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4-24-24 Bill Cunningham Show

4-24-24 Bill Cunningham Show

Released Thursday, 25th April 2024
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4-24-24 Bill Cunningham Show

4-24-24 Bill Cunningham Show

4-24-24 Bill Cunningham Show

4-24-24 Bill Cunningham Show

Thursday, 25th April 2024
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Reads completely overwhelmed by Philadelphia losing seven is zip. It looked like the seniors against the freshmen. Then I go last night, the Reds win by seven runs. Ella Dela Cruz looks impregnable. He's like the Bismarck. The Reds win eight to one back out of tonight, starting about five forty. I spent some time with David Bell, Red's manager. Of course, I taught him how to hit when he was a kid, and I gave him some tips on Dela Cruz. What happened home run last night. Dela Cruz could be the second coming of Willie Mays, Henry Aaron, Eric Davis, Joe Morgan and Moore. But until then, we have a lot of stuff going on. Reds Baseball kicks off at five forty, first pitch about six forty, and as we speak this morning, a lot of the talk shows have the Trumpster convicted of all kinds of offenses. The only issue is Rikers Island or Alcatraz. Those are the two places to put him to make sure he's not available to run. And what's happening to our country in real time is disgusting, of course. Jeff Crewe, Crewair dot Net as an author of many great books, including America's Last Chance. Has two columns up. One says, meet the new boss, same as the old boss. That's Speaker Mike Johnson, who's collapsing. And then also we have the world needs peacemaker Trump once again and Jeff crue Air, Welcome again to the Bill Cunningham Show. First of all, Jeff, give me an overview of how we got to a situation in this country where thousands and thousands of rioters and protesters can sheut anti Semitic slurs that would not be permitted by any other group, but at Columbia it's somehow acceptable. Can you explain that to me? There is a horrible sickness on our college campuses today. There's anti Semitism of galore, and these protesters are being coddled. They're giving an opportunity to threaten these Jewish students to yell out the most horrible obscenities. And it's because a lot of these left wing activists or pro Hamas, they hate Israel. So it's being coddled in the college campuses and in the Democrat Party bill because you have Joe Biden the other day saying he pretty much says that they're good people on both sides, you know, Israel and Hamas. I mean, Bill, Joe Biden is such a disaster. I cannot emphasize enough how much of a disaster he is. I just want to remind everyone when Donald Trump was president, we had peace in the Middle East, we had peace all over the world. Hamas was an afterthought. Iran was broke. Now we've got war breaking out everywhere, when the verge of World war we're talking about nuclear holocaust and Joe Biden's eating ice cream. I'm watching one of his quick interviews about he has no idea where is. And the fact is, you used to have a cohesive foreign policy, if it was Clinton, or if it was Obama, it was Bush, it was Trump, there was a person at the top of the pyramid, the President Potus, who was in charge those in the know and Washington tell me that there's no one in charge of the executive branch, not Joe Biden, who doesn't get up till ten o'clock in the morning needs a B twelve shot, god knows what he So, the executive branch is run by three thousand different individuals. The old Obama hangovers and they couldn't get real work after Obama left office, so they were brought back in by Joe Biden's chief of staff at the time, and they're running the government. And so you got several hundred or couple thousand people making important decisions, none of which are connected to each other because nobody's in charge. Is that what you're hearing. I think that's a great analysis. I think that's exactly what's going on. Joe Biden cannot provide leadership. He doesn't have mental competence. He's a physical mess as well. I mean, he could fall off a stage at any time. Bill, He's a liability for our nation. The fact that he is commander in chief is a joke. That he's got his finger on the nuclear button should horrify everyone. And we've got ourselves in a very, very dangerous situation because you're right, there's no leadership obviously from the Biden administration, and we are in we are in severe danger. And the president, who I believe is the one that can turn things around, they're trying to throw in prison with ridiculous, made up charges that of course they would pursue with no one else. Bill, the only person that would be targeted in this way. Is Donald J. Trump? I'm looking to my left some of the chirns on CNN and MSNBC Trump tries to influence the election? Water is wet. I'm looking did Trump try to influence the election? Trump hired an attorney to do some NDAs with some former porn stars and girlfriends he likely had, may I use the term relationships with which what exactly did Hillary Clinton do with a Coe law firm when she screened through that law firm the bills on the bs of the Stele dossier. She did exactly the same thing when Billy Boy was in office. The they had numerous mndas with women's dashed all over town that he was having sex with, and the media stood down completely. So they're weaponizing, weaponizing the law to make sure that Trump can't win. And everyone knows Jeff Crueir that when this is all concluded and when he's convicted, that jury will convict him in Manhattan that in a year or two or three from now, it's all going to be reversed. But that doesn't make the point. The point is go after the ten to twenty percent of the low information voter wakes up on November the fifth and says, Hey, honey, is the election this Tuesday or is it next Tuesday? When's the election to go vote? Say we got too much chaos and it's up to us. You me, you're in New Orleans, I'm in Cincinnati. To kind of remind people where we are. Talk about your column, which I thought was beautiful. Meet the new Boss, Sam is the old boss. And this column talks about how Mike Johnson collapsed before the Washington elite, which is what Republicans tend to do. And the first couple of sentences are the following, It's happened again. Once promising Republican House speaker has turned into a deep state operative House speaker. Mike Johnson of Your Homestay of Louisiana has followed in the footsteps of John Baynor, Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy. They're all the same. Explain your point on that, well, Bill, You know, at least some of us have high hopes when he's new speakers take office. We think, oh wow, they're going to be real conservatives, real leaders, and each and every one of them have failed miserably. Bayer, Ryan, McCarthy were all terrible, and some of us thought that Mike Johnson supposedly a strong Christian. I think he is a man of faith. But he crumbled. I mean he crumbled. And he had a ninety percent here at Jacks voting record, a strong conservative voting record. He was on record being against Ukraine Aid, on record being against these omnibus deals, on record being against the fies, warrant ALFISA without warrants, and lo and behold. He backtracks on all of them. He collapses under pressure. Obviously, he had a meeting with intelligence officials and he says that he saw the real threat. A lot of people believe that he's been somehow threatened. We don't know, but we do know that what happened the other day was abysmal. Zero for the border bill, ninety five billion for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. I think a lot of us would have been okay with money for Israel and Taiwan, but another sixty billion for Ukraine bill. That's two hundred billion dollars for Ukraine, more than the rest of the world combined. How does Paul Ryan John Banner, by the way, full disclosure friend, golfing buddy like John Debbie Baanner, good people gets into office collapses. Paul Ryan. There's no difference to substance between Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi on policy, they're exactly the same thing. They go in, they have a few meatballs, a few cocktails, they're wine dined and pocket lined, and they come out kind of talking like a king. Jeffers, How's that happened? Every time that? Give him some meatballs, give him my Manhattan. Guess what life is good? I'm I'm down with this. Nancy, how does that happen? Why does it happen the other way? You know? Edward Snowden called it congressional capture and says it it happens time and time again, and I think he's very right. It never happens the other way. So we have with this happens more than just how speakers bill. It happens with Supreme Court justices. We send them in as conservatives and they turn out to be something totally different. But whenever you send in a liberal, they stay liberal. They never convert to conservatism. They never moved to the right. No Supreme Court justices have ever become a conservative. But we've had a lot of conservative Supreme Court justices become liberal and He's House speakers are an embarrassment. I mean it really and I'm embarrassed to say that this man is from Louisiana. Now we were all proud of them, all excited, and now there's huge disappointment in what has happened. And he just did a fundraiser for a Rhino representative from Texas. And then I heard did he apologize to Joe Biden for rolling his eyes at the State of the Union. He should have torn up Joe Biden's speech just like Nancy Pelosi did to Donald Trump. He didn't need apologize for rolling his eyes. I mean that's just so weak. Well, very disappointing to put Jeff to put a sharper point on that. Mike Johnson, brand new to the job. Here comes Joe Biden. The speech was awful, it was terrible. He lied repeatedly, he couldn't pronounce the name of the murdered rape nursing student from Georgia, completely screwed it up, and Mike Johnson every now and then rolled his eyes one direction of the other. So he meets with Joe Biden a few days ago and apologizes for eye rolling. I want to see if Nancy Pelo, who stood up behind Donald Trump and tore in the little pieces in the confetti the State of the Union address. Would she ever apologize to Donald Trump for tearing up the State of the Union Address on national television. In fact, the media cheered her on tear it up some more. Nancy go get him. She not only did she not apologize, she then impeached Trump again. So she impeached him twice, tore up his speech, abused him from day one. Still is unfair in her characterizations of Trump, makes horrible comments about him. Yet Mike Johnson wants to play ice with Joe Biden. That is the problem, Bill. All these Republicans want to play ice. They want to be considerate, they want to work out something, while these Democrats are cutthroats. They don't do that. Democrats never try to play ice. So Mike Johnson is obviously not the guy. I don't know who the guy or the gal is who's going to be the the right leader, but it's not. It's not Mike Johnson. I'll look forward to the day when Soda my Ore becomes antonin Scalia. I'll look for today when when Kagan becomes Alito, because that will never happen. They're a pack of dogs. There's a lead dog, and you follow that dog. If you're a Democrat, and the view never changes, look at that dog and you follow that dog. But if you're a Republican, you're like a cat. We got like two hundred and fourteen cats, and everyone's going different directions. And I don't understand. Mentally, I think I think of David Souior, I think of Anthony Kennedy, all of which get into the Washington DC circuits, they suddenly become moderate deliberals. The opposite never happens. Oh, please, go, I gotta talk to you about what Go ahead? Please? What about John Roberts, Oh my god, Breig Kavanaugh, what about Amy Cony Barrett's yeah, oh my god. And I'm thinking, well, to be kidding me, man, it only works one direction. I look at Mitch McConnell, who looks like the bottom of my left foot. Every time I look at Mitch McConnell, he ages five years. And that's the leader of the Republican Party. I'm going to come on, man, Mitch McConnell, HELENMI, I don't know what he's your listeners to remember, Mitch McConnell said the most important issue for Republicans across the country was funding Ukraine. He said that was more important than the border, than the economy, than all the problems at Biden and the Democrats and He's runners have caused. Ukraine was the number one issue for Republicans. This guy is so out of touch, Bill, He's such a deep state operative himself. He's been there forever. Thank god he's leaving as a Senate leader. We're going to have to get through the whole rest of the year with him. Though he's the problem. People like him. It looks like the neck of a ninety seven year old woman. And I'm thinking, how is this guy? And I had hopes for Mike Johnson, not the Olympic runner in Atlanta. That guy was fabulous. I thought, Okay, we got a guy from Louisiana. He's like religious, he's got principles. The Federalist society loves this guy, and he collapses like a cheap suit. Give me hope, Jeff crue Er, can you give me hope? I give you hope I need. His name is Donald J. Trump. I mean, I really do think Donald J. Trump can unify the Republican Party, can unify our country, can get us out of these wars, can bring back prosperity, can close the border, can turn this country around. That is the person that can do it. He's the only one that can do it. Bill, So they're gonna throw everything at him, as you say, they're not going to stop. But we've got to rally around him and get him across the finish line and give him another term and get rid of this Biden catastrophe. We can't survive another four years of the Biden administration. Bill. Can you imagine about six months into his second term, Joe Biden somersaults down step somewhere, he's he's got IVS all in him, and here comes Kamala Harris under the twenty fifth Amendment, and she's the president for the next three years on top. And then she's reelected, of course, because we got to give more of that. Can you imagine the status of this country in twenty thirty or twenty thirty two if we go through eight to twelve years of Joe Biden's policies and Kamala Harris, what happens? Total destruction of America, Total collapse of America, Our economy will be destroyed. It'll be it'll be worse than anything we can imagine. So I think a lot of us thought Obama was bad, and then we're like, Okay, we got to elect Trump because Obama was so bad we can't have Hillary. And then oh, well, Joe Biden's going to be this moderate guy. Well, Joe Biden has been the worst of all time in my opinion, and Kamala Harris would be even worse than him. So still, that can't happen. All I can say is that can't happen. Name of the book is America's America's Last Chance, America's Last Chance, and columns are at Jeff crueir cr O U E r E dot net. And I know what the Democrats have planned. It's Rikers Island or Alcatraz. It's keep him off the campaign trail. This guy's seventy seventy six years old, he's overweight. Beat him down, stick him in court, don't let him campaign. I'm watching this in real time. Between that and Hamas taken over New York City, Between those two, I'm going to say, at a shock and disbelief, I'm suffering from projectile vomiting an explosive diarrhea. It happens to me every time I watch the news. I can't take it anymore. And Jeff Creer, thanks for coming on to edify the American people. But we have one chance, and that is they have Donald Trump to be re elected. To stop. At a minute, there'll be riots. Madonna will guess up her jett and talk about killing the president again, the Hollywood left, there'll be cities burning. But at least we will stop what's happening with Joe Biden, because we got all that anyway, and we have the same policies of a Marxist liberal, which is Joe Biden, who's not in charge of anything, not even his own bowels. But well, Bill, it's a pleasure always to be with you, and thank you for this opportunity. And you're one hundred percent right. This is our chance, this is it, and we got to put everything we can toward the election of Donald Trump because we cannot afford to lose this election. Thank you, and Jeff Career, don't become a liberal. Okay, you got it, you got it. Don't worry. Thank God, bless America. Jeff, thank you very much. I let's continue with more. I don't know what to say. A few comments are next to more, it's your home of the reds. I'm shocked and amazed. How bad they looked on Monday, How great they look on Tuesday. Happened tonight on news radio seven hundred WLW. Check out our fresh springtime offers going on right now. Get three rooms at carper class. Twenty twenty four. The Jews are under attack again. Hi run and CNN students crossed the line between protest and hate. And of course it is funded by the radical left, which funds almost all of these moves. Every now and then, there will be a Charlottesville every now and then. The terrible events of January the sixth, Yes, but the run of the mill daily riots and protests and burnings and arsons and riots, almost always on the radical left. But I redressed this a little bit. Let's talk about a couple other issues quickly. You may recall several months back there was an attempt by the Biden administration Joe Biden, etc. Somebody up there, not him. He has those moments. He has a few lucid moments, but not many. But the staff around him runs the presidency wanted to get rid of AM radio. Well, AM radio, whether it's whether it was the great one, the greatest of all time, Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin or Sean Hannity or yours, truly spend most of our time where on AM radio. And so the goal was to shut the voices down of descent so that there's no one to object to the policies of the current administration or the next one, especially if it's Kamala Harris. So there was an effort to get rid of AM radio, or not require I think it was Ford, might have been general motors to put AM radio in cars to get rid of it. Well, at this point it appears we may have won that battle, but it's close. If AM radio and conservative talk was in favor of Joe Biden and the left wing radical Democrats, that issue would not have arisen at all. But because we are ten to twenty percent of all American people listen to talk radio during good times like this, twenty percent not much going on, fifteen percent guess what they want to get rid of it? Colleges, universities, Hollywood television, most newspapers, all left wing, radical extreme progressives. Take a look at Columba University and so we kind of won that battle. We think that AM radio will remain in motor vehicles and trucks. Now, the next move having not won that one as a headline on Bloomberg that says George Soros purchase of radio giant Odyssey, and I read down into the story. George Soros and his sons, they're billionaires and they want to buy Odyssey, which is the second largest radio company in the world. And there are some Republicans like Chip Roy, who is accusing the liberal billionaire George Soros and his family of trying to fast track his acquisition of a major radio company through the FCC. And many are concerned about this because the now it says, shut down that part of American media that tends to be conservative. The transaction, which affects radio stations reaching tens of millions millions of listeners across the US, would be a problem if controlled by may use the term foreigners. There is a law that says that instead of going through the normal declaratory ruling process, the Soros group has asked the FCC to waive that process and put it off sometime down the road because they are owned by foreign interest. There's a law against that too, and they would like that to be waived. So the Odyssey restructuring deal Odyssey, by the ways in bankruptcy includes the Soros firm and others, have been approved by the courts and it's now waiting its final hurdle, which is FCC approval according to Inside Radio, So the goal is number one, the second largest radio company in the world. Odyssey will soon be owned by George Soros. Next up iHeartMedia right here. They want to take out the voices of descent and make sure that Hannity, Mark Levin yours truly are not heard in over the airwaves because after all, it'll be owned by George Soros and his family. So just put that in your pipe and smoke it. A few months back, no Am Radio may have won that one. Now guess what GOP lawmaker sounds alarm as George Soros looks to fast track his purchase of national radio giant, which would be Odyssey. Of course, the big one in the marketplace is right here, which is iHeartMedia, which is about twice the size of Odyssey. We'll see what happens next. In the sites will be of course iHeartMedia, and to stop the voices of descent. Don't want to hear any different voice. How many voices of a multi character fascination do you hear, like on the AB, NBC, CBS, New York Times, Washington Post, Late night television, the view most of cable news. How many dissenting voices do you hear? The answer is none. You will never have. For example, NPR, with their eighty seven liberal Democrats working there here voices supporting the administration of Donald Trump. You simply won't hear it. It is one way of looking at things. Investia, Pravda, the old Soviet Union. Right now, right now, the liberal progressive control almost all of the communication that you receive, and it gets worse during an election cycle. Zuckerberg Zuckerbucks. Last cycle twenty twenty, he put up a half a billion dollars five hundred million to register quote new voters in certain areas of Michigan, North Carolina, and Georgia and Arizona. Those new voters created these ballots like in a snowstorm or a blizzard. The ballots are everywhere. They're just flying into the boards of election, and of course they're counted quickly without signature of verification, without identity of whether or not you're a citizen and can voted. None that makes any difference. Register by any means necessary, Large numbers of people pump it into the boards of election. Overwhelmed by the amount have the boards of elections send out the ballot in the mail through anyone who has a driver's license or getting a government benefit. The ballots come, and then the captains divide up precincts to find out who hasn't voted yet. Every night they check to see who hasn't voted. Go to your house, you got the ballot? You don't have one? I got one here, Sign your name. We'll take care of it. How was it possible? You might recall the glory days of Barack Hussain Obama in twenty eight and twenty twelve, the most votes Barack Husain Obama ever received for the presidency was sixty seven million votes. And how strong was his presence when he came to UC here people want nuts? Fifteen thousand show up registering to vote. Everybody, so he got about sixty seven million ballots for Barack Husain Obama. Well, in twenty twenty, in raw numbers, Donald Trump got seventy four million votes. He beat the best numbers of Barack Husain Obama by seven million. But guess what, Joe Biden, he got eighty one million votes. He got fourteen million more votes than Obama. Do you believe that what happened? Blizzards, snowstorms, of ballots flying out all over Hell's half acre, filled with boxes, rolled into the board of Elections counties, That's how it happened. Do you think in twenty twenty the campaign of Joe Biden was so much better than either of the campaigns of Obama in eight or twelve. Of course, not something happened. It's called rig and I say, at this point, make it so big it can't be rigged. That's going to be a problem. But nonetheless, the goal is to shut the bait down No Am Radio, make sure there's no conservative voices. George Soros and his other communist leftists in Europe will control the messages you receive through the internet through social media, and if they don't pay attention, the FBI will investigate them until they understand. To play the game social media TikTok. Throw in all the newspapers, throw in the internet, throw in all of radio, throw in all the television and tell me how you get disparate voices upon which you could cast an informed ballot. Tell me that's possible, that's what's coming. It can be stopped. And I'm under no illusion donald Trump, if he's reelected, I still think he's the under But if he's reelected, he won't be able to do half of what he wants to do because the courts and the media and the Democrats, through impeachment and lawsuits and incarceration and wiretaps, will stop him at every turn, And the media will be there to give all the negative crap about Donald Trump, and not of the positive. But I also believe that it'll stop what's occurring in our country relative to the takeover of the left ring progressive socialist. It begins with radio, it will end with the idea that the American dream has become a nightmare and is now dead. Let's continue with more. I have questions about where historically does this anti jew, anti Semitism spring coming up next to his professor Jeff Paul, not Jake Paul, professor Jeff Paul, but the origins of jew hating conducted by the Democratic Party TROWL fifty three, Home of your reds. I was there last night. Who knows I may go tonight on news radio seven hundred wut you hey, grab your balls, grab your back. Their ball is her cross. It'll be action galorey in the Big Ballpark by the three run home run. It's all Red Lakes playing host to the Philly What's out of here? Oh my drummist, I can't believe I'm admitting Red put away this minute from the East. Get the call live today at five forty one, seven hundred W l Juba and seven hundred W l w's live stream on the free iHeartRadio app. You know, many many years ago, the children of Maul Cunningham got together and lease my mother a brand new car. It was one of the great joys of her life to have no car expenses the last several years of her life because of a lease vehicle paid for by her adult children. And right now at Joseph Chevrolet, they're better and they're different. They have Mother's Day Malibu specials for your mom. Get together, make sure she has no expenses and Lisa a brand new twenty twenty twenty four Equinox only about only about three twenty nine a month. I said, three to twenty nine a month unbelievable? Would twenty nine to ninety five? Do it? Do it? Closing, get your mother from Mother's Day a brand new vehicle. It is something she will never forget and she will always love and every time she gets to that vehicle. So think about the kids who care about her so much. Special Mother's Day malibus right now at Joseph Chevrolet, the lowest prices, Lowe's interest rates, the most knowledgeable staff and what a selection. Together. Let's drive Joseph Chevrolet and Coleraine and Joseph Chevrolet dot Com. Don't let's spring allergies make you miserable, try the quick drug. Far departure from what colleges universities should do, which is provide needed information upon which they concerned citizen and cast in form ballots to lead a better life. But what's happening now is an indoctrination we've not seen for a long time. If somebody had told me years ago, decades ago, that America would suffer from anti Semitism, I wouldn't have believed it full true. I practiced law in a Jewish law firm for about twenty years. Katzman, Logan and helper. Loved being there, became exposed to the Jewish culture in ways that I didn't know it existed. But I was so happy and enriched by my association with many of my Jewish lawyers that I practiced law with, and I loved it. And it is absolutely disgraceful, disgraceful what's happening on college campus is now seemingly authorized and approved by the leadership of these colleges. And I look at the list of disruptions happening from UCLA to Columbia, It's Disgusting's almost as if this generation of young, ingrained and doctrinated Americans need a cause greater than themselves to run around to act like fools. A new book is out Winning America's Second Civil War, put together by Jeffrey E. Paul. He's a research professor in social philosophy at West Virginia, also spent time at Bowling Green State University and the University of Arizona and more. And Professor Jeffrey Paul Welcome to the Bill Cunningham shown first of all one of the most popular movies out now. Documentary is a Second Civil War, which I think is I thought would be impossible but things happen in life today that I always said will never happened. Explain to me about winning America's second Civil War? What is that? Well, the first Civil War was an inevitability given the founding principles of this country. That the country was founded on, principles which had never been invoked before before the year sixteen ninety and have not been invoked since. That's what makes America so unusual. The idea was, according to the Founders, that human beings have knights, have rights conferred upon them by nature. The first is the right of self ownership, called the right to life. But what it meant was the way the Founders interpreted it, that was a right of self ownership, therefore a right to one's liberty and therefore a right to the fruit of one's labor property. And the point of government, essentially, its principal duty was the protection of those rights, so the individual didn't have to defend themselves. And in addition to protecting those rights from its citizens, for its citizens, it had to protect them from the violation of those rights by the government itself. And that meant that after the Revolutionary War, we were on a trajectory to defend those rights, which meant the elimination of slavery, and that elimination required a war between the States, the First Civil War. That war concluded in eighteen sixty five. The view that human beings had natural rights was universal in the United States, and three amendments to the Constitution were added to assure their protection. But within ten years they began to be challenged in colleges and universities, and that happened quite by accident. It was the unintentional of the effect of the colleges attempting to upgrade themselves into research universities. So what they did is they imported Americans who have doctorates from the one European country that was awarding doctoral degrees, which they needed to have research institutions and to be able to award doctorates themselves. They imported Americans. In the natural sciences, this was a resultedmatic improvement in the natural sciences, engineering, medicine. However, in the social sciences and the humanities, it was an unmitigated disaster, and it occurred out of view of the citizens. The donors to these institutions, the trustees and the presidents were aware of it, but not They didn't appreciate its significance. What these Americans who were trained in Germany came back with was a German doctor which said that human beings had no rights, that they were part of the nation, and the nation was like an organism, and they were like the cells or organs within the within the organism, and they had only duties to sustain the organism. The nation no rights, and the duties would be assigned to them by an elite, and the elite were comprised, was comprised. The Professoriat in the universities has completely flipped things. They were also the Americans who were trained in these views in Germany were called state socialists, which was a good term in Germany, but in America was not a good term, was not an approved term. And so they disguised their views by adopting the name of a German party political party, the German progress Party, And so they invented the name for themselves Progressives. And then the final point I'd like to make is that the same exact people who trained these Americans in the eighteen seventies, eighteen eighties, and eighteen nineties were the same people who trained the Nazi Professoriate exactly the same people. Professor, Let's hold that point, because that's brilliant to say that the country was founded with the idea that the rights we have come from God, and that government is instituted to unfetter the path so as individuals we can pursue those rights. At the end of the First Civil War, the prefessorial class won a completely different direction that individuals do not have rights from God, but rather from government. I want to jump ahead to the sixties, nineteen seventies, nineteen eighties to today what's happening at Columbia University. When I went to college, colleges are extremely conservative. There was a sense that a woman went to college to meet a man, and a man went to college to meet a woman to get married to have children. That model is gone right now. The average American gets married at thirty or thirty two years old. Can we jump ahead from the eighteen seventies through the nineteen seventies to the twenty twenties as to why on college campuses today, from UCLA to Chicago, to Ohio State to Columbia they're erupting with anti Semitism and hatred for the jew Is. That escapegoat make the connection between those three points. Okay, well, what happened was the next thing that happened back in that nineteenth century that is key to understanding what happened today, is that prior to the eighteen seventies, all pointments to the faculty were made by college and university presidents. That privilege the president's had was rescinded and given to the faculty. So you have this faculty with a monopoly on the social sciences and the humanities, so that they could train and hire whom they wanted, and they had the privilege of hiring the presidents would just sign off on it. So you've had one generation after another generation getting more and more, more and more radical. Originally they called themselves progressives. World War One occurred, Germany had a bad name. They had to replace the name progressive with another name and call themselves liberals. And what's happened is, and most undergraduates certainly were unaware of this. Let's say, up until about maybe the sixties, the faculty was far to the left, using the political spectrum as we understand it today, far to the left. Even when you went to college was far to the left of where you were. You may not have been aware of it. I was aware of it, and then there have been many, many surveys since then. You have no idea. It's eighty to ninety percent of the faculty, even the engineering faculty will be to the left in colleges, but the social science and humanities faculty are way far to the left. Ninety percent of them at least will be to the left of center. So consequently, if you have one generation trainment X and a central principle is the autocracy of the elite, and the autocracy of the elite needs a pretext for their autocracy and their elitism, and the pretext that they use, in some variation or other is that some people are oppressed and therefore they depend upon an elite to extricate them from the suppression. And it varies as to which group is selected. But the elite selects a group to call oppressed depending upon what inflates their power. And so recently what's happened is that they have in the universities many radical Islamists, and this particular moment where Israel was attacked was a moment in which those people at these campuses, organized by various people, have protested and they have the sympathy of a lot of the faculty, perhaps not a majority of the faculty, or a lot of the faculty. They're another oppressed group, et cetera, et cetera. Terri, it's not they didn't They were simply defending themselves against the Jews. They weren't attacking the Jews, and they shouldn't be in Israel any case. That should belong to the Palestinians and so forth. So you've had this breakout. The presidents don't know what to do about it because they have Presidents basically are are for the most part at the major universities, effectively chosen by the faculty, so their views have to afford with those of the faculty. Wh how about this professor, I want to share with the American people a quote from one of the professors at Columbia. When you talk about the oppressed, the oppressed are the rich, rich children who go to Columbia or UCLA. I have a friend of mine that has the son of Colombia at seventy two thousand dollars a year, and he feels oppressed. It's terrible. But if there's an oppressed, someone's doing the oppressing. And according to Professor Hamad Dibashi, professor of Iranian Studies at Columbia. He tells his students quote in a posting, every dirty, treacherous, ugly, pernicious happening in the world is caused by the Jew. Just wait for a few days, and the ugly name of Israel pop up in every atrocity. And that is unquote, that is typical of what the students are being told in major campuses. You may be the son of a congressman or a millionaire, but you're oppressed because of the Jew. So why is the Jew that go to? Well, why the Jew? I mean, I love Jewish people. I live in a community here in Cincinnati in which the Jewish life and Cincinnati has been tremendously enhanced by the arrival of thousands of Jews, faith, family hospitals, orphanages, country clubs, subdivisions, and university studies. A Nobel Prize winners outwelmly are Jewish. But how come the Jew is the convenience scapegoat of the so called oppressed? Why well, that's that's a recent pretext for the elites and the universities' that's been very recent. However, I should say there's a great irony in that in what has transpired because the initial American faculty from the late nineteenth century had had accepted and adopted the anti Semitism of the propos of the German prophetoriate. Uh. And so they were the superior group was the Teutonic race, and the inferior group were the Jews, Jews and blacks. That was that was the view of the first the first generation of Americans training in Germany. It slowly went away, and now it's come back again. So uh and I think it wouldn't have come back again unless, uh, it without this attack from humas On on Israel October seventh. But as I said, the professors, I easy elite are always looking for a quote, a group that they can call oppressed and in order to increase their own power. And that's that's that's the best way I could explain it. We have about a minute remaining, Professor Jeff Paul, the book is Winning America Second Civil War. Here's the big question, and you give me a one minute answer, if possible. How do we get out of this? Well, this is we are in an extremely difficult situation because the coming election between the Democrats and the Republicans. The Democratic Party has become the party of the universities and the colleges, and therefore they have this elitist view and believe in the sort of autocracy. They won't say this out loud, but that's what they believe in, the sort of autocracy that their professors leave in. And this election is going to be the most pivotal, in my view, in American history. How do we extricate ourselves. Well, there's a bottom up strategy. All these institutions need to be reformed or running out time to do that, because we're reaching a point of peril this November. I suggest at the end of my book the adoption of a new tax system, which I believe the great middle class and ninety nine and forty four one hundreds percent of Americans would it would be enormously popular with them and would place in power, would remove the Democrats from power for some time twelve to sixteen years. And it's what's called the Universal Sales Tax of a little over one percent, and it raises more revenue, will raise more revenue. We worked on it with three columnists for two years than the current tax system. It's hard to believe that the numbers are there. They're in the book. There's an appedix to the book which is extensive and goes into all of this. And so that's what I've that's what I recommend to a party of the opposes possibility of autocracy now at a short term solution, well, Professor Jeffrey Paul, the book is Winning America's Second Civil War. I can only imagine if things go awry in November, we continue on these policies for the next four to twelve years. We have one or two more years. If Joe Biden he's mentally incompetent. Here comes Kamala Harris, here comes Gavin Newsom. It's now twenty thirty six, and these ideas have now been solidified in concrete all over the country. My God, are we in trouble. Professor Jeffrey Paul, Winning america Second Civil War? Once again, thank you for coming on the Bill Cunningham Show, and professor, thank you for this connection between the Constitution, the First Civil War, the Second Civil War, where we are now and they're all connected. Once again, jeff Paul, thank you for coming on the Bill Cunningham Show. Thank you, Professor, Thank you, Bill God bless you. Well, let's continue with more. There you go, the bell is ringing. Do you hear it? Bie Cunningham News Radio seven hundred WLDOW, It's time got do some drafted the Cincinnati Bengals s lne FL Drafted seven hundred w LW Mike cast Trucy Chrysler, g Dodge Ram NFL Draft Showy there don't mix off? Who's yet hit bot FORORTHO sixy Orthopedix, said sports Medice Emily Federal Credit, You and Tank live from the Airport Painting Body broadcast area at the Holy graved John Randy J. Mccarrodrick Boy, biggest sports brings in the business, breaking down the pis moe a, Tony Pine, Rocky Boy, Lance mccallis, Chick Lugman Austin Elmore tomorrow night, beginning at six on seven hundred L at the Home of the best Bengals covering you know. I spoke yesterday with Derek Spentley and also Paul Luck at McKinley Mortgage. Their desks are filled with files helping families, helping individuals like you pay off all their debt and saving money every month, maybe up to two thousand and three hundred dollars per month every month when you consolidate, consolidate all your debt at mckimmi Mortgage. This is a perfect time to refinance. Close your refinance by May the tenth. Get to skip payments in May and in June. First payment not due until July. How many credit card interest rates, how many car loans student loans you have? Eight, nine, ten, fifteen, twenty percent? Mckilly Mortgage pays them all off, gives you one lower payment, saving money, and most of that payment is now taxed deductible. You can consolidate all your debt with a fixed rate home equity loan. If you were turned down by a local bank or credit union and called mckilling mortgage, they closed loans for you that were turned down by other lenders. And Paul luck loves veterans and he loves soldiers. You can borrow one hundred percent of your home's value, consolidating all your debt locally owned, locally operated carring people right here in Blue Ash been out of for more than two decades. A family of I've used mckilly mortgage for years with great success. Number to call seven nine, seven hundred five one three seven, nine, seven hundred or bestlow rates dot com. Now you can terminate your loan or lease early, regardless of maker model with the loan and Lease termination program. At Kelsey, Chevrolet did high and deep left center field. Rojas's back. He's at the wall. He looks up and it is god an opposite field to run home run for Elie de la Cruz. It is seven to one red Hello, oh, hello, hello, quiet, And I'm I'm broadcasting you, you know, segam in here about quarter to twelve, getting ready for the big show this afternoon. Yes, phone rings? Who's calling me? Can you guess? Uh? Governor DeLine Jose blame it on Rie Ho Steideberg's He says to me, Villy gotta come on to a show. I said, come on, So I'm calling him. No answer or course. He's in Miami and he says, you know who taught Dela Cruz how to hit? You? Did? I said who? He said me? Oh, I said who taught him how to run? He said me. Rio taught Dela Cruz how to run and how to hit. Well, I tell you one thing. Credit to Jose Rio for doing a great job. Did not get down there early enough to talk to David Bell as I anticipated. Okay, I didn't get to the game untill six forty oh, that's when they're starting. And I told I put the message through Kroll. I said, look, tell David. I gave him my cell phone number. Right. I taught that kid how to hit at Midland, and I will help him certain managerial decisions and also helping Hunter Green not throw such a flat pitch. There's a way of doing that. It's called the ephis pitch. I want Hunter Green to work on ephis. Yeah, but you wanted to hit one to Covington. No, players will not be able to hit that pitch. Okay, Well, I guarantee you. We'll see what happens. I don't know. The line is now ringing. There's a Miami, Florida number. I was gonna try him again. Rijo wants to tell Reds fans the inside scoop on Dela Cruz. Will he the S two reporters approach service of your local Tamestar Heating and air conditioning dealers. Tamestar quality you can feel at Cincinnati called Sheldon Braun at Braun Heating five one, three, three eight, five seventy seven sixty five sports should be a good old good one tonight. Will He gained three of the series with the Reds and Phil's Spencer Turnbull at two and o with a one two three ERA one against Nick the k Lodolo. I like Lodolo two and o with a microscopic zero point seventy five ERA. Monday, the Reds looked inept Tuesday they looked unbeatable seven hundred wlw's coverage five point forty with Sports Talk R carriers inside pitch and then Kelsey Chevrolet Extra ing show after the game. Looking good, thank you. Let's see Bengals update. This didn't I'm sure this didn't take long to decide. The Bengals today exercised the team option to extend by one year the contract of one wide receiver, Jamar Chase. That's a part of that deal. About so he's here this year and next next year for certain? And then say left register rings? What about T? What about T? Can't say? What about Joe Mixon's sister? How she doing? I think she pleaded guilty? Didn't she back to California? One day until the National Football League Draft in Detroit. Countdown brought to you by Rick and Phillips Steelers the best place to buy your engagement ring. The Bengals, of course pick eighteenth tomorrow night. I liked them in round one. I like Rictor and Phillips. Let's see our best Bengals coverage starts tomorrow night at six Mike Hash, Drucy, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram and Fairfax NFL's drafts Spectacular. Last night, I went to sleep in Detroit City live from the Holy Grail. It's presented by Orthos, Sinsey Orthopedics and Sportsmedicine dot Com, Emerys, Federal Credit Union dot Com, and Tank. The Chicago Bears are on the are on the on the board right. The Cincinnati Bengals select could it be uh a? Marius Mims, the big offensive tackle out of Georgia six seven, three forty He's had a few pizzaes. Tight end Brock Bowers out of Georgia of course, that Joe Burg can throw to anyone. Offensive tackle J C. Latham out of Alabama roll tide six six three sixty six six to sixty defensive tackle Byron Murph for the second hook him horns. What is most saying or UCLA defensive end and edge Rusher Latu Latu see from Hawaii. So we'll see what happened. What about Reggie Bush you forgot about him. I'm just gonna mention that he got He has his two thousand and five Heisman Trophy back because the Heisman, the Heisman Trust announced this morning that the former reinstatement of the trophy to Bush and mid Mid calls of enormous changes into college football landscape. What that means, n I L nil. Of course he was. He received improper benefits during his Trojan's career that spanned from two thousand and three two thousand and five. Who didn't it's been, thank you, it's been. It's he lost it in for fourteen years. They wouldn't give it back. Now now these guys are making zillions of dollars every year. Bush back speaking of the UH and that's how it should be. And so that'd be a said, I'll shut up and open it up with questions, Thank you, coach. Also concerning the National Football League Draft, it was on this date April to twenty fourth and twenty ten, I mean April twenty fourth, twenty Who is president in twenty ten? Don't look on your list. You're looking at your list. Barack Obama. His middle name is Hussein up Tens. The Carolina Panthers are on the board. Louke Keikley. They they take out of the University of Cincinnati. They have one time out louds. Twenty three year old Tony Pike waits for the staff. Short drop well down the side of his name for Bins. He's done it. Touchdown, touchdown, touchdown, hor Do Bens touches a perfect throw. There's a penal the flagged fat at the thirty yeah. Touch Now the bear Cats, with thirty three seconds to go, can take their first lead if Shacob Rogers can kick the extra point Soda pop Tony Pike. Who hiked the ball to Tony Pike? That was Jason Kelsey. He is ignored. Wait a minute, I know I don't like this. Who now I don't like this? The ring was stolen by someone that you don't see. Maybe John Cunningham stolen. Everybody dived into the the How do I like to dive into a freeway? How do you? How do you be too? Would you like to dive into a three way with beans? Absolutely? That's at a four way, you clown. Whatever, it's in noodles. Then it's uh chilly, yeah, chilly, And then it's cheese. I like the beans four way bean or four way onion? No onion, No, no, no no, if three cheese, Coney's no onion Jelson Jason Kelsey is a clown who deserves some sort of intervention. Well, like I said, now they're saying it was stolen, so what like somebody shook his hand and like took it off his finger and he's like, oh, I don't know what happened to it. Jason Kelsey is a clown. Also Willy. Tickets are on sale today. Tickets to each of the sixteen individual sessions of the Cincinnati Open What on sale today at Cincinnatiopen dot com. Twenty twenty four tournaments set to begin Sunday, August eleventh and conclude Monday, August nineteenth at the Lidner Family Tennis Center in Beautiful Mason, put together by John Barrett and David Young. You'll get your tickets now as single session tickets include a seat at center court for all matches taking place during that session. How about that bad little that bad wants little tennis, little pickleball? Right? Do whatever? Have some fun? Right, now on Friday, we have special guests coming in. Can you tell the American people? By the way, Hosey just next to me and said, when should I call in? I've told him, I said one thirty five. It's now one fifty two. We got to get back to the commercials. Correct, I'll tell him to thirty thirty five. But who's coming in on Friday? It looks like the Xavier both the Xavier women's uh Big East Champion golf team and tennis team will be here to be honored. You know. I spoke to the women's tennis team in Lasaneville. Yeah, Brion is the head coach, right. I gave them the petrol the win beneath their wings that caused those women to win the Big East Women's golf championship. What is it? I think it's like five years for the tennis long to four years in a row for the golfer. Maybe a switch. Good friend of mine, Wayne Carucci, that went to Roger Bacon and Xavier, he wants to transition and maybe join the women's golf team. Of course he's seventy years old. Does that make a difference? I would think so. Well, in today's world, I'm not you know, would you think about transitioning at some No, you, I'm thinking about it. Yeah, I segment. Get me out of the Studge's Report. Will you and Honnor of a beautiful day here in the Tri State and one day away from making a lot of players zillionaires in the National Football League call me, Wilma. We leave you with the immortal words of the Stood Report. Oh, I should be with you, Bill, see you later. I gotta call him back. I haven't had him. I haven't talked to him in weeks. Well, what's the matter with you? I don't know. Probably lowly. He uses and abuses me. He still owes me, fran owes me at cherry pie. Well right, yeah, I haven't telling him to come here to be a student. Don't have to pay it. We need a third stooge in the booth, right, the governor on seven hundred w l me. Meanwhile in the chened forest, little red riding who is heading to the three Pigs place? That's right, the youngest one has a cute little tail. Aren't you supposed to visit your grandmother? You had a falling out. I want to listen to Eddie and Rocky and all she wants is to listen to Metallica. I'm stunned. How many times can you listen to Eder Sandman? All pigs like Eddie and Rocky. Let's just say they listen whole how Eddie and Rocky? This afternoon at three on seven hundred WLW. Do you have a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars or more that you don't need? Well, don't lapse or surrender your policy. 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Nevage uses suction to flush out your sinuses using refreshing saline, helping you breathe easier, sleep better, and feel healthier. And here's even better news. Navage is now available at your local Sam's Club in a great new value pack. It's everything you need to start breathing better immediately at Sam's guaranteed best price. Nevage nav Age Breathe Easy. Do you have an idea for an invention or new product? And that all bad? The ball bad, all the bowl? Okay, now here we go. Rets Baseball kicks off about five forty to night. First pitch about six forty Lodolo is on the mound. Philly's back in town. If the Reds wind tonight, they essentially have the same record as the Phillies, perceived as a three hundred million dollar starting rotation. So we'll see what happens with the club. Nearly pitcher not performing his Hunter Green got a million dollar arm and a ten cent brain. That's a different issue. You may recall a few days ago I called upon religious leaders of the islam faith to arise and a shout down, or at least confront those in their ranks who called for the killing of Jews, killing of Americans, death to Israel, death to America, from the river to the sea, Palestine must be free, all that kind of stuff. And it's happening now. You may not know it, but there's probably as many as fifty to seventy thousand Muslims living in the tri State. They have a Law Yards mosque up seventy up seventy five off to the left there in Westchester, which is well attended. How many protest marches screaming, hollering and shoutings have you heard from that group? The answer is zero, zilch, nada. You hear it maybe on the UC campus a little bit with a bunch of left wing degenerates that have nothing better to do and want to be involved in something greater than themselves, which is quite easy to do because if you're on a college campus and you're privileged, and you're rich, and you're walking around with a mask on in order to hide your identity and you want to make a fool of yourself. That happens all the time on college campuses. Okay, I get it. But functional Islamist, functional Muslims, of which there are tens of thousands in the tri State, have not heard a peep. It's not because they don't care. They care a lot, but they know they're in the United States of America. They know their rights are detected. Then then they can't worship generally freely. They know they're not at risk if something bad happened to them, and they love America. Those that I've dealt with over the years, not many, but everyone I've dealt with feel about this country the way you feel about this country and the way I feel about it. But how about this. A dearborn Michigan area a mom said he personally confronted a local protester. This is in dearborn who chanted death to America, death to Israel a recent rally. His name is Immam. Mohammad Ali Aleira told a Fox News digital quote, I know in certain countries they may say things that I personally against. Even if they say things in this country, doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't help. So he walks up to one of the speakers yelling about killing Jews and that October seventh was a hoax, And he confronted this man and spoke to him. Didn't yell a scream or holler a shout. He simply went up to them and said, what you're doing here is harmful to our community and harmful to my country. In America, we have about eight million Muslims living in peace and harmony, and none of us are self suicidal, and all of us feel as if we're in a great place to be right here. And the mom said, I think I did a good job when it happened. I did not yell. I walked out to him when he got done, and I had a discussion with him about how lucky we ought to be in the United States of America and would encourage him to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. And that it is not permissible using the name Muhammed to have a loud speaker saying kill Jews, kill Americans. That is not helpful. It is harmful to our community. The discussion went back and forth. The Michigan Emam said the Muslim community has many partners in America who've supported their political goals their charitable work, arguing that such chances the Dearborn rally alienates significant number of Muslims and non Muslims into thinking all of us say and do these kinds of things when we do not Bingo there it is this guy, this imm represents the great majority, if not all, the views of Muslims living in the Tri States. They want to get married, they want to meet a man, they to meet a woman, they want to have kids, they want to be part of their faith, they want to go to work, they want to have jobs, they want to go on vacation. They love this country. And if more of this occurs, the outcomes will continue to be better. But of course, and a mom saying these things get little or no attention by the mainstream media. If it bleeds, it leads. I'm looking at my left now at CNN. Large pro Hamas protests breaks out at the University of Texas in Austin, and I don't know how many. It looks to be several. One hundred so called students are streaming hollering and shouting about killed Jews and October seventh was a sham and death to America and from the river to the sea, and one asked which river you're talking about? That these bright students that Columbia didn't know what's the name of the river? And to the sea, which sea you're talking about? They didn't know. Looking to my left, it appears these pro Hamas demonstrators have encircled a couple of Jews wearing the Star of David, two women, I assume their students, and they're yelling, screaming and now spitting at these Jewish females and looking here, this is sad. The Jewish girls are a crying, they're upset at the treatment at the hands of these Palestinian protesters. I would hope that the moms, the leaders of the Muslim community, and by the way, they have arrested two of the Palestinians for attacking these Jewish girls, lock them up, deny bond, get prisons, put them away. And I would hope that the leadership of the Muslim community in Austin, the capital of Texas would go to this protest, so to speak, and stand there and behave toward these writers, these criminals. Much like the mom in Dearborn confronted someone shouting about kill Jews and kill Americans because that's what's going to take And as a law says, large pro Palestinian protest breaks out and there's three or four Jewish girls in tears who were assaulted these by this large mob, and that's where we are. I feel the same way. Paul a Christian of Channel nine has put together Where nine stands for news, back to back stories about what's happening in Saint Francis Sarah Church on Liberty over the Rhine, and what's happening there is despicable. It's a third world nation. I have many of the videos of large numbers of individuals zoned out on the steps of a Catholic church, hyperdermic needles everywhere, open sex, pounds of poop, pools of urine. It's a third world country and this's been like that for a long time, and cops directly or indirectly are told not to intervene. F to Puival will not give an interview to paula Christian of Channel nine to explain why that is happening. Cops, when they see felonies being committed in their presence, are supposed to arrest those persons. Hypodermic needles and selling of drugs. That's a felony. Arrest those individuals fentanyl, heroin, Lock them up. The sheriff has plenty of mental health pods available for treatment. If the judges will keep them in jail, maybe not, but it's going to take the leaders of the Muslim community looking at this stuff in Austin, Texas is thoroughly despicable to arise and don't put the cops in this position. Let the adults tell these children who claim to be informed about the Palestinian issues, to stand down. And if you want to protest peaceably do it. Yell, holler, and shout until your lungs come out, but do not spit, hit or attack a person, especially a Jewish college girl because of the Star of David around her neck. Looking at my left show this is thoroughly disgusting. For a change to happen, it must be from within these communities to say not on my watch. Hamilton County in the city of Cincinnati is now thoroughly a blue city and a blue county in a red state. And for something to change in over the a OTR, it's got to be the voters in those areas saying we can't take it anymore. We're not going to elect judges who free criminals have no bondset. And of course the solution is for cops. Three words. Do your job. If you're a cop and you see felonies committed in your presence, despite their pre elections of Chryl Long or f. F. Pirival or Scottie Johnson who's completely lost his way, arrest that person you're under. Arrest, handcuffed. Cops don't like to do it dirty, filthy, mean, mentally ill, whatever it might be, but damn it, at your job. Lock them up, and if some liberal judge wants to free that person, so be it. I'm watching Channel five last night with Mike Dartis and the great Shari Palelo. Of course, you see, they had a story about moms have gotten together. When there's armed robberies taking place in and around campus at uce, those apprehended, which are quite few, are arrested. Don't go to jail. It used to be if you used a gun to commit a crime, guess what you're going to jail. In fact, there's a three year mandatory used a gun to commit a crime three years mandatory. Now I think Bill Sitz wants to change it to five years mandatory. But we have judges in Hamlety County right now, they'll not get anyone locked up. You can do an arm robbery and you're the guy that did it. And Shari Paolo reported last night that the judge didn't lock him up. I probation, which might be illegal. I don't know. For things to change, the Muslim community in Colombia and in Ohio State has got to act like the Muslim community is acting parts of it in Dearborn, Michigan saying this is wrong and we can't have our young folks using our religion to promote hate and homicide, idol, suicidal and at times praticidal behavior when it comes to Jews or Americans. And this one he mom said, nope, he didn't yell, holler and shout. When he got done, he said, I'd like to speak with you, my brother, and he spoke like that, telling him you're hurting yourself and you're hurting the couts and you're making the religion look bad as if you've hijacked my religion for a political purpose. We can't have that person that did this is your mom has gotten few, if any media interviews on this because it doesn't invent the media narrative. Same thing in our community. For things to get better, the voters have the power to change who sits on the bench. And for the grandmother's being gunned down on the West End, for the two year old last night that was shot, and for the drug dealing and the felonies committed in and around Saint Francis police, do your job, judges, lock them up monies for Longview State Mental Hospital. Half those individuals have such profound mental illnesses they can't distinguish right from wrong, which is the Magnoton standard, which means we used to have a functioning insand asylum where people were put until they were, if ever, restored to sanity. We don't do that anymore because we want individuals to live on the street. It's more kind to have somebody freeze to death and pee on the sidewalk than to put them in a mental hospital. That's where we are. But until that happens, each of us are responsible for the votes that we take in important elections. And if you want the status quo to be maintained with gunshots, grandmothers, two year olds, open sex, defecation, fornication, urination, drug use, fentanyl happening in OTR. It's a third world country. Take a look, then continue the individuals in power that you put there. If you want to change, what does Michael Jackson say? Let it begin with you look at the man in the mirror and say, what have I done to my own community? We can't take it anymore? All these makeshift memorials, that's fine, But watch his grandmother in the Weston that was gunned down in our driveway some sort of drive by. Look at a two year old fighting for his life right now in children's hospital because of the social debauchery occurring. Because judges will not luck up criminals. How about the Cole Raine High School kid came within a half an inch of murdering his teacher during a class and Judge Carrie Bloom and Juvenile Court made the decision to free that fifteen year old boy who committed an attempted murder and on the school on the metro bus, four or five teenage girls beat the crap out of some adult, kicked her in the head, tread and had like a soccer ball. Arrested, go down to juvenile court, released immediately. What message does that send. The hate is everywhere. Hate generally comes from the left, from the socialist those who want to change things. I'm watching it in real time, can't believe what's going on. But you want to change. Look at the man in the mirror, Look at the woman in the mirror, and say we can't have this. Well, let's continue. We have thousands on old, millions are listening. Of course I can't be with you tomorrow because of Reds Baseball. I'll be back with you on Friday and also coming up next as the news and the stud's report. Look at the man in the mirror. You want to change, change, but don't anticipate different results doing exactly the same thing. Congratulations to this michigan a mom and I got his picture here. Mohammad to Ala Ali Alera has spoken out against death to America Chance at recent Ani Jew rallies in Dearborn, and he quietly confronted those doing it and said, you do not represent me, and you do not represent the profit. Beautiful need more of that. Keep it going. And for those forty to sixty thousand and Muslims who live in the Try State, thank you for your contributions. Thank you for what you're doing, and speak out. When someone at you see some degenerate starts yelling about kill the Jews, death to America, confront them quietly and say you don't represent me, you don't represent the prophet, and you don't represent God. Don't do that. You're in the United States of America. You're not any Iran. And for those who walk around with signs saying quote queers for Palestine, try out over there and watch what happens to you at the top of a building being handcuffed and thrown off the top. Try that for a while. Let's continue. Bline becomes available five point three seven four nine seven pounds, seven hundredth the New At and T, Bill Cunning and the Great American with you every day. You're home of the Reds. Honored to go last night, watch some good action Monday, the Reds are non competitive, Tuesday, the Phillies are non competitive. See what happens tonight with Lodolo and tomorrow it's your home of the Reds. News Radio seven hundred WW since eighteen ninety six. Imagine what we can do next all more years Poor Hello, quiet, and I'm I'm broadcasting so rock this is your man Joe chair leading the chair, holding up three fingers saying four more years and then it is on the teleprice they've hit that again. Please just so we can get there with the effect of it here well maybe not, maybe not. I guess we can imagine what we can do next. All more years po major American colleges rocked by protests. We're in trouble. Yeah. I wanted to get some of Maybec on to talk about this, but Monday, yesterday today, No, there's there's no stories, no reporters. They have on Trump maybe the biggest story going on in the country right now, not as the hostile takeover by anti Israeli protesters on college campuses. No, nothing, Nobody killed the Jews. Now what if you had said, you know, uh, kill the gays at a you know, the center of campus. Get the Mexicans out of America. Yeah, get him out o mega wearing guys looking like you, Marshall Omega Hatson. But just replace and replace one with the other. But this is okay. The media covers diet tribes, they don't cover news. Can't take it. Now, what about Reggie Bush? Reggie has what about that? You know? I think it's fair. I watched him, watch him run and do those amazing things. My eyes were lying to me that guy was the best player in college football. And he took some money to play. I mean, who didn't take money? Didn't Are you saying you took money? A notre dame, I wish, I wish I had stories of of me getting handed a bag bags of cash. That's why I not dame much. Is a report written for me by a not winning anything freshmen? You probably didd these hot checks they ad and do your book reports a topic did the same thing, and Savior constantly women line up in my dorm room to do my homework for me. I had a pick and what else I can't say? And so and we got action. We got action down in action Los Angeles. Here we go. The cops are on some Palestinian degenerate who is a mask on, the mask on spitting on college students. He's got a mask on. Now these cops are out there with their billy clubs southern count Now are any of these going on in the Red States by action? Well, Ohio States had it happen, but I thought Ohio States shut it down. They did, But it's going to continue. Mainly it's blue cities, Blue states. That's where it is. My resolution is the sky unk water, which I've seen you. I thought about you the other day. Thousands of gallons of skunk water spring. They say, you got about two minutes to move, otherwise you're gonna smell like a skunk for a week. And if you stay right there, don't move. Here we go. It gets into the pores of your skin, into your eyes and your clothes. Otherwise you're not injured, not hurt, but you're not going to the hospital. But you stinks you should definitely do that to those I mean, I I can't tell you how angry I get those people that sit across the roadways and the bridges and you know, get to work or something that water you skunk water, and then you know you stink. They need a bath anyway, most of them. And then so I figure, what the hell's gkim a little or maybe a poop water that one guy, Yeah, the guy with the manure diarrhea out of a nozzle. It's like you go one minute and had like eighteen thousand tons of like a water, like a water cannon. Count a water cannon. And Frances said, you got, we got two minutes to move. There comes the cow poop liquefied and diarrhea. Okay, and you want to see the cops faces. Oh oh, it's beautiful. Seg please send me that video. You got to get to the video of the cow poop. Will he the student reporters appron service of a local Thamestar Heating and air conditioning dealers Thamestar Quality you can feel in Cincinnati called Stacey Heating and Air Solutions five one, three, three six seven h e A T Sports Game three tonight, the good old good one. Hopefully Willie Spencer Turnbull of two and O one twenty three e r A against Nick mister k Lodolo. He's two and o with a seventy five r Reds and Phils. Coverage begins at five point forty. Sports Talk RNL carriers Inside Pitch, Kelsey Chevrolet ext rating show after the game. Oh is looking good? Bengals today exercising a team option to extend by one year the contract of wide receiver Jamar Chase, so he's there for two more years. He signed through twenty twenty five. The Bengals, of course, picked at eighteenth overall the option year for a third time in franchise history, and they picked defensive end Alfred Williams in nineteen ninety one and in two thousand and seven eighteenth overall they picked defensive back one of the Pride of Michigan up north, Leon Hall, so Biran Murphy. That's the kind of the popular opinion of who it's going to be. And I'm not sure. I looked at this a lot today. I don't know if he makes it past the Saints. I believe they're at sixteen. So when you were drafted, you come out of Deer Park, you played pretty well, got a scholarship, got the Notre Dame. What round were you drafted in if any was draft in the fourth round? And back then in the Stone Anges of two thousand and two, the draft, the first three rounds were on Saturday, starting like at noon, and then the rounds four through seven were on soun that's right, that's right. And how much as you signed for? How many millions and millions? And was well, I mean altogether, but that's not there. But it wasn't. It wasn't. That was insane exit. I'm not that's right. But you were there, you were there you were the head guy for Reggie Bush. It wasn't the money these guys are made now. But then, of course it wasn't the money, you know. I mean, talk to Lapham about what kind of money he made back when the NFL was much more physical and demanding in six eight weeks of training camp and all that jobs for the Trumpster at one time. That's it he worked. He kind of worked at Pogues selling big and tall men's Trumphy was a trump He was a what a I remember him at Poges. He was selling Yeah, he was a what was it about the bill collector guy? He got ran off in l a but nation. Shoot. Imagine like going into Kenwood Mall at the and like Jamar Chase is working there, like you can I help you? Well, because Kenny Anderson, he what do he doing? He sold did real real for a beer distributor some Yeah, he drinks a lot of beer too. He drink a beer so uh, Penny still got a big deal. Say give me some more sports, will you. Well that's all you need to know. That's all and not last night RNG. Wait a minute, wait a minute, now, Congrats to Sycamore High School girls lacrosse coach Eddie Clark, who earned his four hundredth career win yesterday as the Aviators down Fairfield twenty one to four. Now in LA action everywhere, but the ABC News will not cover the riots of left wingers right Southern Cow's going nut. Don't cover it. It's not night on. Can we talk about Trump some more? Police? Would you mind talk about Trump? I told you about the ABC rundown's. Do you think it's over? I'm fat do a little. I'm fatalist. I have hope. I have hope if he's in Rikers Island or ALCATRAZI more Alcatraz. Alcatraz been closed for thirty He's going to try to get out. He'll try to get out. What's that that that jail I just found out about They have out and was in Arizona. So that's like a super max out there supposed to be. It's like the Alcatraz of the desert, going to be underneath, underneath the prison because they will not let him be the president. The media and the Democrats will not permit it. If they would have known in twenty American people decide not something like that. I'll give you a little fact to it. I don't like to deal with facts with no How popular was Barack Hussein Obama when he ran for the presidency twice, very The greatest number of votes he received for president was in twenty twelve. He got sixty seven million votes. And how much was the excitement around him? Big? All right? Biden runs in twenty twenty and gets eighty one million votes supposedly without campaign, without basement, nothing, and Trumpster got seventy four million. And so my point is it's got to be too big to riek. It's got to be like eighty one million people with a non campaign. Of course, because these are the ballots flying all over the look at this park. Because the last election really came down to forty thousand votes, right, So if twenty thousand people or real or fake people had voted, the other way would have gone Trump. So that's how narrow it comes down to it, County. And if he does win, the rioting, the lawsuits, the infiltration by the FBI, the CIA, the incapability of him doing his job, individuals being under i RS investigations. If you work for him, it'll be sync the bismark. They will not let him govern. But he they won't let him win, and if he does win, they won't let him be the president. Because that's okay. I'll take the win. I'll take it. And look, everything just has to collapse, you know. That's what we're waiting on. I hate to say it, but look at the college campuses. Look at the southern border. Look at would you would you if your grandson wanted to go to Columbia Right to the tune of what a friend of minees got a kid there, seventy two thousand lives on campus, take online classes and protests. Yeah, put up with this crap, with the hate speech of the radical left. Why is CNN covering this? They should wash? Shouldn't they be on the Trump trawl or anything? Well? Right there, Trump? You know, it's all about Trump. It's you know, it's not about it's tell his fault, it's Trump. Oh, what's on the big show today? If anything? Yeah, let's see what do we Oh, we've Paul Dinner Junior right out of the gate at three o'clock and talk about the draft, talk about options, talk about Trump. I asked Paul Dan about Trump. He's that's all that matters. Trump bad hair, got bad hair, it's cold, he's cold, got bad hair, big story. Yeah, last night, fourteen hours straight CNN Trump, Trump, Trump, Oh Trump, nothing else happening. Trump Biden. On the other hand, in the basement getting eighty one million votes? How many do we need? I mean, and what's the over under on the amount of presidential debates that will happen? Shits zero? I think zero? Would you put him on stage? If you no? He just he reads, he reads the teleprompter, verbat him and holds up three when he's four. I mean, come on, maybe likes Dale Arnhardt and you know there's a COVID strain going around. We'd love to debate. And he was all setting ready to go. He's excited, but Trump saying the safety of everyone else, we just can't do it. And Trump's locked up at Alcatraz anyway, he's out a supermax. He's going to be locked up. They won't let him out. All seriousness, what happened? What happens with this trial? Let's say he's guilty, guilty, Okay, then what happens? Sentence him to prison? He's not going a good at prison. Do you want to bet me a hot fut Sunday? They will do anything to keep him from anything, and if helping sending him to prison to judge on this case Mershawn, who gave money to Biden, whose daughter's raising one hundred million dollars off this trial, You don't think they would send him to prison and keep him out out of the Absolutely they would lock him up. But at what point do people storm the castle and say, right, you're not gonna lock him up. I lock him up. That's what's gonna be. And then Biden's gonna say, look, he doesn't deserve a debate. He said, convicted felon. I don't debate convicted felons. And then the media say that's absolutely right. Let's get eighty five million votes this time. Let him like blizzards. You'll be in a You'll be in a You'll be in a storm with confetti trying to grab stuff, and the ballots will be everywhere. Count the ballots quickly and don't contest anything. We have a president. Know your role, shut your mouth, and then release him after after Biden takes office, you'll pardon him, but he can't run ever again. That's the way he's going to play out. You like the way I'm thinking, say get me out to take Willian utter of chaos all across America, which we enjoy. We leave you with the immortal words of the Stewd Report. With the eighteenth pick, the Cincinnati Bengals select J. J. McCarthy, quarterback, Michigan. What what what what what? What if it's brock bauers seg not take a tight end? Take him. I think Joe can throw to any tight end. He could throw to me and I'd catch the ball. I don't need a tight end. I'd get me a stunt offensive lineman or a defensive tackle. It's gonna be a defensive tackle. J. C. Latham's gonna he's there. If he's not, then I think it's a tackle. I think you're rock good luck. Remember Alcatraz or Rikers Islands, whatever. But I think he'll escape Alcatraz, like there's three guys like CLAYT. Eastwood did that movie. We're gonna swim away. But the media will not let him be the president, nor were the Democrats. Would you serve in his cabinet? Yes? Seg Yeah, you no, not really. I like the in here. It's your duty to my dutry. None. The Democrats won't let it so media controls everything, and now that George Soros is about to buy talk radio, know your role and shut your mouth segment. Thank you, yes, sir. I want to thank Jose Rio two bugging the crap out of me all day and I can't put on Time one. He taught Dela Cruz how to hit? Is that true? Well, maybe maybe he's here teaching him a little bit more right now, probably busy on seven hundred W LW moments like making my ca


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