film visualizes really well, and it doesn't do an incredibly complicated way, but I've talked about this before in the podcast.


One of the side effects, the most extreme of my states of anxiety or depression, things I've struggled with my entire life is I can have disassociative episodes where your sense of like time and personhood and your existence within your own body.


Essentially. Like I would describe it as my brain pushes the eject button.


And I have a hard time differentiating between like what is in my head and what's actually happening.


I need to just like lie down and close my eyes and listen to music until I feel placed again.


And the transition between the gunfight into just now he's in the therapist, office is really clever, very often what that feels like for me, where it's like, I have the moment before I can start to feel my brain getting loose.


And then there's the moment where I feel like things have settled and the stuff in between.


I'm like, I don't totally know if that happened.


And that's the trick they're pulling.


It's like, yes, they're doing the matrix thing of like, you see the cat deja VU.


They're actually just reworking the programming.


And they're just like, okay, fucking shut it down.


Put them in the analyst's office. We're going to reset his brain a little bit.


Just want to say, sorry, the bullet time, quote unquote in this movie, which people were like, it doesn't look cool anymore.


The bullet time really, really fucking feels like how it feels in the present when I'm having a dissociative episode.


Where, But talk soon. I know what you're saying.


I hear what you're saying. Yeah.


Anyway, shit.


I lost my train of thought. It's okay. So anyway, so he, but he, whatever he got Back


to the room, things are going wrong.




And then he gets re how do they even get them out in the end?


Like, oh, well, he's, he's gonna go throw himself off a building again.


Right. And that's where bugs makes bugs gets liquored up.


Morpheus is how we found you. But maybe Morpheus is not ready for prime time for, right.


Right. So bugs bugs is the one that she has the white rabbit on her arm.


She's making the appeal of like, you spoke to me and, you know, unknowingly, you woke me up, you know, come on, you know, you know, this isn't going to work like in your heart of hearts.


Like, you know, that just fucking getting drunk and jumping off a building, you know, this, they're not going to let you do that.


They're just going to put you right back on the treadmill.


So Lana is wrestling with bad fandom and the amount of people who have misinterpreted her film, right.


Especially as time goes on.


And even just a month after matrix came out, everyone was blaming Columbine on the matrix, down to today, the red pill movement, all these fucking things that were out of her control.


I saw someone tweet and I'm sorry, I'm not giving them credit here because I forget who it was.


But like a lot of what made the matrix, everyone's been misinterpreting it for 25 years.


And she has decided to not be subtle at all since then.


Right. When people talk about her movies being too loud or blunt or obvious or earnest or goofy or whatever, it's just like, I think there's this fear of, I don't want to be misinterpreted ever again because people keep on turning the matrix.


I want to yell at the camera what I'm thinking.


Right. Sure. Sure. And I think bugs is this antidote to that where she's like, I know you're worried about what this thing you made is and what it caused and whether it's worth going back to that or not, I'm someone whose life you genuinely saved.


And it spoke to me and I understood it.


Right. And doesn't that counter way.


The thing a little bit, isn't it worth saying what you want to say.


If even one person can actually be positively affected by it.


Cause you can't control the other people out there who are going to fucking do whatever they do.


Right. And it's this other thing I love about the movie, which is when Neil wakes up and he's just like, fuck, I solved the whole matrix thing.


What the fuck is this?


Oh, sure. Well, well he feels like none of this Was


worth it. And she's like, everything changed.


And also it didn't, it's both at the same time, I


guess. So everything did change though. He's wrong.


He is wrong. He feels emotionally than nothing has changed because the world looks the same name, but he's wrong.


Everything did, This is the point everything's changes and nothing changes at the same Time.


Okay. So now can you tell me In the world, in our real world, I think that is often I understand What


you're saying to deepen the matrix to, to agree with.


But so now can you talk about, is it symbiance what did they referred to the robot racist?


That's what they call it. Yeah. But they're their machines, the machines, but they don't want to be called that anymore because I guess that's Right.


And this whole idea of the two sides.


Right, right. Where it's like, okay. In the old days there was the machine city and there was the Hino, the free humans.


Right, right, right.


And now there are still kind of two sides.


It seems to, it's more just sort of a, you know, a pro matrix and anti matrix.


And like, so now machines, right.


Are living with humans.


Programs have figured out how to live in the real world, by turning into ball-bearing people.


One has to Versus




We have to exist in opposition to each other. Right. And it's like, breads, you said it could be warring ideologies without the lines being divided by species as it were.


Right. And I meet those three characters.


And what I think is so amazing is there basically they're introducing them.


They risk their lives. Right? One of them, the rule bonds are, are, have life.


They have consciousness When you is spirited away from his pod.


That's one of them, one of these side by side, baby subbase, maybe his right is sorta sticking his neck out, I guess.


And I don't know if it was just my interpretation, but I'm watching it.


And I'm like, this is such an echo of his first awakening sequence.


Right. In the first Movie he's unplugged, he's in the red, the Pod,


you know, this movie has been doing echoes before, but they're usually twisted and then inner cut with the original for comparison.


And this just feels like you're doing the same scene again and I'm watching it and plot-wise going, how did bugs in the crew fuck this up so badly.


He's waking up in the pod and he's getting like surrounded by these robots.


How do they not have someone there for him?


So the twist of no, the robots who you're used to are the threats.


And then they have to pull the plug and flush them out and send them down.


The tube are actually here to protect.


And as I said, the second they land back on the ship, you look back at these robots who five minutes ago seemed like threatened.


Like the squid there's somewhat squiddy, you know, they've got red eyes, Metal


nobility of what they just did.


Hell yeah. As you said, the risk, you guys are cute Luminate, right?


That's one Lumina


little guy, the little one, which also feels like a funny commentary on just put a little cute character in the fucking Movie.


Octa CLIs obviously has multiple arms.


And then, and then I feel like there's well, survey rate Is


Naomi's the butterfly that's right.


The one who looks like the abyss aliens.


Right? Well about this for me, is it just, it also kind of a feeling answers a question a little bit that you don't get necessarily.


I feel like I might be wrong in their franchise.


Of course, David, you would correct me, but it's like this whole thing of all right, well what are the robots doing on the planet itself?


Like, okay, the matrix, they designed this, this program it's running, humans are in it, but what the fuck are the robots doing on the planet other than just they live Their


life, but then, but What is their life? See, I agree with that.


It's just A bunch of fucking towers of like power.


And then what, what's the point of staying up?


Because they're not just robots that are artificial intelligence right into it.


So you, the first thing, movies never interrogate really.


And I'm not saying This is the animatronics does, but the movies don't, the animatronics Does


great. But the first thing movies do not really interrogate the internal life of the robots who are so desperate to stay alive.


I Agree.


I'm now going to talk.


I'm Not saying that it's a flaw, but I like that this movie sets up the idea of like there robots who could go like, huh, maybe this life doesn't make that much sense.


Maybe we want to help people. They're not just drones.


Absolutely. But here's what we see in the first three movies.


We see two kinds of beings. We see squits which are drones.


Those are, it seems relatively non autonomous.


The sense where they're just, they're basically living weapons.


Right. But then we see computer programs in a matrix such as Rama Chondra who, beta child Sati like that.


And that is going on in the sequels where that you're there is these hints that like, there are programs that don't want to just do what they're supposed to do.


Right. You know, explore To


have David explaining What we're going to do it on the commentaries with explore emotion or whatever, you know?


And like that's so much of the sequels. And also there are programs like the mayor of Vingean and the exiles who have fully pieced out of the matrix.


They have to live in the matrix, but they live, you know, outside of its walls and are, you know, they they're doing their own thing.


They have a fucking sex club.


That's fun.


Now we don't see life in the machines.


That's what we're talking about. But that's because that is inscrutable in those movies, you know, we never get to it.


What happened like That? It becomes Scrutable


a little bit, you see, well, you see them in IO, not in, you know, just FYI, you know, the machine city, as we all know the main machine sitting, cause we've all watched.


The animatronics is called what?


What's it called?


I forget it's called zero one.


Okay. Which of course is binary for like, you know, that's like the first binary character.


So IO is one zero Iowa, Deborah, you know, IO anyway, but we don't see what's going on the machines, but they have a machine city.


We know that hovercrafts.


We know they built those. Like that's why they're flying them around The


first three movies. But this was a development that I love.


It's a great Development. Instead of them just being bugs, they have, they have like personalities and as a matrix revolutions, this is what I was so worried about.


Like, is he real? I think, you know, is, are we really gonna, is Neo sacrifice?


The first order problem is I would call it where it's like, the thing just happened.


It's Literally just rebels versus empire.


Again, there was nothing the cycle, The


fucking planet immediately. The problem with a lot of these legacy sequels is you can do whatever I thought was In


this movie. The stakes are really never, we have to stop the machines.


Of course. Or we have to destroy the well, I mean, we have to stop the matrix.


We have to stop the matrix is people Pointedly,


not the stakes Way


to say. We don't want to fucking get involved with that again, because what we learned has happened.


So yes, Neo is liberated.


He's taken to this new city IO and Naomi who is now very old because 60 years have passed and she played by Jada Pinkett Smith.


And there she is. Right. And it's fine.


It looks okay. Whatever the makeup.


Yeah. I think it looks good. I think that looks good.


Sure. And she tells him like, look posts you.


Yes, there were the machines left.


They stopped attacking us.


And but then we realized that there was some kind of machine civil war.


There was some internal conflict.


The Oracle disappeared, the matrix completely changed.


And that's a whole mess that we are not that interested in because we've got our city here.


We are all living in harmony.


You know, man machine program.


We've got a cool bio Scott Changes


and nothing changes. You died thinking you were going to radically change the firm and have everything forever.


And we've noted as here are the positive things that came out of your change.


Here's how things retreated back.


So we just decided, we'll just do this over here.


We don't have, I


mean, obviously it seems the bugs is more of the type of like, we should be, you know, getting into the matrix and pulling people out.


She's the new leader of a franchise. She isn't right.


And, and she, she can Get it.


Like we went Through all this, all that shit.


It's, you know, cause the whole thing is Video


game. I did two movies. We shot them all at the same time.


I'm exhausted at the end of revolutions, Neos.


Truces not, you will turn the matrix off, but it is anyone who doesn't want to be in the matrix because some people just unconsciously don't, you've got to give them the choice rap rather than we have to go fucking get them.


And it's a whole, you know, conflict.


You just get them out.


And what this movie sort of addresses is what would that cause in the world of the machines, a power crisis, you're losing people.


So like that is why eventually it sounds like the architect has been defeated or supplanted or deleted or whatever by this new guy, who's kind of like, you know, I know how to juice up the matrix even with less people.


And it's by like, you know, one having Neo and Trinity power it, but two, by having it be this like hyper emotional aggressive nightmare, kind of put, you know, like he talks about how like guys are making more energy when you sleep, just cause you're so freaked out, you know, all that.


Yeah. Which is like how Twitter now uses an algorithm to organize your feed, to prioritize the posts that are getting most controversial.


Same with Facebook, same with health, right? Where it's like, well there's the most discussion.


And it's like, well it's so fucking people yelling at each other.


It's going crazy. What these artificial intelligence and exams are designed to look for is like, it seems like there's some friction happening here And


then that, so that's why I can go on Twitter and be like, my Dick is so big and everyone who doesn't agree with me, a Nazi and Twitter is like very controversial take.


Does everyone want to see it? You know, like rather than me being like, hi, I'm Dick's regular.


And if you don't agree, I don't mind like, well, no one wants to see You,


David, a sane person would leave that for the alt.


But, but the matrix doesn't like the alter, it doesn't benefit from the Altamont.


People fighting out in public And


get the people going. Is that what will Farrell says anyway?


I mean, it's the same with all of the Instagram.


It's, they're all, it's manipulating humans right in this way.


That, that I don't even think we can ever really probably fully understand the perspective of the AI, these programs.


Right. Again, thinking in the way of matrix, think about them as To


underline is we figured out a way to train AI, to be able to recognize potential conflict.


Yeah. That in and of itself is a mind fuck that a computer program can go like, Hmm.


This post will make people upset.


Yeah. So


that's the thing, Neo of course never.


He knew in making that deal.


Like, it's not like you're going to turn off the matrix.


I know you guys need it to live. You guys literally need, it makes your power and your powers out you exist.


But he also wants, but I want, I don't want it to be a fucking more anymore.


It's a tidy end of third movie victory in his Mind.


I mean like everyone watching, wait, what did He


write? This is my point. So when he wakes up and he's like, I thought I left this place.


Well, anyway, balanced.


I like the bugs has to say to him like you, Billy worked.


And he's like, I don't think it worked. I never should have woken up this fucking mess.


Right. You still look great. It speaks to the depression.


And it's, it's sort of the wind rises thing of like, why am I bothering making these planes?


People are going to fuck him.


That was the other movie I kept on.


Thinking about in the second half of this film is, is the wind rises, struggle of like, I


Care so much. I try to communicate this thing and then people are gonna use it in a way I can't control.


Is it even fucking worth the effort?


There is the crucial scene that area reference Reno B presents him with silence.


And he's like, oh yeah, that is powerful.


And now it will be, I mean, I


say that is just good filmmaking.


It's I think one of the cornerstones of filmmaking, the filmmakers too often today forget, and that I think franchise filmmaking with its massive amount of oversight will often smooth out is like the most power you can have in your arsenal is restraint, removing elements strategically.


You know, whether it's like you withhold something for a long period of time and the basic grammar of what you have at your disposal as a technical filmmaker.


It's that simple where it's just like, you don't realize that the movie has been indicting you with so much noise for an hour.


That the second it gives you silence, it feels like a hundred million dollar special effect in the way that great filmmakers don't use color, you know, just specifically trigger things without you really recognizing it.


So Again,


my first viewing I'm like at this point now bummed because the hero basically is finding out that like, well actually the world's kind of nuanced.


It's not just good versus evil.


And it's like, things are complicated and there's like actually kind of this like political sort of ecosystem.


And I almost like, kind of was like, but I just wanted the first matrix.


Like that's what I did. I was like bummed.


I was like, oh my God, really like, come on now.


It's getting more complicated.


Not this clean.


Just like basically what the new star wars Shot.


I haven't seen this. I said to Griffin, I was like, I kind of wanted steak.


It took me. That was the line. I was hoping you'd repeat it a Second


at the end that they're going to actually start to be like, well, wait, actually I do fucking life.


I wanted the steak. He kept on saying, as we walked to the train station, I just wanted the steak.


I don't know if that makes me basic, but here I was like, Ben, but they're doing this and this.


And he's like, I understand it. But I just, it would have been great to sit down in a theater and to see the matrix and see people do come Fu and leather and be bad-ass.


And it's like, I can understand everything she was trying to do, but it would have been nice to eat a steak right now.


And it's the fucking cipher argument.


I mean like there's this, you know, we we've sort of skipped over, but there's the Mo Mo Neo's sort of wake up moment.


Post being unplugged is, goes to the dojo with Morpheus.


And you're like, okay, they're going to do the fight again.


And they don't, it's more Morpheus kind of showing off in Neo being like, I don't want to fight anymore.


I already did that.


And then his way of expressing himself, like martially now is like a Hadoop.


And like, it's just this sort of like it primal scream thing where he just kind of like, you know, like that's all he can do now.


Whenever he uses a gun, the entire movie doesn't use a gun.


They're very Deliberate. Doesn't. I mean, he has one fight with Smith, but apart from that, it's not really, you know, he's not really doing Kung Fu anymore.


He doesn't fly until the end of the movie.


You know, he's not like Joke of when he tries To.


So it's just because the jump and then falling right back down, it's just, He


is just such a good physical as he is a good physical, but, but, but, but you know, it gets to, obviously you, the matrix sequels, you have done a good job converting us to matrix.


You've recognized that we'll see what we see why I rewatched recently.


And I look, I don't love them as much as the first movie or you, but I don't love them as much as I love you is what I'm trying to say there in that unclear sentence structure.


But, but I, I certainly like, I liked them a lot more than I used to appreciate them fully and feel like I quote unquote, get them now.


But it's one of these things.


I think this is important to bring up because what is this problem that we constantly have of in culture?


Like fans feeling like, why didn't you give me the exact movie I wanted to say, right?


I'm not talking about this one in particular, but a larger thing as like fan culture has become a bigger thing and I will not name him cause I don't need to give power to it.


But there's a bad utuber that I watch sometimes just to make myself angry, who talks about like quote unquote, narcissistic filmmakers who get hired to make a new entry in a franchise and use it to say whatever they want to say or tell whatever story they want to tell, rather than preserving the franchise and giving us what we've already seen before.


And he says it was like a negative, like this is not your story.


You shouldn't get to tell this, give us things we already want.


Don't change the recipe for the big Mac.


Give me another big Mac.


You're a narcissist. If you're using this as say something else, right?


Matrix has erections is obviously the original person coming back to it.


But when I look at like the matrix subreddit, and by the way, I've seen people in the suburbs who disliked the movie who have done some of the most thoughtful, positive analysis of the film that I have sour sort of matrix subreddit R slash matrix, the matrix.


There are people who are just like, what the fuck she ruined the matrix.


And they also are sort of taking it as a personal front.


Like it feels like the movie is mocking me for even wanting to see the matrix.


Right. But there are also, people were like, look, I don't like it, but here's everything she's doing.


And it's like incredible analysis.


I've read by people who are very generous with like, it's not for me, but I do think textually, this film is very interesting, but there is that balance, right?


Of how much do you need to give people what they want?


How much are they gonna be upset if it's not the thing they have in their minds, eyes versus challenging them with something new, that's an expansion or different direction of, or what have you.


And I issue that the matrix equals found themself in is that the end of the first movie Neo is fucking Superman now.


Right? Sure. Yeah. Everyone watches powerful.


And the promise of equal like, oh fuck.


And then the sequels are, he can do anything and you get to the sequels.


And in many ways that's a little dramatically inert.


Of course he's unkillable and Neo is in so many ways, kind of passive and stoic and unknowable in reloaded particular.


I think revolutions does a better job of humanizing him again.


Well, He's brought low, Right?


Exactly. But they have to spend a whole movie bringing him low and deflating him.


And it's like the problem that people have with the star SQLs and Luke Skywalker, where it's like, if Luke has everything you wanted him to be in your mind's eye, then the movie has nowhere to go all of this to say it is funny that for so much of this film, Neo's power is you just kind of holds his hand up.


It goes like, just stop. Well, This is where I'm trying to say, like now he can just, I Know


I gave a lot of wind up to him, but that was the point I wanted to make.


But I do want to point out that the matrix reloaded, one of the great works of art of the 21st century is about how, when you become the fucking Messiah, when you become Luke Skywalker unlocked, that is just, you know, the, you know, and every Messiah in history is just a way of con it's just a form of control.


Of course, the whole point of the narrative it's like MEO is can now do anything.


And he's like, I can do anything. And he reaches the end and the guy's like, yeah, I wrote that you can do anything.


You can't do anything. You're going to do one thing, which is do what you're supposed to do.


Reload the matrix form. Right.


And of course the brilliance is that new.


I don't trust the mainstream media. It's a form of control.


It's a lie. Instead. I read everything on Facebook and I follow that to the letter.


And that's, I'm a free thinker.


You know, it's like, everything is a system of control.


As you said, people need structure and they need rules and they need control.


So even if they reject the thing, that's put upon them, they find some new structure to invest everything into.


And I do think that like, yes, reloaded, those action sequences, which are very good.


Like one of the reasons I think the burly brawl is not as fucking awesome as they thought it was going to be.


I think it's good. I agree.


But like when you watch, Because it has no ending, it's like he just leaves And


what we're visiting documentary reminded me how much for a year the hype was.


You're not going to believe this fucking fight.


If you thought bullet time was cool, this burly bra thing is going to blow your fucking mind and the fight.


Yes, it does deflate a little bit.


And part of it is just like, well, I know he can do anything now.


Right? So you can watch the coolest, special effects and the most like complicated choreographers.


There's less of a tension.


Yeah. And so In this movie, one of the reasons why you get the sense that like Lon is clearly not even prioritizing action sequences here.


It's not even that they're not as good. It's that like, it's not the point.


Is that any time there could be a big action sequence, Neo kind of holds up his hand that goes like, no, I


don't want to deal with it anymore.


It's defensive. He's now defensive.


Do The show of it Anymore.


Now to get back to the plot now be, you know, I, I think in the movie it makes total sense that she is just like, I don't want you to go rescue Trinity.


I don't want you to mess anything up. Everything is nice here.


We're, we're, we're living in harmony.


Like she becomes kind of a scold.


Like I think the movie is fine at this.


Like, whereas I think you kind of know in her heart of hearts, like, no, she's, you know, part of her wants Neo to, you know, to do the thing.


Right. But like it's sort of Nairobi.


So cool. Yeah, Joe, my brother was saying that he's just like, it's sort of annoying that she's like the Harry Lennox, you know, in the SQLs character for like you stay grounded, all of you, you know, space pilots, you know, I


have a common defense of that. And then a question that I think you might find annoying.


Okay. I feel like nobody's kind of playing like the elder statesman 87th term Senator who used to be a political radical.


And now things just kind, I, yeah.


I support Calm


down, stay quiet. She's not even being saying quite, but certainly.


Yeah. Just kinda like it's better to not like, fuck, If


you were a politician now I remember I used to be hungry and try to fuck shit up we don't need to fuck shit up anymore.












you. And I don't know if I have an answer, but it came to the question.


Do you think this movie would be better or worse if at this point when they get to IO and there was the elder statesman who was running the city, it was old Lawrence Fishburne.


No, that'd be much worse because it would make no sense that he would never ever say no to anything.


He'd be very prone to you. Okay.


Yeah. Cause like the whole Morpheus is like, whatever we, Neil wants to do, I am an accolade of Nia.


Like, you know, whereas Naomi is, as she says in the sequels, and then she says in this movie, it's just like, I never totally believed in your whole deal.


You know, I was always skeptical as, as this movie says, like post and you know, once the truce happens, Morpheus became the president because he was right.


Like, you know, like he was and you know, yeah.


If it's, you'd be like Neo, it's so good to see you.


I knew it'd be like, I got to go get Trinity. He'd be like, I know you do.


And I'll see you later. He just, I


love you to pink. It. I think she's a very underrated, we've called her out a lot on the show.


Cause we've had the good fortune of being able to cover a lot of movies.


She's good. If we want to get it's time that she bring us to the table, but David's sitting at a brown table right now.








































way. I understand every creative decision and I still walk away from it and I go, yeah, I'm a fuck.


I wish they figured out a way to get Hugo weaving Laurence Fishburne.


And there's this part of me. That's still like, I just want to see my old friends.


Jonathan Cross performance is great.


I like it. They're breaking new ground. But part of me is just like, what if it was Hugo?


We remember when you go, we even did the, I think the movie would work with them.


I mean, Fishburne would be playing Morpheus and it would be instead this sort of weird performance of like, oh, he's doing sort of a Morpheus Smith at first.


That's odd. And obviously he looks different. He's older.


He's you know, I think he would fit into the movie.


Just What


I was thinking though, is like, could you do, is there a post Sort


of, that is no Way


I got excited and I couldn't crack it.


Is, is there a good way to make this movie in which dual Mateen does play young program agent Morpheus and there is some version.


No, you can't do that. No, no, no.


Nope. I look at, that's why I posed it as a question.


It wasn't a pitch. It was a question, but could you have your cake and eat it too?


Okay. So they go back to the matrix. Yes.


They, upon entering the matrix are greeted by Smith who is now liberated again mentally, essentially.


And basically has the take of like, look, I know you and I used to fight.


I now recognize we're kind of just, you know, part of the same Petri dish here.


I kind of just need you to stay out of the matrix.


Right? Cause like, I don't even think I live in the matrix.


I can't have you fucking up the matrix.


I would perhaps like maybe I'll take it over.


I hate the analyst. That guy like locked me down and Neo is basically like, look, I don't want to fight you either.


I'm here to get Trinity, you know? Like, and he's like, yeah, but if you get Trinity things, aren't going too well.


So I guess we have to fight. And then of course there are also some exiles, some monster people and there's our old pal, the mayor of NGO.


So are these Guys all supposed to be the empires?


Whatever. Yeah. They're his crew. They're like the remnants of his, they're like the sad remainder of his monster.


We're all They're supposed to be everything.


Right? A couple of Frankenstein's Let


themselves go down. That's the whole point. It's why their program, the matrix like the mirror of engine is from an old matrix.


Right? That's the idea. And he's found his way. He's established himself in the, in this equals.


He's got his club and he's, he's the guy whose Code


gets dusty. Ben, The


matrix has been rebooted again and he has survived.


But now yeah, he's just like, you know, Hobo.


Do you know what I viewed it as when you're trying to transfer files from like a really old computer to a newer computer and you're like, it doesn't even understand.


That's Really


good. That's exactly what it is. He's he's Your


weird toy story three.


They were like, well, we did all the work. We already built all these characters and they were like, we cannot transfer the model of Woody into a present day.


Computer is impossible. You have to rebuild it. Can you spare apps?


Like some of your apps suddenly are sort of like, we're just, we don't exist anymore.


Sorry. We don't work with this. No, one's updating us anymore.


It's on a floppy disc and he's showing up and he's like freebie from, But


he's also like, everything sucks now, you know, he's just there.


He's doing a monologue about how Facebook is annoying and how culture is in the toilet.


Full Fisher king. He's so good.


It was so lovely to see him.


I squealed with delight.


David, I don't want you to spoil anything.


Is there any way, any way Lambert Wilson does not get a supporting actor nod from you.


I don't know. I got to think about between the two performances.
















scene. It's so great.


And I'm saying, look, you would nominate him for Ben Odetta, but this performance kind of boosts him in the Bernthal conversation where you're like you gave like three good performances.


Alright. Okay. I don't know. I mean, I know if someone does, then this movie is on my ballot, that's for sure.


But love all that.


Yeah. But again, the action is fine.


This is the Smith neophyte, which I actually think the action there is pretty solid.


It's just that it ends much like a lot of these fights with truck.


Well, they just blast them away because you can't kill Smith again, he's been killed.


It's not going to work. You know, that's not a thing anymore.


Call back to the, you know, the franchise in general really.


It's just, when they, they go into the matrix and they all look cool.


Yeah. They've all got their, they all have their, their outfits and they have that kind of just moment where you get to like take it in.


They look so fucking cool.


Cool. I get so excited. You know, every time they do it in any of the movies, but this one in particular is fucking good.


What's the name of the actor from sensei who has the crazy hair braids and the tattoos.


Her name is and the character name or the characters name is Lexi.


She's played by Eric.


she's the weird Girlfriend.


Exactly. The actor. Right?


And then Brian J. Smith plays Berg, who is the sort of, he was the cop in sensei, but he's the sort of like Neo Allah, you know, he's like a big Neo dork, right?


And then you have max remelt who I love, who of course has wonderful penis in sensei.


He's the German guy who sensei, The


first time we got written up in pod mass, the club, it was the quote about like this actor.


There's a thing about him. That's really good.


His penis. That was our quote of the one.


He's a really good actor. Yeah. I really like racks from LA.


And I love seeing, I like his look would be the blonde hair and this, and I love his penis.


He's got a great deck.


Those are the main ones.


I'm right of the crew.


I feel like the, the, the pilot let's get his name.


Right. I think he might be sensitive to, I believe he is.


Yeah. Anyway, It's


six or 7 cents actors in this.


What was I going to say? So yeah. So post that is it.


So, you know, post the Smith fight, that's the, he, they go find Trinity.


It is telling that this is the hardest section of the movie to recount, because this is the section that is also the most action driven, which is a little muddier.


The movie has been, what is that? So


just kind of like, it moves fairly quickly because they, then the next scene is him going to see Trinity and her bike shop.


She's fucking fucking Def Leppard video, practically like sparks going.


And she's The,


question's been when he wakes up. He's like, there was another pod right there.


It's Trinity. And they're like, I know it.


I feel it. And she needs to wake up and they're like, what if she does it?


And he's like, They look at her and she's the blue pill she doesn't want to.


And he's like, well, what about me? And you were like that too.


So it was a comfortable Existence.


But so when he goes to see her, that's when the analyst shows up, throws on the bullet time filter essentially slows Neo down, slows everything.


Let's also acknowledge they have two coffee dates.


Right. And then the second one, she comes to him with the information of like, so you're that game guy.


And I look at the game a little bit.


I told my husband, I thought it looked like me laughed.


Right. And I wish I had kicked him across the room.


She's so fucking good. And that's really great.


But I like that at first you were like, well, yeah, of course you would look at the game and go, that person looks like me.


This is creepy. But then when you get the reflection, you remember like, she literally doesn't look like that at all.


There's something triggering in her brain that looks like me to her husband.


He's like, you have blonde hair Like


this. There's No facial structure resemblance.


We're seeing the version of her that does look like the hurt and the game.


I don't know if I assume Neo is seeing Trinity as, as she is to not her RSI.


That's how I S I saw I sort of taking it, obviously they're playing anyway.


But yeah.


And Which is why she feels comfortable saying that to him.


Cause he recognizes like, yes, you do look like the person in the game.


And, but this is where the analyst sort of just explains everything.


We've been talking about how this new matrix is predicated on emotion, on stories, on like, you know, fiction over fact on desire and Into


another disassociative episode where he's moving in, slow motion, Reversible


over stimulating how it looks. I think it's really, yeah.


I like the weird jittery overstimulation of it.


I like the way patch Neil, Patrick Harris plays it.


Once again, it feels Like an anxiety attack.


Definitely In parallel. Absolutely.






























lore. I'm just like so happy that they're like, yes, they're explaining how this new matrix works.


Right. Where the architect, when, how this guy is different.


This guy to me is an evil article.


Like it's not so much that he obviously he's the architect and that he's like the running the program, but he's an evil Oracle in that, like he was also designed to understand humans.


Well, they also said there was no order Oracle in this new matrix, he's fulfilling both roles at the same time, But


like The mirror Vingean was the, We


did this recently. We can talk about this in the commentary when we're reading the mayor of engine is he is the article of matrix to the, I think he's the article because I think that's why he's obsessed with getting the articles eyes, but that's, that's a different discussion.


Okay. But yeah, no, but like, but like the articles, hope point in the matrix movies is that she's a program who's designed to understand people and understand what motivates them.


And that's how they create the matrix is to serve that.


And he is the same. He gets people, but he gets how to push their buttons, how to aggravate them.


How does stir them up? Like, you know, so he's sort of like a nigga Oracle Also,


he's kind of a good therapist.


Like there was a version of me that was worried where I'm like, is she going to come in with some Antifa?


Cause he's the villain.


And it's like, no, the point is his power is that he actually does understand people's psychology, right?


Yes, yes, absolutely.


And He's


not just lying to this dude.


It's so good that the villain of this movie is not another super powered agents who you are going to have a fight with.


Right. And it's more like the big test in this movie at the end is, is a conversation, is that he needs to truly, when Trinity over to waking up and the analyst is like, okay, yeah, if you can do that and what can I do also if He


can't do it, then Neo doesn't even want to, he Wants


to blue pill. He wants to go back no better than nothing.


Right. Did you say the speech also if you're reading between the lines definitely is like, I think a moment where people who didn't like this movie, right.


Are feeling attacked because he's like, you're a fucking idiot.


I think this is not intellectualized, but I've seen people say this directly, but it is like, this feels like this movie is calling me an idiot for wanting to see the movie I wanted to see.


So not only am I not getting that movie, but the movie's mocking me.


And then on top of that, when they read, which I think is a misread, the perception that she doesn't even want to be making this movie Would,


that I think is not true. Right. That's The thing I think is fundamentally mystery because I understand being pissed off that the movie is both withholding from you, what you want and seemingly mocking you for not ultimately For


one old man fucking made a movie, dude, didn't even fucking want to do it, man.


But like, I mean, I'll say This


whole movies, don't worry about, Well,


let's move on. Let's move on from other people. Sorry.


It's okay. No, it's fine. But beyond the fact that we've been running for so long, I will say I watched this with my, with my wife last night, this final sequence where yes.


Neo makes the emotional appeal to Trinny that connected with her.


Okay. You know, that moment of like, you know, the cops are going to like take him in.


Trinity, says, Chad, like, I wish you'd stop fucking calling me that night.


You know? Like all that, that I imagine any time the two of them are onscreen at the same time that probably connected with Forkey.


Cause it's such a clear emotional land.


What the, you know, sort of heisty element of the final action sequence where it's like, okay, like Morpheus and bugs are gonna go to the pod and they're going to kind of switch Trinity out surreptitiously by using bug, you know, and Sati shows up, played by a Brianca Chopra, you know?


And it's like, well, it's pretty brief, But


they have like a council of Elron around like a fucking W


what I said in my wife's name. It's fine.


You know, please just like, I don't know who this is.


And I'm like, oh, it's, I'll


run around like a wishing, well, in the middle of the woods, right.


To quickly surmise that. Cause I like explain just kind of though what we learn in that moment.


I wasn't a hundred percent.


Sonny is the daughter of she's in the matrix revolution.


She's the daughter of two programs that made a baby for no reason.


It has no function, a subplot it's implied that she can control the weather, but it's a sub because once Smith can copies over her, he changes the weather and she makes a sunrise for Neo.


But it's implied The rainbows in the sky that the analyst mocks.


Right. But you know, it's, it's a subplot in revolutions that this crew, that Oracle is kind of helping this strange new program that's sort of created out of love to survive.


Right. And so now that's her, grown-up like, that's who she is now.


She's sort of playing the role of the Oracle in this movie, this sort of helpful advisor, you know, Which


I look, she's an actor. I've had almost no opinions on up until this point.


I think she's good. But like I has never really jumped out away from her.


She is very, very good way tiger.


Right. But outside of that pressure on me and I was sort of like, huh, that's an interesting casting choice.


She's very in the pocket in this, she is really good at the sort of matrix, very like casually rolling off.


But, but with the right level of pomp and circumstance, I mean, this is like dense fucking dialogue.


It is, It is dense. It's a lot.


And yeah. And so what she's saying, dad, who was a program create, you know, was helped, helped create these pods, that Neo is in.


So he felt great guilt, which over this resurrection, you know, that he did not want.


Okay, well, so, but th and this is a thing I don't think they're never going to, you're going to have an answer for, but she has a physical, she like is like a floating fucking Manatee robot Manatee.


No, that's sort of like, that's like that That's


a different, that's a Nairobi's robot Sort


of a liaison directing her.


So all I'm saying is that her dad was a physical, no, he was a program.


But then how did he make the pot Visual


language of this is confusing in the sequence where they're unpacking A


robot that had no, He


programmed it. It's just, don't worry about it.


It's not about like literal hammer and nails.


It's just in a physical, tangible form in the real world.


But like his programming then sent a Sentinel out to fucking build the thing.


If that makes sense. You know, he was, he was Involved


in the Robots


building the things. It does.


I had the exact same confusion point of like, is that supposed to be what he looks like?


Now? This is a question I heard people throughout. I don't know if you have an answer for this.


David, why has Sati aged?


I, I don't know. Why. Why is Neo only 20 years older when he's 60 years older?


You know? I don't know. Cause they rebuilt them so well, no, I Think


it's partly, it's just like, you kind of hit your age and then that's it.


You hit grownup hood and then that's that's the age you are.


But I don't fucking know. I don't know.


I don't know. I just throw that out. Cause she's a program.


Shouldn't she stay a little girl, But


she doesn't want, I don't know. She can be whatever she wants.


I, His,


her father makes these Sure.


He felt great guilt about that. He no longer exists.


He was like purged by the analyst or whatever, but you know, deleted.


That's why she wants to help.


So that means though, that also in the last version of the matrix, they knew that they were going to reset it.


Okay. So it does connect in. Right?


I don't know. They knew that they just knew that they could build technology, could like bring humans back to life.


They're just fucking doing shit over there. We don't know what they're doing at the machine.


They're advancing their technology of harnessing energy from humans.


Sure. Right? No, I like that.


It's like literally like the heart of the franchise is the thing that keeps this beating.


Right. Absolutely.


Right. And it's like that thing, Algebra,


baby, him get too close to them.


They'll figure it out. So they got to kind of just glance off each other and that's enough heat to keep everyone really.


I love that. And this is the thing I said to Ben it, the reason I think this movie and emotionally worked so much better than reloaded and revolutions for me is that she finally figured out a way to have her cake and eat it too, and do another awakening story, which has just always been the most potent aspect of the matrix in a, in a universal way.


Right. And that's the thing. So they're awakening.


I think that's how that works.


Yes. Forkey was like, so checked out about the sort of like, you know, alright, let's plug bugs in plug it, you know, but I Dig


all that. I'm sure she was right back in it.


That stuff's great. And then of course I think the final sequence is fairly effective.


Cause it's kind of creepy, like the weird bomb bomb thing of like love that when the analyst is like, okay, I'm cooked, Trinity has woken up.


There's also this very misogynistic streak to the analyst that also feels, you know, a textual, right?


Like where he's just incredibly derisive of women Where


she's talking about, I'm going to misquote this.


Doesn't she have the thing where she's like, I understand the feeling of you do a thing and then you lose all control of it and everyone's going to misinterpret it.


Hmm. I don't remember that.


You know, there's a scene where it almost feels like it is Lana saying, this is how I process the guilt of people Using


this misusing the main, well we'll address that in the commentary when it's happening, we'll get to it.


But yeah, he, he activates this final thing, which is basically just turn everyone like turn on all the bots and have them just fucking suicide, The


language of suicide, which is a big part of This


film, but it is. And, and beyond that, so the suicidal imagery is very potent, but you know, and then sort of crashing code, but I'm saying I may have to jump Final


challenges, people killing themselves and weaponizing their fault bodies to attack you.


And the way around that is can we go to a higher building in Charlotte, Off


of it? And what, of course the jump is crucial in the first movie again, you know, like that is the moment of awakening, partly is the jump.


But, but, but the other thing also, I just loved the idea of, you know, it's like being swarmed with that replies or whatever, you know, like we're just all these people, you know, like it's warming, it's cool, Cool.


Then all the new designs and the explanation of the skins and it just feels so contemporary and makes sense Really


quickly. I think it's great.


I, you know, the, again, the action is Simi in the way of like, as you say is really just doing the one thing, right?


Just defensive. He's just shielding, Trinity's driving a motorcycle, but you know, they're really on the run.


Now. This is maybe my favorite idea that this movie introduces to the Lord.


And it's a basic one. What's that the end of the first matrix when Neo has died, after being told that he's not the one, he knows that in his backpack at the entire time, Trinity says to his dead body, you have to be the one I'm


falling in love with it. I'm supposed to fall in love with the one.


And I'm in love with you. It comes back to life and even people love the music kids there.


That's the thing where some people will spotlight is like, that's a little fucking corny.


Sure. Right? Fair corny. But I think what this movie is recontextualizing is Neo was never the one because there is not a one, the power was in the two of them.


They're there, they're intrinsic. And I'm going to monologue on This.


I've seen people say, oh, this movie rewrites it and makes it.


So Trinity is the one now. And it's like, no, it's not the whole bit.


There is there two Sides. Power comes from the two of them being together.


Literally the power that runs this entire fucking city.


It's It's the Oracle's whole gambit is, is their union.


It's not just liberating.


Neo it's it's.


He doesn't have power without her and vice versa. And the first movie, the first trilogy rather prioritize showing off his awesome power.


He has the right. He has the superpowers.


He has the Visualization


part of why he doesn't do bad ass shit that much in this movie, because you want in the final 20 minutes, Trinity, to fucking whip around on a motorcycle and fly, fly, do the awesome shit.


That jump is done in real life. Right? Like they did a million times.


It's like this crazy wild. There's one of the pre pandemic things they shot when I think they had less restrictions on how they Right.


And, and the, the visual is so funny.


And like maybe again, people find that a bit of a sort of deflated balloon thing where it's like, it's not like soaring it's that she's just hovering.


And he's like, it's like, but I love that.


I love it. And it's sort of losing the Sims.


It's so big. It's so goofy.


And It's only Tansy and a movie with a character named bugs who says, what's up though.


It is about Warner brothers With


the analysts. Like, you know, when they're like knocking his jaw off and she'll be like, that's kind of cartoony too.


I should mention. Right.


We should mention, like, not Joe, it's not just me and Trinny, waking up Smith shows up and attacks the analyst.


And I've seen a lot of people being like, I don't get this.


I don't get why Smith's involved. Right.


Like, you know, like, just from a plot perspective and it, to me, it's like, he hates the analyst, right?


He is negative. So like Neo is his ally in that moment.


I just see, I always just took it as Smith was just, he's like a virus and virus.


It's just Destroy.


That's offensive.


Maybe There's some revenge to it.


But to me it just feels like his, His,


he doesn't when he doesn't attack Neo, he is kind of just like, well, we're not allies anymore, but you know, be on your Merry way.


I'll, I'll be, I'll be seeing you in here.


And he vanishes.




dunno. We'll talk about it more on the calmer. I have to think about Smith Moore.


I just, this final MPH monologue is just such good shit.


Eating little tore, bullshit.


He's great. It is the arrogance of like a self-important Reddit post or something, you know?


Ah, there's like a, there's something about where he talks about the productivity.


Yeah. The output. And you understand like, kind of just like again, the machine world.


Right. And why this matrix, why it's operational and like, you know, that he's producing enough energy and that, you know, that even it's like, there's like board meetings and stakeholders in the robot world.


Like, I dunno all that, like stuff I really locked in on.


Right. I guess. Yeah. He just doesn't want the analyst to regain control.


He's pro Neo in that way. He wants to destroy the analyst.


So enemy of his enemies, a friend, and then yeah.


And then he's just sort of like, yeah, well, I'll see ya.


You know, I don't, I don't need to fight you anymore.


Yeah. We already did that. Like I know that's not, that's not gonna work.


I just love how much of this movie is. We already did that in an era where so many of these franchises are like, we obviously have to hit the six big beats.


Obviously they do fight in the movie. I'm not saying it completely ignores it, but we even, you know, like Same


way that Morpheus gives a speech and then goes, eh, blah, blah, blah.


I don't know. I fuck this up. Every time they set up the thing that they're going to repeat, they also deflate.


And I cannot say, I don't, I'm not getting off on the deflation in this way of like how the movie is smart.


Like I find it very funny and self-aware, and like cute and clever, but also like the emotion of the characters has never gone for me.


So I'm never not invested.


I don't think it sells out the integrity of the characters.


And I think in fact, it is showing a humanity to them, struggling to live up to these things.


It's again, this movie ends with, you know, not ha we win, you know, matrix deleted he'd the analyst is still there and they're like, why are you still here?


And he's like, look, I'm the only one who knows how this fucking place works.


So they're not getting rid of me yet.


And they were like, okay, well, we're going to do whatever we want.


And if that messes with you, you know, sorry, thanks for bringing us back, I guess.


And they fly off in love, lady pisses on stage singing, wake up 10 out of 10 I'm fucking shearing.


And then it looks at me. He says, I don't know what's going on.


Then There's a post credit scene about cats.


Yes. Yes. Okay. So we stayed in the theater and then there was one couple in the back row and we liked stand up after the cat thing.


Right. I was like, I wonder if there's anything, it's not like, that's usually at which house key move.


Right. But I'm wondering if there's anything we stay for that scene.


I'm like giggling to myself, we get up, we turn around, there's the couple in the back row.


There's that moment of kinship you sometimes have with another person in a movie theater.


Right. And the guy goes, so we waited through all of that for, for that.


And I just yelled back worth it.


And we walked out, I


guess the cat thing is cute.


I, I love that the end is just like, we are going to be free.


Like, and just like, let's do our thing, do our thing.


Right. Let everyone do whatever the fuck they Want.


Yeah. You know, he's like, well, I've still got all these ideas.


And they're like, okay, well That


when he power over everyone, do what makes them happy.


Like, that's, they're not fucking with other People


in their life. Right. I mean, that's so much about the Individualism


of these films. And I think talking about identity and all these things, it for a movie about trans woman, it's like The


triumph over online is like, he's like, what, oh, I know how to push your buttons.


And I'm like, yeah, well, you don't have any power over us anymore.


You know, we're just going to do fire out.


I just want to feel good about myself And


people, you know, I was talking to , who's very enthusiastic as we were leaving.


And he was like, I would love to see another one.


Like, I, I think that's such an interesting ending.


Like I think there's so much, you know, potential too, and I'm not sure I get that.


I'm like, I don't really know where it could go from here, but also I Feel


both ways at the same time.


I mean, you know, Chelsea wants to make another one, which I feel like I'm getting the message that she doesn't right now.


That's what it sounds like, Jason, Teague's the one who's been doing interviews and he's kind of like, there's no plans for like More,


there was no Pitch. Right. And Warner brothers has been like, we'd love more matrix, but like, I don't know if they still feel that way after.


It's sort of like lukewarm at the box office.


It's in the last 48 hours where they're like, this is the second biggest HBO max thing we've had all year.


It's some better than almost all the other blockbusters we put up there.


Sure. We're very much in the business of doing more matrix.


If he wants to write, I think they are not deterred by the box office performance at all.


No, It's sort of meaningless to them.


The only one that really mattered was dune.


And that was just because the overperformance was so pronounced with that one, but everything else Weird,


legendary of that whole thing.


It legendary pictures, the entertainment company and the funding financing deal on that.
























shit. And I've been trying to figure out how to formulate this point for the last week.


And I don't know if I'm going to execute it right now.


Yeah. Talking to Kevin T.


Porter, the great Kevin Porter friend of the show past future guests, one of the great people and was talking to him about just the, the a horrible depression I've been feeling.


And a lot of what I've been struggling with recently is, and now it's a whole other thing.


Now that there's a whole new surge and a new wave and a fear of, are we repeating ourselves as the cycle going to go back to, you know, is the matrix resetting, right?


Is that I spent like 18 months in lockdown between the worst of lockdown and my health problems I had where I really was not seeing people.


Right. You know, I saw less than 10 people for like 18 months.


I live alone. And most of my socialization, as I said, was a form of performance, which really disconnected me from the sense of self.


And you and I have talked about this a lot, but you know, I'm very happy and relieved when people say like, I think you guys kept up the quality and the show was still good during the worst of it because you and I have talked about that.


It really felt for a lot of that, like we were doing an impression of ourselves, like said to me, not take words out of your mouth.


That like, that was the moment where you realized that you're more of a performer than you thought you were, because the show before had always been a conversation and behavioral, and you were aware of the fact that you had to turn something on, right.


To make the show feel like the way it used to.


Right. Right. And especially because I had no life outside of my performance and my work as it were I a little bit, I feel like Tom Sanderson at the beginning of this movie, I was just like, if I'm left alone, I have no idea who the fuck I am anymore.


I have too much time alone with my own head questioning what feels wrong and the state of the world and whether any of this is fixable and it's no longer that like, sort of that matrix see, everything feels wrong.


And I don't understand how this could ever be good again.


Okay. Kind of thing. Right. That's a little removed from self and that I had a couple months of just kind of manic excitement.


Post-surgery lockdowns were easing up.


Vaccinations were good where I was like, I'm invincible.


I can fucking do anything. Sure.


And then the last handful of months have been like the whiplash, a little bit of everything catching up to me and how much I haven't processed.


Right. And just saying to Kevin, I feel weird because I still feel like I'm doing an impression of myself most of the time.


Okay. Of said to me, okay, is there any time when you do feel like you're actually yourself again, and there were two answers that came to me, one was when I go to see a movie, you love to see the movies as autism people don't think of it as a social act in that kind of way.


When I'm able to sit there full range of vision, obscure my own thoughts.


Hyper-focused on someone else's life fictional.


I feel normal again, I'm outside of my own brain.


Right. Right. And it's the behavior I didn't have in the worst, this where so many things feel tainted by the pandemic because I had to do them so many times during the pandemic.


Okay. Not the pen dunks over.


And the second thing I said was doing the fucking podcast in person.


Right. It really is. And when we have to go back and do some episodes now, and increasingly we'll probably do some more, I do feel guests are not the same anxiety.


And when people like have complaints about things that happen in episodes, which are valid, I'm like, yeah, I know, I agree.


I hate myself too. I can't fucking struggling to do this.


But when we do an episode in person, I feel like a fucking human being again.


And it doesn't feel like a performance.


And I did think about the, like the, the whole central thing in this movie of the charge of, of Trinity and Neo being in the same space, both the pods being in a close proximity to each other, also needing to find each other within the simulation.


And it is this like, which Haskey thing of love conquers all, you know, that their movies have increasingly become about.


But it also is like, and to view this as a movie that was brainstormed out of grief, right?


Grieving for loss levels, that then is interrupted by a pandemic when everyone's separated.


True. And I'm sure the movie gets reconceptualized in her head, even if not rewritten the meaning, the thoughts, the feelings behind things get changed when you come back to it nine months later, and you're making this movie in an uncertain world, the idea, especially in a franchise that is all about us living these digital existences, this is what fucking matters.


And I'm gesturing to, she's just sitting With the two of you guys.


It's, it's, it's the whole fucking thing that matters to me.


And it's the thing that despite the fact that this conversation is being recorded and online, it seems like a performance versus the conversations I have in private.


This, this is the thing, this is the one social interpersonal thing.


Post pandemic. When I feel a complete restored sense of self, it will stop recording.


I'll go out, I'll wander the streets. I'll be like, who the fuck am I again?


I'm trying to get it back.


I'm trying to get it back there. I don't know.


I remain very confused about everything, but all of that hit me hard.


And it did just underline this thing for me that I had just verbalize for the first time, like two days earlier of like Kevin, this is when I feel it's Trinity and Neil shaking, hands in the coffee shop.


And it's like, huh, this is something, what do you think?


Ben final thoughts, Whatever


that is for whoever you are in your life.


I was, I was in that subtle sort of hint.


I'm throwing out there.


How long have we been going?


There's a thing David does when I start going on like an emotional tangent over analyzing my own life about something where I can see him being like good.


Okay. I have 15 minutes to work on taxes.


It's not, it's more, I haven't eaten food in a very long time Either.


I forgot to get a fucking bagel today.


So I'm really struggling with that.


But, but, but the box office game, well, number one, Got


to mention that when they're in the real world, the programs become ball-bearings, which I loved.


I said that. I said, ball-bearing okay.


They're cool. Check the record. I shouted.


But it's fine that the second half of the movie Murphy's is like, yeah, don't really worry about me.


I'm just going to walk around as a naked ball-bearing man.


And It's less to do in the sec, which is probably why I'm all, which is one reason I'm less frustrated by the lack of Fishburne.


Cause you know, Morpheus is not he's he's the catalyst.


He's not Fresher by lack of Fishburne.


I just always, I love the wars are helping us.


Number one of the box office on Christmas Eve, 2021, it Was


a spider man. No way.


Yep. Making $84 million in its second weekend.


And that's just the weekend. Obviously all these days are days off in a way.


So it's sort of a weird weekend, but yeah, we both saw it.


You know, it's enjoyable. I don't know.


It's kind of, it is in so many ways the opposite of this movie, but I also think it is the version of that, that at least is functional and entertaining.


It's Very, it's very watchable.


I think it's One of the sweatiest movies I've ever seen.


Story-wise the way they have to twist themselves into knots to pull off all the things they want to do.


Yeah. But look, it, at least is basically affective as entertainment.


Hugely. I Think it's usually effective. I Get


it. I got it. Here's the thing I'm going to say very quickly.


Walk, talking around a spoiler.


Yeah. I think it's very interesting that there is a character in that movie who is able to accomplish things that superheroes in the Marvel cinematic universe have spent entire films learning how to do.


Okay. Okay.


And he becomes as good at bat guy.


Pretty much at doing them almost immediately.


And no one has accused them of being a Mary Sue.


That's a fair point. Yes. I have Not heard one person say that.


I just want to throw that out.


I speak obliquely, but if you've seen the film, I think, you know what I'm talking about?


Well, And one of the homeless, many sweaty story, cutting corner things, but whatever number two at the box office, Number


two at the box office sing too, which I think people looked at as some sort of like fuck matrix bombs.


So hard sink to beat it. A single one was so goddamn.


Huge people forget it was fucking humongous.


I mean 270 domestic.


Sure. Sing It


Also sing to not on peacock, right?


Nope. So pure theatrical release. Of course it's going to do A


family movie Banos in it. Apparently.


I don't know. Matrix


clashes with the Spider-Man in terms of audience sing, two's got its own lane.


I have no idea how my matrix is doing. I don't think Sync


to beating matrix at the box office is reflective of nothing and it's not embarrassing.


Number three is the, my whole thing is like, I don't the whole thing with box office.


It's not, nothing is embarrassing right now.


Who cares? Movies are doing well badly.


I'm excited. The west side story is finally holding, but obviously it's not making much money.


Yeah. It jumped week to week. This week it's going up.


Yeah. Which is, which is interesting.


And like obviously the next week is of interesting at the box office, but there's also a pandemic.


And so there's one demographic going into theaters more than others in both.


I agree with you on all of this. And I view everything in that way.


Like an overperformance is exciting, but an under-performance isn't really indicative of anything.


My fear is always is the industry is incredibly reactionary and scared and I worry about them panicking and making rash decision.


But they're also, they're also always behind.


You have to remember Warner brothers already committed to the next year being theater only because everyone got mad at them about the last thing.


And so we'll see how next year, 45


days, everything will go on.


I agree. 45 days.


It should be. That's what it should be.


That's what's going to just be from now on, is just after 45 days is free quote unquote on a streaming site.


Fucking, you know, fourth of the box offices.


Pre-qual Fourth


at the box office is a pretty cool it's called the Kimmy's


man. Haven't seen it either by some people like it.


Others don't The


most divisive movie of the year. Some people like it.


Others do not True.


Just, I don't know, whatever something we got to put it out.


Please. Just Kings man. Anyone, anyone?


No Michelle for like as long as new mutants, but no one was talking about it.


Cause I don't give a shit. Number five of the box office.


It's an inspirational, true story. Drama About


a quarterback, American blank Story.


American underdog. The current owner story.


Zachary Levi is Kurt Warner.


Only Rams quarterback, maybe St.


Louis Rams back then. I can't remember inspirational.


Faith-based got an a plus cinema score matrix got a B minus a west side story is number six, a journal for Jordan number seven.


The movie that doesn't exist. Crazy.


Call a future film that time forgot.


Yeah. Licorice


pizza expanding slowly to a 700 something screens doing very Well.


And you have very normal conversations About


Encanto Ghostbusters after life, which seems to be topping out in 1 21.


It's still making money though. Talk about forty-five days that movie camp mid November, it will be on digital for rental in three days.


Yep. Can't wait to see it.


Nightmare. Alley. That's going to make you feel really bad, but A film I'm confounded by.


Yeah, we'll do some day.


That's right. You've got to wait until it makes another good.


And then well, and then you got Gucci still chugging chugging, its way to five $50 million.


A few bucks off performances that I find a little bit encouraging because it's actually just a star driven drama Doing


well, get some buzz. Young people want to see it.












office. This has been the matrix. How long is our running time?


Ben Hosely well with ads.


I think this might be, there's only two ads this week.


Interesting. But they're each going to be half an hour.


No, we Already recorded them. They're short.


So then I'll say that I'm going to guess that this is about three hours and 20 minutes.


So people will be happy with that. Right?


Look, we're going to do another episode on the matrix resurrections in a few months, in our Patriot


more hours in the matrix.


So much more matrix, I'll


get very nerdy about it. I promise.


I think we have done this film justice artistically.


This is what people want out of this episode.


And it wasn't, you know what, I'm sorry.


David is sipping an empty glass of water.


It's fully empty. There's not even a drop in there.


He tried to see if he tilted it back and forth.


Maybe there was one final dropping. Can you associate a thirst?


And it's making him even angry because now he's thirsty on top of hungry, I'm still talking.


And he walked out of the laptop.


David has closed. I think that almost never.


Now he's Okay. He's Blogged


down the street with an open laptop, holding it out.


Do not, I do know laptop is never closed.


Unlike the balcony.


Right? Well then we really should wrap things up. So then quickly I'll just say for any of those pans out there who may be interested in hearing our Marvel commentary series that we started out with the tree on back in 2019, we will start throughout this year, making those available on the day they originally were published.


So that means we will be beginning with Ironman.


So for those who don't know on Patrion, we release new episodes on the first, the 11th and the 21st and starting this year, there will be a new episode on the first 11th and 21st, but also on patrion.com/blank check.


If you go there, we will be making public.


Yeah. The link for whatever episode came out on that date exactly three years earlier.


And that's going to be our model going forward.


So we're, we're releasing episodes from paywall after three years.


Fun Marvel commentary episodes.


You can watch Long at home.


Ghostbusters on Patrion right now, starting now.


And we got a mailbag episode on January 11th.


That's right. And then in February and March, we're going to be doing episodes on top of the lake.


I know we said we'd never do TV again, but when you're in line.


Yep. And then yeah, as we said, matrix commentary is coming up after that.










listening. Oh yeah. Big, big new year for blink track.




















out. People were really doing the goodbye and then you Stopped.


Keep, Keep going. I want to tell you a thing that I've been thinking about, oh God,


keep going Though. Goodbye. No, I think David you're saying people will be happy this episode.


I think the fact that for the first time in a year, we made them wait more than seven days.


For any episode, let alone an episode on a movie that is so tied into our history and that everyone is talking about.


I hope people were satisfied by it.


And if not, we'll talk about it for another two and a half hours in fact soon.


Right? Thank you all for listening.


Please remember to rate, review and subscribe and go to pantry patrion.com/blank.


Check for all the stuff I mentioned.


Thank you to Marie Bardi for our social media McCann, Alex Baron for our editing, pat Reynolds and Joe Bowen for our art work, Lee Montgomery and the great American novel for the theme song.


You can listen to our new album extremely loud, incredibly online.












resurrections. Yeah, definitely.


Wherever albums are found, go to our Shopify page for Merck coming, coming soon where we've priced the previous topical shirts talking the walk 2020 and the fifth anniversary show.


We priced them to move there on deep discount because we've got to get through that inventory.


But also coming soon.


Can I say it here are commemorative 2021 item for talking.


The walk is not a shirt is in fact a spatula that we are naming the spread master.


It is a blank check themed spatula.


That's right.


I'm this bread Master. But also this is the spread master.


It's a blank check. Purple spread master spatula coming soon along with Tripp coin and other stupid shit.


We're going to make cause some adults, right? Ben's doing stuff to merchandise spotlight.


They didn't make toys for this movie. It's insane.


I fucking hate it. Why can't I buy the robots?


Right? David? You should go. Yeah, no that's Okay.


And as always, why haven't they made merchandise?


I'm going to harp on this while David's paying Griff.


Well, because the movie is examining the toxic parts of this And


then the Tom Anderson's in an office surrounded by the fucking chotchkies that I buy is supposed to be the unfulfilling part of his life.


But I also look at that scene and I go, well, yeah, you got the McFarland toys, trendy figure right there in the Morpheus.


Why aren't you giving me new versions of McFarland's stolen business.


He could just do it again.


And they have a new articulation system because back then they were pretty much distinct statues and nerd humbles as people like to call them colloquially.


And now digital sculpting advancements for films expanded palette.


I want to bugs. I'd like us to bay, eliminate Octa, please old.


And I go, bang.








fast. Yeah. I just, I, I just don't see this happening, unfortunately, but maybe I'm wrong.


I just, I just did this, this doesn't strike me as the movie for the kitties.


I want to get toys. And I'm talking about a collector audience here and adult collector audience McFarlane toys.


It's an attitude.


Well, I also know how Ben


is leading by own Apartment


Left here, ranting about the baby twice.


Breaking news. What? This is huge. I'm sorry. Okay. Matrix four. Lana Wachowski directing. Yes. Keanu and Kerrian Moss are in it. What? I don't know what to tell you. What? Because they were denying it as of a week ago. A week ago. As as we sort of have already figured out, it's just sort of literally of -- Right. -- sort of split. Because I gotta say, this is like I'm afraid not feel like surprising news. Should I feel like we all do this is coming? No. I knew it was coming, but I figured it was not gonna be a chaska. Right. I know Kiana. And I thought if Wachowskis weren't doing a Kiana, wouldn't there? Yeah. But he'd he'd been clear he wouldn't do it. Right. David Mitchell is a co writer on it. The author of That author planned. Oh, sure. Weird. I'm so excited. David is yanking out his hair in both directions. I'm so This is so I'm genuinely so happy. I'm gonna start to take a photo of this for posterity. The moment moment he learned. But back to -- No. -- me a zaki. Alright. So Anyone. Oh, boy. We don't deserve it. I'm losing his mind. I'm so happy right now. Oh, god. He's not gonna have Can I take a photo? It's gonna be great. You can take a z pose busy one. To go back to where it all started. Back to the podcast. Mhmm. Yeah. Right? I figured you'd do that. Of course. Yeah. I'm searching my I mean, I'm glad you didn't do an analyst monologue. Yeah. Because they're long. Surebut feel like there's an I still know kung fu. That's sort of the trade war. My matrix. The worse we treat you. The more we manipulate you, the more energy you the more we manipulate you, the more energy you produce. It's not. I I I've been setting productivity records every year since I took over. In the best part, zero resistance. People stay in their pods happier. Than podcasts and shit. I should've just said people stay in podcast. Yeah. What am I doing? I was literally about to say it's right there for you. What fuck am I doing? Pod podcasts. You know? It's it's I'm still having my Well, the matrix he's still having is still plugging in. This is a coffee obsessed movie right here. This is. Simulotte. It's the there's there's coffee in, like, every frame of this movie. Go on. Go on. Hi. This episode of people have been I know I'm feeling the burden a little bit. Feels the weight of it. Can I say scared? I've been stressed out about this. No. So I'm actually not stressed out at all. I live in this shit. I fucking eat, sleep, and breathe this shit. It's fine. We usually take one week off per year. Really? Usually are dark on the final week of the year on this are dark on the final week of the year. Right? On this podcasting. Yeah. Ehrlich is blank check. With Griffin David? Right. I'm Griffin. On Oh, talk about a throwback. It's not a throwback. It's, like, we this has became a thing like last year by by slow. Yeah. The Zoom thing. Could it fit a fucking reloaded freeway chase? In that pause between I'm Griffin and I'm David. That's right. No. That would have been down. That would have been exciting. Listen. What about that? Podcast about filmographies. Directors who have massive success early on in their careers and are given series of blank checks to make whatever crazy passion projects they want and sometimes those checks clear and sometimes they go back to the matrix p e. Back to the matrix. I can't do Seraph. I can't either. I don't know what graph is. I don't know what, like, you know, what the the germ of that. Like, I a gentle voice. I think I wasn't too far off just because I think our speaking voices aren't? Yeah. You're not that different. But, like I only dissimilar in pissing him. He's he's doing a thing in this. I need to watch this movie ten more times, I guess. Many times have you seen it now? Price. Same. Cool. It was two times? Yeah. I, this is, this is special for this is this is special for me. I don't wanna Ehrlich. It's the same for me with any movie I love. I rarely -- Yeah. -- when I was a teenager -- Sure. -- I might, like, you know, watch a movie two times a week or three, you know, like over and over again. But like these days I'm like, you know, is it time for me to watch spirited away or mastering But like these days, I'm like, you know, is it time for me to watch spirited away or a mass drink or like some movie I love? Like, I'm like, Yeah. Give it a few more months. You know what? It's always gotta be a little special. Well, David, that's a question for many times have you seen the matrix reload? I probably seen the Matrix reloaded like ten times. Really? Yeah. Yeah. I feel like when we started this podcast, you were like, I watch it a lot when I'm trying to go to sleep. You don't count those as full viewings? Yeah. Maybe. It's sort of funny to me to remember those days. Look, this is a throwback episode. I have not listened back to those sites. I'll say this in a little bit. I mean, I have it. You know, life. David, I thought I was gonna relisten before this and I forgot to do it, but I'll let's just say it upfront. I know I've already alluded to it. This is our first blush review of Resurrections, a film with a lot to process. Absolutely. It's been a week, a lot to process and a lot of online discourse and noise surrounding it, which is been a week. A lot to process and a lot of online discourse and noise surrounding it, which is maybe at a peak right now? Who knows? Yes. No. Definitely. But we covered the the matrix very early on in this show? Yeah. First year, we were a stupid Star Wars podcast. And then we had the Blankies premise of year two, and we did n I Chamblanc, and then we did the Wachowskis. Those were the two Those are our first year. What were you? This is an interesting premise to do with these two clear examples. And then who knows what the fuck this show is after this or if they cancel us? You're gonna cancel us, Ben? No. I wasn't gonna cancel you, but mean, you had do well enough to to have me convince my boss, our broom broom closet and producer. Yes. Yes. Of course. But David, these days, boomers complain about cancel culture. Real cancel culture is the UCB podcast network with no ad sales saying you don't perform well enough. They ever did though. They were always nice to us. To their credit. You you did you were the top performing show. There What's a point in time, right before we did the switch from star wars to blink check where they were like, a point in time right before we did the switch from Star Wars to check where they were like -- Sure. -- we'll give you -- That's true. -- there was a couple months. There was one meeting we had where it was kinda like okay. Like, let's see how this reinvention goes. Right. Like We'll give it four months and then let's check out. I just wanna say -- Yes. -- those episodes Ehrlich posted April twenty eighth and May fifth twenty sixteen -- Wow. -- so five years ago Mhmm. -- are Six years ago, my years ago, my friend. Yeah. Close seven and a half -- Far closer segments. Yeah. -- are Resurrections an hour fifty and an hour twenty sick. This is a big point. Now, especially with Resurrections, is we've probably referenced on this podcast before we were on a time limit. San Antonio. San Antonio had booked the studio and we maybe didn't know or her She was the artistic director of But she was also doing her podcast. Correct. And I think we were recorded both episodes back to back? No. We did it Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or something like that. Like, we did, like, the whole trilogy on consecutive day. Okay. That's or something like that. Yeah. And so revolutions people get mad to this day that that episode apparently doesn't have a box office game because we were so rushed. Wow. I think we spend you know, we did our usual thing where we spent too much time talking to you about some stuff and then at the end we're like, and then also this hap you know, like, so Yeah. That's one reason I have not listened back in a while, but those episodes are obviously fondly considered. I will relisten before. That comment too. I'm about to see you right. Just I wanna formally fully announce again. Right now, beginning in twenty twenty two, Year over Lord one, the check Patreon, we are doing, the four ghostbusters films. And then after that, we will be doing the four matrix. We'll be going back to the we'll be going back to the matrix. So the point is that this is January and April we'll be doing a second Slightly more distance for you. Oh, no. No. I'm sorry. March, March, and April. Yes. April will be Resurrections. I'm sorry. April will be Resurrections, but March first, March twenty first And the original trilogy will revisit with episodes that now. are now So get excited. We will we will be doing more matrix talk if this is, you know, whatever. If this isn't enough Well, I just bring it up because Much like you, I've been feeling the pressure of just like this is not so people didn't waiting for it for years. This is the thing. Yeah. I think more than anything else we've done on the show, even like the Star Wars movies, it is. Because because there's the moment that that Ben placed at the beginning of the episode and editing, of you realizing in real time on the Howl's Moving Castle episode. You check your computer. You see the news. You go, oh god. News. Oh my god. And it was beyond so what's that? That's twenty nineteen? Yes. Is it when it's pronounced? Because, like, it's not just how excited I was that that was happening. Lana Wachowski to make a new Matrix movie with Kianyu and Carrie Ann Moss. Yeah. That was, like, the announcement based. Right. But it was, like, there have been two years of discussion and chatter of, like, they're gonna do a new Matrix movie. The warehouses won't be involved. Maybe a reboot, Zach Penn, to write Michael Jordan, possibly Barag. Yeah. The other element, of course, is Wachowski split up. Maybe they're never gonna say any movie ever. Right. Signaling. Maybe they're not that interested in making stuff right now. But a lot of that But then, yeah, just the sort of terminal bummer of, like, oh, the matrix has gotten to the credibility point where they wanna bring it back. Right. But it's gonna be some weird bolder eyes. Right. Like, so it's just that the pure excitement of that. The way you've reacted, I It was like, did did you just get the worst news of your life? Like, did you Because I'm, like, freaking out. Well, it was, like, it you just went, like, Blankies can't even explain. It's like it's like looking at someone process shock in real time. Mhmm. You know? Mhmm. Sure. Where you just went like, oh my god. Oh my god. God. And we were like, like, what? And then you just sort of, like, said it. It was wild that it was, like, there had been no rumors, and then suddenly there was a full announcement. It had really been bearing nothing. Like, Chad's to Hell's Steve said one thing once about, like, Lana has a pitch for Matrix four that I love. And then he'd walked it back and been like, whoa, it's very Ehrlich. Like, that was the only time anyone to even -- Right. -- hinted it. And we were just ready for the Zach Penn Bummer News. And then suddenly it was like, Lana, Kiana, Gary, it's it's a sequel -- Right. It's like right back Right. -- it's like -- Right. -- back to the main track. Mitchell. And what's his what's his name? Co write David Mitchell, co writing over Alexander Henry. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Like And here's the release the release date. And you just Mhmm. You say your great line. What do I say? I know. It's gonna be amazing and everyone's gonna hate it. I was right. Look, I will say I actually think you were less right than I thought you were gonna be. I I thought this was going to get like, Jupiter ascending levels of backlash. And I think there are more people who who are on the wavelength of this movie than I would have expected. Alright. That haven't been said when the trailer came out three, four months ago, it was, like, holy shit. Right. I was, like, great. Is this gonna be a fucking home run? Is she gonna win everyone back? And it's, like, the fact that she's like at like sixty or seventy percent positive and the the other percentage I think is incredibly Negative. Well, here's what I'll say. Alright. I'm gonna say a few things. One, we're gonna talk about the rate Resurrections on this episode, obviously. Two, I'm very enthusiastic about this movie. People who listen to the show might know. I'm very enthusiastic about this series. I'm huge fan of the sequels. Defender of the sequels. Yada yada. Griffin, you like this movie a lot. I love I love. Very exciting. I would give it a capital l love. So get ready. Anyone listening for, like, a basic positive assessment of this movie. If that blows your mind, which some people online -- Yes. -- have indicated to me that it is mind blowing that I like this movie. I'm sorta like, apologies that certainly the vibe you're gonna be getting here. Ben, I don't really know where you are on the phone. About to slammed dunk on this fucking mill. I actually didn't necessarily love it. Right. It was just, it was like so much to take in at the theater when Griffin and I, when I watched them last night and really locked in on the movie, love was just it was like so much to take in at the theater when Griffin and I win. Sure. I watched then last night and really locked in on the movie. Love it. Oh, yeah. Very hard. Sure if friends were So this will be very positive episode. Yeah. That's fine. It ends. I turned to Ben. I go, well, that thing fucking rules. Mhmm. And Ben says, I don't know. And I said, you don't know if he was like, I act I don't know what that is. And to be clear, you were like, I don't even know if I'm saying, like, negative. I just actually don't even know what that is. Yeah. I really had no idea. I'll say I'll say this. Yeah. The movie got, I would say, you know, a few a few very positive reviews, mostly mildly positive to mildly negative -- Sure. -- views and some, like, abjectly negative review. It's about sixty four on rotten tomatoes. Not that rotten tomatoes is really Ehrlich of much, but still, you know, like, not a home run. But revolutions Was like 30 like, thirty Oh, but revolutions was greeted with sustained. Where's where's where's where's where's loaded actually was sort of, like, Phantom Manus thing where it got pretty good results. Phantom Manus, Seraph track into darkness. We're the critics were like, yeah, it looks like a star wars slash matrix it's of critics were like, yeah, it looks like Star Wars slash Matrix. Rise Skywalker. You to me. Right. Rise of Skywalker got fairly bad reviews, but better than it deserved. The first wave of people being like, yeah, it's all great, but it, like, works. And then I feel like six weeks later, everyone's like, oh, this thing's fucking titrated. Oh, that's what I'm saying. Like, the reviews from the critical community were all right. And then the backlash from -- Yes. -- fan and sort of genre film community was strong -- Yes. -- quickly with reloaded. And so by Resurrections time everyone's like fuck this. Same thing happened with pirates of the Caribbean sequels. Yes. The fur that the second one kinda got, like, lukewarm ish. Like, oh, this is okay. And then the third one was really slammed. Right. And that's what's happening. In my opinion, probably with this where it's like, there's definitely fans. There's definitely, like, a lot of, you know, you know, people who really blocked him with movie. But I am sensing, like, an emerging, like, what the fuck are you talking about? You thought that was that? Dude, like, there's definitely a sort of, like, am I taking crazy community, which is fine? Look, and and this is another kind of what this that's what I kind of I know we're trying to get lot of qualifiers. But I think we're very aware of the fact that there are a lot of eyes and ears on us right now. Because of the history of the show, because everyone knowing the investment. People like, let's not suck each other's dick. Who cares? You know? But but yes. But but I was stressed out about this. I didn't sleep all last night. I was re watching shit. I was just like, fuck. I can't you know, like, how are you gonna even do this episode? But but all of this to say, especially in the last two years when I've been losing my fucking mind Mhmm. -- because of the state of the world, in in isolation, what happened? Right. I I feel like there has been a recurring incredibly vocal backlash to when I especially with new release films. Mhmm. That I love and I'm defending -- Mhmm. -- try to intellectualize why people dislike it -- It's true. -- which I think people view often as we sort of project your attention. Fucking costa lily douche bag. people don't like talking down their audiences around the country. Maybe people just don't let people not enjoy things. Yes. Griffin. Right. That's the thing. I think I defend movies that I love especially when they're When you get a little too, maybe or you you're saying, like, you're too heady about. Well, why don't people like it? I don't know. People don't like it. Right. And I'll say, look. Let me have my hyperbole. I enjoy being overcranked I enjoy being over cranked. Right. You have to remember that my role in the show is to be the the fucking idiot comedy doofus. But but but beyond that, I do think also we don't do a tremendous amount of new release FilmComedy part of our sort of anthropological study of disease. We're usually hindsight, we're usually looking at stuff with usually hindsight. We're usually looking at stuff with hindsight. I think there's there's a muscle in my brain that is trying to understand the reaction to a thing where when it's old and it came out a week ago, people are like, you're attacking me at a raw wound. And especially when increasingly there are oddball movies by directors that we now feel very emotionally invested in -- True. -- that come out and that are treated with some level of disdain, we really, like, defend them if we want to. Right? Right. And I think sometimes this is all I'll say, I'm gonna try to And David, fucking catch me and stop me if I start doing the look. I think people don't like this because of this, you know? Thing because I really wanna stay away from that. really just wanna focus on I love about this movie because I think this movie is very divisive. And I, in fact, unlike some other cases, fully understand every single reason why people would dislike this. So I'm just gonna focus on What worked for me? Okay. Okay. Was there more? Or There wasn't. Okay. Alright. I feel like you were building to something in that way. But I don't know. I'm very thrilled. For one, I'm not there's the Wachowski's made. A movie called the Matrix in nineteen ninety nine that was very, very popular. Even as a cultural landmark -- Yes. -- to this day. Mhmm. They've not made a movie since that went over smooth. They only made -- Correct. -- very big budget movies. Correct. But they've never released But they've never released anything. The reload is the closest to a movie that did really well with the critics and -- Yeah. -- in the at box office. It's hour it's it's hour quickly. So It would be really weird for resurrections to reverse that would be really weird for resurrections to reverse that trend. Although it was, yeah, there was sort of a, is everything cresting where it's like, everyone loves the matrix Although, it was, you know, there yeah. There was sort of a is everything crass staying where it's, like, everyone loves the matrix again and, you know, like but no. I'm gonna come back to that much more thrilled that it's a very divisive a perplexing movie that is prompting all kinds of debate. And, you know, that's what a matrix sequel should be in my opinion. It's gonna be great, and everyone's gonna hate it. The the second part of the thing I was gonna say is it just it just is I remember the my broken brain, the the two point statement I was trying to make, The other side of the thing is I feel like very often especially with these new releases. When you get to these responses that as you describe are are you taking crazy pills? It is impossible to like this movie. Are these guys putting me on? Right. It hasn't a lot of that recently. Where I'm Yeah. Do you have you heard me, I'm very fond of these movies. Like, it's really not surprising that I like. No, of course not. I mean, you had a tweet about your wife going. I'm happy that you like. Truly what she said the second the movie ended. was like and she was like, I'm glad you like it. I know. Yeah. Okay. Which look that's a very romantic statement. I find that that's so the health of your marriage and, and the loveliness of your partnership, that's a, that's a wonderful thing to a partner to say to another I find that that speaks to the health of your marriage and and the loveliness of your partnership. Oh. That's a that's a wonderful thing to a partner to say to another person. But I I just I ask people, I will stay away from the the fucking shit I do that annoys people. Uh-huh. I asked people to grant us the understanding that we're not fucking putting you on -- Right. -- and then the movie. Right. Right. And because even like wasn't surebut I would like it, but I thought he would. Look at it. I I was like, wait a second. I I point and I still need to watch it a second time. West Side Story, I wanted to be fucking, like, abusive about -- Yeah. -- and I clearly liked it a lot but had hang ups. And I didn't pretend like I fucking love this movie. And I feel like I will see people go, like, they clearly didn't like this, but they thought it'd be a bummer to shit on the movie so they pretend they like it. And that that that's one of the few fan response horror show that actually regularly pisses me off. Okay. Okay. But don't worry about it. Let's let's say that's why I'm just Those are the two qualifying statements I want to throw at. Alright. Okay? Alright. And just in case we do have to say, I don't know why, but just on the off chance that somebody new is checking out the show with this episode, we are going to spoil the movies. We're gonna spoil fucking everything about this. If you don't wanna spoil, then turn it off and see the movie and then you can listen. And that person, of course, saying this, because it's a new year. Maybe this is a jumping end point for people. Yes. Go ahead. Possibly the producer, the show producer, Ben. Hey. Purdueer, Ben, the Benducer, poet Lori at the meet love for the tie breaking up for the tie breaking heart attack. This is a thing that started a long time ago. A lot of fun. Not name. Not professor Chris, is that The fuck mask goes through. That takes a really long time. Why not Benny? And it's, like, especially, sort of, And it just goes on and on, but fancy for some reason, I know David's like commissioning his David's, like, commanding his hand. It's, like, a fifty fifty weapon. Full bend. What is that? That was AI0A debris. Oh, that's right. With that in the yellow light sabra. Leslie Wood. Hey. Because he was in Hollywood for dark season. He also was graduated to a series of tells over the course of a different mini series such trusor Ben Kenobi, Kylo Ben. And I channel Ben's eight. At some point That is what you're asking me. Anything dot dot dot a little bit of a dollar sign for a haws I was not able to count on the right school as a bank. Mister Bencredeville, and then frankly, you know, that helped you. But the Hawesville, the public get madam Yeah. Of the ditch of the Jersey. Yep. Stop making bends with a zebra. Now he's doing, yeah, the mini space names. Colon pig in the city Ben Hasley met Sally dot dot the secret life of Ben's with Azee, the great mouse fart detective, the Hawes Brake Kid, parenthesis open to punch up, bends in the haws. And I wanna just say it now for the first time ever. Ben escaped from new haws. That's what we're doing. Oh. Yeah. Good. Okay. Good. I just wanna say this is the first time that I finally have conceded and pick pulled up the blank check wiki and just read the list because I I we can no longer do it from The reason We'll also take too much time also take too much of our memories. We we don't do it every week anymore. Yeah. And the reason we don't do it any week anymore apart from the fact that it takes a long time is that it just became so mortifying to do it in front of any guest I was not very, very close with. That's a and b, it became so mortifying to start the chain for me and be like, what if I blink? Well, sure. You have the performance anxiety thing. Right. Right. But I just, like, it would be one thing if it was, like It's still something I'm friends with. Right. Right. And barrel sharing. Right. Absolutely. Yeah. Like Where because they get so like, I feel like bitch especially gets so embarrassed. Yeah. But, like, it's, like, you know, like, Michael Cerberus. Like, some guy where it's, like, god, it's so citing that we have, like, a really fucking Tony Award winning. You know, impressive, interesting person. And then Griffin's like, you know, and I'm just like, oh, fuck that. And I don't want to clean we have a couple people coming from podcasts this year -- Yeah. -- that that are bananas. Hopefully. I mean, let's not let's not but yes. Yes. I'm saying that because we just updated the spreadsheet with the new ads while you were doing that now Friday. We haven't Jesus. We have enough wild people booked that I feel comfortable saying we have a couple wild people coming because even if some of them drop out, there are enough people on the spreadsheet right now who blow my mind to possibly be on the show that I imagine at least one or two of them. We'll super exciting. We love it. The Matrix Resurrections. Susan -- Yeah. -- of Lana Howl's filament of Solo for the first time, although, sense eight season two is also Solo, Lana. I wanna dig into context here because I do think Ben and I walked around for a while after seeing the movie. You saw it at the Williamsburg cinema. We did a I'm a crown has been ravaging, New York We did. Omnicron has been ravaging New York City. city. This movie was obviously available on HBO, movie is obviously available on HBO Max. I completely understand and support anyone who just does not wanna go to a fucking theater right now. Yeah. It's scary, you know. But I You and I agree. And we have biases here, but I do think I am able to impartially view this with a certain amount of logic I do think movies are a safer indoor activity than most public things. I agree. We don't need to talk about it. Especially because -- Yeah. Like us, we just found a screening where they were going to be five people in a big we just found a screening where there were gonna be five people in a big auditorium. Yep. It it it is. We looked at the Fandango preview. We were like, this time. No one's there. The screen's big enough. I see the seeds. Sat up up up front David Griffin style. Way up distressing. People everyone's different. Everyone lives in different places. Everyone's allowed to do it. David's one of these people like my father who wants us to sit as close to the exit as possible. I'm like, aisle, back aisle. Back aisle. When people are like, well, the screen's not filling your and I'm like, the screen's very big. I can see the whole story. It's right there. Right. And I want to not remember that anything exists other than the screen. Right. All I need from a cinema experiences, you know, darkness, good projection, bright, you know, I, you know, no one's looking at their phones, blah, need from a cinema experiences, you know, darkness, good Resurrections, you know, above what and I asked for a total Right. You know, no one's looking at their phones blah blah blah. You know, like, that's all. Like, I I will say I saw this film in at the Lincoln Square iMac. Oh. Can I tell you what happened? No. And that was, like, kinda, you know, is it slightly edgy time? I'm like seen you, though. If you get stressed out about getting there earlier, early enough that you could get your seat, stressed out about getting there earlier or really enough that you could get your seat. I there's There's a particular particular seat I like at the Lincoln Square IMAX right the back because it's secret bathrooms. There's a secret bathroom, not that I went to the bathroom during this movie. But, you know, I am a famous famous peer you know, famous -- It's probably a weird movie. -- three or four things your most famous one. Yeah. Esther is auckerman friend of the show loves to anytime I don't pee during your screening, be like, damn. You liked it. Play. Yeah. He didn't he didn't take a break. With my dad, the test used to be a movie was really good based on how little he slept through it. Sure. Right. When he would take us to fucking movies. And we go, like, yeah. It was just an edge, you know, like, oh, oh, the the cases were going up. You're starting hear about people -- Yes. -- and it, you know, what and so I was memorized anxious about that, but I was also anxious about wanna see my movie. Right. Of course. This screening, by the way, there were not a lot of people there. Yeah. I expected, like, you know, kind of rocking full which I just got that Spider Man for the press meeting. And this one, you know, for whatever reason, it was I mean, it's a very big theater, that theater. So maybe that's why it felt sparse, but it was, like, You know? Spider Man today just crossed. Sony's highest grossing film of all time. In nine days, ten days or something insane. Yeah. I mean, oh, no. The stat I saw is that it just outgrossed Rise of Skywalker -- Sure. Which was the highest grossing film, the last two -- which was the highest grossing film, the last two years. Right? Because it was last sort of It was it was the highest grossing film in twenty nineteen, the last pre pandemic year. Yeah. Right? It's now the highest grossing film in three years, including even the rest of the twenty nineteen box office. And it surpassed Rise of Skywalker's number in twelve days. It's very successful. That took Rice Skywalker ninety one days to get to it. It's very It's very successful. It's a fairly fun theater experience that I had seeing that movie. That's nice. I enjoyed that movie. It is. But it also it people have Look, people are reporting on the fact that this movie is bombing at the box office, and I think that is completely impossible to judge based on being on HBO Max at the same day at the time of a spike -- Yeah. -- over the holidays when people are staying at home. I mean, like, well, spider man's doing well. It's like, well, Spider Man is not like any other movie that has come out in the last two years. Okay. In terms of the audience Ehrlich is better. I think it's great. For better or worse, the thing that drives people leaving their home and going to a theater these days is not wanting to be spoiled. Yeah. Exclusive. That is And right. Exactly. Like, you guys factor with Spider Man. don't wanna have to avoid the Internet -- Mhmm. -- because there are all these things that I know gonna get spoiled for me. And I think if Spider Man were available on Disney plus at the same day. It would have made a tremendous amount of money, but a lot of people would have gone, Howl's I'm gonna stay home and watch it. With Matrix that became a very easy decision to stay home away. Can you talk about that in the box office game? This is what I want to say. Okay. Go ahead. Ben. And I took the walk back from the theater to the train station and I, Ben was, as, as we said, saying, I truly don't know what to make of and I took the walk back from the theater to the train station. And I then was as as we said saying, I truly don't know what to make of that. I don't even know if I dislike that. I just don't even understand what that is. And I was like, Bam, I wanna give you lot of context. Because I do think the context on this movie is incredibly important. This is a movie that is so much about itself, which is the thing that some people find annoying. Right? But this is a movie that is about the exact place this filmmaker is in at that point in their life. It's about where this series stands in the cultural mind at this moment about where she wants to be as a filmmaker about the prospect of having to make this film. It's about all of these things. Mhmm. So as you said, the Wachowskis, are screen writers who write a spec script called The Matrix, which they sort of it has that classic first screenplay thing, even though it wasn't literally their first screenplay. But a lot of what they had done before, that was, like, for higher writing jobs, surebut stuff. Right? They'd written Ector kit for a marvel imprint. They wrote assassins, but it got heavily rewritten. All this bullshit. But they were like, this is our big fucking swing. Right? And by their own mission, it was one of those things where it's like, we put every single idea we had into this one script. We put everything we liked into one movie. It's like make write script as if you never get to make another script ever again. Everything in their lives up until this point in time they pitch it to Warner Bros. Famously, the Warner Bros. Executives go, III don't think we understand it. We can tell that this is something we don't get it. Would you mind explaining it to us again after they had read it? But it gets acquired And there were years of will this get made or not because it was risky. They were just like, does this make any sense? don't want anyone else have this. There's a version of this as a blockbuster. They really want to direct it. More brothers, we're very scared about that. Untested. They go off. They make bound essentially as an audition FilmComedy. prove that they could direct a movie -- Sure. -- even though it's a small film, once they see that, they go, these guys know where to place the camera. Right? That's perfect. Saying guy is misgendering. I manage gender neutral term, but obviously, it's more sensitive when we're talking about the token. Okay. Yeah. That's all, everything you're saying is That's all everything you're saying is true. I'm gonna take over little bit. Yeah. Okay. There's two you know, just to clarify, Lorenzo had been up in Tura and Joel Silver were crucial in getting the movie made. Lorenzo, the governor who was the head of Warner Brothers at the time and was a big ass dork for better or worse is one of the people Howl's probably responsible for culture shifting that much in that direction. Certainly to walk us through travel. And, you know, the the the way they finally get the movie approved is the storyboarding. This had, like, a six hundred page storyboard book that they present, which is basically the whole movie. Jeff Darrow, the Ehrlich Right. And Steve Scruggs worked on that. And and, like, that was where they finally did it. was made cheaply for, like, I mean, quote unquote, cheaply for, like, sixty five million dollars. But one of these movies that was sort of a forebear of how these blockbusters are made now where it's like, you can watch the entire film before we've shot an a film. The storyboards are so deliberate. We're so specific about what the effects are gonna be, the shots are gonna be, the timing of everything. And they send war brothers, they shoot the first they send warring brothers. They shoot the first sequence. They send it to Warner Bros. Trinity, you know. The cold open up the movie is and Warner Bros is, like, looks great. We can relax. Exactly. You're on your own. And then obviously, the movie was a huge hit. The movie, the matrix is. It's very interesting watching people rewatch all the matrices. Yeah. Right? Some people who probably have not in a long time. And pretty much the universal reaction to the first matrix is damn. Like, movies used to look like this. Like blockbusters. Like, it is such it is still amazing to me and to people, I think, just like Howl's sort of, like, flawless and I don't know. Enduring it is. Like, I mean, it's such a it's almost a boring movie talk about, but it's also such a complicated movie to talk about. I They they re released the film. They rebase in IMAX, and they also released it in normal sized screens. Yeah. And I dragged past congressional guest, my sister, Ramlin Newman, to see it, because she had never seen it. She was one years old. We had first nineteen ninety nine. Right? is a bizarre thing to think about that someone can be quote unquote an adult. Well, it's a twenty 22, 23 year old movie two twenty three year old movie now. Right. Right. And she's about turned twenty four. Yep. So it took her to see it, and she knew almost nothing about it. Sure. She actually has avoided the cultural differences of the matrix. She's not in the sci fi. This was nerdy boy shit, right, in her mind. All she knew was that I had quote unquote some trans take on And before it started, I was like, I need you to understand, this. Isn't a take, this is the reality of, okay, these filmmakers and what's happened to them the 25 years isn't a take. This is the reality of Okay. These filmmakers and what's happened to them the -- Sure. -- twenty five year since. Right? But I was very curious, like, is she just gonna shut down or is this movie as sort of like universally undeniable as I think it is. Yeah. And it is. She just went like, yeah, holy shit. And it was also wild to see someone whose entire life has pretty much happened post matrix -- Mhmm. -- be able to pinpoint things. Like, was trying to contextualize for her little bit, like, you 2016 understand no one had synthesized all these things before. Right. These were things that existed, but not in the mainstream and not together. When you're combining sort of like, club culture, and anime, and martial arts films, and, like, deep hard sci fi, theory, and short story, all this sort of shit. Writing video games, video games. Yeah. Yeah. All these things. And and she was, like, the fashion that movie is incredible. And I was, like, yeah. It's still fucking is. You look at the met gala any year and at least fifty percent of people look like they're from the matrix. Still, Almost twenty five years sequels have incredible fashion. Later. But but this is the funny thing. So I'm talking about this with her. Right? And then she's like, so then what happened after this? She asked the questions that are so funny that are just the questions you cannot help but ask after watching that movie, even this decades later. Right? She went like, wow. Okay. A, I finally get Kiana Reeves. Right? Sure. She was like, yeah, this is predial. I see the whole thing now. Right? And interesting to watch now at a time when I feel like he's finally earn universal credibility. He's no longer the butt of some jokes or no longer the butt of some jokes or whatever. Right? He had a win people used to be like he usually sucks, but he's a fact of here. Mhmm. Now I feel like people are, like, Kiana rolls. Question number two, what happened in the woman in play Trinity? Sure. You watch that movie and you go, why have I not known -- Right. -- why should she not have been gonna show lines for your life? Yeah. And I'm, like, still there's stuff she works. She's around her being back for fucking Matrix four is crazy. And and Bromley goes like, so, wait, what are the Matrix sequels? Fourth is like the first one twenty years. And I go Bromley. Then everyone hated him. And she went, Howl's that possible? Uh-huh. Are they really different? Uh-huh. Which I thought was such a funny -- Right. -- response. Sure. She was like, I just watched this thing. This fucking is undeniable. Yeah. Anything is so good. They made two more of them people were angry. And I was again, she was like, are they not the same? Yeah. My short answer I gave her was like, it was the expectations were so high. They shot him at the same time, cutting edge special effects, budget so high, and the two movies pretty much deconstruct and deflate everything with first movie. They do. And I think they're very intellectual. They don't have the same sort of clear emotional sort of a way awakening through line that made it easy for anyone to get into the first film. They go deep into the lore. Yes. David loves them and Ramle was like, of course, does. They're they're it's too complicated to talk about the sequels right now. I can't do it. But but, yeah, but they're yeah. The the the they it makes sense that they were not popular. Right. I didn't like them when I saw them. That was so much. was I was no. We talked about this. I I was annoyed about reloaded. I was so hyped. I was seventeen years old. Yes. And, like, I remember yeah. I was very intrigued by the architect scene. Which I remember I do remember even at the time I was like, okay. And I was definitely not like I went to see revolutions. I wasn't like fuck that. Like, which a lot of people work because, like, been half as much money. But I was I did not I did not go. Right. You basically saw it for the You basically sold it for the show. Yeah. Yeah. All these years ago. Like, I hadn't even seen the third one. That's how, like, I think, little interest I had had. Did you even I think you did watch the third one for the show. I did. Maybe. I think you did. Eventually know. I can just tell you when we've, like, Ben, you can skip this. Right. let's say, I mean, like, there was I at There's lots of reasons why there's a Seraph fifty million dollar domestic drop off between two. Right. Right. Right. Right. And as you said, raw tomatoes, it went from, like, reload against seventy eight percent or even higher? Come on. Resurrections gets like thirty four. Like, it was like all the anger of people, like, a couple months later sitting outside. Irritated? And and I also feel like it was a little bit like after phantom menace came out, where people were like, okay, that didn't rip the way I wanted it to, but maybe the third one will make sense of it. And then I think when people felt like the third one didn't give them what they wanted. They were like, now I hate reloaded twice. The third one is also right. Is probably the most challenging in probably the most challenging in that, like, it sort of takes a lot of the league characters off the board for a lot of the movie. It's mostly set in the real world, which has a much more depressing aesthetic than the matrix. It's got the sort of machine versus humans war, which think some people dig, but it's very and it's very anime, but it's not as cool as bullet time and martial arts and all that and, like so that's part of it. They're all great. They ruled. They're amazing, but there's no way. They they rule because they're very, very, very challenging, and they are very, you know, not more of the same. And as you already said and as I said to Ramlink explain shit to her after this, I'm like, and then every movie they make after that They they keep making movies that are traditionally floss challenging and interesting and innovative, and they keep making movies that are genre films. Yeah. Speed racer is probably the least scifi, but even that is very scifi, and obviously is a cartoon adaptation. It took her sissy speed racer when she was a child and the look on her face when she was like, so then what happens after the matrix Sissy Speed racer when she was a child and the look on her face when she was, like, so then what happens after the Matrix sequels? And I was, like, they made a few racing. Sure did. Should not believe. And cloud Atlas and -- Yeah. -- you know, is sort of is sci surebut also million other things Jupiter sending is more think what people wanted from them in theory. It's like, hey, they're doing like a sort of straightforward sci fi movie and then these people see it and they're like, wow. I don't like this. It's goofy. It silly. It's a fairy a fairy tale. That's right. It felt like Jupiter ascending was the end of the line, and then it was, like, now Netflix is backing up the Brink's truck. This feels like a a pivot in culture that certainly has intensified since that moment. Right? Where it's like Netflix is gonna lure in the filmmakers who are starting to get reigned in at the studios and let them do whatever the fuck they want. Yeah. And Sensate is absolutely a whatever the fuck they want, Joe. Definitely. But was an early example of Netflix going like, never mind. You know, they can't talk to the second season. They won't do an album album. It was so expensive. It wasn't breakout enough for them. Right. But definitely called popular, you know, and sort of build season two is kind of, like, season one sort of a slow plot thing and season two is surebut. delivers more for twenty years? I feel like and we defend their movies and other people like some of them, you know. Mhmm. Of course, there is just that thing. The general public consensus is like, why can't they just make the matrix again? And I don't think anyone was at that moment in time asking to do the matrix surebut it was like, why can't you do that sort of thing again. Why have you never ever replicated that feeling again? And the sequels are like, the same, but they didn't make me feel the way that the matrix did and everything you've made since then feels like it's running as far away from the matrix as possible. I guess so. That's very we've talked about this. Look, listen back to our episodes. Right. And and, of course, over that same period of time, there is two transitions. There is shifting identity for both of them. You know, it's all the stuff that ends up of course, informing the text of the phone. Like, you know, cloud out listens. We've talked about this cloud out since you've been sending are both about, you know, humankind being used as like food or energy -- Yeah. -- which is what the matrix is about. Right? You know, every every version Like, they do conscious and and, like, and they're conscious and shifting. Like And Lana talked so much about, like, you know, how movies are kind of about love conquering all. right. Like all, you know, that's like a thing they keep going back to, that's the thing in this movie, that's the Right? Like all, you know, that's like a thing they keep going back to. That's a thing in this movie. That's a thing in their lives. You know, they they have It's just that I don't know. Look, this movie, the matrix opens, you know, or, like, the first act of this movie is about partly about people in targeting. Like, what what is it people liked about the matrix? What is -- Yes. -- what is it we should be delivering with the new matrix? Like, what what what do people want? Out of the matrix. What did people want at the time? What has changed? And it's very funny. And to me, inspiring and interesting to see the movie do that. I guess, to some people, it's it's annoying. Obviously, it's very This is the last one want to set up. Is that by all accounts, it may be starting five years after revolutions. Every year, Warner Brothers circles back to them and goes Just by the way, if you ever wanted to make another matrix, blank check whatever you want. Right? And they keep on going, you know, thank you. No, thank No. Thank you. Sure. They always reject any any talk of force majeure. But it was one of those things even with the curl response to the sequels where it's just like, well, if a franchise is worth over a billion dollars. They're never gonna let it lay dormant for too long. Because every film they made after that was still at Warner Bros. Much like Christopher Nolan, it was like, we're not gonna do anything. We're not gonna go above them because we don't wanna sever this relationship. Right? But after Jupiter sending, which is just the final flop -- Thank you. -- for the first time Warner Brothers is like, we don't necessarily need to worry about pissing them off that much. So they keep on saying to them, would you wanna make an interest? Would you wanna make an interest? No. No. No. And when Zac comes to them for some fucking meeting of some sort and goes, by the way, if you guys ever thought about bringing back the matrix, Warner Bros. Is interested for the first time. And he just goes, like, I don't know. This thing's like dormant, let the the green and the jackets and the fighting. There's something Jack Penn. To his credit, I suppose, is very enthusiastic about the world of the his credit, I suppose, is very enthusiastic about the world of the matrix. He's just so good. He's just so good. He can't leave it, so he wanted -- Right. -- to do something. Right. And then there were rumors that Michael b Jordan had basically visited Warner Bros. And they were kinda like like, here's a spread of like things don't do. Jordan franchise. What's the thing that you. Maybe he had expressed some interest in a matrix thing. Maybe playing a Morpheus type or maybe not. Like, I don't know. It was never script and it that sounds like the kind of exact blue sky pitching that you watch happen in this movie where they were just like Michael B. Jordan. He's Morpheus is it he's done Morpheus? Is he Morpheus? His grandson? I don't know. Put a pen in that. There had been so many rumors and Zak, Penn had talked about has talked about it more about like, he really wanted to just expand, quote, unquote, expand the had been so many rumors, and Zach Penn had talked about has talked about it more about, like, he really wanted to just expand, quote, expand the universe a bit. I'm not gonna remake I'm not gonna reboot. I will leave Neon Trinity Dead. It just feels like this is a universe in which there are other stories worth telling. He love he worked on ready player one, a good movie. I I'm not huge fan of Zach Penn. No offense. Me neither. I'm also not huge fan of rate player one. Well, rate player. One is one is Right. But he has certainly worked on movies that I like. Like, you know, he he has a story that you can see career working on superhero movies. He did a lot of the X Men movies. He wrote the first of the Avengers, which was supposedly thrown in the garbage. She wrote, you know, and we've written a zillion. Sure. But he said, like, ready player one. That's a movie that's set in a very matrix world. It a virtual world. Like, I love that stuff. The moment when this starts getting traction. Sure. But then it doesn't happen because what happened was Warner Bros. Went to fucking Lana did their Natalie, I think. Both. Right. They went to both then. They did their annual check-in. They go, hey. It's that time of the year. Yeah. Exactly. Understood. This is the last offer because otherwise we're gonna go ahead with this guy. I mean, I don't look. This is all rumor and conjecture. So I I don't think it was it was entire it was also like, can we have your blessing? Because they needed or they really wanted her They're a blessing. Whatever. You know, she's you know, someone to be, like, one of the witch house needs to be, like, we don't wanna do any more matrices, hey, Yeah. There's a world for people to plan if they want And they explicitly did not want to do that. Both of them give their blessing to a different project. Oh, the telephone ringing. Ehrlich. Howl's. Neo. Oh, boy. What's up? Who is this? I am I am Morpheus. Ehrlich Morpheus are you? A third third Morpheus. You're a new another Morpheus? God. Lousy with Morpheus. Old Morpheus. Oh, what's up old What's up old Morpheus? Not too much. How are you How are you, Neil? Again? You know, I don't really know yet, but I share a lot's going on with me know, I don't really know yet, but I assure a lot's going on with me. Neo. Yes. Do Do you lie awake at you lie awake at night thinking about programs? I, I I I don't. I just lie awake at night, but yeah, yeah, I just lie awake at night. But yeah. Yeah. No. no. I do occasionally think about I do occasionally think about programs. These programs that try to shame you. Tell you the way you eat it is wrong. Yes. These programs are very these programs are very bad. W I I've been looking for a different kind of I've been looking for a different kind of program. These programs are even worse than agents, Mayo. I hate I hate That. Unlike other programs, nuMe uses a psychology based approach to help people better understand their relationship with food other programs, Noom, uses a psychology based approach to help people better understand their relationship with food, Neo. It teaches them how to be more mindful of the way they eat, gives them the skills and knowledge they need to build long lasting positive habits, Neo new teaches them how to be more mindful of the way they eat, gives them the skills and knowledge they need to build long lasting positive habits, nio. Noom Ms. Even faster working than if tank put a chip with better eating habits into the computer while you were plugged into the is even faster working than if tank put a chip with better eating habits into the computer. While you were plugged into chair. Sure, Sure, sure, Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. Noof is even better than matrix learning or whatever. Whatever that thing. That's really cool. I mean, I know they use a psychology based approach to help people better understand the relationship with food. So that's probably part of why it's so So that's probably part of why it's so successful. This is the beginning of your journey, Neo, is the beginning of your journey, neo. Right. Right? So I'm going to be more mindful of the way I So I'm gonna be more mindful of the way I eat. Have the skills and knowledge to build long lasting positive have the skills and knowledge to build long lasting positive habits. It's easy to be overwhelmed by all the information the wellness throws at you, NIO believes the only place you're willing to start with is your mind, NIO. Well, look, I'm starting on my health journey. I'm overwhelmed like you said, but since I've started using nuMe, I better understand my I'm overwhelmed like you said, but since I've started using Noom, I better understand my cravings. I better understand my relationship with I better understand my relationship with food. I enjoy exercise instead of draining I enjoy exercise instead of driving it. I have more energy. My mood is better and I'm less stressed My mood is better and I'm less stressed out. You take a path towards better health, one lesson at a time, Neo their psychology based approach helps you change the way you think about food and health Neo rather than demanding you to change your entire take a path towards better health one less at a time, NEO. They're psychology based approach ups. You change the way you think about food and health, NEO. Rather than demanding you to change your entire lifestyle. Neo. Yeah, I'm more I'm more empathetic. The, the, sorry, the program is more the sorry. The program is more empathetic. I am also more empathetic. It's flexible to your lifestyle. It's easy to log It's easy to log food. It's to see your It's easy to see your progress. And it's based on scientific principles like cognitive behavioral therapy, which helped people better understand their relationship with food to build sustainable habits that lasts a And it's based on scientific principles like cognitive behavioral therapy, which help people better understand their relationship of food to build sustainable habits that last lifetime. Now Morpheus, how many people Now, Morpheus, how many people finish? How many users finish this how many users finish this program? Seventy-five percent of new users finished the program Seventy five percent of new users finished the program, Neo. And isn't it nice when you realize very shortly into an ad read that the copy is almost already written like something Morpheus would say it's Very and isn't it nice when you realize very shortly into an ad read? That the copy is almost already written like something Morpheus would say. It's very Morpheus. The wording. I don't even need to spin anything because the wording is already very Morpheus, adjacent Neo users programs, I don't even need to spin anything because the wording is Already very Morpheus adjacent Neo. Users programs, Neo. Right? Exactly. And I can decide how new weight fits into my And I can decide how new weight fits into my life. Not the other Not the other way. Around 5, 10, 15 minutes a way around. Five, ten, fifteen minutes day. How much time has been on the app is up to a how much time I spend on the app is up to me, and I'm gonna start building better habits today more fierce. Sign up. Yes. I'm just saying your just saying your name. Go Go on. Okay. Fine. This is your journey now, Neil. I can only open the door for you. Neo Start building better habits Neil. Seraph building better habits today. Sign up for your trial at noo dot com slash check. That's N00M dot com slash check to sign up for your trial. New dot com slash check. New meeting kinda sounds like neo. New mew. Yep. It's not neo.com Mo mano, but if you said neo.com quickly, it maybe sounded like It's not neo dot com. Mano. But if you said nio dot com quickly, it may be sound like newsroom. No, but it's noon.com/check noom.com/check to sign up for your trial, No. But it's niu dot com slash check, N00M dot com slash check to sign up for your trial. Neo. Rumorine conjecture, a thing that you and I heard directly, not from people who are in the room, But was that, you know, it it was sort of the final check-in of like, if you wanna do it, we let you do it. Otherwise, can we get your blessing to do other things? At this period of time. Right? Lilia transition, which happened years after Lana -- Yeah. And when she transitions and comes out publicly about that, she also steps away from Sensei. She's not really involved in season one. At all in season of Sensei. Right. And even season one was far more lineup than Lilly by most accounts. Okay. They had a big facility. They had the production company. They shut it down, they sell the facility. Yeah. They're sort of like you said, there was kind of the rumor of, like, are they just Done. Are they done? Making Was there falling out with them? Movies, whatever. Are they gonna just everything. Who knows? Yeah. They circle back to the two of them. In the year leading up to that, both of their parents die. Ron and Lynn Wachowski who this movie is dedicated to. Mhmm. And they lose a close friend. Because the close friend of Lana has died. Yeah. Yes. Lana said that in her grief, being unconsolable. And being in this position where it's like, who would I wanna talk to about my grief? The three people who just died. I don't know who to turn to. I don't know how to process this. This is so overwhelming. She started thinking about neon Trinity a lot. Yes. That that the idea of having neon and eback was great comfort. She said this in there. You know, Lana doesn't give a lot of interviews? No. But she has said that in in in whatever interview she's given her, you know, speech they did at that Berlin -- Yeah. -- international writer's conference or whatever it's called that I'll make sure we tweet out that I sent to Ben because I think it's very revealing in a lot of ways. But it but it I think it literally just started as I started thinking about these characters as a comfort. I wanted to spend time with them. The idea in my mind The idea of having them alive again, because obviously, spoiler alert at the end of revolutions, they die. Right. Dead. But I even think Well, so Or it it congealing into an actual story pitch. It it says she had the story immediately, but I don't know. Yeah. It was just that in her mind, these characters come to her and then the story comes to her, but I think a lot of this movie is about the solace of characters we love. Right? Mhmm. It's like because it isn't interrogating. I think people think I I once again understanding all the reasons that people could dislike this movie. But a thing I push back on is the notion I see in some places that this movie is a cynical exercise and that this movie is arguing that it doesn't need to exist. I think this movie is interrogating its reasons for think this movie is interrogating its reasons for existing. And it's it's having some fun with the idea in culture that these things all need to be rebooted or re re re revived or whatnot. I think it is a very earnest passionate film about, like, you know, the machines have rebuilt these two fucking dead characters. Right? And characters that weren't just dead, but were, like, decimated, blinded, rebar through the Yeah. They're dead. They're dead. They're dead. Sure. Sure. And you have these two machines being, like, we're gonna rebuild them and make them even prettier than they were before. Right? Mhmm. And let them age, but only, like, a sexy amount of age -- Sure. -- relative to how much time has passed in the FilmComedy to some degree, that's like the cynical thing. And we've complained about this a lot in different movies, sequels where it's like the first movie and so perfectly This character had good closure. They evolved to this point and then the sequel kind of resets them or revives them in a way that is depressing where you're just like, let them have their peace. Right? know? Let them enjoy this. Yes. It's depressing that for example, agent K gets, de-normalized realized that Robocop retreats back into his robot instinct and you have this thing that feels like the sort of cynical gross It's depressing that, for example, agent k gets de normalized. That robocop retreats back into his robot instance. All these sorts of Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And you have this thing that feels like the sort of cynical gross exercise these robots are bringing Neo and Trinity back to life. They won't even let them stay dead because they need to use their love to power the universe. Oh, yeah. And I think that's thing that makes some people go like. So they're acknowledging this is gross that they brought them back, and it's like, the whole point of the movie is also that, like, two things can be true at the same time. It's nice to be back. And they they at the end of the movie, they thank the analysts for giving them a second chance. Right and Lana herself is acknowledging IOS that it was gross to revive these characters, but in my greatest moment of grief, I found so much comfort in thinking about them and their love. Beyond that. Look, I love the original trilogy of look, I love the original trilogy of movies. I love the ending. Yeah. I think the ending is great. The ending does end. With the Oracle saying, like, I think we'll see NEEO again. That's literally the last line. It's like, I think he'll be back something. And it does also Trinity, you know, dies I've always found Trinity's death in, you know, it's a very emotionally compelling -- Sure. -- obviously. And, like, it's sort of plot wise has to happen because NEEO has to want to die. Mhmm. You know, me he has to accept his sacrifice and it would make less sense if Trinity is just kinda, like, waiting in the car. Me and, like, go figure it out with the machines and then get right back here. You know? Like Right. So but I don't think Trinity's death is, like, so dramatically necessary to bringing her back as some like spit in the face. Oh, sure. I you know, bringing them back is fine. I think the neodep was one that people felt more prickly about because of the the whole sort of the messiah arc of him that it's like he needs to have the sacrifice and bringing him back. I agree with you. Trump is always coming back. Trump, but the other thing that you have to acknowledge is just in the last ten, fifteen years, the legacy sequel has become this fucking -- Yeah. -- that's sort of twenty years on. Your fans are back. But you talk about How like trauma legacy is this movie that's sort of the forebear of what all studio franchise thinking becomes where it's like, what if you don't reboot it, like, Toronto legacy is this weird movie that's sort of the forebear of what all studio franchise thinking becomes, where it's like, What if you don't reboot it? Right. You actually make a sequel that acknowledges the passage of time that is referential -- Update it. -- that tries right, you know, kids -- And in generation, coexisting. -- but, like and it tries to thread the needle of, like, let's make a movie for a twelve year old who's never seen Trond that will they will enjoy But all of their dad who loved Trond will be like, oh my god, Flynn's back and you have to do really deep in respect of the lore, but you also need to have it be a launching pad for a new thing. And then this is like Jason Segal Muppets, Star Wars, Force awakens, the ghostbusters, after life. All these fucking things. Right. It's so pervasive too. Now Even especially -- Yeah. -- it's very pervasive. To me, sometimes I'm like, Why are all of my friends who really like movies talking like studio executives all of a sudden? And thinking that where and having -- Which is another thing. -- to respond to these comments all of a sudden -- Yes. -- which I just I I find really strange because, like, someone who just wants to be entertained and likes move wise, I don't go into watching something and thinking about this. And look, throwing bricks in a glass Howl's. Right? Obviously, this is what we do on this show and it's what we fucking made our bones doing and it's the core of our friendship. David, you and I. Sure. But it is interesting seeing more and more I feel like with every year the mainstream culture talking about things in terms that you and I think of, where it's like The general public is very aware of studio maneuvering of IP. It is. It's much more aware. Right? That's why you can make betterment, no way home or whatever. Right. And you can make a movie today. Oh, my god. The Fox rights are gonna go back to Disney so they can It's crazy. X men in there. No. No. That's for true. It's crazy that people don't It's crazy that people are now. People don't think of as following the film industry saying, well, the problem with the Disney Star Wars movies obviously is they didn't have a feggie who was overseeing the whole series in one director. Like, that whole inter intellectualization of the business maneuvering behind the stories and the value of the stories. Yeah. These are all things that she's commenting on at the same time that she's commenting on where she feels about her own career, her own These are all things that she's commenting on. At the same time that she's commenting on she feels about her own career, her own life, this thing that she created, that also has, like, many things that become so seismic. Okay. Developed reputations completely out of her control, And she's reckon with all of that too. What does the matrix mean to people twenty five years later? What good has come out of it? What bad has come out of What bad has come out of it? Why do people wanna go back to that? Is that a bad impulse? Is that a weak impulse? Or just wanna spread things? Not just the matrix. Value. Not just the matrix nostalgia in general. Yeah. It's like you said a positive negative force. Howl's do we or or whatever. How how is that a force in our life? I sit down and see this move. I think the square Amex. Everyone it's one of those things where, like, there's a few critics around me who were kinda, like, oh, David's excited. Like, you know, like, you know, everyone else is kinda, like, sincere to see it. People taking photos of your masked face, I mean, mask off your face. I walk into the theater. I walked into the lobby with my dear friend, Esther, Zuckerberg. The great Esther, I passed away. Wearing all latex. Okay. And I walked up to -- Linkedin. -- I walked up to press check-in table. There's always -- Yeah. -- know, table where you check-in. Sure. And I walk in up and it's it's Lauren. Shout out, Lauren, a friend of mine. And I'm like, Lauren. Michael's Lauren, who LAUWLAUR. Yeah. Lauren. Oh, Lauren Mike Oh, Lauren. Mike Lauren. Yeah. Okay. And I'm like, hey, Lauren. And she's like, hey, David. Okay. I don't see you on the list, but I'll just write your name down. And I'm like, you know, and I'm like, Lauren works for Universal. I don't know what's going on here. And she's like, I need like, theater twelve. You know, it's in, like, a crappy theater. You know, like, not I I assumed it wasn't playing in IMAX and I was, like, and I and I walk away and I'm, like, wait, Lauren, you're not Matrix. Right? And she's like, sing two. Yeah. And I was like, just imagining a world where I'd go and sit down and I'm like, so excited for ages to sing two. Just Right. And I'm, like, I like, for what in my days You're right. From one screen to another. You missed the first two minutes. You never get over it. Anyway, and then I was, like, oh, that's fine. Either way. Hunted around and eventually -- Yeah. -- water brothers somewhere else. I'm very nervous. I was very excited for this movie. I had heard from some people at the junket screening that it was bad. Uh-huh. And I was kind of, like, encouraged by that in a way where I'm, like, oh, interested things. And you heard from some friends, like I heard from some people that it was good. Like, Emma had seen it. Even More specifically, I think you're gonna love it, David. And I'd heard from I talked to one person who was like, oh, yeah. It's great. You know? And then I was like, oh, yeah. You know, some people don't like it. And he was like, People don't like it. Like -- Yeah. -- with, like, someone who is so, like, into it, there was, like, oh, wait, it's not going over. We're, like, you know, like but and I was, like, okay. Let's also say, I feel like I spent more time tracking fan theories on this than you also say, I feel like I spent more time tracking fan theories on this than you did, like I fucking joined the Matrix subreddit and was reading everyone's breakdowns of what they thought the movie was gonna be. You were more trying to stay pure with this. Definitely. I rewatched trailer of essessively. I yeah. They really sit down. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And you and I, for the last four months, since that trailer came out? Text a lot just going like, do you have any idea what the fuck this movie is? Like, there was something thrilling to the fact that it was so hard to piece together what this film was even gonna be. Let's say, compared to something like no way home where both of us went and says, like, I think I know what the base I think, guys, first thing, I wouldn't Pretty much know what the last acts is going to even know what the last act's gonna be unique of. They've been trying to keep it under lock and key, and it's like, I think I can predict. I was sort of pleased by how little I knew by no way home. But anyway, but I knew that I could make guesses to my boss. Did he find a way home? Should we Not spoil spoil it? It's actually a really difficult answer. We're not useful. He kind of doesn't doesn't doesn't. Yeah. Anyway But my team would look at truly be like, I don't understand how this and that and what how does that all piece to get? What is this movie? What is the story? What's the vibe? It was exciting. I My big, it wasn't even a fear, but my big thought was like, this movie will probably not be too heavy on matrix lore, be too heavy on the big it wasn't even a my big thought was, like, this movie will probably not be too heavy on Matrix lore. Be too heavy on the sequels. Sure. It might try to reset to the cultural memory of first film. Well, because right. Like, not everyone is up to date with them. Mhmm. And because, like, you know, it seems to be more emotional, like, from the very little I'm getting, like and I'd heard from one person who'd seen it. Like, someone else had asked him, like, do I need to rewatch the sequels? And he like, no. We are still we know diabetes, isn't it? We know Murphy's. I knew that. That's true. That's true. true. But I was still kind of like, and then, so I watched this movie that had that somehow in my opinion is a very clever and aware take on revivals and, and sort of, you know, nostalgia and bringing things back is so exciting and deep and thrilling to a matrix nerd like me and how it delves into the lore expands very much addresses the sequels and like builds on I was still kinda, like and then so I watched this movie that had that somehow in my opinion is a very clever and aware, take on revival and then of, you know, nostalgia and bringing things back. Is so exciting and deep and thrilling to a matrix nerd like me in how it doves into the lore expands -- Yeah. -- very much addresses the sequels and, like, builds on them. Yeah. And like they, you know, certainly does not try and kinda like wipe those away or whatever. Absolutely not. Which it would have been very easy for them to Easy to do. With this premise. Very easy. And is a very kind of swoony, more sort of new late Wachowski kind of romance. You know, like, love conquers all. This movie is so of a piece with their last four films. More so. Very much so. not in a way where it feels like dramatically, insanely different from the matrix, but it does feel different. And let's say, I I I'm not trying to intellectualize this. I'm just saying the thing I've seen people say. Yeah. And to be clear, including very good friends of mine whose opinions I respect who I've had very civil conversations with about what we do or do not like about this movie. Right. Right. And a lot of them just say and I think this is beyond valid. I'm just missing the style of the first three major It's definitely This movie looks very different. It has a very different visual language. The action sequences, which we will talk about, are very different. Right? Definitely. The vibe of it, the tone of it, all of this sort of shit is more in line with the last three Wachowski projects, I would say. With Jupiter sending -- Jupiter. -- with cloud Atlas with Sensei in particular. I think this movie is very much of a piece with Sensei. And I think Sensei being some sort of not a final form, but like Lana has talked about this, and and to speak to the difference in style. Right? As you said, Matrix was sold on this incredibly dense persona. Forwarded to Storyboarded to The whole movie is figured out. They're executing what's in their minds eye with, like, hitchcockian precision. Right? Mhmm. The actors have to move within a centimeter, the timing of this and this and that. Sensei, which was shot by John Tal, Yeah. Who shot their last two movies? He shot their half of Cloud Atlas -- Mhmm. -- and Jupiter ascending. Speed racer was Tattersall. Mhmm. And before that Bill Pope. The great Bill Pope. The Great Bill Pope did their first four movies. Yeah. Very distinctive. Look, Bill Pope. He He did Elita. He did Shankh this year. He rules. He's Yeah. And he's kind of in the marble world. Regular guy and and -- Right. -- did the Spider Man movies or the sequels? But they have different or just collaborators now. Tantec versus doing the score and said, Don Davis, all this were shit. Mhmm. But she's talked about how and I think they've been moving more and more into this style. Since eight, they didn't do rehearsals. They didn't have blocking. Yep. They wanted to shoot it more documentary style. They wanted to give actors freedom and authorship over the scenes. She wanted to be surprised by things that were happening. Evolve things on the day. More collaborative in that sense with performance. Use more natural lighting. You know, as things become warmer and more glowing. Very cold. Off the cuff. Improvisational apparent. Like, you know, like, this is what I've been hearing. Like like, Jonathan Gref said, like, she was, like, You know what? Take your socks off. Yeah. I see you as a no socks guy. Like and that was, like, on set as they're starting to film. Like But, like, no storyboard. No No rehearsals. Very emotional is how she's putting it. Like, you know, very emotional meds. They don't even do blocking rehearsals. It's like actors show up. You have your thing. We haven't talked about this. I want to see what you I wanna see what have and let's roll. First stick, first glass. Graben, which for people who don't know, you show up on set, everyone's drinking their coffee, the actors have their script pages, you run through the thing like eight times while a bunch of different crew people go like, maybe I'd put the mic there and the lights here and this and that. And very often, you decide the next twenty shots you're gonna do in order based on what the actors and the director figure out. Right. Send people away, you do your makeup two hours later, you come back, you do everything as it was planned. Right? The evolution happens in that rehearsal process maybe. And then it's pretty fucking locked in because now we've set up equipment here and there. This was like, Let's just set this up where it's lit in the way, and this speaks to why the movie looks so different as well. Aside from the narrative reasons why it has a very different color palette, is a lot of natural lighting so that actors are not locked into. You have to stand here because the light's there. Or we can't move the camera this way because then you'll see this equipment. We want that sort of freedom Mhmm. -- which leads to very often you need more coverage. Yep. And that coverage is looser or Action in this movie is, I think almost getting a bad rap I don't think it's that bad. Like, it's kind of I don't know. Yeah. Like, I think it's of a piece with the film. That's sort of my big intake on it. Surebut I it is certainly not like the other Matrix movies. Even people don't like the Burley Brawl in the sequels. They don't like the Smith Neo fight, but those are cutting edge sequences. Those are like, let us push everything we've got to the absolute limit. And, you know, in the sequels, I would say, maybe they reach their limit and you can see the limits. Like, you know Highway Chase is the best sequence of the Well, that Highway Chase is incredible. That totally worked. But, like, you know, the Smith the fights and stuff. Like, where sometimes she'll like, okay, they were ninety five percent of the way there. And now I can in this shot of see it looks like But even for the things that don't hold nothing. Well, no, even for the things that don't hold up well, tech-wise in those two sequences or just over conceptualized or whatever, there is a precision and a clarity of action that I think, I think people are more critical of the action of this movie in a way I understand, because I fall into this as the movie feel No. Even for the things that don't hold up well tech wise in those two sequences or just over conceptualized or whatever, there is a precision and a a clarity of action that I think I think people are more critical of the action of this movie In a way I understand because I fall into this as well, the action is the weakest aspect of this film. Definitely. Inarguably. Yeah. And think part of that is there's Seraph a mild in difference from Lana. That's not Or whatever. It just it's just not the priority anymore to make really, really, like insane action or whatever. I don't know. Which The SQL's I was watching a matrix sequels I was watching Matrix revisited -- Sure. -- which was -- Oh. -- Matrix was the best song DVD of all time, and it was so successful. They put out another they put out another DVD that was essentially really just It was more special features. Yeah. Right. There's not a lot of special features on the original disc. yes, it's just it's like an in-depth it's like a feature length documentary about making the movie Correct. But but also them in the early stages of the sequels. And I was sort of bridging the gap of the excitement. Right. And so I was rewatching that, and it's like all this footage they kept from the early days of developing the first matrix, but you're also seeing the Ehrlich glimpses of them doing six months of stunt rehearsal. For two and three before they started filming. Which the the and he's fifty seven. You know, he does the John Wickes. So it's not like he's not doing that kind of shit anymore. It's a different type of action, but a hundred percent non martial arts. And he can't right. He can't do like, the shit they did, and you can rebuild a beer. Has this incredible PC reposted talking to Chad Stahlsky who makes the John Wickes. Who is Keanu stunt double, who plays Chad in this handsome chap. His credit is handsome chap. He is. And he's a handsome guy who talks talking about like how unusual it was at the time for a Hollywood movie to have individual combat, like as the center piece of your he's a handsome guy. Yeah. Who talk talking about, like, Howl's unusual it was at the time for Hollywood movie to have individual combat, like as the centerpiece of your action, like, you know, because, like, in the sports niggurist center in that era, it's more, like, punch, you know. Like, it it was not, like, a sports hand hand hand to hand pricey. Are not fighters in that way. No. I mean, because that's not their right. Right. And so, like but the work they had to fucking do, like, to get all that. That's what's wrong. You watch this revisited thing. It is crazy when you realize how much work they did for the first movie and for the sequels, it may be even It is crazy when you realize how much work they did for the first movie and for the sequels, it may be even doubled. Right? So not excusing I want some movie, but like things I think people should understand about how this movie ends up the way it does. Right. Mhmm. The actors are older. They don't have ping who more than games. The first three films working on this. Yep. Who knows if they tried to hire him and he said no or they didn't even reach out, it feels to me like just she didn't wanna make as much of a martial arts movie. Let's just know what this movie is. Right. Right. I also think this is the first film we've seen her do without Lilly. And Lilly was less involved in sense eight and not involved at all in season two. And this is very much of a piece of sense eight. And it's like some of those things that people are missing from the visual dynamic of this movie might have been more Lilly things. I don't know. That's pure conjecture on my part. This is the thing. But it's a different DP, John Toll, who then they filmed, like, six weeks, two months of this movie. In San Francisco, a lot of the exterior stuff, like the building, shit at the beginning the end of the movie, the Sumulante shit, whatever, and then COVID hits. And they shut down for like nine months you know, as long as, like, we might never finish this movie. I might just abandon I might just abandon that. Right. They come back. John Tall is not available. So the camera operator -- Mhmm. -- was brought to them on their last four or five films, but also Danielle Messe. Regular Ridley Scott collaborator, an incredible steadicam operator, a camera operator, becomes the de mess. I guess Oh, that's that's, Jessie, that's another like, another evolution in yeah. Right. And they're filming the film under difficult circumstances at a time where they weren't sure if they were going to be able to film it they're filming the film under difficult circumstances at a time where they weren't sure if they were gonna be able film it again. It's very hard to do those sorts of action sequences and stunt rehearsals and all that sort of shit. It's just this is the film we have. Right? Yeah. I'm satisfied. It's not trying to impress you with the Kung Fu or the cutting edge effects visual language of the fight sequences. I think it is understandable to be aggressively frustrated with that the movie isn't delivering on that level -- Mhmm. -- I think because other action has gotten so muddy -- Mhmm. We're lacking the sort of tactility of a Matrix fight even when it was CGI augmented -- Right. -- or at least the clarity, the visual precision of it. That people were like, fuck, yes. Here we go. Lon is coming Lana's coming back. She's gonna school everyone. She's gonna show them how it's done. So when a new matrix comes out and you're like, fuck, Shane, she kinda delivered better on that one front. Yeah. With Bill Pope, then matrix. Did I think that bombs people up, which makes sense, it, I think that bombs people out. Which makes sense? Whatever, man. That's fine. Makes sense. I I the action is but my defense of the action is it's maybe is what I said. It's kind of of a peace. Yeah. agree. You know, I don't I don't think it's like completely insane. It's like you you fall into this territory with this film. It's sort of we talked about this with a total recall when we did a review in series years ago of, like, oh, that there's a way in which that movie is critic proof because anything that's shitty or nonsensical in it, you can go, well, it's all in his head. It doesn't make any fucking sense. Right. And in the same way because this movie is so self entral about its own existence. You can go like, well, it's like the point is it's like the way modern reboots are. Right. Which I think part of the when people say that, like, are you taking crazy pills? How can you think this thing is How can you think this thing is good? They go, like, are you just excusing everything that's bad in this movie by saying, nobody's supposed to be bad on purpose, which we're not saying. I'm not, I'm not, people can think whatever they not. I'm not. People can think whatever they want. People can think whatever they want. That's the biggest I am the action works for I mean, the action works for me fine, but it's not incredible. The action is it's just bugs has some good action. There's some fun spots. Over the car is fun. Sequence is the best, which is the thing that's most directly emulating the style of the visual matrix. Right. I think the Smith bathroom fight's pretty decent in terms of hand hand combat. Yeah. But it's all, you know, it's more piecemeal. Not reinventing The the wheel. Really what I'm trying to say is that those all three really did kind of reinvent the wheel at some time. Those sequels may be a little less so, but they really were innovative in ways that people remember and don't remember. It's just maybe focusing on the other three wheels now. Hey man, the matrix man. The Resurrections. Let's talk about it. Howl's long feeling coming? About yeah. Over an hour. Okay. We gotta talk about the movie. Like like scene by scene. The cold cold open up the movie is Of course, I I set the code open for a reason. It's those green letters, the rainfall. Right? Yeah. It's the same as ever. Warner Brothers Village Roadshow, you know. You know, the theme you remember, the code dropping into Matrix comes up, much like a, you know, corpse being revived. Right? Like something rising from the grave. Is the first line of this movie? Literally, this feels familiar? Yeah. And it's it's, you know, we're seeing a call being true. It's it's it's it's how you open it. It's a new staging of the any scene, and then we get the reveal of this is Infinity. Who is this? Right. So you've got this great character, whose name is bugs, like the bunny. I mean Kind of the audience surrogate of movie. Yes. Especially in the first chunk. Or if I just got your your Sam Flynn. Right. Someone someone who's on the line. Of the matrix. You're Walter. At a text, Julie. Like, you know, is looking for Neo who is sort of reveres him blah blah blah played by Jessica Henwick. Ehrlich to be clear, by the three examples I just cited, is already its own trope now. It really has become such a trope. And this character is both fulfilling that and commenting on it. The same time. Do you like Jessica Henwick? I forky was, like, who? I know this who who I know this person and I was, like, right now. You watched every episode of Ironfish means. You didn't even like it, and you watched it. Cause she was in she was in that. I never watched Ironfish. I didn't either. I remember the cake being, like, she's the good one. Right. She's, like, you know, She was calling, was caught her wing. Right? She was a she was a excellent pilot in Force Awakens. Yeah. But she's not in the sequels. Because they didn't communicate to Range Johnson that she was so alive. You thought she had Right. And she's in fact in knives out too, which is funny. And she's been on the rocks, which I thought she was very good. That's the first time she stood out to me. You know, that is a movie that I know, that is a movie that I saw. Yeah. And I couldn't really tell you that she's She plays The woman. I Know who she who she plays. There's only five characters. I I by default. she has, like, a really good scene at the end of movie. And I was like, this person, this person kind of stands out and I looked up and I was like, oh, this is that action lady that everyone the movie. And I was, like, this person this person kinda stands out, and I looked up, and I was, like, this is that action lady that everyone likes. She's very She's that lady there once it was good on Ironfist who keeps on ending up on casting wishless. She was also a nIM. She was an Namira sand in Game of Thrones. She's one of the sand snakes. And those characters are are big in the books and were maybe the most sort of a graciously botched element of the show. They had this sort of vibe in the show where the show like, you could tell they were kinda, like, Yeah. We have to do them to some extent because we know they're important, but we really don't care. Like, so they would just kinda show up and be like, Weird. Sexy warriors. Yeah. See you later, you know, and then they all, like, die horrible. It's not everything. It felt very itself. She's in this zone where it's like she keeps on being, like, failed parts of nerd franchises. Everyone's like, but she's good. There has to be the right Jessica Henwick thing at some point. She's not rated this. They wanted her, I believe, to play the sister in Chongqing? They did. She was the first person. And this, both scripts are under and key in surebut. And both projects went. If you audition for one, you can't do the other. You could screen test for one or the other. Should pick this. But if you take the other, you're out of consideration and you're not even guaranteed the job. She picked this. Well, whatever she's perfect for she's perfect for This this movie. She rolls. And here are things I like about her. Her names You like That she's called bugs after the she's called bugs after the bunny. Yes. You like like that. Like the things you use to listen to people and also like the bonding. That's why she has some line like that. Yeah. There's also the scene where Neo Way up in the real world for the first time in this movie and he's being operated on the slab and she goes, what's up doc to the doctor? Great one million comedy points. I'm a big fan of bugs this fashion. I think the pants and the opening sequence rule? Glasses? Do you like your glasses? Wow. Right. Line in the middle. God bless it. Right? There's the line in the middle, like, of the bridge of the arms that extends in front of the lenses. Totally. Yeah. Great. I would say one of the standout characters as far as fashion. And this is another big thing. Is that I think part of what people were hoping for and a return to the matrix was like, man, the matrix is so fucking cool. These people are so steely and badass and unflappable and sexy and confident. And bugs is a lot more emotional, open, childlike, vulnerable than Matrix characters we've seen. Well, that's true. Bugs is yes. It's it's true. Is is a different And she kind of acknowledges that. And in this early scene, she sort of also acknowledges, like, jokingly, like, the silliness of the binary choice. Right. Of the which we'll get into. Already, this one. No. You're right. She's not like Trinity where Trinity is like fucking an icicle. Like Right. So cool. And, like, it's not that Carrie Ann Moss doesn't play the vulnerability. Like, she's afraid of the agency, you know, but still, like, she's just, like, the most badass. And bugs is jokey Aaron. They're not jokey in a wavin. No. bothered me at all. Like Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. I don't think this really ever ventured into they fly now. Territory. Yeah. You know, like, I I saw some complaints with some of the dialogue and I saw, like, maybe there's a moment or two where it gets surebut anyway, Look, I and I will talk around spoilers here for this other movie that we're not talking about today, but you and I were were text exchanging after no way home. And complaining about the fact that they they comedically deflate some of the legacy characters they bring back in a way that is very of a piece with the MCU and their sense of humor, which is we're gonna make the joke about the thing before you can. Sure. Right. Right. We're going to gonna deflate it. This thing that -- Marvel weaponized developed through Downey Junior's and Pros and Favreau and Weeden, and now, like, perfected to a point is, like, we're doing the mad magazine parody of ourselves while also doing the real movie. So you can't say that we're not in on the joke. And it feels very defensive and it is that even if I laugh at the joke when it happens, five seconds later very often, I go bad taste in my mouth. Mhmm. You sold out the integrity a little bit. Sure. Whereas I feel like the the community deflations that this movie does through to, like, Morpheus going, like, blah blah, and things like that. That's true. That's a yes. I don't I don't think to me do not read don't think, to me, do not read as, like Consulting or derivatory towards the original movies and the fan's experiences of them? I think it's more talking about the process of things getting repeated Over and over and over and over. Right. It's sort of like It depends it for me how do you possibly repeat something that is so painted into people's brains -- Right. -- without it feeling silly. Anyway. Bugs is that's why I love it. Just for watching this and going, this is wrong. That's the one that's seen a bunch of times. Essentially, what looks like, a kind of, like, fan made version of the Matrix. And your brain's brain's brain are all ready. Basically, surebut the actors are friend and, like, there's something a little while. But the fact that they're are they trying to use think this is same person. And she's saying, why would they use old code? Like, if they And you're like, why is she? She's seen this multiple times. Like, the logic of it is so confusing. And then what's this character's name? Who's, like, the new What's his name? Zeke? His name is Sequoia. They call him Zeke. They call him Zeke, which sort of sounds like Zeke, but it's Zeke, SEQ. Sure. That's why it might Toby on La Merle, who's who's the replacement for Amelab DMAM. Yeah. Right. And he's Capes, right, in in sensei. He is Like, so much one. Right. He's physically showing operator space. But because of the way the matrix has evolved, right, then he's not just on the phone. He can, like, digitally surebut of video conferencing. Improvement rules. I do think it's good. I think it's so cool. Right. I love her. Is finally He's in the in the game. I love original movies, but it is amazing when you watch them. Like, how how much of the footage in those sequences are cutting to either Marcus Chung or Harold tear or no, in a chair looking at screens going, like, holy shit. What? Are you okay? You know, like, doing it? It's it's kinda helpful to just sorta have them there. Oh, Yeah. Yeah. So he's there. It's it's cool. And it's it's fun. But it but this is, like, We are in your impact are in your impact to future part To territory where you're like, we're watching characters, watch the first movie and comment on it and try to change it or exist around territory where you're like, we're watching characters, watch the first movie, and comment on it, and try to change it, or exist around it. So we are in a modal is what we learn. They mention this, and this is one of my Is this the first time in pop up owner when they say the word modal to be gross? No. No. Surebut is this is, like, some fucking serif as a login screen shit. That looks absolutely. I was very excited about doing your computer logic. Right. Sort of computer logic for them. Yeah. So we're in a model -- Yeah. -- which as far as I know in programming, it's really just a term for, like, a window in window. Like it's just like a sort of program in a program, but they specifically have it mean Like, it's just like a sort of programming in a program. But they specifically have it mean here, like, this is like -- It's kind of a training sim for programs. Right. -- it's like a demo. Right? Right. It's like something where it has very limited parameters. It's really it seems to be sort of like a city block. Yeah. It's basically the first scene of matrix -- Right. -- although it's a little off. And you have a Trinity, and you have some agents, and you have some cops. No. All the agents we've seen have always been incredibly patrician looking. Sure. Right. Clean body a white suit. Is Yahya Abdulmatin the second who we know in this movie is not gonna be just playing an agent. Right. And you're just like agents don't look like that. Sure. They're always white. They always have the hair split to side. But if I didn't know that he was like, say, I'm walking in blind. might see that and be, like, sure. There could be a black agent. Who cares? Right? Like, you know, of course, he could, like, work twenty years out. His performance is already different. Energy is different as he's walking in. Do we need agent Smith? Even with saying minds. Yes. But there is something sort of arch about it. And you're like -- Mhmm. -- different than the arch that is part of the Diviguer style. I am locked in for me. I am watching this and I'm like, oh, Absolutely. I know what's going on. And you know, I watched this with my wife last night on you know, I watched this with my wife last night on HBO, and she was like, what the what what The fuck is going on. I also feel like so much of the marketing I'm so sorry. The marketing would have kind of centered the more fierce of it all, more than the bugs of it all, where bugs is kind of more he did movie. move previously because he's got the aesthetic that's very recognizably sort of dressed like Morpheus. And he's this, like, a new fucking rising Seraph. Dude fucking hot girls. I love surebut it's funny that he has this uncanny man in the same year -- Yeah. -- which are both the sort of legacies. Is he replacing the guy or is he playing a different version of guy. Mhmm. Sure. And he also with doctor Manhattan, of course. Whereas almost a similar thing where it's Yeah. No. It's Is he or is he the same I see a simulation or some locker room. Which is one of the many things this film is dealing with. But the mystery of The Morpheus has this fit in, why isn't it Lawrence Fishburn? Why is it a younger guy? Is that just some joke about the fact that they want to do the Michael B. Jordan movie. What is this? The film like reveals its hand like six minutes in. She gets in the room with him. That is now they're in the set as if you're on Warner Brothers studio slot. He pops her into the key Callback to my boy. I came back. I heard a band. I know you're a biker. That's a lot of bakers. Sorry. So I got one shout out at one point on the blank DOE texts or with the got a shout out at one point on the blank a dough tech star with the dough boys. Yeah. I think Mitch was talking about the reloaded or something. Someone brought up the key maker. Mitch did this thing where he was, like, I'm watching Matrix reloaded right now. I actually like this. I think it's pretty good. Right. And you were like, Mitch, do you know what you're saying? Right. I was like, don't get me started. Mean, wasn't about I was just because, like, do you guys like this? And then, there's just sort of some question about the key makers now. It's, like, key makers ever. Yep. Keymaker is basically a rootkit. I just sort texted them. Right. And then, like, twenty minutes later, Wireline was like, I crazy how he just said this is if anyone would know it. Explanation. You love to see the yeah. He goes 2016 The the whatever. Lock Smith, you know, empty. And he takes her into First, a white card or with doors, which we know in the matrix is basically, like, programming represented. Like, it's sort of, like, liminal state. It's like it's c -- Right. -- colon dash. Like, it's just sort of like the it's just sort of like, you know what I mean? It's good to hear you saying this shit again. It's just the the it's the desktop. It's the it's from where you can go anywhere else. Yeah. And they go into, yes, this set that is Thomas Anderson's room -- Right. -- is shitty -- Right. Studio apartment. I think it's part of the receptionist. For a Matrix Rise. Exactly. He's got his tag, his work tag from MediCore tag. She's like, this is this is the wrong -- Right. -- this is where NEEO is, like, born. Right. She's like, what's your fucking deal. Something weird is going deal? Something weird is going on. Things She explains that she when she was a blue pill. Her moment of awakening was she was being a window washer. I guess that was her job and she saw a neo. Jumping off a building. Now he was not in the form of Neil, but she made with him in the moment. Real thing. He's jumping. She -- Right. -- sees his true form. She sees Neo. Now, do you know the story about Lana? I know what story? I believe it was when she did. It was at the Glad Awards or something that when she won some trailblazer, like career award, it was one of the first times she sort of publicly spoke post transition because she had always been very secret Sure. Private light. And there have been rumors about her for long time, and she did this very emotional speech about why she felt like I need to come forward for my community to create an example for other kids who were like me. Right? I'm dealing with this group of gender dysphoria and all of that. And she said that when she was a very young child, she was suicidal. She had an experience or she was suicidal when she was about the age of twelve, and she had a plan to, I believe, jump off a building. Mhmm. And when she was walking to do that, She saw an old man and he locked eyes with her, and they stood there in silence looking at each other for, like, fifteen seconds. And something in that exchange stopped her from doing it. So that don't know if I found a moment. No. No. No. No. Surebut it's you're not. And he would never think about it, but that man saved my life. Right. And this is it's literally the thing she's replicating here. Which is fascinating because, of course, the idea is and, you know, I talked to Just the idea of being seen in that No. Keeps you alive. And but, no, but also, it's what jolts her out of her reverie. And and by the way, Lana has talked about, I think, one of the things that sort of triggered that suicide was that when she was at school and they would, like, divide people into lines of boys and girls that she would feelintentionally drawn to go to the Howl's and the people would call her out on it. And then this is all part of the the thing. Yeah. She sees him jump, but of course he doesn't She sees him surebut, of course, he doesn't jump. Like, this is the thing that she also perceives. Well, he tries to jump, but the program just freezes, and he is just frees up back to wherever they want him. And I feel like people, you know, cause jumping off a building is very crucial in the And -- Right. I feel like people you know, because jumping off a building is very crucial in the matrix. It is how you prove you have kind of woken up to the matrix. You know, like That's a jump rope. He jumps off and jumps and Howl's. So, like, he's not quite there yet. Blah blah blah. Anyway, and this movie is all about the fucking drum. A lot of drum. It builds to we're gonna actually take the lead. So that's bugs. And more fiercest thing, I guess, is he well, he lives in he bugs is talking about her awakening from the matric. Correct. He doesn't even live in the matric. He lives in this little he, like, talks about, like, I also realized, like, I live in a computer program. Right. I have my mirror I have my mirror moment. Right. But I'm a program. I understand that I'm a program. I've been positioned as an agent, but I see that my true destiny is I am more I'm more fierce and I have to find me. Which is sort of basically, like, his core programming of just doing Morpheus and Morpheus wants to find new. That's what he does. So fucking you're telling me that Morpheus has now a computer program who was an agent who recognizes I am the second coming of the guy who recognizes the second coming of the Messiah. And to be clear, what's happening is that Neo, who knows in some way that he's still stuck in a matrix? Is making amorphous to get him out because he knows, like, well, that's how I get out of my matrix. Morpheus finds me. Right. So maybe if I make amorphous, program one. Yep. He'll confine me. Like, you know, and it's, you know, it's half delusion. Half of all, but it's not clear either. Because I wanna say in my first viewing Yeah. -- I, at this point, up into the movie, have no idea what is going on. Yes. I don't know and I'm, like, I'm, like, And obviously, it's one of those sort of shocking cold open things the movies always do with, like, we'll catch up later, but here, you know, yeah, here's some action. I cannot parse what's happening because she is visiting -- Yes. -- the Matrix, but then a program in the Matrix. And not But it's not she's not even she's in, like, a program inside the Matrix. Yeah. So let's the second primary character we need has three identities upended within the span of one minute of dialogue, where he goes, I'm a program and an agent, and Morpheus. Right. And she gives him the red and blue pill. That's insane. She does the sort of, you know, what do you want? And Can I, this bar for one second to bring up Ben's I sidebar for one second? To bring up Ben's confusion, there's the thing I find very interesting about the first matrix and it's just sort of impeccable, undeniable power. Right? That, like, thirty minutes into this movie, where the first matrix, you forget how long it takes before they drop? Yeah. It's it's a it's a pretty slow build too. Right. You are a battery. Right. Yeah. It it took about half an hour before Romney turned to me and gave me the look and was like, am I? And I was like, you're not supposed to understand anything yet. Sure. And it's a very hard trick to pull off. To watch a movie like that, where you're engrossed and you're onboard despite the fact you have no idea what the fuck is going on, and the film takes about forty five minutes to explain itself you. This movie is doing the opposite, which is explaining a lot to you upfront and hoping you will eventually be able to process to you. This movie is doing the opposite, which is explaining a lot to you upfront and hoping you will eventually be able to process it all. Put it together. Yeah. Right. That's true. It does. And I am eagerly, like, cramming the info, it's giving me into my mouth, but some people are maybe, like, well, I didn't like, once I think it's very understandable to be sort of like -- Yep. What's the difference between this and the matrix? What's the difference between this matrix and old matrix? just can't see the walls. I can't see the parameters. I just fucking blue pill. That's why. Well, I I do take a blue pill every day by ever. So after this And and right to me, but I'm like, oh, I'm very intrigued her. I'm like, wait. Oh, you know, she gives the Yeah. And he there's this And he there's this again. And deflation of and if the are well, who fuck he gives us shit? The choice and illusion of this. It's important. Yeah. Interesting that Lana Wachowski wants to say. Like, perhaps a binary choice is a bit simplistic. Yeah. think it's funny on multiple levels this year. Especially when red pill has an idea has become this often. Right. Yeah. That we're getting through it. One of many things this movie is talking about. Yeah. But but as she says, like, look, when you're getting offered the Howl's, you probably already know what you want. You know, like, you know, at that at that point, it's really, like, you know, what's Neo gonna do be, like, yeah, I do feel like something's really wrong with the old, and I don't understand my place in it. But you know what? You know, like, I'm not I'm not gonna sign anymore documents here. I'm gonna go. I know We're about halfway in the movie, but I'm about halfway in the movie, but I'm good. Yeah. just plays out. Don't worry. Whatever. Ehrlich. Hello. Morpheus. Hey, is this NIO? It's NIO. Are you looking you're looking for Morpheus? Whoa. Howl's did you know that? I I just figured you'd said his just figured you'd set his name so that was sort of my big clue. Are you old Neo or are you just regular? Neo? I'm baby Neo. Oh your baby you're baby, Neil. Oh, you're so cute. Gaga, Google. Whoa. What's up up, baby. Neo, Neil? Baby. Neo neo hungry. Oh, of Oh, of course. Babies. You know, they get hungry and it's the new you know, they get hungry and it's the year. And it's time to focus on what's most important to you, which might be saving money by ordering, take out, learning to cook, prioritizing your it's time to focus on what's most important to you, which might be saving money by ordering less takeout, learning to cook, prioritizing your wellness. They may Baby NIO, know. Hello. Fresh is here to help with endless options to make cooking at is here to help with endless options to make cooking at home simple and enjoyable. Hell whoa. Fresh.Yeah. That's a good Yeah. That's a good Hello? Fresh delivers pre-portioned ingredients to your door, including farm-fresh produce that arrives within a HelloFresh delivers pre portion ingredients to your door, including farm fresh produce that arise within week. So you get convenience without skimping on a week. So you get convenience without skimping on quality. You can skip the trip to the grocery store, saving you the weight in long holiday lines and ensuring you don't waste money on food. food. Okay? It's cool. Huh? Hello. Whoa. Fresh. Both. Sounds like me saying whoa and how a baby would say both sounds like me saying, whoa, and how a baby would say Right? Because they tend to have the sort of the little, the whole transpose, the W's Right. Because they tend to have the sort of the little the little transposed, the right. 'm baby Neo Right? I'm baby Gaga. Gugu You are baby Gaga Guga. You are Neo. And I know that you love how Nio. And I know that you love how hello. Fresh is 72% cheaper than a restaurant is seventy two percent cheaper than restaurant meal, the same quality. You can save sixty five dollars month. On average, when you order HelloFresh instead of grocery shopping, that's more money to put towards those other 20, 22 goals of yours, a month on average when you order HelloFresh instead of grocery shopping. That's more money to put towards those other twenty twenty two goals of baby. Wow. Wow. When indeed baby Neo Indeed, baby hungry. I know you're Hungary. I know hungry. Look and it's holiday time and like it's you're hungry. Look, and it's holiday time and, like, it's difficult. You know, I'm running around difficult. You know, I'm I'm running around here. I've got a lot going on. So humble brag. It's very helpful to have HelloFresh to show up on my door and prepacking ingredients with a really good recipe I can follow and just get done. It's almost Like there's a program to her done. It's almost like there's a program follow. That is to follow. That is right. You can read code. Well, if you go to hellofresh.com/check 16 and use code check 16 for up to 16 free meals and three free the code. Well, if you go to hellofresh dot com slash check sixteen and use code check sixteen for up to sixteen free meals and three free gifts, That's pretty Right? It's America's number Right? It's America's one. Meal one meal kit. Whoa. Go to Howl's fresh dot com slash check. Sixteen, check sixteen, and use code check sixteen for up to sixteen free meals and three free gifts. baby. Neo get Baby Neil. ready. Get ready. Morpheus. Yeah. I don't know about surebut, you know, I'm sure he's around somewhere. So ten minutes in, we finally get to Thomas Anderson. right? So then you've had this one glimpse of Keanu in bugs is, then We've had this one glimpse of Kianu in bugs is memory. Now we're with Thomas Anderson. The first act of the movie is him. He is a computer programmer, computer game programmer. He's an off famous filled with Matrix memorabilia. He literally has the McFarlane action He's got the two hundred percent quids. He's got the The statue of the Smith getting punched, which I think was a crew gift that everyone had from this season. Game of the year award too. Right. You know? You're like, oh, cool. Okay, Newsy fucking nerd. Right. He's a Silicon Valley guy. He's living in San Francisco. Oh, beautiful. But he's in a office that's obsessed with his past. Sure. And he is the cultural shadow of the one thing he created. He's working on a new game called Binary, but he is the famous programmer of a trilogy game games called The Matrix. And it he feels like one of these guys yeah. III don't know if I can say specific example where it's like, Howl's someone who is so foundational to the creative firmament of this company or this property or whatever it they maybe kinda lost it and they haven't been able to replicate it and we keep them on payroll a out of respect and b out of the hope of what if they fucking figured it out again delivered another home Right? Right. But he's just sort of noodling on shit. Keanu, I feel like, is in this movie kind of playing sad Keanu meme. Right? Because John Wick has become this new gravitas version of Kianu, there's that period that everyone forgets about between, like, matrix sequels and John Wick. Mhmm. When he starts to dip out where, like, his prominent cultural role was a photo of him sitting on a bench eating a sandwich and being, like, what the fuck is up with this guy. He looks sad. Sad Kianu. Right. He says he was just hungry. He looks like bum. Yeah. He looks kinda like a bum. Yeah. But But also Kiano like had horribly tragic things happen to him in his life at that period of also Kianu, like, Had horribly tragic things happen to him in his life that period of time? What? Not then. When when what happened then? I mean, he is girlfriend that a long time. That was way before. It was after the Matrix sequels. Well, yeah. But no, that that photo is not that old. The sad game. I'm saying in the fifteen year span. Okay. Surebut he's hungry. I don't wanna project too much on that photo, because he has been very anti protection on a full ride. I was like, I was hungry. I'm just saying -- Yeah. -- there there is a tragicness to Kiana that I think this film is foregrounding. Right? there. He's playing very He's playing very broken. I I really like his performance. His performance in this film is Excellent. I think it's excellent. I say Especially in the first chunk where he has the most acting to do. And then, you know, then he's more, you know, I say this is someone who really feels like he has lost a substantial amount of identity in the last two years in isolation, on top of mental stability, and all of that. This performance really, really fucking resonated with me. His sort of un moored quality, and I do think You talked about the awakening aspect of the matrix. Right? Like, the this world feels wrong. See the strings, whatever. Yeah. Right. But so much of that and it's tied to the Wachowskis and their own journey of discovery and whatever is like, I feel wrong. I recognize that things around me feel weird, but it's like, there's a form I should be taking that I'm not yet. He's just playing it not to, like, dramatically. I get like, there's a little bit of humor to what he's doing. He's -- Right. -- got that thing reserved, like, overly medicated. And he's sort of in a bubble and he's a little foggy. Foggy. Right. And, like, everyone around him in movie is his child because there were a little bit treating like egg Shelly. Try to kill himself again. But also is kind of like is dialed to a also it's kind of like is dialed to a hundred. It's very crucial in this movie that the first act of the movie is and you really notice in a rewatch, very loud. Everything is loud. The dialogue, you know, people are chattering all the time. The energy of performance is very it also There's a lot of music. There's a lot of flashing lights, you know. A lot of colors. She she which asked me really wants that moment where Niobe is like, Remember this? Yeah. And it's quiet to really hit. And it really works in the theater in my opinion. I must so on it. I agree. Just it's really silence in the theater is so powerful because everyone's kinda like is she gonna say something you know, like everyone's kind of like hanging to see what she's gonna do anyway? But but when people you know, are disappointed that the movie doesn't look like the Matrix, doesn't have the green tent, the precision, all that sort of stuff, which is fair. It's a fucking rad aesthetic. I understand why to see that again. It's also part of the text of this film that it's like, the matrix has changed. Our notion of what computers could do an artificial intelligence and virtual reality and all that stuff used to be more clinical. Right? It used to be The internet used to enter second database. Right. In nineteen ninety nine, when the matrix is made, the Internet is like a resource more than anything. Like, to the extent that it has discourse, it's so tiny. And it's like little tiny communities of people who know how to be a lot. Oh, these concepts are banal now and so much of technology is trying to figure out ways to virtually replicate banalities in in so many ways. Right? You look at the fucking Zuckerberg metaverse video. And it's like, what he's pitching of, like, it met averse. You get to hang out in a rainbow place and you talk to each other. It's a way to virtually have a conversation through virtual avatars. It's no longer this sort of like badass fucking thing. The world of the first forty five minutes of this movie is very metaverse. Right? It's like it it it's very I really just think she's really trying to just talk about how it feels to be online right now, which is what what obviously, the big analyst monologue is about as well. And then brands having casual Twitter accounts where they're, like They're, like, go Yeah. -- you know. -- you put your whole pussy into this. Right. That's what the the fucking You know, double character feels like that. Brake all these Jude who is played by, I wanna because I didn't know that actor. Andrew Lewis called well. Okay. Do you know Do you know him? No. He was you know, he's he's doing what the movie wants, obviously, which is this sort of I guess he's most he's on a IZombie apparently. Okay. You know, but he's like, big. He's really big and he's also, like, kind of, like, a parody of not just a matrix fan. Surebut like a genre fan. Right? Where he's just, you know, but also kinda like, oh, I know. I know. I know. Too much. Too much. And also Yeah. That's kinda like this weird, self aware. A comic relief character that exists today who mostly existed to flake shit and be like What the fuck? Exactly. When he sticks out, he doesn't seem real. It doesn't seem like real fucking thing. None of feels real. None of it feels quite real. I love it, you know, it's different type of artificiality than we're used too. You know, you just have to feel wrong in a different way. I said this in my rearview, but nineteen ninety nine, you know, it's the idea of the end of history. Right? Where it's like, is it, like, over? Like, have you just there just won't it's pre nine eleven. It's sort of like, has America just kind of become what it is and we'll just kind of make money and have our jobs and nothing more is going going to happen. Like, we've kind of reached this peak. And then, of course, nine eleven happens and everything is completely different. But, like, there's this moment in the late nineties where that's the existential horror. Right? Fight club is about that. American beauty is about American beauty is about that. Like, you know, a lot of those movies from right around the matrix is very much about And this is Yeah. About a certain about a certain numbness, I do think it the fact that this movie, its premise, was born out of grief, is very important because I do think this movie is about depression in a lot a lot a lot of words. Whereas the first movie is sort of about identity right, and figuring out who you're supposed to be. It's about that, but it is about existential. Of course, despair. But, you know, there's a there's a numbness Like, this world is real. Like, you know what I mean? There's a numbness to Neil and Tom Anderson in this movie, both in the simulation as much things feel wrong. It's like, I don't know. Maybe I'm just dead inside now. Well, right. Neil, it's just kind of stop. It was like, what was the fucking point of any of this in the was like, what was the fucking point of any of this? In the first movie? Neo is like, there has to be more like, that's why I'm Neil, it's like there has to be more. Like, that's why I'm searching. Because, like, they they can't be it. Yeah. Right? And in this movie, he's like, well, I guess it wasn't that because they tell me that's me. Right. So I guess I'll just fucking you know. And he's, I love he's I love his success. Like, in the first movie, he's a little, you know, cog in a machine. Right? He's just, like, he's a little he's Gilbert. He's he goes to his cubicle and his bosky accent. Howl's. Right. But, no, but I'm thinking this would it. Oh oh, interesting news. He's not a cock. He's the fucking king of the world that everyone's waiting on him, and he's just kinda, like, I I don't enjoy this at all. No, Anna. What's your position when people are going, what's the new matrix? And it's just like, I don't know what the fuck to do with myself. He kinda gets what Joey Pence's character wants. Yeah. He that's the Yeah. A lot of people had theories on that of, like, is he now, like, you know, mister Regan? Like, is he literally what Joe, you know, Cipher was asking for, like, he got inserted in it. Oh, because you wanna be rich and famous. I wanna be I wanna be someone important. Like an actor. But I don't remember anything. And I don't want him and I don't want him to this. And obviously he eats a steak fucking steak shot, you know, it's all, I feel like it's all basically just sort of obviously, he eats a steak. I was gonna say, you have a fucking steak shot. You know, they they it's all I feel like it's all basically just sort of Resurrections. It's not, like, supposed you know, that white rabbit's sequence rules. I think the remix of the song, it's so fucking effective. Being with the song is so clever where it's like it's using the original song. Right. But then it has those things where instead of hitting the chorus, it just kind of stops for a minute and good just sort of repeats you know, and the the the sound Seraph, the vocal stop for a second, and you're just like, geez, fucking. Stuck on a treadmill. Like, he is still depression. This is never ending. Yeah. It's but it's a specific kind of depression where the world is loud rather than quiet, It's but it's a specific kind of depression where the world is loud rather than quiet. Right? Or, like The world is bright and assertive rather than a dead. Look, That is how I felt in isolation being alone, quiet in the apartment and feeling like the entire world was screaming at me, not me in particular, but the entire world was screaming, which it was in so many is how I felt in isolation. Being alone quiet apartment and feeling like the entire world was screaming at me? Not me in particular, but the entire world was screaming, which it was. It's so many ways. Is very loud. The Internet is loud. Yeah. The state of the world is loud. And even just there was a thing that was a recurring problem I had in the worst of lockdown when I was not seeing anybody leaving my Howl's, I was not really socializing outside of doing fucking live streams and podcast episodes. Otherwise I would never even speak out loud most Otherwise, I would never even speak out loud most days. Right? Mhmm. I was sort of stuck in this rut of, like, this montage of what you're seeing him do the routine teams where it's like, how do I change up my day? I make fucking coffee? You know, I take a shit. And then the repetition of the pills over and over again -- Mhmm. -- I had a problem at the worst the peak of, you know, twelve months into lockdown or whatever. Where my medication I take nightly for depression and anxiety, I could never remember whether or not I had taken the pills already. Yeah. The old Did I wash my hair today or not? The old of, yeah, that weird feeling of, like I have it in my nightstand next to my bed. I get in the bed. And he'd be like, did I do yet? Or Did I just do this? Did I just do this this is this is familiar? I did not remember if I had done it thirty seconds ago or if I was replaying a memory from the night before. Because you're just doing the same shit every day. So this will be starting to hit me really hard at this point. Like, I'm just like, fuck. This is speaking to the way I've been feeling for the last two years, this atrophy of this character, who's in a position where it's like, look, I mean, a tremendous amount of privilege. I can't say my life sucks so That's what I think is so lever. Nothing long. Nothing long. Star Right. Is, like, everyone's fawning all over him and he's just sort of like, I feel dead inside. And everyone's like, look, if you have a next thing, come up with it. If not, do whatever you want. And he keeps on noodling. You talk about how he creates the modal because he's hoping that Morpheus will come and speak to him. I also read it. don't think these are mutually exclusive things as much like Lana being just driven in her grief to go back to those characters. Mhmm. He was like, I want Morpheus kicking around somewhere. Yep. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Those were the good old days. Like, the yeah. Me and Morpheus. Like, that's when we were figuring stuff out. That's when there were growth, when there was progress, when there was some self discovery. That he just created Morpheus as fictional character. It's like, look, I probably shouldn't make a fourth game. That's, like, fucking with my legacy. But it'd be nice to just have a program running on my computer where I can look in the sets there and that you have that opening sequence and Morpheus is there doing this thing. It's it's the memory palace of, like, Fuck right. This is why nostalgia exists. We talk a lot about it being a poison especially as we're recycling the same pop culture over and over again. But there clearly is some value to it. If we use it deliberately in these things that stick to us so much that we cannot give up, there has to be power in returning to these If we use it deliberately in these things that stick to us so much that we cannot give up, There has to be power in returning to these characters. We can't just redo the same sequence over and over again. Mhmm. But if something has been able to last for twenty five years and it's a thing you can turn to that gives you joy or comfort or clarity on your own sense of existence, that is it cheap to go back to that? And I say, no if you're doing something new. At the same time, right in all this that we're talking about. There is a scene where he is summoned to talk to his boss. The the the money man who was played by Jonathan Gref, who is Smith -- Yes. -- and who very it's right right at start of the movie has this line of like, well, Warner Bros. Our our parent company is demanding we make a fourth matrix and they'll do it without us. I know you said you were done after the trilogy. Right. And they might the sort of specificness of, like, they can do it without us and he was like, I thought that wasn't possible. And he's like, well, I was like, you know, you know, I've read many texts from people who tap out at that exact Yeah. Because they're like, the movie is telling me that it shouldn't exist and that they're being forced to make this movie a gunpoint. Truly Now I am like, where am I I am like -- Yeah. -- where am I again? Where am I? Mhmm. Who is Neo? He I knew him to have died. Yeah. Now he's back, but what is this reality? Again, I have no I cannot figure out where the fuck I am. Right. The movie is, like, very much, like, throwing a cold bath on you with this stuff and, like, I whereas I was just, like, that's so funny one that it's in the movie. It's fun that Warner Brothers is like, yes, whatever. Fucking throw us some of the bus cares. But two, that, like, that's like, you know, Smith Smith so Smith is part of Neo, I get you know, we we have to talk we'll talk about it. So complicated. And Smith is the person that people ask me the most questions about having seen the movie where they're like, I don't understand his role and, you know. But like, he's Neo's bad side. He's near his most fatalistic, most cold eyed, most cynical side in this movie. Right? So, like, when he's saying this stuff, he's not saying that is the thesis of the movie. No. But he's certainly expressing the, like, look, there's a bit of a rock in a hard place situation here. Do you want to make another matrix or do you want, you know, faceless executives to make Do you wanna make another matrix or do you want, you know, faceless executives to make it. Well, I think there's another thing going on David -- Go ahead. -- which is agent Smith has now been reborn in the body of the studio executive. Right. The executive. I wouldn't even say studio because he's also really giving, like, tech bro. Like, you know, right? Like, he's, like, where is Smith in nineteen ninety nine performance? Yeah. He's a g man. Obviously, he's the you know, this guy in a suit who's supposed to look synonymous with sunglasses. And now it's, like, right, to shoes no socks, kinda simpering, kind of corporate speak, you know, all that. A personality, though, too. Lots of but, like, a personality that kinda puts you on edge for you. Like, is this guy like a total phony, like, wait, does he care about anything that's like, is this guy? A total phony? Like, wait, does he care about anything And that's performance? I think an incredible showmance I think an incredible performance. Textually. Right? And you get to this point later in the movie where Smith keeps on talking about, like, how inextricably tied they are. Right. Right? That it like, they used to think that they were rivals and exist not positioned to each other. And in fact, they need each other to balance out. It's like this ying ying thing, as you said, it sort of shadow self whatever. I I think this character, the use of it, all of that that is it stated literally and directly Mhmm. -- is a supplement. Compared someone like Royalton in SpeedRacer. Yep. Who is the evil money man saying you have to race this way? You gotta do it this way. And if you don't, I'll crush you. I will you I will mount the forces of capitalism. That is the Jivey they make right after getting to make two hugely expensive sequels where they get away with everything. Listen to our speed rage servers over because, of that movie ends with them being, like, Art can triumph over commerce. Of course, the movie wasn't Yeah. And and she's you know, always talked about interviews, like, one of the reasons she stepped away and it seemed like they maybe neither of them would ever make a movie again was, like, I got so tired with the business aspect of the thing, with the executives, with answering to all these questions and all this sort of shit. She is a filmmaker who, aside from her first movie, has gotten to traffic in incredible budgets. Absolutely. Right. Almost every scale. I'm telling stories that are this expansive that I'm asking to be putting thousands of screens and all of that. And I do think this movie is reckoning with, I want you know, I think of myself as this pressure sensitive artist, but I've also chosen a medium that requires a tremendous amount of capital support and a lot people. Mhmm. And I am forever beholding to these people. There's always gonna be I used to think of Smith as a binary villain. Right. And now I realized he's part of the balance of me getting to do this thing I wanted to do. Right. I I just I I can think of this guy as the impediment to my creative unfiltered brilliance. But it's like doesn't matter. It doesn't happen. Never going away. Never going away. You're not you're not you're not you're right. right. You're never going to be able You're never gonna be able to. Yeah. No. I have to I have to learn how to create some sort of balance in a work relationship with this person. Otherwise, it's not gonna happen. And the changing of Smith to a creative executive, but also Smith to less of a literal villain and more of an uneasy ally -- Mhmm. -- is so telling. I agree with that now I agree with that. Now, text truly. Yes. Do think it is the most com because Smith has always been the most complicated element of the matrix if you dig into it. And I guess I can get more into this in the commentaries. like, This thing I I found re watching the first movie, seeing in the theater for the first time being able to give it more focus recently. I I saw it in theaters in 1999, after buying a ticket to she's all saw it in theaters in nineteen ninety nine after playing a ticket to choose all that. I bought a ticket to ten things I hit about you, and then I saw ten things I hit about you. And I said, why would I see that gun movie? Right. But Look, I I knew it before, but it hit me so much harder is this idea that it's like, Smith as a program is this aberration. For some reason, he's developing his own in her a lot of thoughts around thoughts and his distaste of humanity. He has a personality that should not have developed. He's not supposed to be so angry. It's like an era. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right? All of that's complicated. We should acknowledge The original plan was for this to be Hugo, what do you think? Well, the way this movie works, you can absolutely see the original actors playing both roles. Surebut it doesn't really matter that much to have new actors play the roles and it's in some ways kind of exciting. Yeah. I, I, part of me wonders if I would have preferred the version with Hugo weaving, I think what Jonathan Groff is doing is I part of me wonders if I would have preferred version with Hugo weaving. I think what Jonathan Gref is doing is surebut, but I think the rush of much like seeing Tom Sanderson being like, what's going on here? Why is Neo acting like this? To see Hugo weaving look different, have such a different vibe and be like, well, you know, Warner Brothers, like playing Hollywood asphalt would have given such an uneasy Howl's. I love Hugo weaving Yeah. And I would love to see Hugo weaving in this movie. It's now come out in interviews with, like, James Motig and some of the other people who worked on the movie. Mitchell did an interview recently that that that was the the plan as written because I wasn't sure if they're seeing it, like, was I knew Giggo weaving was in talks, and then there was a scheduling problem, and then he's not in it now. I was like, was he gonna play him at some state? Or some full He was just gonna play this The original idea was he was gonna be Smith the whole time? Yeah. Yeah. He was just gonna be Smith. Yeah. I'm sure it'd be great. He was in a play. think COVID really messed with too. Yes. Anyway, he's not in it. I think Graf is fantastic. And I think as part of the twenty years on plus -- Mhmm. -- you know, like, let's consider the Internet in the experience of being online now. I think Gref is a great Gref and Neil Petriquez are both great expressions of those feelings. I think they're great. You know, we're seeing the shots of the original movie in the cut. And I feel like especially that's what they're introducing. They're I mean, they're hammering it over your head that this is a myth. Right? And it's different accent. It's just c. First, his opening line is him saying Hugo Weaver's line intercut. They do not hide for one second that he is Smith. He is Smith to the extent that people are like, wait, does he Smith this movie? Is is there a sort of a double reverse here, like Much like the more obvious reveal. Why are they telling me so much more than I can even process right out of the game? What's going on? But, like, just to talk with Smith for a second. Yep. As you say in the first movie, he is the villain but there is this sort of armed to current of, like, why is he more emotional about this? And why none of the other program characters are emotional at all? Why isn't and he has the monologue where he takes off his earpiece and he takes, like, your heart disease, your cancer. You know? And then he's destroyed. And then the idea in the second and third movies is he's no longer an agent. He cannot move through programs. So he can't, you know, copy himself into people. Right? But he now has this new thing where he spreads like a virus. He's liberated. He's -- Mhmm. -- he's his own thing. And I have always struggled so much with the idea. Because, like, the whole reason that me you know, gets to pull off. His grand truce at the end of Resurrections is that Smith has taken over the matrix. Mhmm. And so Neil can go in there and deal with Smith. In return. You're gonna you're gonna be peaceful. We're gonna stop the war. Sure. No. That's the deal he makes with the machines. And the idea is like Neo, is the sixth Ehrlich, it's a thing that happens over and over again. It's built in. There'll be a one. He'll hit the end of program. Howl's see the architect. The architect will be like, you gotta go back to the beginning. You're gonna rebuild Zane. You know? And then he's always like, okay. don't want he man. He did a nice job. I'll do that. Right? And instead, of course, Neo picks Trinity. And that's why the movie continues rather than ends. Right? Yes. Everyone's on board with this. Right? Right. This is yeah. Yeah. So I guess that's like it I was always like, why is there Smith? Is that part of it? Like, is there always gonna be like a sort of villain agent in this movie Or in the sequels or in the equals from In the matrix. Yeah. Like, you know, why why does Smith become so powerful? And I But here no. You said what you wanna say? And then I have my answer. And, like, you know, part of it is just, like, well, these movies, especially the sequels, aren't as much about. Like, they are giving you hints that programs are evolving in weird ways too. It's not just that the one is behaving differently. Yeah. Programs are doing weird things. These two programs made child for no reason. Sure. Like, you know, like, you know, there's all kind of you. Yeah. Smith yeah, he he's he's angry and he's weird. Like, you know, he we don't know why he behaves this way. He's a, he's a glitch He's a he's a glitch too. There's all this glitch you can going on. So, like, That's why he's so tied to Neo. Right? Like, as Neo behaves unusually, Smith behaves unusually That's all. He's the one of programs in a weird way. Yes. He's the the aberration. And always freaked out because I was always like, if they're remaining ones, why is there never or why are we never hearing about other Smiths? But I think the idea is partly just, like, Well, even if that was a thing. Yeah. Neo or sorry. The one hitting the end of the program, meaning architect rebooting it, would just solve that problem. So it wouldn't be a thing. And instead, neo not solving that problem, he proliferates and it becomes a So so here's my take, David. Yeah. Mhmm. And III didn't know you had all this frustration. No. It's not frustration. It's just like David is now furiously rubbering. He's not the way that Nio does in this movie when he's talking to his therapist. Yes. Right. Well, it was though I feel like in those sequence, like, the therapist is trying to do the thing of, like, you're in you're real. You're yeah. Like, like, try to, you know. But David is truly doing those hand gestures on anyone. Just like, I'll talk to you about your tenth of it all. And this speaks to this movie. As much as the first three matrices were and especially because the Wachowskis, it barely did press, didn't explain themselves. Made themselves elusive, made this mythology so dense and so cool and all of this shit. Right? Mhmm. That, like, you're sitting there trying to connect the pieces of, like, YYY. And I always interpreted the Smith thing as, like, Well, we could just have a new agent, we could have a new villain, we could have some other program act this way, so we don't have to explain why this one is so special. Mhmm. man, look at that performance that guy given the first movie. He's stupid not to do that again. Sure. And so much like the fucking sentinels reviving Trinity a neo. It's like, I guess we have to figure out why it's still the same guy from the first movie. Yeah. Because the public wants this guy. Yeah. It's right. I mean, the analysts take us certainly. right? You could have hired anyone else to play any other companies. New weird age who has his own power and not have to deal with the why he would to how it coincides with the first movie. Yeah. But it is that thing of at some point, you are Somewhat beholden to the demands of not just what the people controlling the purse strings want, but what the public wants. Text drooling. Yes. The way Smith puts it is like, I'm like, he's like chain around Neo. Mhmm. And he doesn't know either. Like, Smith does not know that he is agent Smith until that moment where he sees the gun and he reawakens and he says, mister you know, like, that that's the before then, he is as locked into this as Neo. And look, I love the movie. Yeah. And I like all its tonal goofiness. think it was maybe a mistake to have an unbroken four minute sequence where Smith sings fleet would max the chain to Neo. Should've well, he should've done that. So -- Yeah. -- at the end of this first act, Neo is liberated. First, there's sort of a a board of effort where Morpheus tries to do the red pill, blue pill, in a bathroom. Like, I know what he's like. On the first forty minutes a surebut No. We're not. We're just moved. You also have the the Trinity meeting in the coffee shop. That's true. We should, of course, ignore. Right? Trinity's there. She's called Tiffany. Yeah. It's a little joke about that. Tiff files. I don't know if anyone picked up on that dot TIF files dot TIF is like the artwork, like that's know because that's what, when she says later in the movie, the analyst, Tiffany he's like, it was a private don't know if anyone picked up on that. Dot Tiff files. Dot Tiff is, like, yeah, the artwork. Like -- Yeah. -- that's what because that's what when she says later in the movie analyst, Tiffany is, like, it was a private joke. Like, it's a joke about, you know -- Yeah. -- Tiff files. But also she says her parents, Rodri Heperin fans. Yeah. Tiffany breakfast itself. Also, just it sounds like we're trying to be. There's there's there's Tim Trinity, Tiffany, he knows. He like, he feels connected to her, but she's this married woman who he doesn't even know. Like, what's going on? You know? Feels at a meet. She also is, like, playing, you know, Kerri Masa's so good in this movie. And she's very good at playing the kind of like half aware, half like and she's very good at playing the kind of, like, half aware, half, like, confused. So, like, I do know you. This is a genuine criticism I have of the movie. I'm one of the few. Okay? I don't know how they solve this based on the way the story is structured. I do think is possibly the movie's detriment that she isn't in the middle hour pretty much at all. Because she's so fucking goodness. She's great. And the two of them together on screen is so good. It just has that feeling of just like, fuck, here are two people who clearly have a lot of respect for each other, a lot of love have spent, have been in the trenches together have gone through so much, have aged into this kind of very easy effortless graphitas on screen. Mhmm. And yeah. I don't know. Just from the first scene there. III just feel a charge of putting the two of them together, which is a thing this movie is talking about. right. Is if we put these two pods next to each other electricity, is. If we put these two pods next to each other, electricity is -- It's like eight. -- they're like magnets. Like, if you put them both together, they'll just they're snapped together. So you have to keep them attention. Keep that tension going. I mean, he call he refers to it as something else. Right? He has a different metaphor, but it's the same idea. Right. He sings fleet with back swinging his tusks. No. Fuck. No. I have to remember what they're like a tusks. Oh, okay. While you're looking that up one little thing, I noticed on my rewatch, last night was the little, like, moments of the reflections where you're seeing -- Mhmm. -- that both you know, that Tiffany and Neil have different stripes. They have different appearance. This is a very physical world. Inflections on the Which are fun just little Right. And those reflect You're saying a cute little thing are played by Neo's reflection is played by Carrie Ann Moss's real husband. And Tiffany Trinity's reflection is played by James McTig, who's the first assistant directors. What's the director of Vifra and Data? Right. You know, mid What you just call it? Right. So which is, you know Yes. You never get a full body shot in that kind of way. You're not doing the, like, having can wait of wonder woman nineteen thing where you cut back and forth between the two actors. It's always these sort of glimpses. Just your Refinitas. He looks different. it. I see them see them at at little moments. And also, this movie is just fucking all in on mirrors for obvious reason. It doubles down on the Ehrlich in Wonderland. Yeah. Thanks. Obviously, Right. are crucial activities. Mirrors become the transportation system in a way fully replacing phones of the Right. They they are no longer going to hard lines. They have to go through mirrors. Howl's, they call them. But shit's all there in the original trilogy, but this Obviously, the original shows, he the mirror shot is but they It's not it. All of that That's sad stuff is there. Here, it's just overwhelming. Yeah. But yeah. So Morpheus attempts, but you know, he's still getting used to the So Morpheus attempts. But, you know, he's still getting used to the role. Well, the other thing is just we've had this Christina Richey with the best agent in Hollywood getting very high billing. I assume that stuff was Cut cut this montage of of as we said, like It's very funny montage of them focused grouping the matrix. Quantify what What do I like is it the action? Is it the what WTFness? Nez? Is it that it was so Is it that it was so different? Is it that it was, you know, yeah. Which speaks to these things where it's like, you can't replicate these things. After hours. As much as you can talk about the decision making process that went into making the first thing work, it's hard to synthesize it. I like the one guy in the group who's like, I never liked it. I thought it was shitty. Right. There's that one guy who's just like, I just want action. Oh, and the repeating them repeating the same dialogue and they're like, that guy, he was wearing, like, the goofiest hats. You know, like, he goes through three different alga challenges. It's just so disconcerting. It's disconcerting, but I feel like it's also, like, it's just the the feeling of being having the same conversations. Yeah. So, you know, over and over, year after year, day after day, whatever. Right? Like, it's sort of like, I don't know about a lot of which housekeeping. She's been in a lot of pitch meetings over, like, okay. But Could Matrix four be, you know, like, and it's just kinda always the same one. But I also what do we love about the first one? Well, the time we love what, you know. I also have to an internal monologue thing of, like, how do I go back to them? How is there another one of there another one of these? How do we how do we make it different? How do I need to wanna bullet time? Or do I need to do bullet time Or do I need to do bullet time again? Or do I have to run away from both impulses? Freeman ADJAMON, of course, is one of the people in this program. One of, like, eight sunset A lot of sunset cast members in this movie. We love to see them. Yeah. And, of course, there are also these scenes with Neil Patrick Harris as Neo's blue glasses frame wearing psychiatrist, the analyst who is very much like, look, you're just You're not crazy, but you're projecting blah blah blah, you know, all that stuff. There's something to in terms of just the difference of vibe of what this new matrix is like that Smith and the analyst, The two main protagonists in this film -- Mhmm. -- are both played by openly gay men in Hollywood. Mhmm. Who are pretty traditionally handsome -- Yeah. Yeah. -- and have yet overabundance of a Broadway experience. Very much. So so. Yep. Or, like, great singers can be, like, very clean all ages entertainer performers. You know, that it's just it's an interesting energy that they're bringing versus, like, someone like Hugo weaving. Absolutely. Either we can, of course, can do anything. There's a softness to both of them. That that they both are certainly very capable of adding menace to that. This is the whole thing with Neil Patrick Harris as much as he, you know, he's I think he's very good in this movie like using what people don't like about him or what people find off, you know -- Yes. -- putting about him as, like, a weapon. Like, which I also think he does very well in Gong because, like, I mean, it's he's a good actor. Like, I I think the movie is consciously using the fact that these are, like, two incredibly woke, likable progressive guys. And being like, is there something too clean about these guys. Like, is it upsetting how cute and adorable and lovable they are? So Morpheus comes to There's a failed you know, wake up Neo moment. We're right. Morpheus, it's just too loose. He's still getting used to it. He he can't even dress properly for the matrix. He's like so freed up in the fact that he's like, I don't have to be a Smith anymore. Right now, really bright clothes, He's wearing really bright clothes. As as Ben would say, he's throwing fits. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. And and and he's too loose. He's stepping out of a bathroom stall, and he's trying to do Morpheus dialogue, and then he's like, yeah. Too much. Right? So that doesn't work. There's this big shootout. That's where Smith wakes up in the He's going so well. He's really funny. Really funny. Like, really funny it being offered the pills and being, like, having the reaction of, like, I can't be doing this to myself again. You know, of course, what his fear is? It's like, oh God, I'm slipping into the, the matrix is real reverie It's like, oh god. I'm slipping into the the Matrix' real -- Gavory again. Like, you know He has a look when Smith is pointing the gun to his head, that looks like a dog that's confused. Yeah. Right. Where it's not even like he's afraid for his life, more than wants him. He's just genuinely kind of like perplexed by everything going on around him. And then you have the sequence. A thing that I think this film visualizes really well. And it doesn't do an incredibly complicated way. But I've talked about this before in the podcast. One of the side effects at the most stream of my states of anxiety or depression, things have struggled with my entire life, is I can have this associative episode where your sense of, like, time and personhood and your existence within your own body essentially, like, I would describe as my brain push the eject button. And I have a hard time differentiating between, like, what is in my head and what's actually happening? I need to just, like, lie down, close my eyes and listen music -- Mhmm. -- until I feel placed again. And the transition between the gunfight into just now he's in the therapist's office -- Sure. -- is really clever. Very often what that feels like for me. Right. Where it's like I I have the moment before I can start to feel my brain getting loose And then there's the moment where I feel like things have settled. And the stuff in between, I'm like, I don't totally know if that happened or not. And that's the trick they're pulling. The the it's like, yes, they're doing the matrix thing of, like, you see the cat deja vu. They're actually just reworking the programming. And they're just like, okay, fucking shut it they're just, like, okay. Fucking shut it down. Put them in the analyst's Put him in the analyst office. We're gonna reset his brain a little bit. I also just wanna say. Sorry? Go ahead. The the bullet time quote unquote in this movie, which people are like, doesn't look cool anymore. The bullet time really, really fucking feels like Howl's it feels in the present when I'm having a dissociative. think both times looks cool. But we'll talk about it. Where it's like I know what you're saying. I hear what you're saying. Yeah. Anyway, shit. I I lost my trailer. It's okay. So anyway, so he but he whatever. He reset back to the room. Things are going wrong. Never mind. Whatever. Right. And then he gets re how do they even get him out in end? Like oh, well, he's he's gonna go throw himself off a building again. Right? And that's where bugs makes Plug's gets a bunch of Okay. up. Morpheus is how we found is how we found you, but maybe Morpheus is not ready for prime time for Right. Right. So bugs bugs is the one she has the white rabbit on her arm. Mhmm. She's making the appeal of, like, you spoke to me, and amita, unknowingly, you woke me up. You know, come on. You know you know this isn't gonna work, like, in your heart hearts. Like, you know that just fucking getting drunk and jumping off a building. You know this that they're not gonna let you that. They're just gonna put you right back on the trend. Also, Lana is wrestling with bad fandom and the amount of people who have misinterpreted her film. Right? Especially as time goes on. And even just a month after matrix came out, everyone was blaming columbine on the matrix. Down to today, the red pill movement. All these fucking things that were out of control. I saw someone tweet and I'm sorry, I'm not giving them credit here because I forgot who it surebut, Lana Wachowski made the matrix. Everyone's been misinterpreting it for twenty five years, and she has decided to not be subtle at all since then. Right. When people talk about her movies being too loud or blunt or obvious or earnest or goofy or whatever, it's just like, I think there's this fear don't wanna be misinterpreted ever again. Mhmm. Because people keep on turning the matrix to I wanna yell at the camera what I'm thinking. Absolutely. Surebut think bugs is this antidote to that where she's like, I know you're worried about what this thing you made is. And what it caused and whether it's worth going back to that or not? I'm someone whose life you genuinely saved and it spoke to me and I understood it. Right. And doesn't that counter And doesn't that counter way. The thing a little bit, isn't it worth saying what you want to the thing a little bit? Isn't it worth saying what you wanna say if even one person can actually be positively affected by it? Because you can't control the other people out there who are gonna fucking do whatever they do. Right. And it's this other thing I love about the movie, which is when Neil wakes up and he's just like, I solved the whole matrix thing. What the fuck is this? Oh, sure. Well, what he feels like Don't know if this was worth it, and she's like, everything changed and also it didn't. It's both at the same time. I guess so. Everything did change though. He's He's wrong. He is wrong. He feels emotionally that nothing has changed because the world looks the same thing. But he's wrong. Everything did. But this is the point. Everything's changes and nothing changes at the same time. Okay. So now can you take it in the world? In our real world, I think that is often I understand. What you're saying to deepen the matrix to, to agree And I'm I'm too deep on the matrix to to agree with you. But So now, can you talk about is it symbiance? What are they referred to the robot races? That's what they call it. Yeah. But they're they're machines. The machines. But they don't wanna be called that anymore because, I guess -- That's it. -- baby. Right. And this whole idea of the two men So Right. Right. Where it's, like, Okay. In the old days, there was the machine city and there was the, you know, the free human -- Right. Right. right. And now there are still kind of two And now there are still kind of two sides. It seems it was more just sort of you know, a pro matrix and anti matrix and, like, so now, machines Right. -- are living with humans. Programs have figured out how to live in the real world by turning into ball bearing people. Oh, yeah. Binary was one has to Flesh versus metal, you know. Right? Yeah. Yeah. We have to exist in opposition to each have to exist in opposition to each other. Right. And it's like Right. As you said, it could be warring ideology without the lines being divided by species as it were. Right. And I meet those three characters and what I think is so amazing. Mhmm. Is there basically, they're introducing them. They risk their lives. Right? One of them, the rule bonds are, are, have Right. One of them even when when we lose our our our have life. They have consciousness. Right. When Leo has spirited away from his pod, that's one of them one of these say baby, Subsea Bay Bay Bay Bay. is right. Is sort of sticking the his neck out, I guess. And didn't know if it was just my interpretation, but I'm watching it. And I'm like, this is such an echo of his first awakening sequence. Right. In the first the first movie. Right? He's unplugged. He's in the red. The pod, you know. This movie has been doing echoes before, but there's usually twisted and then intercut with the original for comparison. And this just feels like you're doing the same scene again. And I'm watching it and plot wise going, Howl's did bugs in the crew fuck this up so badly? He's waking up in the pod and he's getting, like, surrounded by these robots? Sure. How do they not have someone there for him? So the twist of, no, the robots who you're used to are the threat. Mhmm. And then they have to pull the plug and flush them out and send them down the tube -- Yep. -- are actually here to protect their headset. Their headset. The second they land back on the ship, you look back at these robots who five minutes ago seemed like threat. They they look like the squid. They they're not what squidgy, you know. They got red eyes. You're like the nobility of what they just did. Hell yeah. As you said, the risk -- You guys are cute. Luminate. Right? That's one. Lum which one is Luminee? Luminee's little guy. The little one also feels like a funny commentary on just put a little cute character in the fucking movie. Octocles obviously has multiple arms. Yeah. Yeah. And then and then I feel like there's a number of them. Well, Right? I feel like there's a force. Is Naomi's the butterfly that's Is Neobase the butterfly. That's right. That's the one who looks like the abyss aliens. Right. What's so helpful about this for me is it just it also kind of I feel like answers the question a little bit that you don't get necessarily. I feel like I might be wrong in the franchise. Of course, David, you would correct it's like this whole thing of alright. Well, what are the robots doing on the planet itself? Like, okay. The matrix they designed is this program. Running humanity. But what the fuck are the robots doing on the planet? Other than just They live Their life, but then, but their life. But but What is their is their life? See, I grew a better What is it? It's just a bunch of fucking towers of, like, power. And then what what's the point of staying on? Because they're not just robots, they're artificial intelligence, Right? The first thing that means into it. So you the first thing movies never interrogate really. And I'm not saying this is the animatrix does, but the the movies don't. The animatrix does. Oh, great. The first three movies, do not really interrogate the internal life of the robots who are so desperate to stay alive. I did, Dominic. Agree. And I'm now going to talk. I'm not saying that as a flaw, but I like that this movie sets up the idea of, like, there are robots who could go, like, maybe this life doesn't make that much sense. Maybe we wanna help people. They're not just drones. Absolutely. But here's what we see in the first three movies. We see two kinds of beings. We see squids, which are drones. Those are it seems relatively small. Nonautonomous. Yes. The center. Okay. Where they're just they're basically living weapons. Right. But then we see computer programs in the matrix -- Yeah. -- such as Ramachandra who beat a child, Sati, like, that. And that is going on in the sequels where that you're there is these hints that like, there are programs that don't want to just do what they're supposed to and, like, that is going on in the in sequels where that you there is these hints that, like, there are programs that don't want to just do what they're supposed to do. Right? You know? It feels so good. Explore To have David explain what the matrix Well, we're gonna do it on the commentaries with explore emotion or what, you know, and like that's so much of the sequels. And also there are programs like the Merovingian and the exiles who have fully pieced out of the matrix. They have to live in the matrix. But they live, you know, outside of its walls and are, you know, they they're doing their own thing. They have a fucking sex club. Oh, great. That's fun. Club. Now we don't see life in the machines. That's what we're talking about. But that's because that is inscrutable in those machines. You know, we never get to it. But what happened I liked That? It becomes becomes scruggable. Well, it's a little bit. You see well, you see them in IO, not in. You know? Sure. Just FYI, you know, the machine city and we all know. The main machine sitting because we've all watched the animatrix is called what? What's it called? I forget. It's called zero one. Okay? of course, is binary for, like, you know, that's, like, the first binary -- Sure. -- character. So I O is 10I0 adapter. You know, IO. Yeah. It's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's a lot of Anyway, but it's a lot of But we don't see what's going on the machines. they have a machine city. We know that. We -- I know. -- cover craft we know they built those. Like, that's why they're flying them around. I'm not trying to battle in the first three movies, but this was a development that I love. It's a great development. Instead of them just being bugged, Right. This is the whole thing. They have they have, like, personality. This is the whole thing. And this is a matrix revolution. This is what I was so worried about. Like, is he Like, is he real I mean, you know, is is that are we really gonna Is Neo's sacrifice gonna The first order problem is I would call it. Where it's Right. Where it's Is it through thing, but the thing just happened. It's literally just rebels versus Empire Again, there was nothing the cycle, Their victory was nothing the cycle They blow up The fucking planet fucking planet immediately. The problem with a lot of these legacy sequels is you can do whatever I thought was Come with a lot of these see sequels as you undo whatever authorizes. In this In this movie, the stakes are really never we have to stop the machine. Of course. Or we have to destroy well, I mean, we have to stop the matrix. We have to stop the matrix as people. In fact, pleentatively not the stakes. I mean, they're way to say. We don't wanna fucking get involved with that again because what we learned has happened. So Yes. Neo has liberated. He's taken to this new city, Ae'o. And he never Neobe who is now very old because sixty years have passed. And she played by Jayden Pinkett Smith. There she is. Right. And it's fine. It looks okay. Whatever. The Yeah. I don't know. think it looks good. She looks good. I think it looks good. Sure. And she tells him, like, look, post you. Yes. There were the machines left. They stopped attacking us. And surebut then we realized that there was some kind of machine civil war there was some internal conflict. The oracle disappeared. The matrix completely changed. Mhmm. And that's a whole mess that we are not that interested in. We've got our city here. We are all living in harmony. You know, man machine program. We've got a cool bio sky. Everything changes and nothing changes. You died thinking you were going to radically change the firming of everything forever. And what we've noted is here are the positive things that came out of change here's how things retreated back. So we just decided we'll just do this over here. We don't need to bother ourselves with that. She's I mean, obviously, it seems bugs is more of the type of, like, we should be, you know, getting into the matrix and pulling people out. She's the new leader of a She's the new lead of a franchise. She isn't Right. And on. She's she's just getting into your trillator tail base. Like, we went role. I did that shit. It's, you know, because the whole thing is video game. I did two movies. We shot them all at the same time. exhausted. At the end of revolutions, Neos. Truces not, you will turn the matrix off, but it is anyone who doesn't want to be in the matrix because some people just unconsciously don't, you've got to give them the choice rap rather than we have to go fucking get truth is not you will turn the matrix off. But it is anyone who doesn't want to be in the matrix because some people just unconsciously don't. You gotta give them the choice. Wrap rather than we have to go, fuck and get them. Mhmm. And it's a whole, you know, conflict. You just get them out. Yeah. And what this movie sort of addresses is what would that cause in the world of the machines? Mhmm. A power crisis. Nice. You're losing people. Yeah. So, like, that is why, eventually, it sounds like the architect has been defeated or supplanted or deleted or whatever by their new guy who's kinda like you know, I know how to juice up the matrix even with less people and it's by, like, you know, one having Neo and Trinity power it. But two, like, having it be the like, hyper emotional aggressive nightmare kind of you know, like, he talks about how, like, you guys are making more energy when you sleep just because you're so freaked out, you know, all that. Yeah. Which is like how Twitter now -- Yes. -- uses an algorithm -- Mhmm. -- to to prioritize your feed. To prioritize the posts that are getting most controversial. Right. Same with Facebook. Same with Howl's. Where it's like, well, there's the most discussion. And it's like, well, so fucking people yelling at each other. They're both going crazy. What these artificial intelligence And then what I'm designed to look for is, like, it seems like there's some friction happening here. It's posing right now. And then that so that's why I can go on Twitter and be like, my dick is so big and everyone who doesn't agree with me is a Nazi and Twitter is like very controversial take? Does everyone wanna see it? You know, like, rather than me being, like, I'm Dick's regular. And if you don't agree, I don't mind. Twitter will be, like, no, no one wants to see you, David, the same person, would leave that for the alt. But but the the matrix doesn't like the alt. It doesn't benefit from the alt. They want people fighting out on -- You know, on Maine. -- get the people going. Is that what Wilfarrell says in that anyway. I mean, it's the same with all of the you know, Instagram, it's they're all -- Yes. -- it's manipulating humans -- Right. -- in this way that that I don't even think we can ever really probably fully under stand the perspective of the AI, these programs. Right? Again, thinking in the way of matrix, think about them as people think to underline is we figured out a way to train AI to be able to recognize potential conflict. Yeah. That in and of itself is a mind fuck. That a computer program can go like, Hmm. This post will make people this post will make people upset. Yeah. So So that's the thing, Neo of course that's the thing. Neo, of course, never he knew in making that deal. Like, it's not like you're gonna turn off the matrix. I know you guys needed to live. You guys literally need it makes your power and your power is how you exist. But he also wants a But I want don't want it to be a fucking more anymore. And it's not. It's a tidy end of third movie victory in in his mind. In his mind. I mean, like, everyone watches movies like, wait, what did he Right. This is my point. So when he wakes up and he's like, I thought I left this place. Well, anyway, balanced. I like that bugs has to say to him like You'd know it worked. And he's like, don't think it worked. I never should have woken up this fucking I never should've woken up his fucking ass. Yeah. Right. He still look great. And it speaks to the depression, and it's it's sort of the when rises thing of, like, why have I bother making these People are gonna fucking Mhmm. That was the other movie I kept on thinking about in the second half of this film. Mhmm. Is is the win rise a struggle of, like, when I want to see what I like to hear so much, I try to communicate this thing and then people are gonna use it in a way I can't control. Right. Is it even fucking worth the effort? There is the crucial singularity reference for Noovie presents him with silence, and he's like, oh, yeah. That is powerful. And now be I mean, my point say that is just good, FilmComedy. Okay. It's I think one of the cornerstones of filmmaking, the filmmakers too often today forget, and then I think franchise FilmComedy with its massive amount of oversight will often smooth out. Is like the most power you can have in your arsenal is restraint. Removing elements strategically. You know, whether it's like you withhold something for long period of time and the basic grammar of what you have at your disposal as of technical FilmComedy. It's that simple where it's just like, you don't realize that the movie's been innovating you with so much noise for an hour. That the second it gives you silence, it feels like a hundred million dollar special effect in the way that people don't use color. You know? To specifically trigger things without you really recognizing it. So, again, my first viewing, I'm like, at this point now, bummed because the hero basically is finding out that, like well, actually, the world's kind of nuanced. It's not just good versus evil and it's like, things are complicated and there's, like, actually kind of this, like, political sort of ecosystem and I almost, like, kinda was, surebut I just wanted the first matrix. Like that's what I Like, that's what I did. I was, like, bummed. I was, like, oh my god. Really? Like, come on. now. It's getting more Now it's getting more complicated. Do you remember what? It's not this clean, just, like, basically what the new Star Wars Yeah. The boss. Like The shot. I haven't seen the Star Wars wanted I said to Griffin, I was, like, I kinda wanted stake. It took me me. That was the line I was hoping you'd repeat. It then took me a second. At the end of the day, I mean, to actually start to be like, well, wait. Actually, I do fucking like I wanted the I wanted the steak. He kept on saying as we walked to the train station. I just wanted the state. I don't know if it makes me basic. But here's how it's like Ben, but they're doing this and this. He's like, understand it, but I just it would have been great to sit down in a theater and to see the matrix. And see people do kung fu in leather -- Sure. -- and be bad ass. Right. Right. Right. Right. And it's like, I understand everything she was trying to do, but it would have been nice to eat a steak right now, and it's the fucking Cipher Yeah. I mean, like, there's this you know, we we've sort of skipped over, but there's the right. More more NEO of wake up moment post being unplugged is the the goes to the dojo with Morpheus. And you're like, okay. They're gonna do the fight again. And they don't. It's more Morpheus kind of showing off and, you know, being like, I don't want to fight anymore. I already did. Did that. And then his way of expressing himself, like, martial y now is like a hadukin. Like, it's just this sort of, like, a primal scream thing where he just kind of like, you know, like, that's all he can do now. You, whichever he uses a gun the entire movie. Does he use another very deliberate Doesn't. I mean, he has one fight with Smith, but apart from that, it's not really, you know, he's not really doing Kung Fu doesn't I mean, he has one fight with Smith, but apart from that, it's not really, you know, he's not really doing kung fu anymore. He doesn't fly until the end of the movie. You know, he's not like that joke of when he tries To. So it's just because the jump and then falling right back down, it's just, so good. It's it's it's just because the the jump and then falling right back down is just he is just such a good physical. I guess he is a good physical act. But but but you know, it gets to, obviously, You love the Matrix sequels. Mhmm. You have done a a You don't miss a job. Converting us to Matrix sequels. We'll see what we see. I rewatched recently and I look, I don't love them as much as the first movie or you, but I I don't love them as much as I love you is what I'm trying to say there in that unclear sentence. That's right. Surebut I I certainly, like, I like them a lot more than I used to. Sure. Appreciate them fully and and feel like I, quote unquote, get them now. But It's one of these things. I think this is important to bring up because What is it? That's what is it. What is it? This problem that we constantly have of in culture like fans feeling like why didn't you give me the exact movie I wanted to say? Sure. Right. I'm not talking about this movie in particular, but a larger thing as like fan culture has become a bigger thing. And I will not name him because I don't need to give power to it. But there's a a bad youtuber that I watch sometimes just to make myself angry. Mhmm. Who talks about, like, unquote, narcissistic filmmakers who get hired to make a new entry in a franchise and use it to say whatever they wanna say or tell whatever story they wanna tell rather than preserving the franchise and giving us what we've already seen before. And he says this is like a negative. Like, this is not your story. You shouldn't get to tell this. Give us the thing we already want. Don't change the recipe for the Big Mac. Give me another big mac. You're a nurse assist if you're using it to say something else. Right. Matrix has is obviously the original person coming back to it. But when I look at, like, the Matrix subreddit and by the way, I've seen people in the subreddit who disliked the movie, who have done some of the most thoughtful positive analysis of the film that I've made. Our Matrix separate it. R slash matrix. Oh, sure. The matrix. Yeah. Their people were just like, what the fuck? She ruined the matrix, and they also are sort of taking it as a personal front. Like, it feels like the movie is mocking me for even wanting to see the matrix. Right. But there are also people who are like, look, I don't like it, but here's everything she's doing, and it's like incredible analysis I've read, by people who are very generous with, like, it's not for me, But I do think textually, this film is very interesting. But there is that balance. Right? Of how much do you need to give people what they want? How much are they gonna be upset if it's not the thing they have in their mind's eye versus challenging them with something new that's an expansion? Or different direction of or what have you. And an issue that the matrix equals found themselves in is that the end of the first movie Nio is fucking Superman now. Right? Sure. Yeah. Everyone watches that. It's all powerful. Yeah. You And the promise of you go, like, oh, fuck. And then the sequels are, he can do anything. Mhmm. And then you get to the sequels. And in many ways, that's a little dramatically inert. Of course. He's unkillable. And Neil is in so many ways kind of passive and stoic and unknowable in reloaded particular. I think revolutions does a better job of humanizing him again. Well, he's brought low. Right. Exactly. But they have to spend a whole movie bringing him low and deflating him. And it's like the problem that people have with The Wars sequels and Luke Skywalker, where it's like, if Luke is everything you wanted him to be in your mind's eye, then the movie has nowhere to go. All of this to say, it is funny that for so much of this film, Neo's power is he just kinda holds his hand up. It goes like, just because, like, just stop. Well, this is remittance. Now he can just I know gave a lot of wind up to him, but that was the point I wanted to make. Okay. But I do wanna point out that the Matrix reloaded, one of the great works of art of the twenty first century. It's about half of Yeah. -- when you become the fucking Messiah, when you become Luke Skywalker Unlock -- Yeah. -- that is just, you know, you know, and every Messiah in history is just a way of con it's just form of control. Of course. The whole point of the narrative, it's like, Nio is can now do anything and he's like, I can do anything and he reaches the end and the guy's like, yeah, I wrote that you can write anything. You can't do anything. You're gonna do one thing which is do what you're supposed to do. Reload the matrix form. Right. And, of course, the brilliance is that New York I don't trust the mainstream media. It's form of control. It's lie. a lie. Instead, I read everything on Facebook and I follow that to the letter and that's I'm a free thinker. You know, it's like everything is a system of control as you said. Yeah. People need structure and they need rules and they need control. So even if they reject the the thing that's put upon them, they find some new structure to invest everything into. And I do think that, like, yes, reloaded those action sequences, which are very good. Like, one of the reasons I think the Burley Ball is not as fucking awesome. Some as they thought it was gonna be. Oh, I think it's good. I surebut, like, when you watch Revisit Because it has no ending, it's like he just leaves It has no ending. It it it's like he just leaves. Remodging And what we're visiting documentary reminded me how much for a year the hype his video documentary reminded me how much for a year the hype was, you're not gonna believe this fucking fight. If you thought bullet time was cool, this burly bro thing is gonna blow your fucking eye. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And the fight yes. It does deflate a little bit. And part of it is just like, well, I know he can do anything And part of it is just like, well, I know he can do anything now. Right. So you can watch the coolest special effects and the most, like, complicated choreography. There's there's less of a right, like, attention. Yeah. Yeah. And so in this movie, one of the reasons why you get the sense that, like, Lon is clearly not even prioritizing action sequences here. It's not even that they're not as good. It's that, like, it's not the point. Is that anytime there could be a big action sequence, NIO kinda holds up hand, it goes like, no. I don't wanna deal with that anymore. Right. He's it's defensive. He's now not gonna have to do the show of it anymore. Now to get back to the plot, now we You know, I I think in the movie it makes total sense that she is just like, I don't want you to go risk Trinity, I don't want you to mess anything up. Everything is nice here. We're we're we're living in harmony. Like, she becomes kind of a skull, like, I think the movie is fine at this, like, because think you kinda know in her heart of hearts. Like, now she's, you know, part of her wants NIO to, you know, to do thing. Right. But, like, she it's sort of Niobe is so cool. Yeah. Joe, my brother was saying that he's just like, it's sort of annoying that she's like the Harry Lennox you know, in the sequels character, like, you stay grounded, all of you, you know, spaced pilots, you know, you have a crap. I have a common defense of that and then a question I think it's mean, I think you might find annoying. Okay. I feel like nobody's kind of playing like the elder statesman eighty seven term senator. Absolutely. She used to be a political radical. And now things just kind, I, now she used to Howl's things just kind. I yeah. I support, like, Oh, so nice. Calm down, stay quiet. Maybe she's not even being safe, but certainly, yeah, just kinda, like, it's better to not like, fuck that. I remember I used to be hungry and try to fuck shit up. Yeah. We don't need to fuck shit up anymore. Right. Yeah. Howl's my question for you. And I don't know if I have an answer, but it came What's the question? Do you think this movie would be better or worse if at this point, when they get to Iowa -- Yeah. -- and there was the elder statesman who was running the city -- Mhmm. -- it was old Lawrence Fishburn. No. That'd be much worse. Because it would make no sense that he would never ever say no to me. He would be very prone to me. Okay. Yeah. Because, like, the whole Morpheus is, like, whatever we Neil wants to do. I am an accolade of Neil. Like, you know. Whereas Niobe, as as she says in the sequels and then she says in this movie, she's like, never totally believed in your whole deal. Yeah. You know, I was always skeptical. As as this movie says, like, host and, you know, once the truth happens, Morpheus became the press it because he was right. Like, you know, like, he was. And, you know, yeah, if it's Morpheus who'd be like NIO, it's so good to see you. And NIO would be like, I gotta go get training. He could be like, I know you do, and I'll see you later. You just would not be enough. I love you to pinck It. I think she's a very underrated, we've called her out a lot on the I think she's a very young man. We've called her out a lot on the show because we've had good fortune of being able to cover a lot of people. If we want to get it's time that she bring us to the table. Yeah. But David's sitting at a brown table right now. I've been to the cloud. This is this is where I I get sort of excited by how thorny this text is in an interesting way. I understand every creative decision and I still walk away from it and I go, gotta fuck. I wish they figured out way to get Hugo weaving Lawrence Fishburne in it. Like, there's this part of me that's still, like, just want to see my old friend. This one. I see. Roth and Cross formats is great. I mean, I like that it. They're breaking new they're breaking the ground, but part of me is just like, Jeff, what if it was Hugo? We remember when Hugo weaving did the thing. I think the movie would work with think the movie would work with them. I mean, fish burn would be playing Morpheus, and it would be instead this sort of weird performance of like, oh, he's doing sort of a Morpheusmith at first. That's odd. And obviously he looks And obviously, he looks different. He's older. He's, you know, I think he would fit into the movie. Just just a photo. This is what I was thinking though is, like, could you do Is there a fight in what you're saying? No. The negotiation of that is no, in my way. What what I got excited and I couldn't crack it is, there a good way to make this movie in which Yayab Doolmatine does play Young program Agent Morpheus. And there is some version. No. You can't do that. No. No. no. I Look, that's why I posed this question. It wasn't a pitch. It was a question. But could you have your cake needed too? Okay. So they go back to the matrix. Yes. They upon entering the matrix are greeted by Smith, who is now liberated again mentally, essentially. And basically, has the take of like, look. I know you and I used to fight. I now recognize we're kinda just, you know, part of the same petri dish here. I kinda just need you to stay out of the matrix. I don't hate you. Right. Because, like, I don't even think about you for a while. I live in the matrix. I can't have you fucking up the matrix. I would Seraph, like, maybe I'll take it over. I hate the analysts. Right. I like locked me down. And Neo is basically like, look, I don't wanna fight you either. I'm here to get Trinity, you know, like and he's like, nah. But if you get Trinity, things aren't gonna well, so guess we have to fight. And then, of course, there are also some exiles, some monster people, and there's our old Pal de Merovingian. So are these guys all supposed to be vampires? Whatever. Yeah. They're his crew. They're, like, the remnants of his they're, like, the sad remainder of his monsters. I think they're, like, werewolves or the go. We Well, they're supposed to be every thing. Right. Frankenstein's with a couple of frankenstein's. So they haven't let themselves go there. That's the whole point. Why? They're programmed. Well, the the matrix, like, the Merovingian is from an old matrix. Right? That's the idea. And he's found his way. He's established himself in the in the sequels. He's got his club and he's He's the guy. Sometimes code gets dusty, Beth. But the but the matrix has been rebooted again, and he has survived. But now yeah. He's just like, you know, OBO. Do you know what I viewed it as? When you're trying to transfer files from, like, a really old computer to a newer computer and you're, like, it doesn't even understand if that's really good. That's exactly what it is. He's he's your weird And they made Toy Story three. They were like, well, we did all the work. We already built all these characters, and they were like, we cannot transfer the model of woody into a present day computer. It's impossible you have to rebuild Can you spare few smaller apps. Like, some of your apps suddenly are sort of like, right. We're just we we don't exist anymore. Sorry. We don't work with this. No one's updating us anymore. We're of Finjan's on a floppy disk, and he's showing up and he's Free me from these flopping. But he's also like, everything sucks now. You know, he's just there. He's doing a monologue about how Facebook is annoying and how culture is in the He's just doing a lot of shit. Right. About how Facebook is annoying and how cultures in the toilet. Doing full Fisher King. He's so good. It was so lovely to see him. I squealed with the light. What good year for you. David, I don't want you to spoil anything. Is there any way any way Lambert Wilson does not get a supporting astronaut from you? They're I don't know. I gotta think about Between the two performances -- No. -- and this is so much time to do. I'm like I mean, this is such a slicing. It's so great. I'd say, look, you would nominate him for Benadetta, but a brief sort of woman. Kind of boost him in the Bernthall conversation where you're like, you gave, like, a very good performance than that. Dude. Alright. Okay. I don't know. I mean, I know someone done then this movie is on my ballot. That's for sure. But love all that. Yeah. But, again, the action is fine. And this is just like Neo five, which I actually think the action there is pretty solid. Yeah. It's just that it ends much like a lot of these fights with drug. Well, he just blasts him away because, like, you you know, you can't kill Smith again. He's been killed. That's not gonna work. You know? A thing anymore. Fight anymore. Callback to the, you know, the franchise in general, really. It's just when they they go into the Matrix and they all look cool, Yeah. They've all got their their their outfits and they have that kind of just moment where you get to, like, take it in. Yeah. They look so fucking good. So excited. You know, run time they do it in any other movies, but this one in particular is fucking good, man. What's the name of the actor from sensei who has the crazy hair braids and the the name of the actor from Sensei who has the crazy hair braids and the tattoos? Her name is an a character name. The character's name is Lexi. Okay. She's played Bay Eric. Erendira, Ibarra -- Right. -- he's in Censate. She's the weird girlfriend -- Exactly. The -- actors. Right. And then Brian j Smith plays BERG, who is the sort of he was the cop in Sensei, but he's the sort of, like, Neo Wallet. You know, he's, like, a big Neo Dork. Right. And then you you have Max Rommel is Max Rommel, who I love, who, of course, has great penis. Wonderful penis. In Sensei. He's the German guy in Sensei. think the first time we got written up in pod mass of the AV club. It was the quote about, like, this actor, there's a thing about him that's really good, his penis. He he and that was our code of the week. He's a really good actor. Yeah. I really like Rex Remel. And I love seeing I like his look with the the blonde hair and this, you know. And I love his penis. He's got great he's got great Those are the main ones I'm right of the crew. I feel like, oh, the the pilot -- Let's get his name. Right. I think he might be in sensitive too. I think I believe he is. Yeah. Anyway, I think he's not on his couch. It's six or seven sensitive actors in this overall. What was it gonna say? So yeah. So post that is it so, you know, post the Smith fine. Mhmm. That's the he they go fine? Trinity is telling that this is the hardest section of the movie to recount because this is that is also the most action driven, which is a little muddier. The movie's been What is that? But also just kind of like yeah. It moves fairly quickly because it they then the next scene is him going to see Trinity in her bike shop she's fucking like, in a fucking deaf leopard video practically, like, sparks going and she's Let's also spend over a bunch of questions been. When he wakes up. He's like, there was another pod right he's like, there was another pod right there. It's Trinity. They're, like, a guy who got her. I know it. I feel I feel it. And she needs to wake up. And they're, like, what if she doesn't? He's like That's the she They look at her and she's the blue pill she doesn't want they look at her in the She's the blue pill. She doesn't want to. And he's like, well, what about he's like, what about me? And you were like that And they were like, you were like that too. So It was a comfortable existence. But so when he goes to see here, that's when the analyst shows up throws on the bullet time filter essentially. Slows neo down. Slows everything down. Let's all look Dodge. They have the it two coffee dates. Right? And then the second one, she comes to him with the information of So you're that game guy. And I look at the game a little and I look like the game love the game. I told my husband, I thought it looked like many laughed. Right. And I wish I had kicked them across the room. Right. She's so fucking good in that. She's really great in that. But I like that. At first, you're like, well, yeah. Of course, you would look at the game and go that person looks like me, this is creepy. But then when you get the reflection you remember, like, she literally doesn't look like that at all. There's something triggering in her brain that looks like me into husband. He's like, you have blonde hair. Right? Because there's No facial structure facial structure resemblance. we're seeing the version of her that does look like. Right. To her in the game. I love this one. I don't know if I assume Neo is seeing Trinity as as she is too. Not her RSII saw I saw I was sort of taking it. Obviously, they're playing anyway. But But yeah. And which is why she feels comfortable saying that to him because he recognizes like, yes, you do look like the person in the game. And but this is where the analyst sort of just explains everything we've been talking about. How this new matrix is predicated on emotion, on stories, on, like, you know, fiction over fact on desire and -- Nikki. -- you know, into another dissociate of episode where he's moving in slow motion. Either it's forever reversible or overstimulate Howl's it I think it's really yeah. I like the weird jittery overstimulation of I like the weird jutgery over stimulation of it. I like the way patch Neil Petrogaris plays it. Once again, it feels like an anxiety detective. Definitely. In parallel. I've little Absolutely. -- and, you know, and also I'm also just, like, freaking out on the lore. I'm just, like, so happy that they're, like, yes, there's a new architect. How this new matrix works. Right? Where the architect win? How this guy is different? This guy to me is an evil article. Like, It's not so much that he's obviously he's the architect and that he's, like, running the program. But he's an evil article in that, like, he was also designed to understand humans. Well, they also said there was no oracle in his new matrix. He's fulfilling both roles at the same time. Well, they are a dick surebut, like, right now, because the The mirror Vingean was the, Merovingian was the My read and text Right. No. My read and read this recently. We can talk about this in the commentaries. When I read on the Mary of Engine is he is the article of Matrix two, the famous I think he's the Oracle because I think that's why he's obsessed with getting the Oracle's eyes. But that's that's a different discussion. Okay. But, yeah, no. But, like, but, like, the Oracle's whole point in the Matrix movies is that she is a program who's designed to understand people. Right. Understand what motivates them and that's how they create the matrix is to serve that. And he is the same. He gets people, but he gets how to push their buttons. How to aggravate them, how to stir them up? Like, you know, so he's sort of like a nigga Oracle you know, so he's sort of like a nigga or a girl. So yeah. He's kind of a good therapist. Like, there was a version of me that was worried where I'm like, gonna come in with some anti focus -- Oh, like, yeah. Right. Yeah. -- because he's the villain. And it's like, no. The point is his power is that he actually does understand people's psychology. right? Yes. Yes. Absolutely. And He's not just lying to this not just lying to this movie. It's it's so good that the villain of this movie is not another super powered agents or who you are going to have a fight with. Right. And it's more like the big test in this movie at the end is is conversation is that he needs to truly win Trinity over to waking up. Yep. And the analyst is like, okay. If you can do that, what's gonna But also, if he can't do it, then Neil doesn't even wanna He wants to blue bill. He wants to go back. No. Better than nothing. Right. You say the speech also if you're reading between the lines, definitely is, like, I think, a moment where people who didn't like this movie, right, are feeling attacked. Because Howl's, like, kind of, I mean, I'm, like, you're a fucking idiot. Well, I I think this is not intellectualized, but I've seen people say this directly, but it is like, this feels like this movie is calling me an idiot for wanting to see the movie I wanted to this is a Sure. Not intellectualized. But I've I've seen people say this directly, but it is, like, this feels like this movie is calling me an idiot for wanting to see the movie I wanted to Right. Right. So not only am I not getting that movie, but the movie's mocking me, And then on top of that, when they read, which I think is a misread, the perception that she doesn't even wanna be making this move. With that, think it's not true. Right. That's the thing I think is fundamentally mistrue because I understand being pissed off that the movie is both withholding from you what you want and seemingly mocking you for not. Ultimately, for one Oh, man. Fuck. Fucking made a movie, dude. Didn't even fucking wanna do it, man. But, like, I mean, I'll say you know, boos. You keep saying that. Like, the the whole movies Don't worry about whole song. Well, let's move on. Let's move on from other people. Sorry. No. It's fine. I just but beyond the fact that we've been running for so long, I will I watched this with my with my wife last night. This final sequence where, yes, Neo makes the emotional feel of Trini. That connected with her. Okay. You know, that moment of like, you know, the cops are going to like take him You know, that moment of, like, you know, the cops are gonna, like, take him in Trinity says to Chad. Like, I wish stop fucking calling me then, you know, like, all that. I can imagine anytime the two of them are on screen at the same time that probably connected to four key. Right. Because it's such a clear emotional surebut the, you know, sort of heisty element of the final action sequence where it's like, okay. Like, morpheus and bugs are gonna go to the pod and they're gonna kinda switch Trinity out surplitiously by using bug, you know. And Sati shows that played by Briyank Chopra -- Oh. -- you know. And it's like, I'm salty. Well, it's pretty brief. And But they have, like, a council of Elrond around, like, a fucking What? What do you mean? I I send my wife's name. It's fine. You know, four plays. It's just like, I don't know who this is. And I'm like, oh, it's sati for They're probably around, like, a wishing well in the middle of the woods. Right. To quickly surmise that because I I'd like -- Tati is explain just kind of though what we learn in that moment. I wasn't a hundred I wasn't a hundred percent sure. Sunny is the daughter of she's in the the Matrix Revolution. She's the daughter of two programs that made baby for no reason. Program that has no function. Right. A a sub it's implied that she can control the weather, but it's a sub because once Smith can copies over her, he changes the weather, and she makes sunrise for NIO. But it's implied like the rainbows in the sky that are the analyst mocks. Right. Yeah. But, you know, it's it's it's a subplot in revolutions that this crew that Oracle is kind of helping this strange new program that's sort of created out of love. To survive. Right? And so now that's her grown up. Like, so she's now she's sort of playing the role of the oracle in this movie, this sort of helpful adviser. You know? Which I look, she's an actor. I've had almost no opinions on her middle at this point. Yeah. I think she's surebut, like, I has never really jumped out of the white tiger game as she is. Sure. Sure. Good white tiger. Right. But outside of that, never really impressed from me. And I was sort of, like, that's an interesting casting choice. She's very in the pocket in this. She is really good at the sort of matrix very, like, casually rolling off. Mhmm. But but with the right level of pump and circumstance. I mean, this is, like, dense fucking dialogue. It is. It is dense. It's a lot. And yeah. And so -- Right. -- what she is saying -- lot her dad who was a program create, you know, was Howl's helped create these, like, pods that Neo isn't. So he felt great guilt -- Which over this Resurrections, you know, that he did not want? -- could love Okay. Well, so but and this is a thing I don't think they're never I'm I'm gonna you're gonna have an answer for, but she has a physical she, like, is like a floating fucking manatee, robot manatee. No. That's sort of like that's like that machine That that's a different that's niobies. Right. That's a not is sort of a liaison. Reflecting her. It does project. So what all I'm saying is that her dad was a physical No. He was a program. But then Howl's did he make the pod? The visual language of this is confusing. Yeah. Well, like, in the sequence with their own pattern. Was your your robot that had No. No. No. No. No. He he programmed it. It's it's such don't worry about it. It's not about, like, literal hammer and nail. Just in a physical tangible form in the real world. Okay. But, like, his programming Right. Then sent us sentinel out to fucking build the thing. If that makes if that makes sense. Right. You know, he was he was involved in the intervention of this technology. He robots building the things. It does I had the exact same confusion point of like, is that supposed to be what he looks like? Now this is a question I heard people throughout. I don't know if you have an answer for I don't know if you have an answer for this, David. Mhmm. Why has Sati aged? I I don't know. Why why is Neo only twenty years older when he's sixty years older? You know, I don't know, because they rebuilt them so well. No. think it's partly it's just like you kinda hit your age and then that's it. You hit grown up with and then that's that's the age you are. But I don't fucking know. I don't know. I don't know. I just We prefer that Alka's program. Shouldn't she stay a little girl, Shouldn't she say a little girl? No. But she's a I don't know. She can be whenever she wants. Right. I don't know. There's no His, her father makes these her father makes these pots. Sure. He felt great guilt about that. He no longer exists. He was, like, purged by the analysts or whatever. But, you know, to lead it. That's why she, you know, wants to help. So that means though that also in the last version of the matrix, they knew that they were gonna reset it. Okay. So it does connect in. Right. I don't know if they knew that. They just knew that they could build technology and like bring humans back to life. Okay. They're just fucking doing shit over there. You know, we don't know what they're doing it. The machines They're advancing their technology of harnessing energy from humans. Yes, sir. Right. No. I like that it's, like, literally, like, the heart of the franchise is the thing that keeps this beating. Right? Absolutely. That's what I lost him. Right? And it's like that thing. It's powered by nostalgia, baby. But Right. Get too close to them, they'll figure it out. So, yeah. Gotta kinda just glance off each other, and that that's enough heat to keep everyone really excited. I love love that. And this is thing I said to Ben. The reason I think this movie and emotionally work so much better than reloaded Resurrections for me, is that she finally figured out a way to have her cake and eat it 2016 do another awakening story, which has always been the most potent aspect of the matrix. Absolutely. In a in a universal way. Right? And that's the thing. So they're awakening, I think, that's how that's that works. Yes. Forky was, like, so checked out about this sort of, like, you know, alright, let's plug bugs in and plug her, you know, but I I -- I -- -- it's a trainee making decision. I'm sure she was right back in it. that moment. That stuff's great. And then, of course, I think the final sequence is fairly effective because it's kind of creepy. Like, the weird bop bop bop bop thing of like Love that. When the analyst is like, okay. I'm cooked. Trinity has woken up. There's also this very misogynistic streak to the analyst that also feels -- Mhmm. -- you know, metatextual. Right? Like, where he's just incredibly derisive of women. Oh, there's the bug scene where she's talking about I'm I'm gonna misquote this. Doesn't she have the thing where she's like, I understand the feeling of you do a thing and then you lose all control of it and everyone's going to misinterpret she have the thing where she's like, I understand the feeling if you do a thing and then you lose all control of it and everyone's gonna misinterpret it? Hmm. don't remember that one. That seems like you know, there's seem where it almost feels like it is Lonza saying. Sure. Right. This is how I process the guilt of people using Disusing the media. Right, sir. Well, we'll Right. Just that in the commentary when it's happening. We'll get to surebut by the end of right. Yeah. He he activates his final thing, which is basically just turn everyone, like, turn on all the bots and have them just fucking suicide. That's what I was gonna say. We're using The language of suicide, which is a big part of the language of suicide jam, which is a big part of this film. But it is. And, and beyond that, so the suicidal imagery is very potent, but you know, and then sort of crashing code, but I'm saying I may have to jump And beyond that, you know, so the suicide imagery is very potent. But, you know, and then then Seraph of crashing turn code I'm saying it's after jail. Final challenge is people killing themselves and weaponizing their false bodies to attack you. And the way around that is, can we go to hire building and jump off of it. it? And what, of course the jump is crucial in the first movie again, you know, like that is the moment of awakening, partly is the of but, of course, the jump is crucial in the first movie again. You know, like, that is the moment of awakening partly is the jump But but but the other thing also, I just love the idea. You know, it's like being swarmed with that replies or whatever. You know, like -- Yeah. -- just all these people, you know, like, swarming you. Cool. The all the new design -- The lipids. -- and the explanation of the skins, and it just feels so contemporary and makes sense really quickly. I think it great. I you know, the again, the action is semi in the way of, like, as you say. Neo's really just doing the one thing. Right. Just defensive. He's just shielding, Trinity's driving a motorcycle, but you know, they're really on the He's just shielding trendy's driving a motorcycle, but, you know, they're really on the run. Now. This is maybe my favorite idea that this movie introduces to the this is maybe my favorite idea that this movie introduces to lore and it's a basic one. What's that? The end of the first matrix. Yeah. When Neil has died, after being told that he's not the one, he knows that in the back half of the entire time. Mhmm. Triny says who's that body. You have to get the one because I'm I'm falling in love with I'm supposed to fall love with the one. And I'm in love with and I'm in love with you. He comes back to life. And even people love them. He's in the kiss. there. That's the thing where some people will spotlight is like, that's a little fucking that's the thing where some people will spotlight is, like, that's a little fucking corning. Sure. Fairning. Right? Very corny. But I think what this movie is recontextualizing is Neo was never the one because there is not a one, the power was in the two of But I think what this movie is recontextualizing is Neil was never the one because there is not a one. The power was in the two of them. Right. They're they're they're intrinsic. And mean, I'm gonna monologue on this I've I've seen people say, oh, this movie rewrites it and makes it so Trinity is the one now. And it's like, no, it's not the whole big one. Is there two sides? The power comes from the two of them being together, literally the power that runs this entire fucking city. It's it's the Howl's whole gambit is is their union. It's not just liberating Neo. It's it's the two of them together. He He doesn't have power without her and vice have power without her and vice versa. And the first movie, the first trilogy rather prioritize showing off his awesome power. Well, he has the right. He has the superpowers. He has the prime visual magnifier. Part of why he doesn't do badass shit that much in this movie because you want in the final twenty minutes, Trinity to fucking whip around on a motorcycle. And fly fly do the awesome shit. That jump is done in real life. Right? Right? Like they did a million they did a million times. It's like this crazy wires, one that they did on Three pandemic things they shot when I think they had less restrictions on how they could film. Right. And and the the visual is so funny. And, like, maybe, again, people find that a bit of a sort of deflated balloon thing where it's, like, it's not like soaring. It's that she's just hovering and he's like, are you doing this? It's like but I love that. I love it. And it of looks like the sims. It's so good. It's so goofy in good way. Excellent, Chenzie. In a movie, put the character in bugs who says, what's up? Well, I know it is about Warner Bros. They attack the analyst, like, you know, when they're, like, knocking his jaw -- Yeah. -- offensive. Like, that's kind of opportune too. You know? I should mention. Right? We should mention, like, not it's not just NIO and and Trinity waking up. Smith shows up and attacks the analysts. And I've seen a lot of people being like, I don't get this. I don't get why Smith's I don't get why Smith's involved. Right. Like, you know, like, just from a plot perspective. Mhmm. And it and to me, it's like he hates the analyst. Right? He he is negative, like so, like, Nio is his ally in that moment. I just see, I always just took it as Smith was just he's like a virus and virus it's just destroy. That's part of all they kinda see. And it's, like, maybe there's some revenge to it. But to me, it just feels like his his Well, he does. Is to do that. But he doesn't attack NIO. He is kind of just like, well, we're not allies anymore, but, you know, be on your merry way. I'll I'll be I'll be seeing you. I'll be seeing you. Yeah. Any vanishes. I don't know. We'll talk about it more in the cover. I have to think about Smith more. I I just this final miles per hour monologue is just such good shit eating. Little Tor bullshit is. He's great. And it's it is the arrogance of, like, AAA self important Reddit post or something. You know? There's like a there's something about where he talks about the productivity -- Yeah. -- the output. Right. And you understand, like, kind of just, like, again, the machine world. Right. And why this matrix -- Mhmm. -- why it's operational and, like, you know, that they're he's producing enough energy and that, you know, that even it's, like, there's, like, board meetings and stakeholders in the robot world, like, I don't know, all that, like, stuff I really locked in on. Right. I guess yeah. He just doesn't want the analyst to regain control. He's pro NEO in that way. He wants to destroy the analyst. So enemy of his enemies a friend. And then yeah. And then he's just still, like, yeah. Well, I'll see ya. You know, I don't, I don't need to fight you You know, I don't I don't need to fight you anymore. Yeah. We already did that. Like, I know that's not that's not gonna work out for me. just love how much of this movie is. We already did that. Yeah. In an era where so many of these franchises are, like, we obviously have to hit the six big b. I mean, obviously, they do fight in the movie. I'm not saying completely ignores it, but we even, you know, like The same way that Morpheus gives the speech and then goes, blah blah blah. I don't I don't know. I fucked this up. Every time they set up the thing that they're gonna repeat, they also wait in a way for dialogue. And but I can answer it. I don't I'm not getting off on the deflation in this way of like, Howl's movie is smart? Like, I find it very funny and self aware and like, cute and clever, but also, like, the the emotion of the characters has never gone from me. So I'm never not so I'm never not invested. Thing, I don't think it's Howl's out the integrity of the characters and I think in fact it is showing humanity to them struggling to live up to these things. And, like, once again, this movie ends with, you know, not we win. Mhmm. You know, matrix deleted. He the analyst is still there. And I'm like, why are you still here? And he's like, look, I'm only one who knows how this fucking place works, so they're not getting rid me yet. And they're like, okay. Well, we're gonna do whatever we want. And if that messes with you, you know, I'm sorry. Thanks for bringing us back, I guess. And they fly off in love. Lady pisses on stage singing wake up ten out of ten. I'm fucking sure. And then just look to me, says, I don't know what's going on. And then there's a post credit scene about cats. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Okay. So we stayed in the theater and then there was one couple in the back row. Mhmm. And we've, like, stand up after the cat thing. thing. Right? I was, like, I'm wondering there's anything. It's not like that's usually a Howl's move. Right? But I'm wondering if there's anything. We stay for that scene. I'm like giggling to myself. Mhmm. We get up, we turn around. There's the couple in the back row. There's that moment of kinship you sometimes have with another person in a movie theater. Right? Yeah. And the guy goes, so we waited through all of that for for that and I just yelled back worth it. Mhmm. And we walked out of it. I am Yes. The the cat thing is cute. III love that the end is just, like, we are gonna be free. Like, and and just like Let's do our thing. Do our thing. Right. Let everyone do whatever the fuck they want. Yeah. You know, he's like, wow. I've still got all these ideas. And like, okay. Well, put it That when he power over everyone, do what makes them burning power over. But everyone do it makes happy. Like, that's their You're not fucking with other people in their life. The thing. Right? I mean, that's imagine So so much about the individualism of these FilmComedy, and I I think talk talking about identity and all these things. For movie about, like, kids' woman, it's like The triumph over online is like, he's like, what, oh, I know how to push your The triumph over online is like he's like, whoa. I know how to push your buttons. I'm like, yeah. Well, you don't have any power over us anymore. You know, we're just gonna do fire round. I I just want to feel good about myself wanna feel good about myself. And people you know, I was talking to individual people. Who's very enthusiastic as we were leaving? And he was, like, I would love to see another one. Like, I I think that's such an interesting ending. Like, I think there's so much you know -- Yeah. -- potential to and I'm not sure I'd get that. I'm like, I don't really know where it could go from here, but also -- I feel it. -- both ways at the same time. And, you know, if Lana Wachowski wants to make another one, which I feel like I'm getting the message that she doesn't right now. That's what it sounds like. James Motique's the one who's been doing interviews, and he's kinda like, there's no plans for, like, more. There was no pitch. Right. And Warner Bros. He's been like, we'd love more matrix. I don't know if they still feel that way after it's sort like, Lukewarm at the box office. I don't know if they've read quotes in the last forty eight hours where they're, like, this is the second biggest HBO Max. Thing we've had all year. It's some better than almost all other blockbusters we put up there. Sure. We're very much in the business of doing more We're very much in the business of doing more matrix if she wants to. Right. I think they are not deterred by the box office performance at all? No. It's sort of meaningless to that. It's kind of meaningless to them. The only one that really mattered was dune, and that was just because the over performance was so pronounced with that one. But everything else is weird legendary of that whole thing. Legendary pictures, the entertainment company, and the funding, financing deal on that, whatever. Can I just say, I I the Corning SAT Griffin? Shit. And I've been trying to figure out her formally at this point for the last week, and I don't know if I'm gonna execute it now. Yeah. Talking to Kevin teaportr. The great kenta Porter, friend of the show, past future guys. Just one of the great people. And was talking about just the the horrible depression I've been feeling. And a lot of what I've been struggling with recently is, and now it's a whole other thing. Now that there's a whole new surge and a new wave and a fear of, are we repeating ourselves as the cycle going to go back to, you know, is the matrix resetting, now that there's a whole new surge and a new wave and a fear of are we repeating ourselves as the cycle gonna go back to, you know, is the matrix resetting? Right? Is that I spent, like, eighteen months lockdown between the worst of lockdown and my health problems I had Mhmm. -- where I really was not seeing people. Right. You know, I saw less than 10 people for like 18 I saw less than ten people for, like, eighteen months. I live alone. And most of my socialization, as I said, was a form of performance. Sure. Which really disconnected me from the sense of self. Yeah. Yeah. And you and I have talked about this a lot, but, you know, I'm very happy and relieved when people say, like, I think you guys kept up the quality and the show was still good during the worst of it. Because you and I have talked about that it really felt for a lot of that, like, we were doing an impression of ourselves. Well, like -- Yeah. Right. Right. Right. -- said to me, not take words out of your mouth that, like, that was the moment where you realized that you're more of a performer than you thought you were because the show before had always been a conversation and behavioral. And you were aware of the fact that you had to turn something on -- Right. -- to make the show feel like the way it used to. Right? Right. And especially because I had no life outside of my performance and my work as it were. I a little bit I feel like Tom Sanderson at the beginning of this movie. I was just, like, if I'm left alone, I had no idea the fuck I am anymore. I have too much time alone, but my own head questioning what feels wrong in the state of the world and whether any of this is fixable. And it's no longer that like sort of that matricity everything feels wrong and I don't understand how this could ever be good again. Okay. Kind of thing. Right? That's a little removed from self. And that I had couple months of just kind of manic excitement, post surgery, lockdowns were easing up. Vaccinations were good -- Yeah. -- where I was like, I'm invincible. I can fucking do anything. Sure. And then the last handful of months have been, like, the whiplash a little bit of everything catching up to me and how much I haven't processed. Right? Mhmm. And just saying to Kevin, I feel weird because I feel like I'm doing an impression of myself most of the time. Okay? When you can You said to me. Okay. Is there any time when you do feel like you're actually yourself again? And there were two answers that came to me. Mhmm. One was when I go to see a movie. Can you love to see the movies? As a artist, cinema. People don't think of it as social act in that kind of way. Yep. When I'm able to sit there, full range of vision, obscure my own thoughts, hyper focus on someone else's life, fictional, I feel normal again. I'm outside of my own brain. Right. Right? And it's the behavior I didn't have in the worst this, where so many things feel tainted by the pandemic because I had to do them so many times during the pandemic. Okay. Not the pandemic's over. And the second thing I said was doing the fucking podcast in person. Right. Right. It it really is. And when we have to go back and do Zoom episodes now and increase it, we'll probably do some more. We'll do some I do focus, yes, or no? Same anxiety. And when people, like, have complaints about things that happen in episodes, which are valid, I'm, like, yeah, I know. I agree. I hate myself too. I can't fuck these rather than eight years to do this. But when we do an episode in person, I feel like a fucking human being and it doesn't feel like a performance. And I did think about the like the the whole central thing in this movie of the charge of of Trinity and Neil being in the same space. But the pods being in close proximity to each other and also need to find each other within the simulation. And it is this like Wachowski thing of love conquers all know, that their movies have increasingly become about, but it also is like and to view this as a movie that was brainstormed out of grief, Right? Grieving for lost loved ones. Yeah. No. No. That then is interrupted by pandemic when everyone separated. True. And I'm sure the movie gets re conceptualized in our head, even if not rewritten the meaning, the thoughts, the feelings behind things get changed when you come back to it nine months later. You're making this movie in an uncertain world. Mhmm. The idea, especially in a franchise that is all about us living these digital existences. This is what fucking matters. And I'm gesturing to -- She's gesturing to her. -- but but the 2016 you guys. It's it's the it's the whole fucking thing that matters to me and it's the thing that despite the fact that this conversation is being cordant online and seems like a performance versus the conversations I have in private. This this is the thing this is the one social interpersonal thing, post pandemic when I feel a complete restored sense of self. I'll stop recording. I'll go out. I'll wander streets. I'll be like, who the fuck am I again? I'm trying to get it back. I'm trying to get it back there. I don't I don't know. I remain very confused about everything, but all of that hit me I remain very confused about everything. Mhmm. But all that hit me hard. And it did just underline this thing for me that I had just verbalized for the first time, like, two days earlier of life. This is when I feel It's Trinity and Neil shaking hands on the coffee shop and it's a con this is something. What do you think, Ben? Final thoughts. Whatever that is, for whoever you are in New York. I was I was in that subtle sorta hint of throwing out there. Howl's have we been going? There's a thing David does when I start going on like an emotional tangent over analyzing my own life about something where I can see him being like, Good. Okay. I have fifteen minutes to work on taxes. It's not it's more I haven't eaten food in a very long time. Either I forgot to get fucking bagel today. Yeah. So I'm really struggling with that. But but surebut the box office game will number one number one. Got to mention that when they're in the real world, the programs become ball bearings, which I loved. I said that. I said said that. I said ball bearing. Okay. They're cool. Check the record. III shouted out ball bearing. But second half of the movie Morpheus is like, yeah, don't really worry about me. I'm just gonna walk around as a naked ball bearing man and I'll tell him he has less to do in a sec, which is probably why I'm all Ehrlich is one reason I'm less frustrated by lack of fish for him because, you know. Morpheus is not. He's he's the catalyst. Wow. He's not pressured by LAG A Fishburne. I just always I love the Lord's Fishburne tape to see him by helping him. Number one at the box office on Christmas Eve twenty twenty one. Was a Spider Man No Way Home -- Yep. -- making eighty four million dollars in his second weekend. And that's just the weekend, obviously, all these days or days off in a way, so it's sort of a weird weekend. But Yeah. We both saw it, you know, it's enjoyable. I don't know. It's kind of it is in so many ways the opposite of this movie. Mhmm. But I also think it is the version of that that at least is functional and entertained. It's very it's very watchable. I I had to get so much. One of the sweatiest movies I've ever seen story wise, the the the way they have to twist themselves and then not to pull off all things they wanna do. Yeah. But look, it at least is basically effective as entertainment. Usually think it's usually effective. I get it. I get it. Here's the thing I'm gonna say very quickly walk talking around spoiler. Yeah. I think it's very interesting that there is a character in that movie who is able to accomplish things that superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic universe have spent entire films learning how to do. Okay. Okay. And he becomes as good at that guy pretty much at doing them almost immediately, and no one has accused him of being a marry suit. It's a fair point. Right. I've not heard one person say that. I just want throw that out. Okay. I speak obliquely, but if you've seen the I think, you know what I'm talking about? Well, it's And one of the homeless, many sweaty story, cutting corner things, but whatever number two at the box office, of them from as many sweaty story cutting corner things, whatever. Number two, the box office. Number two, the box office thing too, which I think people looked at as some sort of, like, fuck Matrix bomb so hard, sing to beat it. A, sing one was so goddamn huge. People forget it was fucking humongous. I mean, two hundred and seventy domestic -- Sure. -- sing? About a lot. Also sing two, not on peacock. Right? No. So pure theatrical release. Of course, it's gonna do -- Yeah. -- nothing to do with A family movie Banos in family movie. Bonnet is in it apparently. I don't know. Yeah. Matrix. clashes with As Spider Man in terms of audience, Sing two's got its own lane. I have no idea how Matrix is doing. I I don't think either. Yeah. don't know you'd sing two beating matrix at the box office is reflective of nothing, and it's not embarrassing. Number three is that my whole thing is, like, I don't The whole thing with Box Office is not nothing is embarrassing right now. Who cares? Movies are doing well badly. I'm excited the Westside story is finally holding, but obviously it's not making much money. Yeah. It jumped week to week this week. It's really up. Yeah. Which is which is interest staying. And, like, obviously, the next week is sort of interesting at the box office, but there's also a pandemic and there's one demographic going to theaters more than others in blah blah. I agree with you on all of this, and I view everything in that way. Like, an over performance is exciting, but an underperformance isn't really indicative of anything. Mhmm. I fear as always is the industry is incredibly reactionary and scared, and I worry about them panicking and making the rash decisions. But they're also, they're also always also they're also always behind. You have to remember Warner Bros. Already committed to the next year being theater only because everyone got mad at them about the last thing. And so we'll see how next Now it's forty five days. Everything will be finished. Yeah. I agree forty five days. That's what it should be. That's what it should be. That's what it's gonna just be from now on. It's just after forty five days. Take your months. Free, quote unquote, on a streaming site. These fucking you know, fourth of the box office is is prequel. Fourth at the box office is a pretty cool thing. Called the king -- -- king's man. Haven't seen it. Neither lie. Some people like it. Others don't know. The most divisive movie a year. Some people like it, others do not. A true just I don't know. Whatever. We gotta put it out, please. Just Kingsman, anyone? Anyone? No. Quietly said Michelle for, like, as long as New mutants, but no one was talking about it because don't give a shit. Number five at the box office. It's an inspirational true story drama. It's called -- About a quarterback. -- American -- A blank Nondrodog story. American underdog, the Curt Warner story. Yeah. Zachary Levi is Curt Warner. Ellie Rams quarterback. Maybe Saint Louis Ramsback then. I can't remember. Inspirational faith based. Got an e plus cinema score. Matrix got a b minus. Yeah. Westside's story is number six. A journal for Jordan. Number seven. Talk about a movie that doesn't exist. Crazy. What a watch would call a future FilmComedy time for Yep. Ehrlich pizza expanding slowly to seven hundred something screens doing very well. Continuing to have very normal conversations though? Incato, ghostbusters, after life, which seems to be topping out in one twenty. Well, I'm still making money there. Look, talk about forty five days. That movie can't mid November. It will be on digital for rental in three days. Yep. Can't wait to see it. Nightmarie Ali. Nothing's gonna make you feel really bad then. Hey. Hey. Timmarie, if someone can found it by. Yeah. We'll do just for some day. That's strange. I guess we're gonna wait until it's another good movie. And then well, and then you got Gucci still chugging chugging, its way to five $50 then no. And then you got Gucci still chugging over chugging its weight of five hundred fifty million dollars. One of the few box office performances that I find a little bit encouraging because it's actually just Seraph driven drama. Doing well. It's got some buzz. Young people wanna see it. Yeah. And that's the box office. This has been the This has been the matrix. How long is our running time, Ben Hosley? Well, with ads, I think this might be There's only two ads this week. Oh, But they're each gonna be half an hour old? No. We already recorded them. They're short. And so then I'll say that I'm gonna guess that this is about three hours and twenty minutes. Great. Some people will be happy with that. Right? Yeah. Look, we're gonna do another episode on the restaurations in a few months. On a patreon. More hours in the matrix. So much more patreon. Yeah. I'll get very nerdy about get very nerdy about it. I promise think we have done this film justice or just strictly I think this is what people wanted this episode. And if it wasn't, you know what? I'm sorry. David is sipping an empty glass of water. It's fully empty. There's not even a drop in there. He tried to see if he tilted it back and forth. Maybe there was one final Maybe there was one final drop thing. Could he associate a nurse? And it's making him even angry because now he's thirsty on top of hungry and I'm still talking and he wants to pee. I gotta be Where's the laptop? David has closed the I think that almost never now. He's -- Okay. Blogged down the street with an open laptop, holding it -- down the street with an open laptop holding it out. I do not. One hour. I do not. Top is never closed. Unlike the balcony. Alright. Well, then we really should wrap things up. So then quickly, I'll just say for any of those of fans out there who may be interested in hearing our Marvel commentary series that we started out with the big victory on -- Yeah. -- back in twenty nineteen. We will start throughout this year making those available on the day they originally were published. So that means we will be beginning with ironman. So for those who don't know, on Patreon, we released new episodes on the first, the eleventh, and the twenty first. And starting this year, there will be a new episode on the first eleventh and twenty first, but also on patreon dot com slash blank check. If you go there we will be making public -- Yep. -- the link -- Yep. -- for whatever episode came out on that date exactly three years Ehrlich, and that's gonna be our model. Going forward. So we're we're releasing episodes rolling those paywall after three years. Yeah. On Marvel commentary episodes, you can watch long and home. Ghostbusters on Patreon right now. Starting now. Starting now. And we got a mailback episode on January eleventh. That's right. And then in February and March, we're gonna be doing episodes on top of the lake. I know we said we never do TV again, but we're online. Yep. And then, yeah, as we said, Matrix commentary is coming up after that. Thank you all for listening. yeah. Big big new year for Boeing Track. Can't think of better way to start it out. People were really Doing the good buy and then you stopped. Keep keep going. I wanna tell you a thing that I've been thinking about this. Oh, my god. Keep going. So goodbye. No. I think David, you're saying people will be happy with this episode. I think the fact that for the first time in a year, we made them wait more than seven days. Sure. Yeah. For any episode, let alone an episode on a movie that is so tied into our history and that everyone is talking about. Mhmm. I hope people were satisfied by it. And if not, We'll talk about it for another two and a half hours. Yeah. In fact, soon. Right. Thank you all for listening. Please remember to rate, review, and subscribe and go to patreon dot com slash blindscribe for all the stuff. I mentioned. Thank you to Marie Bardi for our social media. AJ McKee and Alex Barron for our editing, Pat, Reynolds, and Joe Bowen, for our art work, Lee Montgomery, and the Great American novel for the theme song. You can listen to a new album extremely loud and crabbly online. A way to describe matrix Resurrections, Yeah. Definitely. Wherever albums are found, go to our Shopify page for merch come in come in soon where we've priced the previous topical shirts talk in the walk twenty twenty and the fifth anniversary show we priced them to move around deep discount because we've got get through that inventory, but also coming soon. Can I say it here? Our commemorative twenty twenty one item for talking the walk is not a shirt. Is in fact a spatula that we are naming the Spreadmaster. It is a blank check themed spatula. That's right? I'm the spreadmaster. And but also, this is the spreadmaster. It's a Blankies check purple spreadmaster's spatula. Yes. Coming soon. Along with chip coin. That's right. And other stupid shit we're gonna make, because I'm at the That's right. Ben's doing stuff too. Merchandise spotlight, they didn't make toys for this movie. It's insane. I fucking hate it. Why can't I buy the robots? Right. David, you should go pick up. Yeah. No. It's okay. And as always, Why haven't they made merchandise? I'm gonna harp on this while David's peeing. Griffin, well, because the movie is examining the toxic parts of this -- I see. -- and in the opening of the movie with Tom Anderson's in an office surrounded by the fucking Trochke's that I buy is supposed to be the unfulfilling part of his life. Absolutely. But I also look at that scene and I go, well, yeah, that's you got the McFarlane toys. Trendy figure right there in the Morpheus, why aren't you giving me new versions of McFarlane still in business? He could just do it again and they have a new articulation system. Because back then they were pretty much existing statues and nerd humuls as people like to call them colloquially. And now digital sculpting advancements, four films, expanded palette. I want a bugs. I'd like a sotheby, Luminee, Octocles. Old Nighthawk bang? Thrown fits more fans? Yeah. I just I I just don't see this happening, unfortunately. Mhmm. But maybe I'm wrong. I just I just did this this doesn't strike me as the movie for kitties who are then gonna wanna get toys. And I'm talking about a collector audience here, an adult collector audience. McFarlane toys, it's an attitude. Well, I also now have food. Ben is leading by a whole department. A part of what you're ranting about. Fucking baby dry.

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